must know that Nine Great Sects is the strongest sect that controls the nine heavens, such as the Thang Long Sect and Huang Tian, ​​both of which are one of the Nine Great Sects, and Lu Mohan can actually Bringing half of the talents of Nine Great Sects together to form a cold alliance, it can be seen how powerful and terrifying this cold alliance is.

What’s more tricky is that Hanmeng does not belong to the emperor, but Lu Mohan, privately forming an alliance. Even if Huang Tian’s discipline Ye Fei is defeated and cannot intervene in Chu State’s affairs, Lu Mohan can still intervene in Chu State’s internal affairs in the name of Hanmeng.

Understanding this point, not only the face of Demon Sovereign has changed, but the City Lords and military generals who came to the king of Qin, many of them suddenly changed their colors, “King shoulder to shoulder, what should we do, first Emperor Tian, ​​there is a cold alliance afterwards, what shall we use to resist?”

“Shut up, the Emperor is powerful, don’t I have the chance to rise to the dragon sect, so great aunt is not afraid of the cold alliance! Lu Mohan This Chu State has promised to submit to my Shenglongzong. If you came from there, go back there.”

At the critical moment, it was Chu Ling who stood up bravely and made many soldiers. The generals are blushed with shame. Lu Mohan’s gaze was also brushed, looking towards Chu Ling, and Chu Fengxue immediately introduced in a low voice: “Senior Brother Lu, she is Chu Ling, who has been promoted to Sect Master Long Zhang Lang’s Direct Disciple. I used to look down on her. , I was forced to compete with Ye Fei. As a result, Ye Fei was simply a demon, relying on Chu Ling’s support, and even killing Zhang Hui and Li Yong, the two Senior Brothers……”

” so that’s how it is, the identity of Direct Disciple is really not what you can hurt, but I, Lu Mohan, don’t put it in my eyes, Li Yong, a person from my cold league, he can’t just be so white Die!” Lu Mohan’s expression was cold, he suddenly took a step forward, moved towards Chu Ling and grabbed it. That kind of feeling, like an eagle, trying to catch a white rabbit on the ground, simply didn’t pay attention to Chu Ling.

This kind of contempt immediately made Chu Ling angry, and she also gave a squeaky voice, facing Lv Mohan there were two roaring Divine Dragons, shattering the void. I also watched Chu Fengxue and other Emperor Tian’s discipline complexion greatly changed. What Chu Ling displayed is the most famous Dragon Boxing of the Dragon Sect. The boxing can condense Divine Dragon and kill the Quartet.

Furthermore, this boxing method is very difficult to practice. As far as they know, there are less than ten people who can practice this boxing method in the Shenglongzong!

Lu Mohan’s face also showed a touch of surprise, “Promoting Dragon Boxing, the requirements for bloodline are extremely high. If you can train, the bloodline level should reach Grade 11, but unfortunately, you lack Experience, combat experience is too little, so that, your ascend to Dragon Boxing, the shape is empty, but not powerful!”

The sky and the earth are everywhere, and the cold is whistling.

In an instant, it turned into two horrible cold knives, cutting Divine Dragon with one knife, and cutting the void with one knife. Chu Ling’s Dragon Boxing had been broken and clean, and at the same time, her neck, A cold knife has appeared, as long as Lu Mohan a single thought, it can take her life.

Chu Ling’s face turned pale in an instant. She has only experienced such setbacks in two people, one is Ye Fei and the other is Lu Mohan, and the power shown by Lu Mohan is absolutely Above Ye Fei.

“Asshole, Lu Mohan, let go of Chu Ling Senior Sister!” Wu Yue’s eyes were red. Chu Ling’s identity is not ordinary. If she has any mistakes here, Wu Yue will not be able to reward. Sect Master explained.

Even if he knew he was not his opponent, Wu Yue still rushed forward. Wanting to save people, but what greeted him was Chu Fengxue’s indifferent voice, “The body of the ant also wants to be an enemy of the Hanmeng. I don’t need Senior Brother Lu to take action. I can defeat you with one hand!”


sovereign aura rises to the sky, Chu Fengxue, majestic like an emperor, with a solemn breath, with a palm print, Wu Yue is about to fight back, suddenly a wave of Space Power, slow His movement, behind the crowd, Lu You Yinyin moved towards Wu Yue with a smile, Chu Fengxue’s poisonous palm has been fiercely slapped on Wu Yue’s body, and a terrifying black handprint clearly appeared on the chest, constantly corroding. The Fleshy body of Wu Yue.

“Go back, tell Ye Fei, let him roll over one hour and see Lu Mo Senior Brother Han!” Chu Fengxue spoke proudly. He did not kill Wu Yue, but deliberately humiliated Wu Yue by the way. Talk to Ye Fei.

Lv Mohan on the other side also didn’t mean to hurt Chu Ling further. The reason why he caught Chu Ling was because he was afraid that Ye Fei would run away. Chu Ling takes hostage and forces Ye Fei to show up.

Seeing the momentary Kung Fu, Chu Ling and Wu Yue were defeated one after another. Demon Sovereign’s expression was full of dignity and worry, but he couldn’t do it, because just as Lu Mohan did it, In the poisonous cloud of King Chu’s mansion, a middle-aged man wearing a green robe and full of gloomy faces has come out. This man, no one else, is King Chu’s ancestor Avatar!

Moreover, this Avatar is full of poison. At this time, this Avatar stares at Demon Sovereign coldly. As long as Demon Sovereign dares to move, this Avatar may self-destruct. It explodes into the deadliest poison. Although it can’t kill Demon Sovereign, it can let Demon Sovereign’s side, those soldiers who followed him from birth to death, all die!

Chapter 2651 Supernatural power entering the way

Chapter 2651 Supernatural power entering the way

The situation is getting more serious.

Even Demon Sovereign’s forehead can’t help dripping cold sweat. Lu Mohan’s strength is not only his battle strength, but his identity, Huangtian Head Disciple, Alliance Leader of the Cold Alliance!

Especially the latter, they gathered Nine Great Sects and half of the young Heaven’s Chosen. When these Heaven’s Chosen grow up, they will inevitably be the future ancestors, the ancient emperor, and become the mainstay of their respective sects. Such a force, who can stop, who dares to stop?

How can Demon Sovereign let Lu Mohan meet Ye Fei?

Just before Wu Yue left, Demon Sovereign had already solemnly sound transmission, “Wu Yue, let Ye Fei leave Chu State! Chu Ling is a Sect Master Direct Disciple, Lu Mohan will not hurt, but you and Ye Fei, he will never let it go.”

Wu Yue’s heart trembled. If he and Ye Fei leave, what else will Demon Sovereign and Chu State use to resist Lu Mohan, Resist the cold alliance? However, when he saw Demon Sovereign, the more and more terrifying magic sword light, as well as the faces of the soldiers around him who regarded death as home, Wu Yue suddenly understood something. He started to run wildly, trying to find Ye Fei before the poisonous hair. .


Just as Wu Yue left, Demon Sovereign, sword light stretched horizontally and horizontally, forming a stormy sea of ​​mountains and seas, not toward the front, but toward all around. Soldiers, this sword pushed countless frontier soldiers to a safe place behind.

In this scene, even King Chu’s ancestor Avatar didn’t expect, “Demon Sovereign, you are willing to risk being poisoned to death by the king in order to save your subordinates. , This king will complete you!”


The poisonous cloud rolls, and the King Chu’s ancestor Avatar directly turns into a green rain of light, covering a large area of ​​the sky outside King Chu’s residence. All soldiers in this sky have many bodies directly It began to corrode and instantly turned into a pile of bones.

“The sword swallows the world!”

Demon Sovereign’s face was painful, but the sword in his hand turned into the most terrifying void black hole. Directly, the green light rain, Swallow it all.

“All the army, retreat!”

In the sky, there was a thunderous sound of Demon Sovereign, which even spread far to the entire imperial city. Obviously, due to With the intervention of Lu Mohan and Hanmeng, Demon Sovereign has no confidence that it can encircle King Chu. He began to remind the Emperor Chu in this way, and also remind Ye Fei.

It’s a pity that Ye Fei, who was immersed in the comprehension of the word dao, not at all heard, at this moment, all his mind is connected with Dragon Tortoise, in Ye Fei, Xiaocao, Dragon With the connection of the three sides of Tortoise, Dragon Tortoise’s dragon Emperor Artifact form has also changed from a black pot to a shiny ball, covered with various Heavenly God patterns.

This sphere is the second form of Dragon Tortoise’s transformed soldiers. It also has the most magical deduction ability. When Ye Fei’s heart and Dragon Tortoise’s heart merge with each other, he naturally , Also has such ability.

In addition to the effect of the Destruction Sword order, Ye Fei at this time, not only the perception, has reached an incredible level, even the ability of deduction has also entered a certain wonderful realm, and the magical power enters the way. !

In this realm, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are surprised to see that Ye Fei’s consciousness has evolved into wonderful worlds, and every world has a world exactly like Ye Fei The villain, in the assiduous cultivation, some of them use wooden swords, some use stone swords, and some simply gather energy into swords and condense light into swords.

Moreover, every Ye Fei, the sword dao displayed is exactly the same Celestial Emperor sword dao, which belongs to the sword dao created by the Celestial Emperor. The formidable power is infinite, and the profound mystery is also infinite. It is even more difficult.

Soon, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise saw that these villains, who were exactly the same as Ye Fei, exploded and died while performing Sword Art, some went crazy and died. Some fell into the sword dao, unable to extricate themselves, and died of exhaustion, and some even couldn’t control the sword dao that they used, but were killed by their own Divine Ability.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The way of death, gradually, Dragon Tortoise discovered the difference.

That is these villains. Although they continue to die, there are also villains who survived extremely tenaciously in the process of using sword dao. At the same time, these villains once again displayed the Celestial Emperor sword Dao, the more sophisticated, the more complete.

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