Originally, the first generation of Emperor Chu was trapped in his own aptitude and awe of the ancient Sword God. The Celestial Emperor’s magical powers he recorded were very obscure, and simply could not fully express the power of the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers. .

But Ye Fei, through the improvement of perception without Destruction Sword order, through Dragon Tortoise’s deduction ability, and his own perception of sword dao, the collection of the three in one body, unexpectedly forcibly, blurs this to the incomplete Celestial Emperor Supernatural powers, the deduction is complete.

Despite this completeness, there is still a huge gap compared to the Celestial Emperor itself. When Ye Fei woke up, he was also surprised to find that the Celestial Emperor Sword Art he mastered had gone from being incomplete. His Primordial Supernatural Powers were upgraded to Taixu Supernatural Power.

And possessing a large number of supernatural powers, it is the reason why Heaven Realm Nine Great Sects has attracted countless talents to join.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn’t help but become excited, “The sword dao of Celestial Emperor carries the magical powers of Celestial Emperor! This robbery sword has not been deduced to its limit yet. Stronger.”

Grab the ball of light formed by Dragon Tortoise, and immediately Ye Fei will continue to play. I just forget about Ye Fei cultivation, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise are also completely speechless.

Just when Xiaocao was about to return to the beast seal space and fell asleep, suddenly, Xiaocao seemed to sense something, and opened Divine Eyes a little surprised, looking towards the direction of the Imperial Palace. There was originally the place where the Emperor Chu was resting, but at this time, a terrifying matchless Sovereign power broke out, and the Emperor Chu was angry.

The voice of Demon Sovereign did not remind Ye Fei, but it alarmed the Emperor Chu, who was recovering from his injuries. The Emperor Chu immediately rushed towards the King Chu Mansion without healing his injuries.

Sensed the aura of Emperor Chu, the real King Chu hidden inside the King Chu Mansion immediately uttered a gloomy laugh, and rushed to the sky directly with his body, “Imperial Brother, you don’t It’s time to come! Now this king has finally broken through the ancient emperor, Imperial Brother, do you think that if you come here, will you have a chance of winning?”

In the poisonous cloud in the sky, King Chu exudes a wave The obscure ancient Prestige of Sovereign, this power shocked many of the King Qin army, and also completely changed the face of the Emperor Chu, “How is it possible that your poisonous power has at least three days before you can break through the ancient emperor, why can you advance? breakthrough?”

To become the Chu State emperor, the most important condition is to break through the ancient emperor. This is also the case when King Chu used the poison of the void to contend with the Chu emperor, but he dared not to kill Chu. Emperor’s reason.

Because King Chu at that time had no breakthrough to the ancient emperor, he was not completely sure about either the fish dies or the net splits with the Chu emperor. But it was different now. Because of Li Yong’s death, Lu Mohan, the Alliance Leader of the Han League, was angered.

With the help of the poisonous things brought by Lu Mohan, King Chu finally fight poison with poison and successfully break through the ancient emperor realm.

Chapter 2652 The Battle of the Ancient Emperors

Chapter 2652 The Battle of the Ancient Emperors

King Chu didn’t say anything, but looked respectful, moved towards Lu Mo Han’s direction was nodded. An ancient emperor bowed his head to show respect to a god. This in itself was something that was shockingly heard.

The gaze of the Emperor Chu was also subconsciously looked towards Lu Mohan. In his eyes, an angry sword glow broke out, “It’s you, who brought the poisonous thing, let King Chu breakthrough the ancient emperor. “

The martial artist of cultivation poison power is different from other martial artists in the way of elevating the realm. Other martial artists need cultivation techniques and laws, and poison power requires various poisons.

Compared with the cultivation technique, powerful poisons are too difficult to find. This has also resulted in many martial artists who use poison, and martial artists who can already poison to death high realm, but their realm is always improved. Going up, it is possible in the end, because poison qi attacks the heart and backlashes himself.

The poison of Chu State, King Chu has been exhausted. In a short period of time, it is impossible to obtain a breakthrough. Then the only thing that allows King Chu to break through in advance is the poisonous thing brought in by outsiders.

For a time, Chu Huang looked towards Lu Mohan with murderous intention in his eyes. But Lu Mohan was not afraid at all. His cold knife was still placed on Chu Ling’s neck, so it didn’t matter. He looked at Emperor Chu, “Yes, it’s me, Lu Mohan, who helped King Chu to break through. The ancient emperor, not only that, King Chu, has sworn an oath to lead Chu State, submit to me! From now on, Chu State belongs to my cold league!”


Lu Mohan’s words, earth shattering, passed on to the entire Chu State imperial city, and shocked countless people. Historically, the ancient country acknowledged allegiance, so Nine Great Sects is not without. For example, Divine Dynasty of Chiyue and Divine Dynasty of Chilong, they all acknowledge allegiance to Emperor Tian.

But the entire Heaven Realm, there has never been an ancient country that will acknowledge allegiance to someone. If Lu Mohan did this, it would be a major event that would shake the entire Heaven Realm, and even Nine Great Sects would shake.

From this we can see how ambitious and courageous Lu Mohan is. With one person, you want the ancient country to acknowledge allegiance? If such news spreads, of course it will make Lu Mohan a success, and it will certainly cause Chu State to suffer huge humiliation.

Emperor Chu, completely furious, the boundless murderous aura, turned into the most terrifying ancient emperor sword light, moved towards King Chu and cut the past, “King Chu, today, I will kill you !”

“hahaha, Imperial Brother, it’s not me who died today, but you. When you die, I will lead Chu State and acknowledge allegiance to the Han League!” King Chu laughed grimly, he The biggest wish is to seize the throne.

For this, even if it is criticized by others, the acknowledge allegiance belongs to Lu Mohan, King Chu also does not hesitate, and Lu Mohan’s bloodline is strong, and he is known as the most likely person to surpass the ancient gods. Acknowledge allegiance For such a peerless evildoer, may it not be an opportunity for Chu State to rise in the future?


With this feeling, King Chu and Emperor Chu fought fiercely in the sky above the Imperial Palace. Although Emperor Chu entered the ancient emperor first, Just released the poison of the void, still very weak.

King Chu is just waiting for work. With the momentum of the ancient sovereign’s prestige that just broke through, he fought with the emperor of Chu. This also made King Qin’s army, many City Lords and generals, their faces changed suddenly. In my mind, two minds were created.

The only one who is loyal to the Emperor Chu is the 200,000 frontier troops commanded by Demon Sovereign. These frontier troops have also become the remnants of King Chu Mansion and must be eliminated.

So when King Chu and Emperor Chu were killed together, the remnant army of King Chu’s mansion, without the slightest hesitation moved towards Demon Sovereign’s frontier army, killed the entire imperial city, immediately Shouting to kill the sky, above the void, the sword light of Emperor Chu and the poisonous light of King Chu each filled up half of the sky, erupting the most terrifying ancient emperor’s magical powers.

The magical powers caused the entire imperial city to sway slightly. Feeling the swaying, Chu Ling’s face suddenly turned pale. She wanted to attract Lu Mohan’s eyes while the ancient emperor was fighting. At the moment, she escaped from the threat of the cold knife, but soon, a cold voice was already in her ears, “It’s better not to move your group. After all, you are the Direct Disciple of Sect Master Long, and I don’t want to hurt you. .”

“If this is the case, then you let me go! I will never allow you to use me to threaten Ye Fei! And Wu Yue’s poison, you’d better let Chu Fengxue get rid of it, otherwise I I won’t let you go!” Chu Ling was so angry that she had grown up so much and had never encountered such setbacks.

Lu Mohan’s tone was full of coldness, and he calmly shook his head and said: “Ye Fei? A Divine Dynasty of a red moon, a nobody who ran over, I still disdain to kill him, let alone use you to threaten him “

This remark, with the utter coldness, also made Chu Ling suddenly feel like have one’s hair stand on end. Although she lacks experience, she is not a fool. Soon, she will From Lu Mohan’s words, I heard something.

“Your purpose, is it simply Ye Fei? You are here for Chu State. For Ye Fei, it is just an excuse for you to intervene in Chu State…” Chu Ling was angry, “Then you I deliberately angered me and caught me again. Why?”

Looking at Chu Ling extremely coldly, Lu Mohansen coldly said: “Very simple, you are the Direct Disciple of Sect Master Long. , Catch you, Chu Huang dare not attack me, he can only fight to the death with King Chu! As for Ye Fei, the ant under my feet, wanting to avenge Li Yong, there is no need for me to do it, I am cold People in the league, I can mention others to see you.”

“What, you sent someone to assassinate Ye Fei…” Chu Ling was completely frightened by Lu Mohan’s words. It was not until this time that Chu Ling understood that from beginning to end, Lu Mohan’s goal was Chu State, but she did not understand why Lu Mohan had to spend such a price, even at the cost of losing three Huangtian Inner Disciples. To control Chu State.

At the same time, Chu Ling secretly worried about Wu Yue and Ye Fei. Since Lu Mohan has sent a member of the Hanmeng to kill Ye Fei, then Wu Yue, whom Chu Fengxue deliberately let go, why Be spared?

It’s just all of this. Wu Yue, who rushed to the Imperial Palace in a hurry, didn’t know it. Because of Chu Fengxue’s poisonous palm, Wu Yue’s complexion was already blue, and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose appeared black Poison. Blood.

Fortunately, Wu Yue’s battle pet, the jade small dragon, was born with a certain ability to detoxify. Wu Yue also relied on the protection of the jade small dragon all the way to protect, and then he barely rushed to the Imperial Palace. Must tell Ye Fei that this Chu State is too dangerous, he must leave immediately and return to Thang Long…”,


No sound, a sharp blade, suddenly worn Through Wu Yue’s chest, in the sky, a silhouette gradually appeared, staring at Wu Yue gloomily, “Wu Yue, sorry, you have no chance to inform Ye Fei, today, not only you are going to die, Ye Fei. The same is true. Can’t live.”

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