“Lu You, why!” Wu Yue was seriously injured and vomited blood, fell to the ground, and watched in horror at the sneak attack of his Emperor’s discipline. Because of the poison, Lu You was good at Space Divine Ability, Wu Yue hadn’t noticed yet. , Has been seriously injured.

Sneak attack Lu You, who succeeded, also showed an icy grin on his face, “Why, do you think that I offended the emperor. Do you still have a chance to survive? It’s just that we don’t want to kill you in public and attract the Dragon Sect Revenge, this gives you some breathing time, so that no one knows that you are dead in the hands of my emperor!”

Chapter 2653 One Sword

Chapter 2653 Zhang Yijian

“Lu You, die for me!”

Wu Yue was completely angered. Regardless of his injuries, the emerald small dragon also turned into a dragon stick and fell into Wu Yue’s hand was beaten out strongly by him. Seeing this, Lu You was laughed heartily, showing pity and disdain, “Wu Yue, now you have been seriously injured by my sneak attack. You can still retain a bit of strength, you can use it. The more profound strength he has, he will only die…”


Lu You didn’t finish speaking, and suddenly felt a tingling pain in his body. sound. But obviously, Wu Yue’s Dragon Emperor Artifact is still in his hand, how did he attack him?

He looked up and looked towards Wu Yue with a puzzled face, but saw that in Wu Yue’s hands, in addition to the Emperor Artifact transformed into a small emerald dragon, there was also a delicate hand crossbow attached to it. Spiritual ones are not ordinary divine runes, but Heavenly God patterns first.

“This is a god-killing crossbow! Thanks to Brother Ye, I was allowed to enter the Chu State Treasury, and obtained such a treasure that can instantly kill the ancestors. Lu You, you sneak attack me, I shoot you an arrow, It’s not too bad either.” Wu Yue coughed up a lot of black blood at the corner of his mouth. Because of his strong action and his profound energy, the poison within the body was attacking faster.

However, this crossbow arrow shot Lu You at the most critical moment, and also informed Wu Yue that Ye Fei had won the time.


Outside the treasury, Ye Fei looked at Wu Yue, who was dragged by the small emerald dragon, with a cold expression, and heard what Wu Yue said about the battle, his His expression became colder and colder. Then, he quickly took out a bottle of Rising Dragon Pill from his body and handed it to Wu Yue. This medicine pill was given to Demon Sovereign by Chu Ling to help the Emperor Chu detox, but he didn’t send it. It was given to Ye Fei by Demon Sovereign.

Seeing this bottle of Rising Dragon Pill, Wu Yue also smiled bitterly, “didn’t expect, this medicine pill was used on me in the end, but Lu Mohan is too strong, Ye Fei, though Very strong, but definitely not Lu Mohan’s opponent, you should run away.”

Wu Yue’s expression is full of anxiety.

Now that Chu Ling has been arrested, Demon Sovereign and Chu Huang are both in a bitter battle. Wu Yue doesn’t have much confidence in the situation of Chu State. After all, it was the Hanmeng who made the shot this time.

Ye Fei also knows that Wu Yue’s words are completely kind, but Demon Sovereign is fighting hard in front, Chu Ling and Wu Yue both scratched and injured. If they do nothing, they will be so gray. It’s not his style to leave quietly.

“No matter how terrifying this Lu Mohan is, I must beat him!” Ye Fei showed a strong fighting intent. Of course Lu Mohan was terrifying, but his Celestial Emperor supernatural powers did not. to be trifled with. Even more how, his space belt, the seal has been untied, and the Ghost God cauldron has fallen into his hands again.

Ye Fei, with strong confidence, fought against Lu Mohan.

Just feeling this confidence, Wu Yue was not only unhappy, but also showed a more anxious expression. He opened his mouth and was about to persuade. Suddenly, there was a huge noise outside the Imperial Palace.

Divine Eyes, the world of grass, also immediately looked towards the outside. I saw outside the Imperial Palace, I don’t know when, came a red clothed youth carrying a battle axe.

This young man has a breath of fire. It was him just now. A fire burned to death the frontier guarding the Imperial Palace. Then he stepped in and moved towards Ye Fei as if he were all right. In the direction of the treasury, he came over.

Lv Mohan’s expression suddenly changed when he saw that person’s clothes, “It’s Nine Great Sects, Heaven’s Chosen of Raging Fire Sect, Zhang Qiao, King Axe! Unexpectedly, he also joined the Cold Alliance! Ye Fei, leave me alone, go!”

Wu Yue is already deeply poisoned. Even if he takes Rising Dragon Pill, recovery will take time. He doesn’t want to be a drag on Ye Fei.

“Abandon the brother, run for my own life, sorry, I don’t have the habit of living and dying together, sharing tribulations, so that’s the brother!” Ye Fei patted Wu Yue’s shoulder heavily, and moved towards Axe King Zhang Qiao.

Zhang Qiao’s gaze didn’t even look at Wu Yue at all. His eyes of fire stared directly at Ye Fei, “You are Ye Fei? The person that the Alliance Leader personally ordered to kill?”


When talking, the air all around suddenly turned into a terrifying high temperature, just a line of sight, there is such a prestige, we can see Zhang Qiao’s battle strength, How terrible it is.

What’s more terrifying is that Zhang Qiao’s realm is only in the late stage of the gods, and the aura that it exudes is even more dangerous than many ancestors. Feeling this imposing manner, Ye Fei’s expression could not help but become solemn, “According to Wu Yue, Lu Mohan grabbed Chu Ling just to force you to show up, why did he want you to kill me again?”

Hearing this, Zhang Qiao’s face couldn’t help flashing an ironic sneer, “Just like you, an ant is also worthy of the Alliance Leader to force you to show up? You look too high on yourself! The Alliance Leader did this just to intervene in the Chu State imperial power dispute and find a justifiable excuse. Do you really think you are worthy to talk to the Alliance Leader?”

Zhang Qiao’s face is full of contempt , But once Lu Mohan is mentioned, his expression does not consciously produce a touch of awe. Being able to make the King Axe, who is also Heaven’s Chosen, so in awe of a person, it can be seen how terrifying Lu Mohan is.

I just thought of Chu Ling who was arrested, and Demon Sovereign and Ye Fei who were in a bitter battle. He didn’t shrink back, and he couldn’t shrink back. His face was even more stunned, “putting it that Way, Lu Mohan’s goal at first is not me, but Chu State, but I’m very curious, what exactly is Chu State, worthy of your cold alliance, so much time and effort, even if you borrow the name of Emperor Tian, ​​you have to control Chu State?”

After passing Zhang Qiao, Ye Fei immediately made a very bold speculation. Regarding Ye Fei’s reaction, Zhang Qiao was also complexion greatly changed, and the killing thought in his heart was like a fire. , Burning on the axe.

“Kill, you know too much!”

Boom ka!

A sharp axe light, like a raging fire, burns heaven and earth, and turns to Ye Fei swept over. Seeing this, Ye Fei became more affirmed of his speculation. It is not Huang Tian who really wants to control Chu State, but Lu Mohan, the Han League where he belongs.

After all, if the emperor wants to control Chu State, simply will not just send a group of Divine Sovereign Realm’s Inner Disciple, no matter how, there will be ancestors coming.

“Brother Ye, be careful!” At the moment Ye Fei was thinking, the fiery battle axe had already been moved towards his face, and Wu Yue, who was also looking at him, showed horror and hurriedly reminded him.

But his reminder, it was still a step too late. He only heard a roar from the king of axe Zhang Qiao. The battle axe in his hand had been chopped on Ye Fei’s head, but it was The purple-golden Tai Chi mask blocked the outside. At the same time, the Destruction Sword order in Ye Fei’s hand was suddenly cut out at this time. He cut it out. It was not a simple Celestial Emperor magic power, but Ye Fei integrated his own sword dao into the Celestial Emperor magic power and evolved Taixu supernatural power, Taiji Jiejian!

hong long!

When the Tai Chi Tribulation Sword collided with Zhang Qiao’s fiery battle axe, a horrible light of Divine Sword immediately took the fiery battle axe from It split in half and pierced Zhang Qiao’s body fiercely. He directly nailed the Heaven’s Chosen from Raging Fire Sect to the ground, screaming in pain.

From the shot to defeating Zhang Qiao, Ye Fei only made one sword!

Chapter 2654 is tragic

Chapter 2654 is tragic

One sword, Raging Fire Sect Heaven’s Chosen, the king of axes, Zhang Qiao, has almost died. It’s not that Zhang Qiao is not strong enough, but Ye Fei’s sword is too terrifying. It is a Tai Chi Sword with a trace of Celestial Emperor’s magical powers. Such a sword is definitely the highest Taixu magical power. How can Zhang Qiao be block?

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