“Actually, I lost, Ye Fei, when did you become so strong?” Wu Yue was also deeply shocked by the result. He felt that Ye Fei entered the treasury and entered the treasury. After that, it seemed like a different person.

This is the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers, the change to Ye Fei’s temperament, like a Divine Sword, after thousands of polishes, it becomes cold light.

Zhang Qiao of Raging Fire Sect looked at Ye Fei in disbelief, “You, want to kill me?”

Ye Fei shook his head and looked towards the height of imperial city, There, there are two terrifying ancient emperor silhouettes in a duel. It is the imperial power struggle between King Chu and Chu emperor. Demon Sovereign and Chu Ling are also there.

“I won’t kill you, and I don’t care what you want in Chu State. I have only one purpose, and that is to make Demon Sovereign safe and Chu Ling safe!”



A terrifying Taiji coercion, turned into a god picture, directly suppressed on the eyebrows of King Axe Zhang Qiao, this is Ye Fei condensing sword light, transformed into Taiji The Sword seal, this seal, can seal Zhang Qiao’s cultivation base. As long as Zhang Qiao changes slightly, it can explode and behead Zhang Qiao.

After that, Ye Fei carried Zhang Qiao who was unable to move even a little bit, and turned and looked towards Wu Yue, “Wu Yue, I plan to go to meet this Lu Mohan for a while, you are with me , Or is it here to heal?”

“Of course it is together! You said, we are brother!” Wu Yue wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, but Rising Dragon Pill is powerful, just refining so little With the effort of meeting, Wu Yue’s wounds had healed, and even the poison in him had been relieved.

Wu Yue, once again has battle strength.

Meet this time, Ye Fei is slightly nodded. Together with Wu Yue, he grabbed Zhang Qiao and quickly rushed to the direction of King Chu Mansion. At this time, King Chu Mansion had already shouted for killing shock. day.

The intervention of Lu Mohan and Hanmeng made King Chu Mansion in despair, once again saw the opportunity to turn defeat into victory. All the remnants of King Chu Mansion broke out in the craziest side, they attacked frantically Demon Sovereign, attacked the frontier army.

On the contrary, the City Lords and generals who were ordered to come to King Qin became cautious at this time. They could no longer judge whether the Emperor Chu would win the final victory, let alone be sure, and finally took control of Chu State. Yes, it will be the Dragon Sect, or the cold league where Lu Mohan is located, so many City Lords have chosen to watch from the sidelines.

Neither help Emperor Chu nor attack King Chu Mansion. These City Lord’s inactions also caused the frontier army to fall into a more arduous battle. Chu Fengxue’s face also showed the smile of the winner, “surrender, you are all the elites of my Chu State, you should be loyal. , Not a certain person, but the entire Chu State! Now, the Emperor Chu has no virtue, my King Chu Mansion, I am obedient to the destiny, and instead, whoever resists is the enemy of the destiny, the Chu State, and even the cold Alliance, enemy of the emperor! Don’t drop quickly!”


The final voice has formed a thunderbolt, which blew in the ears of countless frontier soldiers, but, What disappointed Chu Fengxue was that none of the frontier soldiers showed vacillation, some were just indifferent, and there were boundless murderous intentions.

“I wait for the frontier army, and only obey the orders of two people, one is the king side by side, and the other is the emperor of Chu, Chu Fengxue, how can you confuse our army…”


The general over there didn’t finish speaking, and directly a cold light slashed his head. Chu Fengxue stepped on the general’s head so indifferently, overlooking To everyone, “Last chance, surrender? Or die?”

“Don’t surrender, rather die!”

The answer to him was more frontier generals, like drums of war Roaring, they did not hesitate, moved towards Chu Fengxue rushed over, Chu Fengxue’s expression suddenly became hideous, his hands, the sky and the sky, turned into countless divine spears, one shot and one shot, the frontier army’s Soldiers penetrated.

But as Demon Sovereign, the most elite army of Chu State, these frontier soldiers, are not afraid of life and death. They use their own blood and their own lives to smash a blood path, countless Companions died tragically on the ground, but more of them kept tears and sang passionate war hymns, went to death calmly, and continued to fight.

This bloody nature caused Huangtian’s discipline to have a certain shock. Lu Mohan’s pupil light suddenly became much colder, “Although this army is strong, it may not be invincible. Chu Fengxue, I am very disappointed with you.”

Under the oppression of the Han League, the King Chu Mansion made an all-out effort, but it could not withstand the desperate counterattack of the frontier army. This is the disappointment of Lu Mohan. The reason for this was also Chu Fengxue’s unacceptable failure.

Almost as soon as he heard what Lu Mohan said, a huge anger and viciousness flashed across Chu Fengxue’s face, “Alliance Leader, I, Chu Fengxue, won’t I’m disappointed. Trifling 200,000 ants, if I’m poisonous, none of them can be spared, come and bring poison!”

Hearing the order, the King Chu Mansion was suddenly pushed out by hundreds A prisoner covered with thick pulp, these are the poisonous people refined by the King Chu cultivation Poison Kungfu. Following Chu Fengxue’s command, these poisonous people uttered wild beast-like desperate roars, they Rushing to the sky, also rushed into the army formation where the two armies were fighting. The whole body swells suddenly, and then Self-destruction.

bang bang bang!

Over the King Chu Mansion, green poisonous clouds erupted immediately. These poisonous clouds enveloped the frontier army and even King Chu. The remnants of the mansion let the soldiers on both sides, while fighting, had already festered the fleshy body and fell to the ground in pieces.

“Chu Fengxue, you are too cruel!”

The god generals with the frontier army rushed out with his body full of poison, but he just rushed out a few steps , The legs actually rotted and turned into sacred bones.

“Why, we are the King Chu Mansion, born to death, do not hesitate to fight to the death, you Chu Fengxue is still so poisonous, even your own people, you also have this ruthless poison…” There are also the remnant generals of King Chu Mansion. , Backed in panic, rushed to Chu Fengxue furiously, asking for an explanation, but Chu Fengxue’s indifferent Tiangang greeted that person, who directly turned into a heavenly blade, splitting the resisting general into two halves.

“Only ants, fighting for the palace is your honor, and dying for the palace is your glory!” Chu Fengxue, expressionless, in order to achieve the purpose of controlling Chu State, let alone poison To death a few hundred thousand soldiers, is to poison all the millions of soldiers in front of you, so what?

hong long!

But Chu Fengxue’s poisonous trick, not at all succeeded, at the critical moment, in the sky, a huge void black hole appeared again, that was Demon Sovereign, The resulting terrifying black hole, this black hole, can swallow everything, naturally, it can swallow all the poisonous transport that permeates the battlefield, just this, Demon Sovereign, is to gather all the poisonous clouds in one sound.

This kind of courage, this kind of determination, suddenly made many soldiers cry bitterly, Demon Sovereign’s move, equivalent to using his own power, saved the frontier army, including King Chu Mansion Remnant army.

Chapter 2655 I don’t allow you to die

Chapter 2655 I don’t allow you to die

Not only the frontier soldiers cry bitterly, but also the remnants of King Chu House. Many cries of avoided a catastrophe, but Demon Sovereign who swallowed all the poisonous clouds directly poisoned the heart, and the entire void black hole began to collapse, revealing the bloody face of Demon Sovereign’s seven orifices. See this picture On the face, the ancestors of King Chu’s mansion around him showed ecstasy.

“hahaha, it is rumored that the king is like a god, and when I see it today, it is a vain name!”

“It has been a long time to hear that the king loves soldiers as a child. It is a pity that you have seen it. Too stupid, you gather poison in one body, even if we don’t take action, you will die today!”

“Stop talking nonsense, kill Demon Sovereign and send him to meet Ye Fei, master and disciple again!

bang bang bang!

While Demon Sovereign was poisoned and weak to save the army, the ancestors of King Chu Mansion, not only did not move at all, but also laughed at them. I can’t wait to rush up and kill Demon Sovereign personally.

Demon Sovereign’s eyes flashed with sadness and sadness, “Today, are you going to die here?”

“Master, you will not die, you will Live better, better than any of them!” Suddenly, a cold voice came into Demon Sovereign’s ears, and at the same time, the space in front of Demon Sovereign cracked.

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