Chapter 2676, 10th Layer

Zhang Lang’s expression cannot be concealed from the eyes of the old man, he smiled and looked at his favorite discipline, “Zhang Lang, do you have any If you want to ask the old man?”

“Master, there is something puzzled about the discipline, it was you who took a lot of trouble and ordered me to bring Ye Fei back from the Chilong Divine Dynasty and let him ascending to the skies With a single leap, I became the Core Disciple of the Dragon Sect. I thought you should value him very much, but the Master’s approach made me very confused.” Zhang Lang looked a little ugly. In the end, Ye Fei was brought by him. , Is also what he appreciates.

Not to mention, this time in Chu State, Ye Fei also gave Chu Ling a life-saving grace. But the old man’s approach was very strange. He first threw Ye Fei into the Dragon God Valley and locked him up, and now let Ye Fei throw away the dangers of Taixu before being cultivated by the Dragon Sect. This is obviously a contradiction.

Seems to understand Zhang Lang’s doubts, the face of the ancient god old man suddenly showed a touch of silence, and he shook his head and said, “It’s not me who is cruel, but my Old Partner who wants me to do this. After all, he has the Dragon Race Supreme Treasure on his body. If it is evil, it will be a big disaster for the Dragon Race. Therefore, Old Partner confessed to me two points. First, this person can be accomplished, then let me accept him as a disciple and help He has thoroughly integrated that Supreme Treasure. If he is unbearable, or has an unrighteous mind, then kill him!”

When he heard this, Zhang Lang was shocked, “So, Master Doing this is actually testing him?”

Old man nodded, said solemnly: “Yes, throwing him into the Dragon God Valley is a test, and letting him go on a trip to Taixu is also a test. Only by passing these two tests, the old man can generally see his character and talent. Otherwise, the old man would be ashamed of Old Partner’s entrustment.”

Five Clawed Golden back then Dragon, in order to save the old man, died in the battle of Taixu. He has always been the old man, the biggest guilt and regret in his heart. This is also when the hero of Five Clawed Golden Dragon asked him, the old man, the old man, agreed with one bite , And the reason why Ye Fei is so attached.

After all, in this world, there is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason. As an ancient god, aloof and remote, even the ancestors of the ancient emperor, can only look up but not reach, the ancient god old man, how can he have such idle time to pay attention to a small god?

Zhang Lang finally figured it out. His Master’s painstaking efforts, but he is still a little worried, “Master, your starting point is good, but you may not know that Ye Fei can get into trouble too much. , I have never seen anyone who can attract hatred so much. I was yelled and killed almost everywhere. I was always a little worried. If Ye Fei was outside and was beaten to death, then he was within the Body’s Dragon Race Supreme Treasure, wouldn’t it be cheaper for outsiders?”

The old man laughed heartily, shook his head and said: “If he was really beaten to death, then it can only prove that I and Old Partner looked away, and you really thought that the old man kicked the kick. If Ye Fei was really beaten to death, that man would not only be unable to seize the Supreme Treasure, but would also endure it. Old man’s ancient god One blow!”

It turned out that when Ye Fei was kicked into the Dragon God Valley, the old man not only sealed Ye Fei’s space belt, but also hidden an ancient god in it. Supernatural power, and this supernatural power will not be triggered under normal circumstances. Only when Ye Fei encounters the most dangerous situation, will it burst out suddenly. Then Zhang Lang realized that his Master is actually a knife mouth and a tofu heart.

On the surface, Ye Fei seemed to be ruthless to go to the place of Taixu to die, secretly, he had already left a hand.

It’s just this hand that helped Ye Fei to untie the restriction of the space belt. The Emperor Chu didn’t know, Ye Fei himself would not know any more. The only eight-armed monster dragon that could know was not a talker. , Naturally will not tell Ye Fei.

So, when he learned that he had entered the Land of the Void, Ye Fei was still very nervous in the same mood as Chu Ling and Wu Yue.

“Okay, the city is too empty and waste ahead. I will send you to this place. There is still a period of time before the land of too empty is opened. You can cultivation for a while.”

The eight-armed demon dragon not at all enters Taixu Waste City, because the Sacred Domain sect has regulations, Taixu Waste City, only people below the ancestors can enter, such as human ancestors and ancient emperors, only Can wait on the periphery of the abandoned city.

The so-called Taixian Waste City is not on the ground, but a nih place, which is said to have been part of Heaven Realm. Great Ancient Era and Heaven Realm are not Nine Layers Heaven, but 10th Layer.

It’s just that I don’t know what happened later. The 10th Layer suddenly shattered, tens of billions of creatures, hundreds of millions of martial artists, all fell into it, and their grievances and lifelessness became what they are now. The film is endless too empty.

Later, countless ancient emperors, and even ancient gods, went deep into Taixu and explored its secrets, and they fell into it until the Celestial Emperor of the Sacred Domain sect took action. In Taixu, separate divisions With a Safety Sector domain, the martial artist of Heaven Realm can enter Taixu safely and experience.

“However, this kind of security is only relative. In order to screen out the best disciplines, and also to weaken the power of our Nine Great Sects, the ancient nations and ancient tribes, Sacred Domain deliberately set the It has become a battlefield where you can kill at will! Any Heaven’s Chosen, any force, can kill each other in it. There will be no punishment, let alone the existence of human ancestors, intervening in the battle of Heaven’s Chosen, therefore, It’s too empty, it’s very dangerous. If you don’t have to, don’t make enemies with others at will.”

This is an eight-armed demon dragon. A solemn reminder to Ye Fei before leaving. In summary, It implies that the three Ye Fei, after entering Taixu Waste City, must keep a low profile and try to keep a low profile.

Ye Fei and Chu Ling also secretly remembered this advice, only Wu Yue, once entering the Taixu Waste City, he made a fuss about nothing, “Wow, so many beautiful women……”

“Mother, soak it all!” On the shoulders, the seemingly cute emerald small dragon’s eyes turned out to be incomparable again. Not only did Wu Yue speak out in public, but also moved towards a passing girl. Martial artist, whistled loudly.

The lethality of this whistle is also extremely powerful. Almost all the female martial artists around are moved towards this side, cast their murderous eyes, and some even drag Wu Yue and Ye Fei on the spot. With the action of wiping his neck, Ye Fei’s forehead sweat came out.

Secretly criticize Wu Yue for not being brother enough, and courting death yourself, don’t bring him together. Chu Ling was even more embarrassed to be with Wu Yue, and directly raised her foot, kicking Wu Yue under her feet with extreme violence. Ye Fei didn’t say anything, and quickly stuffed a piece of rag to plug Wu Yue’s mouth.

Suddenly, the air all around was refreshed a lot, and those murderous eyes gradually disappeared.

Only Wu Yue spit out the gauze in his mouth with grief and anger, “Why, it is this emerald dragon that is obviously wretched, and it is it who whistles, why is it me that is hurt!”

“Mother, a lot of mothers…”

Unfortunately, that jade small dragon didn’t know the owner’s deep waters, but kept his head up, looking around, and staring at each other. In some of the sensitive parts of Ye Fei, Ye Fei felt unsavory and broke off friendship with Wu Yue. Chu Ling simply pretended not to know Ye Fei and Wu Yue. She just bowed her head, blushed, and walked forward quickly.

Chapter 2677 Zhang Wangu

Chapter 2677 Zhang Wangu

“It’s also mother, it’s too fierce…”

That An emerald small dragon, also act recklessly, continued to stare at the beautiful women in the past, boasting. Ye Fei has the urge to cover his face and walk away, “Wu Yue, can’t you control its mouth?”

“I want to control it too. I often reveal mine without my consent. The real idea is fine. The key is that it is still very erotic. In fact, I am an upright gentleman, but it is a pity that Yulong is unsuccessful…” Wu Yue looked remorseful.

Ye Fei is also completely speechless. In the end, he can only think of a unique trick to deal with Dragon Tortoise. Taking advantage of the jade small dragon’s mouth has not yet opened, he threw out the profound veins on the spot, and the jade small dragon opened his mouth. If it came out, I immediately swallowed it back, shut my mouth obediently, and swallowed all the profound veins of Ye Fei threw away, and then the whole body was wrapped around Ye Fei’s neck, looking like a satisfied dogleg, looking at Ye Fei His face was a twitch.

Dragon Tortoise, who is practicing Transforming Dragon Pill in the Beast Seal Space, raised his head very vigilantly. Although he got a lot of profound veins from Demon Sovereign, he can let go of his belly and eat it. But Ye Fei and Xiaocao couldn’t stand it, both of them were big consumers of profound veins. Seeing that, in the future, they would still be tight. Dragon Tortoise didn’t want this jade small dragon and grabbed his job.

So the Dragon Tortoise inner core didn’t practice anymore, and quickly ran out of the animal print space. While a tortoise squeezed away the emerald small dragon, it wrapped its own tail around Ye Fei’s neck. Then it hung on Ye Fei’s chest like a wall clock.

Ye Fei’s face turned dark on the spot. Wu Yue also looked at Ye Fei with sympathetic eyes. At least a small emerald dragon hung on his neck was pretty good. On Ye Fei’s neck, But if a tortoise is hung up, it will be a terrible sight.

There were still a lot of hostile female martial artists, and they couldn’t help but laugh slyly, “This little turtle of the Thang Long School discipline is quite cute, unlike the guys over there, with no words. “

“hmph, what’s so great about the Dragon Sect, Nine Big Sect, the strongest is Huangtian, and the Emperor’s Lu Mohan is the Heaven’s Chosen of the suppression era. Okay, it must shine!”

“hmph, be that as it may, but Zhang Wangu, Head Disciple of the Thang Long Sect, is also good. He has a bloodline that is rare in thousands of years, although not as good as Lu Mo It’s cold, but it’s not much worse.”

“What, Wan Senior Brother Gu has arrived, where is he?” Chu Ling was a little excited when someone mentioned Zhang Wangu’s name. The man inquired and saw that Chu Ling was also a beauty, and the other party knew everything, and he personally led Chu Ling, moved towards the station of Shenglongzong in Taixu Waste City.

Wu Yue felt a sour feeling in Wu Yue’s heart, “Zhang Wangu, what’s great, sooner or later I will surpass him! And Chu Ling, a girl who doesn’t know the world, will love him. .”

Ye Fei only then knew that Chu Ling originally liked Zhang Wangu. However, Wu Yue was sour and sour. When he mentioned Zhang Wangu, his expression was still a bit solemn. Ye Fei couldn’t help but become interested in Zhang Wangu.

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