can make Chu Ling like it, and make Wu Yue jealous, but I don’t know what is the battle strength of the Head Disciple of the Thang Long Sect?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart also ignited a touch of fighting intent, and immediately took Wu Yue together, and behind Chu Ling, this empty and waste city was also extremely vast.

It’s like a small country. It’s said that this city is the 10th Layer, and the only remaining male city. The rest of the city is completely imaginary, so this city is extremely old. It is also extremely strong, not to mention the gods, even the human ancestors, the ancient emperors, it is difficult to cause harm to this city, therefore, before entering Taixu, here is the young Heaven’s Chosen, the best place to fight.

Ye Fei has seen that no less than ten battles broke out in the Taixu Waste City before reaching the station of the Dragon Sect, and they are all the best of Heaven Realm. Young princes, behind these princes, more or less, follow many middle-aged or old half-step princes with strong breath as their guards.

Wu Yue pointed to those fighting humanity: “these all are Heaven’s Chosen, young people from ancient countries or ancient races. Some people’s strength is not under our Nine Big Sect’s discipline, such as those over there. It is Heaven’s Chosen of Divine Race. Orcs are best at fleshy body fighting. All their power is concentrated in the flesh, but their magical powers are somewhat lacking.”

Ye Fei looked up and saw, Counting 1000 meters in the sky, a brave young man with a lion head, naked upper body, constantly collides with another ancient prince battle halberd, that kind of simple power fight, and the void has a terrifying crack. Come.

But the prince of the ancient country is also very brave, a murderous aura, terror like an abyss, especially when this person is waving battle halberd, all around, there seems to be a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses , Uttered an angry shout to kill. The two people fought from day to night in this battle. The horrible attack was enough to kill many weak people ancestors more than ten times, but these two people were actually not After winning or losing, they finally left each other’s ruthless words, and retired calmly under the protection of their respective followers.

After watching this battle, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly became heavier. Only then did he know how terrifying the young gods who can enter the land of the void. These are almost all regions, the best Heaven’s Chosen characters, gathered at this time, and no one was convinced.

Moreover, the Sacred Domain sect does not prohibit killing. These young people don’t have to worry about beheading each other. They will suffer revenge from the forces behind their opponents. They fight with all their strength. Never show mercy at all.

Although Ye Fei feels that his battle strength is still higher than the two fighting young orcs and the prince of the ancient country, he has not forgotten that this is too vain, and it will definitely not be missing from those times of suppression. Participation of the strongest Heaven’s Chosen.

Lu Mohan will inevitably come again to be too empty. When the time comes, the two meet again. Without bloodline restrictions, Lu Mohan will inevitably be even more terrifying.

“It seems that I have to hurry up. My bloodline is not as good as those of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen. If I don’t improve my supernatural powers, maybe I will be in danger in a place of emptiness. “

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn’t hesitate anymore, and directly speeded up with Wu Yue, moved towards the station of Thang Longzong, but when he arrived at the station, Ye Fei not at all saw The Head Disciple of the Dragon Sect Zhang Wangu and Chu Ling also told Ye Fei disappointedly that before they came, Zhang Wangu had been invited by an ancient clan, and tried to go deep into Taixu together to find the ancient divine. The trail of the corpse spirit is gone.

“According to the left-behind Senior Brother, the ancient divine corpse spirit is very powerful, and it smashes directly into the Taixu Waste City from the outside, and then leads the Taixu Waste City to the city gate inside Taixu. They are all punched through, and they rushed into the depths of the vast emptiness…”

Chu Ling was eloquent, telling the information she had inquired, only to hear Chu Ling’s description of the ancient divine corpse spirit, Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s faces both showed very strange expressions.

Chapter 2678 Divine Dragon Level

After listening to Chu Ling’s description of the ancient divine corpse spirit, Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s faces have become a little weird, and Ye Fei is even more so In my heart, he asked Xiaodao in a low voice: “Xiaocao, did you say that the ancient divine corpse spirit here is the one we awakened in the ancient gods?”


Xiaocao immediately lowered her voice and made a serious expression, indicating that Ye Fei was right. It is very likely that she was the corpse spirit formed by Xiaocao’s calling. I just don’t know why, this ancient god’s corpse not only ran out of the first heaven, but also ran directly into the land of the emptiness, which attracted the attention of the Sacred Domain sect.

At this time, on a broken mountain in the depths of Taixu, there are two silhouettes wearing golden armor, looking for something in the void, soon, these two silhouettes, All found, one of them, moved towards the void, grabbed it, and saw that there was a trace of blood in the nihility area, and this blood stain, unlike the living person, faintly exudes a breath of corpse.

“The above speculation is indeed correct, the corpse spirit, entering the too virtual purpose, must be rushed towards that place!” One of the golden armor ancient gods had a solemn expression. The other younger ancient god was hesitant, “It’s just a filthy corpse transformed into a corpse. Why is it so important that the two of us are sent to investigate together?”

“hmph Hmph, Junior Brother, you are still young, and the breakthrough ancient gods are only ten years old, so you don’t know many secrets of Taixu, let alone that ancient divine corpse spirit, that’s the Taixu Earth, the only living creature, as long as we catch that corpse spirit, we will know all the secrets of Taixu!”

The ancient god of golden armor, headed by the golden armor, suddenly became excited, just for this This kind of excitement, the young ancient god behind, inevitably hesitated in his heart, shook his head and said: “After all, the other party is a innate ancient god, which is very different from us, and now that corpse spirit has not only cultivated the climate, but also seems to have recovered some of its life. The memory of the two of us alone is to find the whereabouts of the ancient divine corpse spirit in this vast emptiness, which is tantamount to to find a needle in a haystack.”

“hahaha, Junior Brother, this is where you lack experience. The corpse spirit is the corpse spirit, and his nature makes him instinctively moved towards the most popular place, drawing blood, blood is the source of his power! Just gather the popularity Enough, he will definitely not be able to bear it, coming from too vain.” The headed golden armor ancient god, with a certain face.

This kind of determination made the young ancient god behind him suddenly change his face, “Senior Brother, it’s no wonder that you suddenly notified Nine Big Sect to relax the restrictions on entering the Taixu trial, you Is it to use Nine Big Sect’s young Heaven’s Chosen as bait to catch that ancient divine corpse spirit? But have you ever thought about that, if that corpse spirit goes mad, Nine Great Sects Heaven’s Chosen will inevitably suffer heavy casualties!”

“hmph, so what! Only those who are alive are worthy of being called Heaven’s Chosen. Those who are dead are just a bunch of waste. Junior Brother, you are not from Nine Big Sect. Why worry about a bunch of ants? Let’s still think about how to arrange traps and catch the corpse spirit. This is a great achievement in our Sacred Domain.”

The ancient god of golden armor, headed by, has a pretty face. Indifferent, all he cares about is how to capture the ancient divine corpse spirit. As for the life and death of the Nine Big Sect disciple who entered the emptiness this time, it is simply not worth his consideration.

Unfortunately, many of these Nine Big Sect, Heaven’s Chosen of the ancient country and ancient tribe, came here with a pilgrimage mood, but didn’t expect Before the test of Taixu, many of them were destined to be given up.

Ye Fei, who entered the residence of Thang Longzong, also didn’t know this. Although he was very curious about the ancient divine corpse spirit, Chu Ling also didn’t know a lot. Ye Fei just wanted to ask. No chance.

And along the way, I have seen many collisions of Heaven’s Chosen in Taixu City. Not only Ye Fei, but Wu Yue and Chu Ling have a certain degree of crisis in their hearts.

So the first thing when entering the residence of Shenglongzong, Ye Fei was not busy making friends, but with Wu Yue and Chu Ling, they found a room separately and began to secluded cultivation in it.

“Now, there is at least one month before the opening of the land of the emptiness. Taking advantage of this time, I will be free to send me the Dragon Boxing score that Chu Ling sent me. I practiced well.”

In a dilapidated stone chamber, Ye Fei took out the Dragon Boxing score and quickly entered the state of cultivation, not only was he in Cultivation, feeling the crisis of the rice bowl, Dragon Tortoise also worked very hard, and began to desperately refining the special inner core from Taixu Dragon Tortoise. This inner core is very precious to the Dragon Tortoise of the same race.

So, Dragon Tortoise rarely gave up the chance to get a black mouth, and actually squatted seriously on the side, cultivation all the way up, I was surprised to see the grass, and then “咿咿” Yelled twice, his eyes became full of fighting spirit.

After all, even Dragon Tortoise, who has always been lazy, has become so diligent. Xiaocao felt that he should also cheer, so after waving a small fist, Xiaocao gave himself a cheering gesture. He hurried back to the newly built Xuanmai crib, vowing to work hard and start sleeping.

The time in the cultivation also passed very quickly. In an instant, Ye Fei realized that he was promoted to Dragon Boxing. It has been ten days. It has been ten days since the Destruction Sword did not improve the perception. Ye Fei Finally, I have explored the Dragon Boxing clearly.

“Weird, this school of Dragon Boxing, according to Chu Ling, is the most famous supernatural power of the Dragon Sect, but when I understand it, there is always a feeling of unfinished intention, as if this What is missing in boxing?”

It’s just what is missing. Ye Fei can’t say clearly. What he can do now is to keep practicing, and strive for the training of Dragon Boxing. Find out the shortcomings of this boxing technique.


In the stone house, Ye Fei began to practice earnestly. His profound power within the body suddenly became a purebred Dragon Race dragon at this moment. Strength, Dragon Boxing, and only relying on the support of dragon power can the real formidable power burst out, and if you want to transform your own profound power into dragon power, there is only one way, and that is to learn the Emperor Artifact Decision!

This dragon emperor Divine Ability is not just as simple as evolving a battle pet into a dragon Emperor Artifact. He can also allow Human Race to possess the power of the god dragon-like.

At this time, when Ye Fei integrated this power into Dragon Boxing, his within the body suddenly sent a huge roar, like a dragon roar for nine days, shaking the entire stone house.

This kind of shock shocked even the entire discipline of the Thanglongzong resident.

They came out one after another, looking curiously at the stone house where Ye Fei was, “Which Senior Brother is inside, actually learned to upgrade to Dragon Boxing! Look at the fluctuations, dragon power level, at least Divine Dragon level.”

“What, Divine Dragon level……” Chu Ling and Wu Yue also walked out after hearing the news. When they heard Ye Fei at first cultivation ascending Dragon Boxing, their strength reached At the Divine Dragon level, both of them are turn pale with fright.

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