Chapter 2679 Sacred Dragon Fist

Chapter 2679 Sacred Dragon Fist

Divine Dragon level, this is a level that is difficult to reach in Dragon Boxing. Why upgrade to Dragon Boxing is so difficult to practice, and the requirements for bloodline are so high, because it is very difficult to cultivation.

A general martial artist can train Dragon Boxing through Dragon Boxing. It’s not bad. Someone with a little talent can at most cultivate this method to the territory of True Dragon level, equivalent to Taikoo. Supernatural powers.

Just use the time of cultivation to cultivation an inferior primordial magical power. This is undoubtedly not worth the gain. Therefore, the Dragon Sect rarely has a discipline and is willing to go to cultivation to promote Dragon Boxing unless Like Chu Ling, the natural bloodline is strong, and there is a High Rank light dragon as a battle pet. Only then can he evolve the level of Dragon Boxing and cultivation to the Divine Dragon level into a very powerful supernatural power.

This is why Chu Ling gave the Dragon Boxing to Ye Fei at the beginning. The Eight-armed Demon Dragon and Rain Dragon were not optimistic. Although Ye Fei had a high perception, it was a pity that the bloodline was insufficient, even though it was cultivated. The promotion of Dragon Boxing is also impossible, and it truly displays the formidable power of Dragon Boxing.

But the eight-armed demon dragon and Rain Dragon have also overlooked one point. Ye Fei’s bloodline is actually not weak, but because of the special curse of the ancient gods, Ye Fei’s bloodline is sealed, but he The potential of its own bloodline still exists, and it is only stronger than Chu Ling’s Grade 11 bloodline. This is the real reason why Ye Fei can cultivation success Divine Dragon so quickly.

It’s just that this scene was too shocking in the eyes of outsiders, and even mistaken Ye Fei for a strong First Senior Brother of Shenglongzong, until Chu Ling stood up and clarified that Shenglongzong’s The disciple is even more shocking. A just entered disciple has been promoted to the level of Dragon Boxing cultivated to Divine Dragon in less than ten days?

“This kind of talent should be comparable to Zhang Wan Senior Brother Gu? Could it be that my Sanglong Sect needs one more Peerless Heaven’s Chosen?”

“Peerless Heaven’s Chosen , Haha, you think too much, Ye Fei I know, it’s said that he didn’t know why, he offended Supreme Sect Master and was kicked into Dragon God Valley. Although he didn’t know how he escaped, he only had ten ranks. bloodline is not much different from us.” A certain discipline who had been cultivating in Dragon God Valley unceremoniously revealed Ye Fei’s identity.

After all, Zhang Wangu’s position in the Shenglongzong is like a god. This person didn’t hope that when someone compared Ye Fei with Zhang Wangu, Chu Ling and Wu Yue’s expressions also changed. They didn’t speak, but shook their heads slightly in their hearts. No matter how talented Ye Fei bloodline is, but since they can trifling ten The bloodline is the most difficult to practice Dragon Boxing, which in itself is very unimaginable.

It’s a pity that Xiaocao is immersed in the cultivation, and Xiaocao is “working hard” to sleep. Ye Fei naturally doesn’t know the arguments outside. He is still practicing Dragon Boxing, and the more he drills, the doubt in his eyes Bigger.

“It’s really strange. According to the boxing score, I should reach the level of Great Perfection if my cultivation reaches the level of Divine Dragon. But why, I always feel a sense of imperfection. , There is still a certain part missing…” As for which part it was, Ye Fei began to ponder hard. He first thought whether Chu Ling gave him the Dragon Boxing score incomplete, but soon, he again Shaking his head in denial, although I have known Chu Ling not long ago, it can be seen that Chu Ling is a very simple girl. Since she was promoted to Dragon Boxing, she would not leave her behind.

But since the boxing score is complete, why did he feel shortcomings when he practiced, one or two times is an illusion, but after ten consecutive drills, the feeling still exists, this is not an illusion Right?

“Could it be. This Dragon Boxing is not complete in itself? It is missing?”

Suddenly, Ye Fei’s mind came up with a bold idea. And this idea became stronger and stronger, and then Ye Fei slapped his head and said, “Anyway, it’s okay now. Besides, Dragon Tortoise has cultivated the Emperor Artifact to deduct supernatural powers. I haven’t used it yet. It’s better to use Dragon Tortoise. Deduction.”

Ye Fei’s consciousness began to sink into the beast seal space. As soon as he entered, he found a scene of spicy eyes. The Dragon Tortoise’s cultivation posture was so ugly that it was so ugly. He dared to take advantage of Xiaocao’s sleep, and he continued to slam his black mouth, ate half of the profound veins in the beast seal space on the spot.

Ye Fei wakes up Xiaocao on the spot, and he has the heart to beat the black turtle, but when he thinks of promoting Dragon Boxing, he also needs Dragon Tortoise, so Ye Fei barely squeezed out a smile. Gentlely asked: “How about it, Da Hei, if you are full, if it is not enough, I will add more to you?”


At that time, when I heard Ye Fei’s voice suddenly, Dragon Tortoise’s scared body’s scales stood up. When he turned his head, he was already offering treasures. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spewed out a powerful and fierce inner core, this inner core, It’s really the inner core of Dragon Tortoise obtained by Demon Sovereign. It has been quickly refined by Dragon Tortoise.

And with the power of this inner core, the realm of Dragon Tortoise actually stepped into the half-step god level in one breath. It’s no wonder that Ye Fei faintly felt the speed of Dragon Tortoise’s black mouth just now. It seems to be a lot faster again.

His face Much better looked a lot, pretending not to see the half of the profound veins, and directly through the Emperor Artifact to make Dragon Tortoise the second form, a shining crystal ball .

Then, Ye Fei’s consciousness, directly inside the beast seal space, began to deduced the rise of Dragon Boxing. Dragon Tortoise also performed very hard. On the turtle’s back, the Heavenly God pattern was first followed. The lights are constantly lit, and after a mysterious combination, they emit a strong Taoist and Dao Rhyme. At this time, without the Destruction Sword order, since Ye Fei’s hand, he flew into the beast. Yin Space, turned into a small black sword, fell into Ye Fei’s spare left hand.

In this way, Ye Fei’s consciousness, sitting cross-legged in the space of beast prints, with one hand of tortoise shell divine runes, and the other without Destruction Sword orders, perception and deduction, all reached their limits, and suddenly, on his body, Actually exuding a peculiar Dao aura, and sensing this aura, the eyes of Sacred Dragon, who has been silent in Ye Fei within the body, began to have a peculiar holy light circulating in the white part.

After that, Ye Fei’s consciousness had an incomparable piece of mysterious information. In front of his eyes, there seemed to be a powerful Sacred Dragon. Incarnation was a young man with a dragon head, constantly practicing boxing techniques. .

In front of his eyes, it seemed that countless powerful enemies appeared again, surrounding and fighting the young dragon head boy, but the boy’s boxing technique was too terrifying, and there were dozens of powerful enemies like gods and demons. Next, forcibly killed out.

The final picture is the dragon head boy, with a monstrous blood flame, appearing in the void, burning fiercely, its body turned into ashes, only its eyes, seem to have The peculiar power of Tao turned into a peculiar Space Stone, which fell into the void. At this point, all the pictures in front of Ye Fei’s eyes disappeared.

In his mind, there is a mantra inexplicably. This mantra is too similar to Dragon Boxing, but it is more subtle and complicated, and it also has a name called Sacred Dragon punch!

Chapter 2680 joins the Tianmeng?

Chapter 2680 joins the Tianmeng?

“so that’s how it is, Dragon Boxing is not called Dragon Boxing, but Sacred Dragon boxing. It is also handed down by the Dragon Emperor, but the Dragon Emperor is created by the Demon Dragon. Step by step into a Sacred Dragon, although not weaker than the natural Sacred Dragon, there is no Dragon Race inheritance like the natural Sacred Dragon!”

Any race has inheritance, but the way of inheritance is different, such as Human Race is mainly through learning and cultivation to obtain the inheritance of the ancestors, while the ominous beast is different. Their inheritance is mainly carried out through the bloodline, and the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the inheritance obtained.

This is also the reason why every born Sacred Dragon will become an ancient god in the future, because Sacred Dragon’s within the body has a very powerful bloodline inheritance. For example, the eyes of Sacred Dragon obtained by Ye Fei are the blood essence of a certain born Sacred Dragon.

Furthermore, this Sacred Dragon boy, born out of the ordinary, encountered a siege by a powerful enemy before he fully emerged, and eventually died with hatred. He just turned his own memory into a Sacred Dragon. The way of the eye is retained. It happened that Ye Fei used Dragon Tortoise’s supernatural powers, as well as a powerful perception that is not a Destruction Sword order, and activated the memory of Sacred Dragon in the eyes of Sacred Dragon.

This is equivalent to another way of inheritance, but this kind of inheritance, not through bloodline, but through memory!

“This memory is definitely something that any Dragon Race needs urgently. Da Hei, you are also a Dragon Race. This memory will be more useful to you. In the future, you may indeed have transformed into a Sacred Dragon. Opportunity.” Ye Fei encouraged Dragon Tortoise with full expectations. After all, Dragon Tortoise is also a dragon, and is more connected to his soul. He can feel the memory of Sacred Dragon, and Dragon Tortoise can also feel it.

Just before Ye Fei finishes talking, Dragon Tortoise has already waved his claws and said that now there is no time for refining Dragon Tortoise inner core, there is no time to care about Sacred Dragon’s memory, “I’m so hungry, so tired… …”

In my mind, there was Dragon Tortoise’s vague and unclear complaining voice, Ye Fei’s face suddenly became dark, and he said calmly: “There are enough Xuanmai tubes, dragon meat buns just eat…”



The words are not finished, Dragon Tortoise’s body has already burst out of fighting spirit, and the black mouth still rubbed Ye Fei’s body vigorously. Ye Fei suddenly had the urge to kill the broken tortoise in the stew, simply what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, and was about to close his eyes to get more Sacred Dragon memories.

At this time, outside the stone house, there was already a loud voice from a Thanglong school’s discipline, and he was still unceremonious, sound transmission directly to everyone, simply regardless of whether the other party was sleeping or cultivation, “Everyone hurry out to welcome Zhang Wangu’s First Senior Brother to return from Taixu!”

Now the trial of Taixu has not yet begun. Those who dare to enter Taixu ahead of time are absolute powerhouses. As the strongest discipline of the Thang Long Sect, it is also the peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Zhang Wangu’s every move can cause a sensation in the Thang Long School discipline.

For example, this time, Zhang Wangu explored Taixu’s return. Even if he only made a circle around the periphery, there were still many Thanglong school disciplines. In order to please Zhang Wangu, he actually proposed that everyone go out to meet him.

Of course, these Ye Fei don’t know, but it disturbs others’ cultivation, but martial artist cultivation is taboo. Ye Fei felt an uncomfortable feeling in Ye Fei’s heart when he came back after Eternal Love.

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