“Wan Senior Brother Gu, I also agreed with a few of my best friends. I couldn’t join anymore. Goodbye…”

With Ye Fei taking the lead, I saw even Sect Master’s Direct Disciple all refused Zhang Wangu’s invitation. The remaining dozen or so Thanglong school disciplines were all justified in looking for various reasons. Not only did they refuse the invitation, they also scattered on the spot; only a group of them joined the Tianmeng. The Thang Long Zong discipline, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Such a result can be arranged with them in advance. Everyone enthusiastically joined the Tianmeng and knelt down to Zhang Wangu to express the acknowledge allegiance. It was a bit different.

Chapter 2682 Fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness

Chapter 2682 Fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness

“Wangu brother, what is going on, you Shenglong Zong, why are there so many thorns?” The departure of the three Ye Fei directly caused Zhang Wangu to create all the Thanglong Sect disciples, enthusiastically acknowledge allegiance of his failure.

This also affected other Outer Sect’s disciple, and the confidence to join the Tianmeng was shaken. After all, although Zhang Wangu was able to suppress the Heaven’s Chosen of the era, but since the formation of the Heaven’s League was relatively late, the Outer Sect’s disciple that he joined was not as strong as Zhang Wangu advertised, and the reason why they joined the Heaven’s League was nothing. I want to use the power of the Celestial Alliance to gain some benefits in Taixu.

Similarly, the reason why Zhang Wangu wanted the entire discipline of Shenglongzong to express the acknowledge allegiance was also to build momentum and show these Outer Sect’s disciples his absolute authority in one word worth nine sacred tripods of Shenglongzong. In this way, no one can compete with him for the position of Alliance Leader.

As a result, Ye Fei, Wu Yue, and Chu Ling refused one after another. A dozen stubborn Thang Long school disciplines left one after another, but they were like two invisible slaps on Zhang Wangu’s On his face, Ling’s Zhang Wangu’s complexion became a little bit blue.

Especially seeing that Chu Ling actually ignored him, but chose to be with Ye Fei and Wu Yue. Zhang Wangu’s mood can only be described as bad, but as Thang Longzong this The generation’s peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Zhang Wangu is still very good at the city. It’s only a moment of ugliness. He has restored his friendly smile and said calmly: “Any sect will inevitably have some unruly thorns. Don’t worry. Stabbing, I will fix it. You go back first and form a resident of my Celestial League in the city.”

Participants of the Celestial League include not only the Thang Long Sect discipline, but also Outer Sect’s disciple, which is naturally impossible. Thang Longzong station, but will choose another open station as the headquarters of the Celestial League.

However, Ye Fei and the others’ refusal to join was like a thorn, which made Zhang Wangu very unhappy, so he was dismissing the outer sect’s discipline. Zhang Wangu’s face has become A little gloomy, “What’s the matter with the person next to Wu Yue, why would Chu Ling listen to him?”

Zhang Wangu was very puzzled. The former Chu Ling was so simple to deceive, as long as he speaks. Chu Ling never refused, but this time, Chu Ling not only refused, she actually sought Ye Fei’s opinion, which made Zhang Wangu a little wary.

There is also the Thang Longzong discipline who knows Ye Fei’s information, and immediately tells the origin of Ye Fei, “Alliance Leader, this kid is a bit evil. It is said that he was personally introduced by Sect Master. But I don’t know why, I offended Supreme Sect Master and was kicked directly into the Dragon God Valley. It is said that he had conflicts with Chu Ling inside. As for how their three people became friends, we are not quite clear. “,

“What, I was personally picked up by Sect Master, and I can still see Supreme Sect Master. Could it be that this person is like me, and is also the peerless Heaven’s Chosen?” Zhang Wangu’s eyes suddenly became serious. If this is the case, it can also explain why Ye Fei has the courage to refuse his Zhang Wangu invitation.

Just hearing this, Pu Chi, who knew Ye Fei’s situation, laughed and said, “Haha, just him, he is also the best Heaven’s Chosen? Senior Brother. Don’t you know, this person’s bloodline, However, the tenth product, such a talent, is plentiful and easily available in our Sanglong Sect. And there has always been a rumor in the sect Elder. It is said that this time it was Sect Master who took a blind eye and mistakenly thought that the introduction was a super genius. When he came back, he was a mediocre person. The Supreme Sect Master was furious and kicked him into the Dragon God Valley, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.”

Zhang Wangu’s face was full of disbelief. A mediocre trifling 10-grade bloodline actually refused his invitation from the peerless Heaven’s Chosen? What courage is this?

“However, since this person’s bloodline is mediocre, you don’t need to take too seriously, but he broke my major event, but he has to teach a lesson, Zhang Heng, you know how to do it ?”

Zhang Wangu suddenly looked a little coldly towards a disciple of Shenglongzong next to him. This person, ranked seventh in the Divine Sovereign Realm of the Thang Long Sect, is also Zhang Wangu’s most powerful assistant. At the same time, these two people are from the same Divine Dynasty family. Needless to say, Zhang Heng has already understood what Zhang Wangu meant. , He was quietly nodded, and took a few disciples of the Thanglong Sect on the spot, and walked towards the inside of the resident.

But Zhang Wangu himself did not go in, but turned around and hurried to build the resident of the Heavenly League.

Just for these, Ye Fei doesn’t know at all. After all, it is his personal freedom to join the Celestial League. As for whether this will offend Zhang Wangu, it is not his business.

Returning to the stone house again, Ye Fei continued cultivation Sacred Dragon boxing from the beginning of the impatient. The complete Sacred Dragon boxing method is a Celestial Emperor’s magical power. It is as regretful as the Celestial Emperor. Ye Fei’s heart Naturally hot, I wish I could not immediately control and improve my strength.

And Sacred Dragon punch is different from Celestial Emperor.

The Celestial Emperor has regrets. It is a Sword of Absolute Killing that can win with Ye Fei’s current power. It is difficult to master. However, due to the presence of Sacred Dragon’s eyes, the Sacred Dragon fist can make Ye Fei cultivation the strongest boxing technique in the least time!

“Celestial Emperor sword, Sacred Dragon punch! With these two Celestial Emperor magical powers, this time I enter Taixu, my safety is guaranteed!” Ye Fei practiced over and over again in the stone house With Sacred Dragon boxing, the more he practiced, the faster his progress, and the formidable power of his boxing skills began to improve rapidly.

But at the critical moment of his cultivation, a loud explosion sound came out from outside the stone house. Ye Fei almost burst into blood and suffered from the backlash of the Sacred Dragon punch. His face suddenly became gloomy. The most taboo of martial artist cultivation is that there are people around you wantonly making noise. This is also the reason why many martial artists will directly separate cultivation and ignore foreign affairs when making important breakthroughs.

But Ye Fei not at all, so he went out and questioned the other person, but turned on the ban, and imprisoned the entire stone house on the spot, so as to prevent outside sounds from coming in.

After doing this, Ye Fei will continue cultivation.

Outside the stone house, the disciple of Thang Longzong who was making noises changed his face, “Zhang Senior Brother Heng, it seems that the ban has been activated inside, and ordinary noises can no longer be transmitted.”


“hmph, what about the prohibition, if this person failed to appreciate somebody’s kindness, the first person to open up and reject Wan Senior Brother Gu’s invitation, Wan Senior Brother Gu, how could he lose face in front of outsiders, give I shattered the prohibition and let this thing fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, knowing who is in charge of this Shenglongzong!” Zhang Heng has a cold face, he is Zhang Wangu’s most capable assistant, and many Zhang Wangu is not respectful He did everything he did, and Zhang Heng was naturally not a soft-hearted person.

Hearing his order, one of the disciplines who is good at breaking the formation immediately blasted out a streak of divine light, fiercely hitting the prohibition of the stone house, turning the entire stone house into Shaking up.

“Stop, everyone is the same sect, what are you doing?” Suddenly the stone house next door opened, but Wu Yue heard the movement and came out to check. It happened to see that someone was actually attacking Ye Fei. Stone house, Wu Yue was a little unhappy, and wanted to come forward and have a theory.

Chapter 2683 The Fury of Ye Fei

Chapter 2683 The Fury of Ye Fei

But before he comes forward, a great hand seal is already behind Void suddenly blasted on Wu Yue’s body, “Go away, refuse Wan Senior Brother Gu, you also have a share, wait for me to clean up this kid, and then clean up your rubbish!”


Speaking of which, Zhang Heng and Wu Yue, and there is a grievance, they joined the Dragon Sect at the same time, and at the same time in the Dragon God Valley, won the future battle favorite dragon egg, just the dragon egg that Wu Yue acquired at the beginning. The appearance is obviously better than Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng was not convinced, and offered to exchange. After Wu Yue refused, he actually took advantage of Wu Yue’s inadvertent attention and dripped blood to recognize the Master in advance, not to mention Wu Yue’s dragon egg, and looked down upon himself. The dark green dragon egg was thrown to Wu Yue.

At the beginning, that incident was a big trouble in Dragon God Valley, but under Zhang Wangu’s suppression, Wu Yue finally had to submit to humiliation, but the irony was that Zhang Heng took away the dragon egg. It just hatched an ordinary war dragon, and the dragon egg that didn’t look good actually hatched a True Dragon, that is, an emerald small dragon.

Learning of this result, it is said that Zhang Heng has been stunned for a month. Since then, he and Wu Yue have disliked each other, but Wu Yue’s own family power is also very strong, and even the elders in the family are in the Shenglong Sect. After becoming an Elder, Zhang Heng has tolerated it so far.

Until this time, like Ye Fei, Wu Yue not only refused to join the Celestial League, but also dared to run out to be nosy. New hatred and old hatred rose in the mind. Zhang Heng simply didn’t say hello, but just went straight together. With the Divine Dragon seal, Wu Yue vomited blood and flew back, and his whole body smashed the door of Ye Fei stone house.

Such movement naturally shocked Ye Fei of the cultivation in the stone house.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became angry. He has already followed the instructions of the eight-armed demon dragon and tried to be as low-key as possible. In the face of external provocations, he also chose to withstand and avoid. Unfortunately, some people are not a forbearer. It is known that there are some things that can be avoided without choosing to avoid them.

Especially when Ye Fei Divine Consciousness was released, when Wu Yue was beaten to vomit blood and hit his door, Ye Fei’s anger was completely ignited, a loud explosion sound, his The punch has broken the 3rd, blasted the light of the stone house, and quickly appeared next to the injured Wu Yue, “Wu Yue, who beat you, tell me, I will abolish him!”

” Ye Fei, don’t, I accidentally fell, it has nothing to do with the Senior Brothers.” Wu Yue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and showed a painful smile. He didn’t want revenge, but Zhang Heng’s behind, but Zhang Wangu Although this peerless Heaven’s Chosen knows that Ye Fei is very strong, Zhang Wangu is a peerless Heaven’s Chosen who can compete with Lu Mohan. Wu Yue doesn’t want to get involved in Ye Fei.

“Wu Yue, your excuse is really bad, I just ask you who beat you, when I am the brother, you tell me!”

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