Ye Fei’s gaze suddenly became extremely gloomy. He felt Ye Fei’s gaze and Wu Yue’s gaze also became dodgy. It was precisely because Ye Fei was regarded as brother that he didn’t want Ye. Fei, get the upper body on fire.

But Wu Yue’s silence does not mean that Zhang Heng will be silent. Seeing Ye Fei come out and say something like that, Zhang Heng’s face is even more gloomy, and he raises his head in disdain, “Wu Yue dare not say that trash, I will tell you. I hurt him.”

“It’s all the same sect, why did you hurt him? Is it just because we refused Zhang Wangu to join the Celestial League?” Ye Fei recognized this person. It was the one who directly interrupted their cultivation and forcibly asked all the Thang Long School disciplines to go to meet Zhang Wangu’s people. Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became cold.

I feel Ye Fei’s gaze. I don’t know why. Many disciples of the Thang Long Sect have the illusion of facing the ominous beast of rage, and my heart trembled slightly. ,

Zhang Heng’s face was very calm, he shook his head indifferently and said: “I do this, it has nothing to do with Wan Senior Brother Gu, I just see you not pleasing to your eyes, the place of emptiness, not any cat Any dog, you can participate, pack your things, and get out now, otherwise…”

“Whoever you say is rubbish, no matter how weak our talent is, we are better than you as a dog for Zhang Wangu A lot!” Ye Fei shouting loudly, suddenly interrupted Zhang Heng.

At this time, he still can’t see it. Zhang Heng’s shot was obviously instructed by Zhang Wangu. It was just that Zhang Wangu cherished his reputation. It was not good or disdainful, so he sold them personally. Come pick things up. That being the case, Ye Fei would not be any polite, so he scolded him in person, this remark also instantly made Zhang Heng angry. Apart from anything else, it was another Divine Dragon seal, suddenly moved towards Ye Fei and covered it. come.

The nearby Thanglongzong discipline is even more looked at each other in blank dismay. They are amazed at each other. Although many people know that Zhang Heng is indeed a dog beside Zhang Wangu, many Zhang Wangu is inconvenient to do Zhang Heng’s dirty work was done solely by Zhang Heng, but he knew that it was one thing, and it was another thing to say it. Originally, Zhang Heng just wanted to kill the chicken to warn the monkey and drive Ye Fei out of it. The city is fine, but Ye Fei’s words made Zhang Heng change his mind.

“This time, I want you to climb out!”

Behind the powerful dragon seal, Zhang Heng’s angry face was seen.

“Then you, don’t think about having such a chance!”

Double fists send out Dragon’s Might, just like Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens, blasting forward, directly smashing the dragon. Divine Seal, moved towards Zhang Heng’s body, causing a shocked shout, but Zhang Heng grinned and promoted Dragon Boxing. Ye Fei would, and he would, and under Zhang Wangu’s guidance, he was better than Chu Ling, all had practiced one year early.

So seeing Ye Fei actually use Dragon Boxing to deal with him, Zhang Heng suddenly burst into laughter, his fists suddenly turned into dragon heads, like a roaring battle dragon, and Ye Fei’s fists instantly. They banged together, blasted heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and watched many Thanglong school disciplines, and secretly shook their heads.

Zhang Heng is the Dragon Sect. In addition to Zhang Wangu, he is the best at Dragon Boxing. Ye Fei chose to use Dragon Boxing to fight against Zhang Heng. What is the difference between this and courting death? , Couldn’t help but close his eyes, couldn’t bear to see Ye Fei’s miserable appearance of being crushed by the dragon’s head with his fists.

Wu Yue’s face was full of nervousness, and he didn’t understand why Ye Fei had to abandon the strongest sword dao and compete with Zhang Heng for boxing, but soon, Wu Yue grew up in shock.

In the Thang Long School discipline present, I suddenly heard a painful scream, but the scream was not Ye Fei, but Zhang Heng. Someone couldn’t help but eyes opened. I was amazed to see that in this Dragon Boxing contest, Ye Fei’s fists were intact, like two Divine Dragons, wrapped around their arms.

However, Zhang Heng’s fists burst and bloody, and he was directly bitten by the dragon mouth of Ye Fei’s fists. With a strong press, Zhang Heng could no longer control his body, pushing forward. The mountain fell on the jade pillar, and with a bang, he knelt down in front of Ye Fei.

Zhang Heng’s blood spurted out on the spot, “You dare to make me kneel…”


Nothing was said After that, a loud slap, Zhang Heng’s front teeth flew out. Dazed, the wheels were normal, rolled up, and all the way to Wu Yue’s feet.

“Wu Yue, leave this person to you, kill him or abolish him, whatever you do!”

Chapter 2684 Xuan Nvzong

Chapter 2684 Xuan Nvzong


A mournful scream resounded throughout the residence of the Thang Long Sect.

In the end, Zhang Heng is also the discipline of Thang Longzong, and there is Zhang Wangu behind him. Of course, Wu Yue will not do too much, kill or abolish Zhang Heng, so Wu Yue chose a very gentle , It’s also a very awkward action, that’s in public, moved towards Zhang Heng’s most vulnerable place and kicked, “Zhang Heng, you slap me, I’ll kick you, we are even, you don’t speak , I will assume that you have agreed, Ye Fei, he agreed, we can go.”

Zhang Heng is not given a chance to speak, Wu Yue has already grabbed Ye Fei and moved towards quickly Walking outside, the disciples of the Thang Long Sect present are also looked at each other in blank dismay. Looking at Zhang Heng, who was painfully speechless while holding his legs, and at Ye Fei and Wu Yue who were about to leave, they didn’t know what to do.

After all, Zhang Heng’s strength is obvious to all, but he was defeated by Ye Fei. These disciples of the Thang Long Sect were powerless just to stop them.

In the end, they could only make way for Ye Fei and Wu Yue to pass. Only Zhang Heng, bowed his body, covered the important part of the kick, and stared at Ye with a bitter face. The backs of Fei and Wu Yue, especially Wu Yue’s foot, were too stubborn, giving Zhang Heng an urge to kill.

Chu Ling sighed inwardly with a blushing face. It turned out that she was also alarmed by the conflict just now, but she hadn’t had time to stop it. Wu Yue had been injured, but fortunately, Ye Fei shot and helped Wu Yue. Out of breath.

“Chu Ling, I’m sorry, it made it difficult for you.” Ye Fei walked to Chu Ling apologetically, Wu Yue could see it, Ye Fei naturally could see it, Zhang Wangu was in Chu Ling His in mind should have a high status, but his shot made Chu Ling embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Chu Ling was angry at hearing this not at all. Instead, she glanced at the two of them in vain and said, “You treat me as friends, don’t I treat you as friends? I admit, I I used to admire Wan Senior Brother Gu, but after experiencing with you, I finally understand why Master has never liked Wan Senior Brother Gu.”

Chu Ling headed away and suddenly joined Ye Fei. Supporting Wu Yue from the left and the other, he actually moved towards the Thang Longzong resident and walked outside. After all, the current Thang Longzong resident is almost Zhang Wangu’s site, and it is no longer suitable for them to stay.

Moreover, through Zhang Heng’s affairs, Chu Ling finally saw Zhang Wangu’s personality and made the most correct choice, that is, to leave here with Ye Fei and Wu Yue. Find a habitat.

Seeing that even Chu Ling, who is a Sect Master Direct Disciple, is leaving, the expressions of many Thang Long Sect disciples have changed again, and more people began to think about whether they joined the Celestial Alliance. wrong.

Zhang Heng’s face changed even more tragically. Zhang Wangu’s purpose was to call him to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, to drive away Ye Fei and Wu Yue, and to give the other Thang Long who refused to acknowledge allegiance. Zong’s disciple gave a warning. As a result, not only Ye Fei and Wu Yue left, but also Chu Ling, who Zhang Wangu valued most, followed. Zhang Heng felt cold in his hands and feet and didn’t know what to do.

Walking out of the residence of Shenglongzong, Ye Fei looked at the huge ancient city of Taixu and asked: “Where shall we go now?”

Chu Ling looked all around Ye Fei was still at a loss. After thinking of something, he moved towards Chu Ling and said, “Chu Ling, why don’t you ask where there are more Loose Cultivators or small forces? Anyway, we people Not much, just find a quiet stone house, let Wu Yue heal his injuries, and then wait until the land of the emptiness opens.”

“Why don’t you ask?” Chu Ling stared at Ye Fei very dissatisfied. At a glance, Ye Fei suddenly had nothing to say, and was about to say that he had passed. Wu Yue winked and said with a frown, “We are really thinking, but unfortunately we are not women, let alone Chu Ling Senior Sister. Fairy, we ask for directions, but we don’t have the advantage of Senior Sister.”

Although she knows that Wu Yue is filming flattery, Chu Ling is still excited, and happily ran over and asked someone for directions. When I arrived at Ye Fei, I became even more speechless, and I felt that Wu Yue was really too stubborn, but the beauty still has a huge advantage when asking directions.

No, Chu Ling just left for a while. When she came back, she not only asked the road clearly, she also got a map in her hand. She pointed to the map and said, “I’ve inquired clearly, it’s too ancient city. , Divided into five regions, Nine Great Sects, an ancient kingdom and ancient tribes, and others such as the Hanmeng, the Celestial Alliance, an area, and some small forces, and another area. As for the middle area, Entering the passage of the Taixu Land, which area do we go now?”

“Let’s go to the area of ​​the small forces.” Ye Fei looked at the distribution of Hanmeng and Nine Great Sects, and finally his eyes remained frozen In the most corner area, there is the worst location of Taixu ancient city. The martial artist who stays there, It shouldn’t be too strong, their three people, just enough to handle it.

Understanding the grudge between Ye Fei and Hanmeng, Chu Ling and Wu Yue naturally would not object, but quickly rushed to the corner of Taixu ancient city, but here, not at all Ye Fei imagined be quiet.

Instead, due to the small size of this area and the many people, the stone house that can be cultivated is very tense. Along the way, Ye Fei keeps seeing Heaven’s Chosen with many small forces. In order to compete for the stone house, Fight hard.

There were even small forces. In order to compete for more stone houses, there was a collision between forces. And because of the Sacred Domain sect and encourage the use of force, the journey of Taixu has not yet begun. Many young and energetic young people, Heaven’s Chosen, have already smashed out True Fire among themselves.

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