“Shut up!”

Zhang Wangu’s calmness was finally completely angered by Zhang Heng’s words, but he was the First Senior Brother of the Thang Long Sect, the strongest of this generation Heaven’s Chosen, after all, where the rules of the Shenglongzong are there, he is not good to violate it openly.

But soon, Zhang Wangu thought of something again, a gloomy expression appeared on his face, and he looked at Zhang Heng indifferently, “You don’t need to use Chu Ling to irritate me, although due to the rules, I don’t It’s good to give them a heavy hand, but if you want to take revenge, you can use the power of outsiders. Didn’t you find out, then Ye Fei, once in Chu State, broke Lu Mohan’s major event?”

Even though the conflict between Ye Fei and Lu Mohan in Chu State, Emperor Tian and Shenglong Sect are both silent, but fools can see that Ye Fei uses trifling mediocre talent to provoke the peerless Heaven’s Chosen like Lu Mohan , What will end. Although Lu Mohan hasn’t come from Emperor Tian yet, there are countless powerhouses in the Han League, but there is more than just Lu Mohan a powerhouse.

Under Zhang Wangu’s instruction, Zhang Heng’s eyes finally became as fierce as a wolf. Apart from anything else, he strode out of the Tianmeng station and drove directly to the Hanmeng station. .

At this moment, Ye Fei didn’t know either. Under Zhang Wangu’s instruction, Zhang Heng had revealed his information to the Hanmeng. Instead, he looked at the invitation that appeared in his hand with a look of confusion.

This invitation was naturally sent by a female disciple of Xuan Nvzong, who invited Chu Ling by name and the two attendants around him to attend tomorrow’s discussion meeting together.

In this regard, Chu Ling was very surprised. Ye Fei and Wu Yue had ugly faces. Although they were invited, they didn’t want to attend as Chu Ling’s attendants.

“How about, Ye Fei, do we accept this invitation or not?” Chu Ling first looked towards Ye Fei. After all, Ye Fei proposed to use stone house to exchange her profound veins. She didn’t want to let people misunderstanding.

“Go, why not, with this invitation, we can still sell the remaining stone house, how many profound veins can we save…” Wu Yue interrupted again.

This remark also made Ye Fei finally made up his mind. After all, I can earn so many profound veins this time, which is also the light of Xuannvzong. Since the other party invited, if I don’t go, it seems not appropriate.

“Okay, let’s go and take a look.”

To be honest, Ye Fei is actually quite curious about Xuan Nvzong, of course, just curious. Seeing Ye Fei’s agreement, Chu Ling, who had already been assigned a lot of profound veins, naturally had no opinion.

As for Wu Yue, looking at the guy’s wretched smirk, you know what his mood is. Ye Fei was more lazy to ask, walked directly back to his stone house and started cultivation again.

Wu Yue and Chu Ling are the same.

After all, earning profound veins is just a small episode in cultivation. For martial artists, hard cultivation is the most important thing.

Chapter 2688 Seems familiar

The news that Saintess of Xuan Nvzong will hold a discussion in the small power area quickly caused a sensation in the entire Taixu city, not only by many small forces Heaven’s Chosen is boiling. Other ancient countries, such as Heaven’s Chosen of the ancient tribe, have also expressed strong expectations and interest in this discussion. Unfortunately, the number of stone houses in small power areas is after all limited, close to the Xuannvzong area. The stone house is all occupied by powerhouse, or bought at a high price.

So many people can only look at this discussion and sigh. However, there are still some powerful ancient countries, the ancient Heaven’s Chosen, through some means, obtained the qualifications to participate in this discussion.

For example, now in Taixu City, the Vice Alliance Lord, the most powerful cold alliance, decided to personally participate in this discussion, which attracted a lot of attention.

It’s just all of this. Ye Fei who is immersed in the cultivation will not know it, but on the 2nd day, looking at the grandiose, the martial artist team gathered here, Ye Fei three people. I was still shocked. I saw that the people who came to participate in Xuan Nvzong’s discussion were not what they had imagined in advance. They were all male disciplines who admired Xuan Nvzong. Among them, there were many female martial artists who also came. Participate in this discussion.

Moreover, the number of people is more than the Xuannvzong stipulated.

After all, the resident stone house requested by Xuan Nvzong is only about three hundred, but the number of martial artists who came to participate in the discussion this time is five hundred, and all of them are either there. Strength, either powerful or financially powerful peer leaders.

This makes Ye Fei feel a little puzzled, “Weird, what exactly does Xuan Nvzong have, it’s just a talk held by a Saintess, how can it attract so many powerhouses to participate?”

Among them, Ye Fei also saw the members of the newly formed Tianmeng, also mixed in the crowd.

At this time, Wu Yue didn’t know where he came out, laughed and explained: “Ye Fei, you don’t know about that, Xuannvzong’s women, in addition to being beautiful, every Everyone must have a strong sense of sensitivity to heaven and earth, and there are rumors. Every generation of Saintess of Xuannvzong can borrow Power of Heaven and Earth to help martial artists enter the Tao. This is also Saintess’s theory, which can attract The reason for so many people.”

Ye Fei now knows why Xuan Nvzong has such a big influence. After all, cultivation of supernatural powers is easy, but it is difficult to enter Tao. Any method and method that can help martial artist enter Tao Treasure can cause frantic competition among martial artists, not to mention that Saintess of Xuan Nvzong has the ability to help others enlighten the way.

Chu Ling couldn’t help but admire Wu Yue: “No wonder you are so desperate to go to Xuannvzong to see beautiful women. You want to use Saintess’s help to let you enter the Taoist way.”

Wu Yue was embarrassed by hearing this, and his face quickly became awe-inspiring: “Of course, I have already said that Wu Yue is an upright gentleman, but unfortunately you just don’t believe it.”

Ye Fei couldn’t help but cast a contemptuous look. But it was not revealed, but the three of them followed the crowd and walked into Xuan Nvzong’s residence, and saw inside, after a day’s time, neat and tidy that had been cleaned, all around were also filled with various spiritual flowers. Exuding a fragrance, the beautiful female disciple of Xuan Nvzong are dancing lightly and gracefully in the void like butterflies wearing flowers.

Their dance seems to have a peculiar rhythm, which can arouse Power of Heaven and Earth, so that the space all around, the concentration of profound energy, increases rapidly by several times, even dozens of times.

Such a concentration of profound energy is already equivalent to some Heavenly Paradise. Those martial artists who have not been invited and followed by, are all ecstatic and sit down in a place and start Crazy absorption of these gathered profound energy. Both the cultivation speed and the quality have been significantly improved.

As for Ye Fei, those who were invited or who gave out the stone house, led by a sweet-looking woman, continued to walk into the depths of the Xuannvzong residence.

Here, there is a huge altar. On the altar, there is a woman with a light gauze hat standing. Although she can’t see the specific appearance, through her graceful figure and the glow on her body, it can be roughly judged that this Xuan Nvzong Saintess is inevitable. The beauty is extraordinary.

“It’s a pity that I can’t see my face. It’s a pity.” Wu Yue regretfully shook his head, and immediately attracted many martial artists’ glaring gazes. Chu Ling quickly pretended not to know Ye Fei and Wu Yue. When each minding their own business stepped aside, Ye Fei had the urge to kick Wu Yue, “You will die if you don’t get locked up.”

“But the fact that I told you, could it be you I don’t want to see what this Saintess looks like.” Wu Yue didn’t say it, but Ye Fei was really curious about what this Saintess looked like.

At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly came from behind, “Xuantian Saintess, since you have invited us to discuss the Tao, but you don’t let us see your true appearance, it is inevitable to be a little rude, right?”


“It turned out to be the Vice Alliance Lord Ouyang Changkong, then you should know the rules of our Xuannvzong. If Ouyang Young Master wants to see my true face, then you must pass the test of my piano sound, young The same is true for the Master. Whoever can pass through my piano sound illusion can go to this altar and meet with me.”

On the altar, the cold voice of Saintess came out, not like Fairy with fireworks in the world, but With an inexplicable strange temptation, many women can’t help but feel moved.

Chu Ling blushed even more, and she whispered a vixen secretly, and her voice is so seductive through the veil. If she shows her true face, that’s fine, especially when she sees that Ye Fei has her mouth widened. , Chu Ling has the urge to kick people.

Wu Yue, who was standing next to him, couldn’t help screaming, wondering why he didn’t provoke Chu Ling, why he was kicked inexplicably.

But I don’t know that Ye Fei is not like others, charmed by this Saintess voice, but from this voice, I heard a very familiar feeling, almost subconsciously, a name , Backed out from Ye Fei’s mouth, “Shangluo?”


Ye Fei’s voice shocked Xuannvzong’s discipline. Jump, you know, Saintess’s name has never been spread outside of the Xuannvzong. In the end, Ye Fei yelled at him. How could they not be surprised?

Even Saintess on the altar couldn’t help but look at Ye Fei with a surprised look. Then, her eyes suddenly showed an extremely strange color, and she continued to use that charming voice Asked: “Who are you? My name is Xuantian, not Shangluo?”

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