“Shangluo, don’t you know me? I’m Ye Fei.” Ye Fei gave Shangluo a strange look, even though she was wearing a light gauze hat, her attitude and way of speaking changed. But this voice is indeed Shangluo’s voice, Ye Fei will never admit it wrong.

Ye Fei’s heart is faintly agitated. His actions also make many martial artists feel incredible. Although many people have a good opinion of the Xuantian Saintess, no one has been as bold as Ye Fei. Talk nonsense in person.

Chapter 2689 Ouyang Changkong

“I cricket, such an old-fashioned method, I am embarrassed to use it?” Wu Yue was also dumbfounded, and then cast a deep contempt for Ye Fei , I said just now that he is stubborn and he is clearly a fellow man.

“It turned out to be Young Master Ye.” On the high platform, the Xuantian Saintess was still quiet, which made Ye Fei a little unclear. Whether she was Shangluo, or just the voice with Shangluo, very similar.

Subconsciously, Ye Fei wants to wake up Xiaocao to see what Saintess really looks like under the veil. But when he heard what he said, suddenly a cold stare swept over Ye Fei’s body.

The owner of this line of sight is no one else, but Ouyang Changkong!

Ouyang Changkong is not only the emperor this generation, second only to Lv Mohan’s youth Heaven’s Chosen, but also the best friend with Lv Mohan. Only in this way will Lv Mohan rest assured about the Han alliance. I left it to him to take care of it, and I took the opportunity to go to Chu State to plot a major event, but for some reason, Lu Mohan suddenly gave up Chu State and returned to Huangtian to retreat.

It turned out that Ouyang Changkong in Taixu City was surprised a few days ago, until Zhang Heng came to reveal the news, saying that Lu Mohan failed to control Chu State because of Ye Fei.

As Lu Mohan’s best friend and the right arm of Hanmeng, Ouyang Changkong, almost immediately had a strong murderous intent on Ye Fei, but didn’t expect that the two would be in Xuan Nv Sect Met at the Dao Conference.

“This is really interesting. Saintess, Xuantian, this person is not a Young Master, he is just a coincidence, a bit of dogshit luck’s ants. Also, what do you mean by Means, those who got involved in this conference, you kneel on the ground now, obediently and honestly, and tell everything you know.”

Ouyang Changkong took a step indifferently, even though there was only one person. , But it gives a strong pressure of Mount Tai’s top pressure. It also made many female disciples of Xuannvzong secretly moved. Even though Ouyang Changkong is not a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, looking at this imposing manner, it is not far off.

Why is Xuan Nvzong sought after by so many young Heaven’s Chosen, besides Xuan Nvzong can sense heaven and earth and help people enlighten Dao, and that is, these female disciple are youthful and beautiful, but many young Heaven’s Chosen’s ideal companion.

At this time, Ouyang Changkong, with the intention of taking the beauty away, humiliated Ye Fei in public, and at the same time, he not only vented his best friends, but also performed well in front of Saintess.

Ye Fei’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle. Although he didn’t know Ouyang Changkong’s intentions, but when he heard that this person was the Vice Alliance Lord of the Hanmeng, he faintly understood what and his tone of voice. I couldn’t help becoming cold, “I talked to Saintess, mind your own business, and Saintess didn’t say that I was rude. What kind of thing are you, you are in charge of Saintess?”


A word that shocked the surrounding martial artists. Even many female disciples of Xuan Nvzong couldn’t help but cast curious glances at Ye Fei. Knowing that the other party is the Vice Alliance Lord, they dare to give this way. Tit for tat, I have to say that Ye Fei is really bold. It’s strange that I have never heard of such a madman in the Thang Long Sect before?

Even Xuantian Saintess couldn’t help staring at Ye Fei in confusion, and seeing Ye Fei just a few words completely attracted Saintess’s attention. My eyes can kill people, and my anger suddenly rises from my heart, and I directly release murderous aura and envelop Ye Fei, “With your words, I have the right to let you die completely!”

” I think you are not called Ouyang Changkong, but Ouyang Qiuying! If you want to die, I can fulfill you.” Ye Fei’s tone became more indifferent, he didn’t want to cause trouble, but if someone bullied him, he would definitely Will not submit to humiliation, this Ouyang Changkong is going to fight, he will definitely accompany him.

At the same time, an awe-inspiring sword intent tore through the envelope of murderous aura, and went straight into the sky. Many people who saw it were shocked. This is, it is really going to fight, or in front of the Xuannvzong The face of Saintess?

“Saintess, what shall we do?”

The female disciple of Xuan Nvzong looked towards her Saintess very nervously. After all, this is a discussion meeting held by Xuan Nvzong. If Ye Fei and Ouyang Changkong mess up, it will inevitably damage the reputation of Xuannvzong.

Xuantian Saintess, only then suppressed the very strange feeling in Ye Fei, suddenly sat down cross-legged, plucked the strings beside him, instantly. If there is a sound of heaven, it will sound in the void, deaf and awake, awake.

Hearing this piano sound, Ye Fei unexpectedly found that the fighting intent in his heart had disappeared strangely. The same disappeared, as well as the anger of Ouyang Changkong, on the high altar. Come to the quiet voice of Xuantian Saintess, “Two Young Masters, please calm down. After all, this is the meeting held by my Xuannvzong. If the two fight, wouldn’t it be embarrassing for the little girl? So, please two more Give me a thin face, how about suspending fighting?”

“It is indeed Shangluo’s voice, but this tone is not as lively as Shangluo, but there is a kind of inexplicable charm that affects the emotions of others. Inside.” Ye Fei looked weird. Could it be that he had recognized the wrong person? This is Xuantian Saintess, really not Shangluo, but the voice is similar?

“Well, since it was Saintess who spoke, I won’t talk to this kind of a nobody lower oneself to somebody’s level for the time being. But Saintess, I give you face like this, I don’t know if Saintess is okay, let me see Your true face.”

Ouyang Changkong’s eyes were fiery, he did not forget that he came to capture Saintess’s heart this time. As for Ye Fei, the dying person, who will die sooner or later, is not Ouyang. One sentence thing in the sky.

The faces of many martial artists are ugly. Many of them are admirers of Saintess. Ouyang Changkong clearly ignores them and wants to initiate a positive pursuit of Saintess. What is helpless is that the identity of Ouyang Changkong is placed there, the Emperor’s disciple, the Vice Alliance Lord, but It is not an ordinary person, who can offend.

Many people’s expressions all become sad, and they understand that with Ouyang Changkong, they want to get the chance to get close to Saintess, basically it’s out of play. Ye Fei’s heart was moved. He is still a little unwilling. It is that Saintess’s voice and body shape are too similar to Shangluo. If he can see the true face of Saintess, he may be able to judge whether this Saintess is the Shangluo he knows. .

So Ye Fei took a step forward, and said in a deep voice, “This Ye is also very interested in the appearance of Saintess. I don’t know how to see the true appearance of Saintess?”


Ye Fei’s words completely shocked the martial artist present. Ouyang Changkong pursued Saintess. That’s because people have that confidence, and you dare to say wherever you came from. Such a thing?

“This is obviously a blatant molesting!”

“This is the second time!”

Countless gazes full of murderous intention stared at Ye Fei It is totally two treatments with Ouyang Changkong, but there is also an admiring gaze, staring at Ye Fei closely. At this time, Wu Yue admires Ye Fei’s prostrate oneself in admiration, “didn’t expect brother Ye I don’t look good, but I can’t match this courage to think about it, brother Ye, come on, I support…”

Before speaking, Wu Yue has been directly by Chu Lingyi. Foot, step on the ground.

Chapter 2690 Qin Yin Enters the Dao

On the high altar, Xuantian Saintess glanced at Ye Fei with a strange look, but still slightly nodded and said: “Of course you can According to the rules of my Sect Headquarters, as long as someone can resist the sound of my piano and walk by my side, they will naturally see my true face. If Young Master Ye wants to see it, he might as well walk to the altar.”

After that, Xuantian Saintess was not talking, and even her voice became ethereal, like the sky and the earth trembling, and the glow of the sun turned into a strange fire of consciousness, lighting the altar.

At this time, the figure of Xuantian Saintess seemed to grow taller on the altar. She raised her hand slightly and waved the strings. Suddenly, this area was full of sounds of nature. And with the sound of the sky, there seemed to be a wave of Power of Heaven and Earth, which was mobilized by the sound of the piano, making bursts of faintly discernable Taoist roar.

Many martial artists who hear this sound show the expression of to be wild with joy, because this sound can actually inspire the Dao Xin that they haven’t created before, so they can’t help it. Immerse yourself. Greatly comprehend one’s own Divine Ability, so as to reach the realm of supernatural power.

But not everyone is immersed in this sound. There are also many aptitude and more talented martial artists who are still standing in place, seeming to be waiting for something.

Ouyang Changkong is one of these people. He didn’t use the music of the piano to enter the Tao. Instead, he suddenly looked a little cold and provocative towards Ye Fei, “I really don’t know if you are stupid or if you have Good courage, Saintess’s posture, how can a nobody like you covet it, but if you want to invite humiliation to oneself, I will fulfill you, what if you and I fight a battle, whoever walks on that altar first, Whoever wins! The loser must go under the victor’s straddle, do you dare to pick it up?”

Due to the existence of Xuan Nvzong, Ouyang Changkong is not easy to shoot Ye Fei on the spot, but he I didn’t want Ye Fei to get better, so he proposed this almost insulting gambling fight, which caused many people to feel an uproar.

Hearing this remark, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became cold, nodded and said coldly, “You have to bet, I can accompany you, but the rules have to be changed. The loser will not only follow The opponent’s straddle drills down, and you must stand still and allow the capable person to attack once. Can you dare to pick it up?”

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