“I dignified the Vice Alliance Lord, the supernatural powers and rhythms are superb . I don’t believe that I will be inferior to you, a reckless untouchable! War drum, beat me!”

bang bang bang!

In the hands of Ouyang Changkong, a small war drum suddenly appeared, beating frantically. The huge note completely concealed the sound of the seven kills, and even the martial artists who had fallen into enlightenment. , They all woke up, attracted countless martial artists, extremely dissatisfied eyes, this Ouyang sky battle is over, why should it affect all of them?

The female disciple of Xuannvzong who has been inadvertently “occupied” by Ye Fei’s face flushed with anger and complained for Ye Fei: “Ouyang Changkong, hello shameless, say it Compared with Pinyin, you actually use Divine Weapon, you really lose the face of Hanmeng and Huangtian!” Anyway, women are fickle. Just now, this woman looked at Ouyang with bright eyes. Zhangkong, but once fascinated by Ye Fei’s sword dance, he immediately began to look coldly at Ouyang Changkong, and Ouyang Changkong was full of great anger and suffocation. However, if he doesn’t use the war drums, he simply don’t want to be like Ye Fei, stride forward, and straighten everything with a sword dance.

Ouyang Changkong’s expression turned indifferent in an instant, coldly snorted and said: “hmph, when I bet against him, there are no rules. Divine Weapon and other foreign objects are not allowed to assist! In short, who is the first? Come to Saintess, whoever can win, Ouyang Changkong will win!”


With the roar of the war drum, Ouyang Changkong will not play elegantly anymore, directly With the most violent means, all the notes were shattered, and even faster than Ye Fei, the first moved towards Saintess on the altar rushed over.

“Not good, this kid cheated, Ye Fei may lose!”

Chu Ling and Wu Yue are very nervous, you know, those who lose can have to ask the other party Those who stepped down and drilled past will lose face even though they won’t get hurt, and don’t even think about lifting the head to be a human being.

At this time, Chu Ling and Wu Yue both secretly regretted that they did not stop Ye Fei in advance.

Ye Fei was also a little surprised. Didn’t expect Ouyang Changkong, and there is such a war drum, which can ignore the note attack of Qisha Qin Yin. However, if Ouyang Changkong thought that he would win, then it would be great. It’s wrong.

After all, his sword is not only the Taiji Sword dance. The magnificent sword dance suddenly condenses like a whirlwind. The silhouette of Ye Fei suddenly disappears in place and suddenly appears in front of the altar. Since this Ouyang Changkong doesn’t talk about rules, so don’t blame him, use Space Divine Ability to make a trick.

“Damn, I am Ouyang Changkong, I must not lose to the ants I despise!”

Ouyang Changkong, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he was actually stimulating the drums of war. The body actually turned into a series of afterimages, and at the same time as Ye Fei, moved towards Saintess on the altar, quickly rushed out, and they were even more distant from Saintess, less than ten steps away!

At this moment, almost all martial artists have become extremely nervous. After all, who will be the first to rush to Saintess?

Chapter 2692 I love to eat spirit melon

Chapter 2692 I love to eat spirit melon

In the end, who will be the first to rush to Saintess?

Xuantian Saintess gave the answer. Her piano sound became more and more ethereal, and suddenly annihilated the war drum, and suppressed Ye Fei’s sword light. The two of them stepped on the altar almost at the same time. At the same time, show the look of shock.

Ye Fei was surprised to find that when he first stepped on the altar, his body actually began to tingle. It seemed that something was stripped off and merged into the altar.

“It’s the bloodline, this altar actually swallows my bloodline!” Ouyang Changkong’s face showed a touch of anger and fear, “Xuantian Saintess, I have kindly pursued you, why are you harming me? “

You must know that swallowing bloodline is different from burning bloodline. Martial artist burns bloodline, which only stimulates the power of bloodline. As long as it is not burned too thoroughly, it will be able to recover like profound energy in the future, but it will swallow bloodline. , Is truly lost, then impossible to recover.

For example, at this time, Ye Fei is just one step into Xuantian Saintess, he feels that his bloodline seems to be deprived of a layer, becoming a lot weaker, if you continue to move forward, it is very likely , His bloodline will continue to swallow, and the grade will not continue to decrease.

For martial artists, the strength of the bloodline directly affects the martial artist’s understanding of magical powers and battle strength. Without a martial artist, he will tolerate damage to his bloodline, especially Ouyang Changkong Heaven’s Chosen was even more impossible to tolerate. When he discovered that this altar could actually swallow his bloodline, it was almost subconsciously, so Ouyang Changkong put his leg back.

On the altar, there was also a familiar voice from Saintess Xuantian, “If you want to see my true face, naturally you have to pay the corresponding price. Now, the two Young Masters have two choices, one is to retreat , But continue to move forward, but, my Xuannvzong is not responsible for the bloodline damage caused by this.”

Everyone knows that they want to see the true face of Xuantian Saintess, It is not so easy. As long as Saintess is unwilling, then others will never want to get close to Saintess for ten steps!

“It seems that unless it is Saintess who really loves that person, it is impossible for outsiders to see the true face of Saintess.” There was a martial artist, and couldn’t help sighing.

This sigh also made Ouyang Changkong’s face more ugly, but then he thought of something and looked towards Ye Fei with disdain, “Fortunately for you ant, if Saintess is too determined, I You have to go under me!”

“Fortunately for me? Ouyang Changkong, you stare your dog eyes to see clearly, the fight is not over yet, you are crazy!”



Ignoring everyone’s horrified eyes, Ye Fei’s footsteps, not at all retracted like Ouyang Changkong, but continued to stride forward, violently moved towards the front Xuantian Saintess walked over.

This scene also made everyone, including Ouyang Changkong, stared wide-eyed in shock. Chu Ling was even more shocked and covered her mouth, “This guy is crazy, knowing this The altar will devour his bloodline, why should he set foot on it?”

“hmph, the untouchables are untouchables, they will only be brave! Even if you ignore the damage to the bloodline and walk by Saintess, what do you think? Xuan Nvzong Saintess, will he be with a bloodline damaged waste?” Ouyang Changkong looked indifferent. His words also attracted a lot of people’s nodded approval, and they felt that Ye Fei was too impulsive and too irrational. .

Even Saintess Xuantian looked at Ye Fei with an extremely weird and shocked look, “Why, you would rather wear your bloodline and see my true face too, are you? You like people so much?”

When talking, Xuantian Saintess’s face unexpectedly showed a touch of shyness. Ye Fei who watched it sweated on the spot and couldn’t help but explain with a wry smile: “I’m not Like you, I just feel that you are the old person I am looking for. Although you did not admit it, I know that you must be her!”

Xuantian Saintess hearing this for a moment, looked towards Ye Fei’s gaze became more and more weird, “You, this person, is really weird, is it for who, can make you so desperate, would rather damage your own bloodline, and find her? Is she your lover?”

“No, she is my friend. It was my negligence that caused her to fall into great danger. Then I have to find her and take her home!” Ye Fei’s face showed a touch Pain, the corners of the mouth, but with the warmest and happiest smile, “Besides, if you trifling the piano sound illusion, you want to damage my bloodline, then you look at me too much!”

dongdong dong!

Following the violent notes in the sky, Ye Fei suddenly burst into action and walked ten steps in a row. At this time, everyone could not feel his bloodline at all, but Ye Fei’s breath was not at all in the slightest. The weakened, but became stronger. Just like that, in the dull eyes of everyone, he strode to Xuantian Saintess’s side, and directly took off this Saintess’s light gauze hat, revealing a surprised pretty face.

“Shangluo, it really is you! Seeing your mouth open so big, don’t be surprised, take a bite of the spirit melon first to suppress the shock!”

While speaking, Ye Fei held him, Xuantian Saintess also took it out almost instinctively. She took a bite very proficiently. It was not until she took a bite that she reacted fiercely to what happened. Not only did she take it in public. I was molested by Ye Fei, and even ate the strange fruit handed over by a stranger.


A huge anger suddenly appeared on Saintess’s body, which made her suddenly want to jump up and kill Ye Fei on the spot, but not Ye Fei waved his hand domineeringly when she made her move. “You don’t need to thank you if you know you love to eat spirit melons. After I finish the matter, I will tell you the old story!”

After that, Ye Fei He quickly rushed down the altar, as if he was afraid that someone would run away. At this time, everyone finally noticed that the strong bloodline aura on Ye Fei’s body showed signs of being swallowed.

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