Obviously, Ye Fei’s judgment is true. The scene of the altar devouring the bloodline is only the Saintess of Xuantian, the strong illusion created by the use of the piano sound, but the illusion, the real terrifying, so that Heaven’s Chosen like Ouyang Changkong believed that it was true and did not dare to take risks. Instead, Ye Fei, with a fearless heart, directly ignored all difficulties and forcibly solved this illusion.

Understanding this point, Ouyang Changkong’s complexion is no longer blue, but purple in an instant. He stared at Ye Fei coldly, coldly said: “surnamed Ye’s , Count you cruel, let’s wait and see!” After finishing speaking, Ouyang Changkong will quickly turn around and leave this place that humiliated him. This time he came with confidence, thinking that he would be able to capture Saintess. Fang Xin, but it turned out to be a big ugly loss. Ouyang Changkong was trembling with anger, and even he had already decided. He turned around and led the people in the cold alliance to find Ye Fei to settle the accounts, and let Ye Fei step into the land of emptiness. No chance at all.

But Ouyang Changkong acted fast, and Wu Yue’s reaction was quicker. At this time, it seemed that Ouyang Changkong might drive off, so he directly held the dragon stick to block Ouyang Changkong.

Chapter 2693 fiercely humiliation

Chapter 2693 fiercely humiliation

“get lost! what thing are you, dare to stand in my way! Believing or not I slapped you ant to death!” Ouyang Changkong was angry, and someone acted recklessly and dared to stop him from leaving. He immediately slapped Wu Yue to death.

Just without waiting for Ouyang Changkong to do something, Chu Ling, who reacted, suddenly appeared next to Wu Yue, coldly said: “Ouyang Changkong, if there is a kind, you will shoot me to death!”

“Ouyang Changkong, don’t be impulsive, Chu Ling is our Sect Master Direct Disciple, absolutely nothing!” among the crowd. Zhang Heng didn’t expect in his dreams. Ouyang Changkong would lose. At this time, he must act on Chu Ling. He can only sound transmission quickly. Otherwise, if Chu Ling has something wrong, the crazy Sect Master Zhang Lang will definitely give him life. Torn, even Zhang Wangu can’t keep him.

Ouyang Changkong’s face became more ugly. It was not a shot, nor did he not. When he was embarrassed, Ye Fei finally quickly rushed down from the altar, Space Divine Ability, appeared directly Next to Wu Yue and Chu Ling, the three stood side by side, facing Ouyang Changkong and said, “Why, Ouyang Changkong, did you forget the gambling fight between us?”

“Yes, I remember Someone seems to have said that whoever loses will go under the other’s step.” Wu Yue deliberately said in a loud voice, this remark, and finally reminded everyone.

Ye Fei and Ouyang Changkong, there is also a gambling battle, originally this gambling battle, Ouyang Changkong deliberately humiliated Ye Fei, and proposed. At that time, no one was optimistic about Ye Fei, thinking that Ye Fei Gambling with Ouyang Changkong is inviting humiliation to oneself.

The attention of everyone just now was also focused on how Ye Fei dared to “mouse” Saintess in public, and shocked Saintess with some unknown fruit in his mouth, so that he forgot about it. Gambling, at this time, after Wu Yue’s loud voice reminded, everyone came to their senses.

“hahaha, there is a good show here. I originally thought that this gambling fight would be Ouyang Changkong’s humiliation to Ye Fei, but now it is the other way around.”


“Oh my God, the Vice Alliance Lord of the Cold Alliance is about to suffer the humiliation of being crossed. This may be the city of Taixu, the most explosive news.”

For a while, almost all All eyes were focused on Ouyang Changkong’s body, so that Ouyang Changkong’s purple face showed a trace of panic and pale, and he hated Ye Fei and Wu Yue even more in the bones.

Originally, he just wanted to slip away ahead of time when everyone was not paying attention, but he was blocked by Wu Yue and proclaimed it so loudly. If he keeps sullen and walks away, he will definitely lose his reputation and fall. An unbelievable stigma, but if he really, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, and endured the humiliation of being crossed, he would really have no face to come out to see people in the future.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Changkong finally reduced his anger, looked at Ye Fei coldly and said: “Ye Fei, I admit that there is such a small misunderstanding between us. If you are willing to follow If I reconcile, I promise that Hanmeng will not target you in the future. I will not interfere with your grievances with Lu Mohan. How about?”

In the face of possible humiliation, Ouyang Chang Kong finally decided to adopt some kind of tenderness to Ye Fei, but he was tender and aloof and remote, like charity.

I feel this person’s attitude, not to mention that the two sides have enmity, that is, there is no enmity, Ye Fei’s heart also has a anger, and when it rises, it is ignited, and immediately takes a cold step forward. Said: “What a little misunderstanding, this misunderstanding makes you indiscriminately, when you see me, you will kill me? Later, due to the blockade of Xuan Nvzong, you are not good to kill me face to face, and immediately raise the humiliation. You want to take the opportunity to insult me, not to mention, when your gambling fight fails, you not only want to sneak away, but also want to take action against Wu Yue and Chu Ling who blocked you. Could it be that these are in your eyes, It’s just a small misunderstanding?”

Ye Fei’s words are sonorous, like a sword sound, shaking people’s minds. In the past, they only saw the bright appearance of Ouyang Changkong, the Vice Alliance Lord, Huangtian Heaven’s Chosen’s identity, but did not notice that Ouyang Changkong is actually a loser.

“Unexpectedly, this Ouyang Changkong is actually such a person, because he gave birth to a good skin.” Many female disciples of Xuan Nvzong cast contemptuous eyes at Ouyang Changkong.

Ouyang Changkong’s expression turned red and white when he heard this remark. Almost at the moment when he lost his mind, Ye Fei moved a space and suddenly appeared in Ou’an Changkong. In front of him, he slapped directly in front of him, like a hurricane, fiercely slapped Ouyang Changkong’s face, only to hear a loud bang.

On Ouyang Changkong’s face, five fingers have been drawn out. An angry Ouyang Changkong, madly angry, was about to fight Ye Fei desperately when he jumped up, but soon he thought of something and tried to endure it. The crazy killing thought in my heart said: “Ye Fei, this slap, I think it has resisted the humiliation of the next step. In the future, I will return it to you in Ouyang Changkong!”

Ouyang Changkong’s expression has actually recovered his calmness. He turned around and left. Many martial artists have also been seen, secretly nodded. Although Ouyang Changkong slapped his horse this time and received a slap in the face, it is better than the shame of stepping down. That said, it can be tolerated.

Furthermore, after being slapped, Ouyang Changkong did not lose his mind in anger, but maintained a considerable demeanor. It also proved that Ouyang Changkong’s tolerance and out of the ordinary can be regarded as saving some face. .

But what Ye Fei wanted was to step on Ouyang Changkong, the last trace of face! Immediately, he stepped forward again and stopped Ouyang Changkong, “Stop, you can’t go yet!”

“Trash, I have given you a slap, what do you want?” Ouyang Changkong Angrily, he had already endured extremely, only to hold back his murderous intentions towards Ye Fei, to avoid others saying that he could not afford to lose.

Ye Fei turned out to be good, but now he dare to help him?

“Slap you in the face, just to save you from the humiliation of stepping down, but don’t forget, our gambling fight, in addition to the humiliation of stepping down, must stand still and endure the opponent once Attack!” Ye Fei said coldly. ,

This remark also caused everyone to be in an uproar again, Ye Fei, slapped not enough, and actually had to attack again, this is to completely offend Ouyang Changkong, Ouyang Changkong’s face , Instantly turned into pig liver color, and shouted in anger: “Ye Fei, don’t be too much!”

“I am too much, when you intend to insult me, you may think too much, when you Isn’t it too much to slip away, be blocked by my friend, and still have to take action? Take a step back and say, if I lose, how can you let me leave as simple as that?” Ye Fei’s words were shocking. Many martial artists are secretly nodded.

Ouyang Changkong can deny the loss. That is his rank and status. If Ye Fei loses and wants to leave so easily, it is almost impossible, and he will inevitably bear the real cross. The humiliation below becomes a stain for a lifetime.

Understanding this point, many people are subconsciously on Ye Fei’s side, which makes Ouyang Changkong’s face almost distorted, “rubbish, what else do you want?”


Without finishing the words, a heavy slap was slapped on Ouyang Changkong’s face again, and Ye Fei retracted his hand and said: “Not very good, just See if you are not pleasing to the eye and want to slap you twice. Now that I’m done, you can go away.”

Chapter 2694 Shangluo’s past

Chapter 2694 Shangluo’s past

“Now, you can roll!”

Ye Fei coldly said, pulled back, and returned to Chu Ling and Wu Yue. The crowd all around reflected it suddenly What happened? Ouyang Changkong was slapped twice in a row, or hit by the same person in a row. This is crazy. You know, Ouyang Changkong is not only the Heaven’s Chosen of the Emperor, but also the Vice Alliance of the Cold Alliance. Lord.

The Hanmeng is the city of Taixu, and the strongest group of young people, Heaven’s Chosen, is jointly formed. Ye Fei hit Ouyang Changkong in the face, and equivalent to beat the entire Hanmeng in the face.

Ouyang Changkong touched his beaten face, his face has been hideously distorted to a terrifying point, “surnamed Ye, you have a kind, these two slaps, Ouyang Changkong, must be hundreds of thousands times Give it back to you.”

I stared at Ye Fei for a few moments. Ouyang Changkong turned around and left. After all, this is the site of Xuannvzong. It would be wrong if he did it, but Ouyang Changkong He has grown so big and has never suffered such humiliation. If he can’t kill Ye Fei, it will be a stain for his life. So Ouyang Changkong immediately made a certain decision, moved towards the Hanmeng residence, and rushed away frantically .

Seeing this scene, many martial artists are secretly worried for Ye Fei. They are not fools. Naturally, they can see that Ouyang Changkong’s crazy departure like this will definitely not have good results. Maybe, as long as Ye Fei takes a step out of the residence of Xuan Nvzong, and the killing intent from Hanmeng will completely destroy Ye Fei.

Wu Yue and Chu Ling are also a little worried, “Ye Fei, are we doing too much in this way?”

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