“It seems a little underestimated this Junior Brother. Zhang Heng, can you find out, this Ye Fei is really only a 10-grade bloodline, and has no special relationship with Sect Master? “Zhang Wangu was a little confused. The tenth-grade bloodline, in some small areas, can be considered shocking and stunning, but in the Nine Big Sect of genius gathering, it is a bit mediocre.

But it’s such a mediocre discipline. It feels a bit evil to make Ouyang Changkong suffer such a big loss.

A flash of resentment and jealousy flashed across Zhang Heng’s face, and he said coldly and disdainfully: “Senior Brother, don’t worry, I have already inquired about the details of Ye Fei. He But he only has a tenth grade bloodline, but this person is a bit evil.”

“hmph, don’t worry about evil, as long as he doesn’t have a strong bloodline, then he is not worthy of me treating him as an opponent. Go and clean him up, Ouyang Changkong lost such a big face, he must hate Ye Fei’s bone!”

Zhang Wangu looked indifferent, with a gesture of planning strategies, but didn’t know, Ouyang Changkong was more than just I hate Ye Fei. When it spreads, Ouyang Changkong and Ye Fei are desperate. Almost on the 2nd day of returning to the Cold League, Ouyang Changkong began to gather the discipline, grandiose, and moved towards the small forces of the Cold League. The area was killed, causing a huge shock and noise.

Especially when Ouyang Changkong went straight to the stone house of the Ye Fei trio. Many martial artists were in a complete uproar. They knew that the matter was completely uproar. , Ouyang Changkong, it is clear that he wants to kill Ye Fei before he will give up.

“It’s a pity, this Ye Fei who didn’t to be trifled with, but went to provoke the Hanmeng. Isn’t this too long for my life?”

“It’s hard to say, Hanmeng though Strong, Ye Fei is not an ordinary person. He is the discipline of the Shenglongzong, and the strongest Heaven’s Chosen of the Shenglongzong has formed a heavenly alliance and faintly confronts the cold alliance.”

The martial artist inside, still faintly expecting, thinks that Ye Fei has caused such a big thing, as the peerless Heaven’s Chosen of the Thang Long Sect, Zhang Wangu will definitely intervene.

But soon, these people were disappointed, until Hanmeng, surrounded the stone house of the three Ye Fei, not to mention Zhang Wangu, there was no Thanglong sect disciple appeared. Come help Ye Fei.

In the stone house, Chu Ling’s hands and feet were cold, “Unexpectedly, Wan Senior Brother Gu is such a person. Fortunately, I have always admired him before.”

Ye Fei shook his head in a deep voice, “It’s better to rely on others than to rely on yourself! Chu Ling, Wu Yue, if I can’t resist, you don’t care about me, just leave.”

This is Ouyang Changkong’s grievance with him. He did not want to involve Chu Ling and Wu Yue.

Hearing this, Chu Ling’s eyes widened, “You drive me away, believing or not I will join Ouyang Changkong’s camp when I turn around!”

Wu Yue exaggerated: “Chu Ling Senior Sister, you wouldn’t be so cruel, or else, let’s run away together in advance.” He said it was an escape, but Wu Yue didn’t mean to move at all. Instead, he was full of intense fighting. intent.

Chapter 2696 Ouyang murderous intention

Feeling the determination of the two, Ye Fei couldn’t help but a flash of warmth, and immediately walked out of the stone house with Chu Ling and Wu Yue. Outside the stone house, there are already full of the disciplines of the Hanmeng, and all of them exude an aura of extreme danger.

Ouyang Changkong is standing in the forefront. At this time, with an attitude of looking down, standing arrogantly in the void, “Ye Fei, remember what I said, everything you did to me , I will give it back to you hundred thousand times! But this time, I will only target Ye Fei, Chu Ling, Wu Yue, you two. It’s too late to leave now.”

“Sorry, we will only Leave with Ye Fei.” Chu Ling’s attitude is very determined. Wu Yue also coldly sarcastically said: “The Hanmeng is also only this, it will only have more people and bully fewer people.”

“Fuck you shit! Our Hanmeng dealt with your Thang Longzong trash, but also Is it for a siege?” Ouyang Changkong gave Wu Yue a very indifferent look, then looked towards Ye Fei again, and said disdainfully: “Today, Ouyang Changkong led the Hanmeng to come, just to prevent you from being cowardly Flee! Ye Fei, yesterday you were in Xuan Nvzong, relying on a little cleverness to humiliate me, today, I will be in front of all my colleagues, let you know the fate of offending me!”

“Garbage, what are you waiting for? Don’t quickly roll up for a battle! If you dare to escape today, I will find out your relatives and friends one by one, and put them to death!” Ouyang Changkong’s eyes flashed an insult And vicious, today, he not only wants to defeat Ye Fei and wash away his shame, but he will not even give Ye Fei a chance to escape.

Hearing this remark, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly burned with anger, dragon has a reverse scale, touch it will certainly become angry, and relatives and friends are exactly where Ye Fei’s reverse scale lies. Ouyang Changkong dared to touch it, Ye Fei said nothing. Suddenly, his body disappeared in place, and then he appeared in front of Ouyang Changkong, which surprised many Hanmeng disciplines.

“It is actually space teleportation, no wonder this person dares to fight against my cold alliance!”

“Unfortunately, space teleportation is a weapon against the same battle strength. It is against Ouyang Vice Alliance Lord. That’s a joke.”

hong long!

The war drum roared, facing Ye Fei who charged up, and Ouyang Changkong’s hand, the strange war drum appeared again, following him Prompted by his profound strength, the war drum automatically burst out with a terrifying roar.

This roar shocked the hearts of martial artists. Many martial artists with weak minds felt the tingling pain from Divine Soul on the spot, and they couldn’t bear the terrifying drums of war, and this was just The aftermath of the war drum, at this time, most of the attack power of the war drum was concentrated by Ouyang Changkong, forming an invisible sound wave, fiercely strikes all around the space.

Ye Fei felt that the space he could move collapsed in an instant. Ouyang Changkong used a peculiar drum to break his Space Divine Ability, and his face also showed pride Sneered, “Without Space Divine Ability, let me see how you can resist my killing! Kill, the emperor’s trial!”

The whistling emperor’s sky erupted from Ouyang Changkong’s body and formed twelve lines. Sovereign Dao Divine Sword; form a peculiar sword array, moved towards Ye Fei and slay in rage.

Obviously, Ouyang Changkong knew that Ye Fei used a sword. At this time, he deliberately turned the sky into a sword, deliberately wanting Ye Fei to die under his Sovereign Dao Divine Sword, deliberately using sword dao , To insult Ye Fei.

As a sword repairman, Ye Fei naturally cannot tolerate this kind of behavior. The anger in his heart has turned into a terrifying murderous intention. On his body, the killing intent is boiling, but it is not at all shoots out the sword as everyone expected, but swings his fists, like one after another ancient star, with the power to smash the void, shattering all the sharp swords that the Emperor Ji Tiangang turned into.

“Why, Ye Fei is obviously the strongest sword dao, but he doesn’t use a sword?” Ye Fei’s stone house is not far from Xuan Nv Sect, and many of Xuan Nv Sect’s disciplines are alarmed Now, Huang Qiu Wushen is no exception. She was secretly worried for Ye Fei at one time, and even planned to ask Shangluo to act as Xuantian Saintess to see if Ye Fei could be kept.

But this battle at first was beyond many people’s expectations. One was Ouyang Changkong’s determination to avenge Ye Fei, and the other was that Ye Fei, the strongest Sword God in the world, didn’t use a sword. ?

“Why, don’t you draw a sword?” Ouyang Changkong’s face also couldn’t help but a strong anger appeared. He wanted to use sword dao to kill Ye Fei and humiliate Ye Fei, if Ye Fei didn’t use a sword, it would be meaningless.

“Kill you, why use a sword!”

Ye Fei’s answer shocked everyone’s minds, who is Ouyang Changkong, the Vice Alliance Lord of the Hanmeng, the Emperor second only To Lv Mohan’s Heaven’s Chosen, any martial artist will feel tremendous pressure when faced with it, and have to go all out, but Ye Fei actually said such a thing? Many people shook their heads secretly, feeling that Ye Fei was too big.

overestimate one’s capabilities!

Among the crowd, Zhang Heng made this indifferent evaluation. Ouyang Changkong could become the Vice Alliance Lord of the Hanmeng. How could it be so famous? Only when he heard Ye Fei’s words, Ouyang Changkong was completely angry. On his body, Huangji Tiangang became more terrifying, and similarly, there was a terrifying breath of Only I Am Supreme, which burst out of him. .

“Tiangang extinguishing soul!”

Ouyang sky, Tiangang boiling, suddenly condensed into a horrible divine spear, a whistling spear glow, piercing through a piece of void, banning Ye At the same time that Fei’s space moved, the body of Ye Fei was already moved towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is not afraid of fear. His body is also astral qi, but it is not Tiangang, but the unique dragon Gang of Shenglongzong. When these astral qi are gathered together, Ye Fei’s body seemed to be wrapped around a terrifying astral qi Divine Dragon, and then suddenly, it turned into two angry dragons, all wrapped around Ye Fei’s arm, not only shattered the Tiangang, but also with bare hands. Lived in Divine Sword stabbed by Ouyang Changkong.

“You are not worthy to shoot a sword in front of me!”


With the voice of Ye Fei, the Divine Dragon with both arms suddenly turned It is a mountain-sized, incomparable gigantic angry dragon with a magnificent head and imposing manner Ling Tian. Ouyang Changkong only felt a vast dragon power, surging forward, his imperial emperor Tiangang was completely shattered by the two angry dragons, and the corners of his mouth were also shaken with blood.

He came in a rage and wanted to step on Ye Fei to humiliate him to wash away yesterday’s humiliation, but instead of failing, he was suppressed by Ye Fei?

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