Ouyang Changkong was completely angry. Above his head, a layer of terrifying black light suddenly erupted from the war drum, like a terrifying wild beast, awakened from that drum, the huge roar broke the sky, let alone how much, cultivation The martial artist with a weaker base has a ruptured eardrum and his face is shocked.

But what is even more shocking is that Ye Fei did not retreat in the face of such a terrifying roar. His double fists actually sparked a kind of horrible rays of light that Wu Yue and Chu Ling had never seen before, directly Tore through the terrifying sound wave, and even moved towards that war drum, blasted past!

Chapter 2697 Prestige of Saint Dragon

Chapter 2697 Prestige of Saint Dragon

The birth of Sacred Dragon, brilliant!

These are Ye Fei’s double fists, just like Sacred Dragon roaring, roaring, seeming to be able to suppress all Dragon Races, and even more capable of breaking all powerful enemies. Ouyang Changkong’s drum of war is certainly very strong, especially It is this person who is proficient in rhythm, and can turn the rhythm into supernatural powers, and then release it through this battle drum. People in the same realm, few enemies, and slightly weaker ancestors may be injured.

But unfortunately, Ouyang Changkong faced Ye Fei this time. Even without a sword, Ye Fei’s punches were still terrifying. When his punches went out, everyone seemed to see Ye Fei, turned into a giant dragon that jumped into the air, Suppressing the Heavens and Earth, breaking Star Fragmentation Chen.

Only heard a thump, a huge explosion.

Under the horrified gaze of countless cold league disciplines, under the incredible gaze of Huang Qiu Wushen, Ye Fei, punched, broke the blue sky, broke the war drum, that side was made of unknown animal skins, In an instant, Ye Fei punched him through.

“This impossible, your Dragon Boxing promotion is nothing more than imaginary magical powers, how could you break my war drum!” Ouyang Changkong, madly angry If you know this war drum, but he Ouyang Family’s Race Protecting Treasure can resist the supernatural power without destroying it. This is also the reason why Ouyang Changkong dares to use the drums to force Ye Fei into Dragon Boxing.

But how did he know that Ye Fei did not perform Dragon Boxing, but Sacred Dragon boxing, even though Ye Fei at this time had not cultivated the Sacred Dragon boxing to Celestial Emperor’s magical powers. To the point, it is not comparable to Ouyang Changkong’s trifling’s supernatural powers. Trifling’s battle drum is naturally impossible to block Ye Fei’s killing.

One punch was not enough to smash the drums, and the other punch, already carrying the sky-shaking dragon, smashed into Ouyang Changkong’s body, it felt like he was fighting at this time, not one Human, but a noble and sacred giant dragon, Ouyang Changkong’s eyes are red, “Damn, I can’t be defeated, he is just a nameless pariah, I don’t believe it, I will be inferior to him! Bloodline, burn me! “

The huge anger and crisis made Ouyang Changkong dare not have any reservations. He has burned his bloodline. On his body, Huangji Tiangang has become stronger, and at the same time he has a huge blood axe. Condensed by his bloodline.

Then, the axe smashed into the sky and slashed at Ye Fei’s fists, as if wishing to chop off both Ye Fei’s hands, showing how violent the anger in Ouyang Changkong’s heart was.

Many of the previously eclipsed Han Alliance disciplines also showed the winner’s smile on their faces, “This is called Ye Fei’s a bit of ability, and it can actually force the Vice Alliance Lord to burn the bloodline.”


“Unfortunately, the gap in bloodline is not something this kind of ants can make up with magical powers. Once the Vice Alliance Lord bloodline comes out, the demon called Ye Fei will definitely die…”

“Ye Fei, you are not allowed to die. When you die, I will kill all the people related to you, whether it is your relatives or your woman!” dignified Vice Alliance Lord, dealing with a ten-grade bloodline The unknown person was actually forced to use the bloodline, and also lost the family Supreme Treasure, Ouyang Changkong, the hatred in his heart, has been burned to the apex, at this moment, he not only wants to kill Ye Fei, but also angers all and Ye Fei. The person concerned.

But I don’t know. In this case, Ye Fei’s reverse scale has been completely touched, “Originally, you and I didn’t hate you too much, and I didn’t want to kill you, but since you are such a threat, today, you You must die under my fist! Kill!”

Ye Fei’s fists shook the world. Ouyang Changkong’s words completely angered him. Ye Fei simply had no reservations, and fully displayed the power of the Sacred Dragon boxing, making Ye Fei at this moment like incarnation a real Sacred Dragon. Void roared, and with Ye Fei’s roar, a terrifying Sacred Dragon claw appeared in the sky and patted forward.

The expressions of Wu Yue and Chu Ling were immediately full of amazement. Among the crowd, Zhang Heng was incredibly stared wide-eyed, and their three people had been cultivated to Dragon Boxing, so naturally they knew that Dragon Boxing cultivation reaches its limit, it can trigger terrifying dragon seals and destroy opponents, but like Ye Fei, directly evolving Dragon Boxing into dragon claw, it is simply impossible to happen.

“No, your cultivation is definitely not to promote Dragon Boxing or Dragon Boxing, without your terrifying offensive power!” When I saw the terrifying dragon claw angered and photographed it, I easily shot him bloodline The condensed blood axe was smashed into pieces, and for the first time in Ouyang Changkong’s heart, there was a huge fear of Ye Fei.

You must know that his bloodline magic axe formidable power, but comparable to the ultimate formidable power of the imaginary magic power, and can destroy his blood axe so easily, he has only seen it once, that is Lu Mohan displayed the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers.

It’s just that, in Divine Sovereign Realm, you can master the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers. They are all bloodline’s amazing and peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Anyone is enough to suppress an era. Ouyang Changkong would never think of it. Ye Fei clearly The bloodline is mediocre. It’s a few blocks away from the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and it can be mastered. Only the peerless Heaven’s Chosen can master the Celestial Emperor magical powers.

Ouyang Changkong’s face suddenly showed a deep look of despair, the blood axe has been destroyed, and his other imaginary magical powers are basically impossible to be Ye Fei’s opponents.

Could it be that he is going to die here today?

“Don’t stop, all the Hanmeng disciplines, quickly stop this demon!” A sudden sound came out of the crowd. Although I don’t know where it came from, this reminder is still Let Hanmeng’s discipline wake up.

After all, Ouyang Changkong is the Vice Alliance Lord of the Hanmeng. If he was beheaded by an unknown person in public, the blow to Hanmeng’s reputation would be fatal.


Almost instantaneously, there were several strong auras in the cold alliance, and they joined forces to save Ouyang Changkong, but they were quick, Chu Ling and Wu Yue reacted quickly, Chu Ling’s Next to him, Xiao Guanglong roared and suddenly turned into a holy light dragon sword, and fell into Chu Ling’s hands. Chu Ling’s sword light swept away. The strong holy light had torn the void and blocked those few cold alliance disciplines. .

“If you want to fight my brother, I will pass Wu Yue’s level first!”

Wu Yue stepped into the void, stood with a stick, and quickly blocked the Han League, taking this opportunity , The giant Great Dragon Claw that Ye Fei evolved, finally moved towards Ouyang Changkong’s body and fell, but at this moment, Ouyang Changkong’s body suddenly burst out of a bright cold light armor, heaven and earth frozen, freezing the void, It actually blocked Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon mark for a short time.

The desperate Ouyang Changkong suddenly showed ecstasy on his face, “hahaha, Ye Fei, you are dead, you are really dead this time, Mo Han, help me kill him , Wash away my shame!”

Following the words of Ouyang Changkong, a powerful young man dressed in Chinese clothes and surrounded by ice and snow suddenly appeared in the distant sky. This young man is not someone else, it is The last peerless Heaven’s Chosen from Huangtian, Lu Mohan.

“Ye Fei, if you dare to kill Ouyang Changkong, I, Lu Mohan, I will definitely make you better than death!”

Chapter 2698 The dangerous Lu Mohan

Chapter 2698 Dangerous Lu Mohan

In the sky full of ice and snow, Lu Mohan walked out of the god-like silhouette of Lu Mohan, compared to when he was in Chu State, Lu Mohan’s body, imposing manner Even stronger, it seems that a certain kind of powerful transformation has taken place, making many martial artists present, when they see Lu Mohan, they feel a kind of extreme danger from their hearts.

This is also the first time for many martial artists to see Heaven’s Chosen, who can suppress the era. At this time, just by feeling this imposing manner, let everyone take their breath away, and then they can do it themselves. Inside, there is a feeling of awe.

At this time, in the face of Lu Mohan’s warning and in the face of the terrifying chill in the sky, did Ye Fei dare to take action and continue to kill Ouyang Changkong?

Ouyang Changkong’s face also showed the happiness and indifference of avoided a catastrophe, “What if you have a perception and learned the magical powers of the Celestial Emperor, as long as you don’t have a strong bloodline talent, you can only, Kneeling in front of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen like Mo Han! Now, you rubbish, don’t you let me go!”

Ouyang Changkong, his frightened expression became arrogant, and now Lu Mohan is coming strongly In the face of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen that can suppress the era, how can Ye Fei have the courage to shoot him and scared witless without being scared is not bad.

Seeing Lu Mohan, Ye Fei’s mind trembled slightly. In Lu Mohan of Chu State, there is absolutely no such dangerous feeling. No doubt, he has experienced the failure of Chu State. Not only did Lu Mohan not lag behind, he became stronger, but this person became stronger, he shouldn’t have given such a warning.

“In Chu State, I have never been afraid of you. Now, I am not afraid! Ouyang Changkong, do you know what the worst thing you did is, that is, you shouldn’t take mine Relatives and women are threatening me!”


Faced with Lu Mohan’s arrival, Ye Fei responded. He didn’t mean to stop. The huge Sacred Dragon’s claws have already fallen with all their strength. Not only did they take away the chill of the sky, but also He took Lu Mohan’s condensed ice armor into pieces, and under the armor, Ouyang Changkong was stared wide-eyed in amazement, looking at the dragon claw, tearing his body.

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