
Between Heaven and Earth, burst out a horrible bloodbath!

The generation of Heaven’s Chosen, Vice Alliance Lord Ouyang Changkong, was slapped to death by a claw in front of countless martial artists. This world became colder, as if there was a wind Roaring, wailing.

Many martial artists all stared at Ye Fei with incredible eyes. You must know that the one who issued the warning just now, but Lu Mohan, is enough to suppress a generation of peerless Heaven’s Chosen, the Alliance Leader of Hanmeng Lu Mohan.

The words of such a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, the entire Taixu City, who dares to easily violate, even other peerless Heaven’s Chosen, must be scrupulous, but Ye Fei, not only has no scruples, but also should In the face of countless people, fiercely slapped Lu Mohan with his own actions.

Ye Fei, ignoring the warning, killed Ouyang Changkong on the spot!

“Crazy, 80% of this Ye Fei is devilish. What kind of ability does he dare to pick out Lu Mohan’s tiger beard?”

“Here is a good show. Look, Ouyang Changkong is not only the Vice Alliance Lord of Hanmeng, but also Lu Mohan’s best friend. Now that his best friend is killed, it is still in front of countless people. This matter has completely caused a big deal…”

Swipe, countless eyes focused on Lu Mohan.

The disciplines of Hanmeng also looked towards Lu Mohan with horrified gazes, but saw Lu Mohan’s face, he was not sad at all because of Ouyang Changkong’s death, he was just angry, Angry Ye Fei, dare to ignore his words, dare to provoke his bottom line again and again!

“You, it’s over!”

It was just three words, but it exposed Lu Mohan’s killing intent and anger. Suddenly, the cold air in the sky turned into Han Gang, Han Gang formed thousands of cold knives, Tearing the Void, shattered the sky, suddenly came from all directions, moved towards Ye Fei.

“Kill, the dragon walks the world!”

Ye Fei double fists shining with the light of terrifying Sacred Dragon, killing Ouyang Changkong, he will never regret it, because he will not tolerate it Someone threatened his relatives. Similarly, facing Lu Mohan, he would not have any fear, because like Lu Mohan, he also had an invincible heart.

Even if bloodline is inferior to the opponent, even if his identity is inferior to the opponent, his fighting spirit will never be defeated!


I seem to feel Ye Fei’s heart of war, Ye Fei’s within the body, and the eyes of Sacred Dragon, all exuding a peculiar black and white rays of light, not only Enhances the formidable power of Ye Fei Sacred Dragon fist, while further suppressing the consciousness of the Void Serpent.

The cold triangular snake eyes of the Void Snake suddenly showed a strong and tyrannical color, “Damn, don’t go up, you won’t be his opponent…”


Heaven and earth trembled slightly. Upon closer inspection, it was actually Lu Mohan’s body that ignited a soaring bloodline Divine flame. With the explosion of bloodline power, Lu Mo Han’s cold knife became more and more terrifying. And this is what Lu Mohan has gained during his retreat during this period of time. He can actually use bloodline power to increase his Celestial Emperor magical powers!

If Ye Fei can release a layer of formidable power with the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers by relying on the perception, then under the powerful increase of bloodline, Lu Mohan can achieve this formidable power. , Once again promote a level.

Under the attack of the cold sword in the sky, Ye Fei suddenly felt that the Sacred Dragon claws he had condensed were shattered by the cold knife, and moved towards him with an angry slash. Ye Fei felt a terrifying chill, as if he was about to freeze his bloodline and Divine Soul completely.

In the eyes of Sacred Dragon, the serpent of the void has roared tyrannically. It is not concerned about the life and death of Ye Fei, but it was born in Ye Fei’s bloodline, so Ye Fei died, it also It will die halfway and lose the chance of incarnation to become a real snake of the void.

“Shut up, it’s so noisy!”

Suddenly, a huge roar suppressed the roar of the Void Serpent. It was Ye Fei’s roar. Facing this easily Ye Fei had to admit that the cold knife that rips the claws of Sacred Dragon apart is still huge compared to the Heaven’s Chosen in the oppressive era like Lu Mohan.

Especially the weakness on the bloodline, so that he can’t be more like Lu Mohan, he can use the bloodline to increase his magical powers, but this does not mean that Ye Fei can’t fight back and can only stand in place Wait to die!

The howling cold knife came in angrily. Ye Fei’s hand suddenly had a dark soul tripod. This was the Ghost God tripod that Ye Fei hadn’t used for a long time. The moment he took it out, the whole Ghost God Kanae shivered violently because of excitement.

“Ghost God tripod, give me suppression!”

Ye Fei screamed, two hands, already raised this Ghost God tripod, like a king lifting a tripod, Fiercely smashed the Ghost God tripod out, and violently collided with the howling cold knife.

Seeing this, Lu Mohan’s face suddenly showed a sneer of disdain, “Do you know where the biggest gap between you and me is? That is the bloodline! As long as your bloodline does not reach Grade 2 .Then you, you will always have to kneel in front of me and look up at my glory!”

Chapter 2699 Shangluo shots

Thousands of cold knives form terrifying ice and snow , Killing the Quartet, banging forward, Ye Fei was shocked to see that the Ghost God tripod, which can easily kill the ancestors, made a violent roar when facing Lu Mohan.

dang dang dang!

The god cauldron trembled, no matter how Ye Fei urged the bloodline and profound energy, the Ghost God cauldron still showed signs of being unable to withstand the terrifying cold knife. Lu Mohan’s face also showed a touch of certainty. Sheng smiled grinningly, “At the beginning, in Chu State, you should be a dead person. It’s cheaper for you to live so long, so you don’t break for me!”

Boom ka!

With the voice of Lu Mohan, the cold light in the sky suddenly condenses into a knife, like the emperor is angry and wants to judge the innumerable living beings. This is the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers, the emperor’s judgment!

When such a magical power strikes from the hands of Lu Mohan, it gives people the feeling that Lu Mohan, like the god and demon standing in the sky, can easily smash all beings in the world.

But what surprised everyone more was that the Ghost God tripod was not at all broken!

It’s not that it’s not broken, but Ye Fei suddenly merged himself with the Ghost God Cauldron. Facing Lu Mohan’s strength, he did not back down, but suddenly stepped on the Soul Cauldron and opened After the ghost Gate of the Gods, at the same time, a layer of purple-golden flame burned from Ye Fei’s body.

That is the Ancient God Golden Body, Ye Fei’s strongest defense method. At this moment, Ye Fei, together with the Ghost God tripod, are combined to form a joint defense, the Ghost God tripod and Purple Gold Tai Chi, At the same time, bright radiance broke out.

This rays of light collided with Lu Mohan’s cold knife again, and made a terrifying roar of void collapse. Everyone only saw that Lu Mohan’s cold knife cut the void. It collapsed, but still failed to kill Ye Fei with a single blow.

“This leaf demon, really strong defensive ability! His that tripod and golden body are not ordinary products!”

“The more terrifying thing is that this person’s hands, There is also a black pot of dragon Emperor Artifact evolution, and the defense is amazingly strong!”

Just like that, in the Ghost God tripod, Ancient God Golden Body, and Dragon Tortoise evolved dragon Emperor Artifact 3rd-layer defense Below, even Lu Mohan’s Celestial Emperor’s magical powers that burned the bloodline boost could not kill Ye Fei with one blow. Lu Mohan’s face suddenly showed a huge anger. At the beginning, he made Ye Fei. Fei ran once, which is a great shame. If Ye Fei can’t be killed at this time, he, the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, will inevitably suffer some criticism.


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