
When talking, Ji Feng’s expression is not only serious, but also faintly showing a mad dog. This is a man who will be stubborn to the end once he recognizes something. This kind of stubbornness is also the biggest headache of the Ji family.

In the discipline of Hanmeng, a look of shock appeared on many faces. They didn’t expect, Ye Fei, a nobody, how did they get the follow of the Young Master of the Ji clan.

After all, the status of the two sides is too far apart.

Even Lu Mohan was taken aback by Ji Feng’s words, but his murderous aura still hasn’t disappeared. After all, Prince Ji is powerful, but it’s still worse than the emperor behind him. After a while, even if the Ji royal family intervened, it could not stop his murderous intentions.

“Prince Ji, do you think that such a small number of people can block the revenge of my cold alliance? This person, in my presence, killed the Vice Alliance Lord of my cold alliance!”

Lu Mo pointed at Ye Fei coldly, and Ye Fei looked at Lu Mohan without letting him, coldly said: “That’s him damn it!”

At that time, Ouyang Changkong, Not only did he want to kill him, but he also uttered wild words and wanted to threaten his relatives. If he did not kill, how could the anger in Ye Fei’s heart be calmed?

And hearing this, the killing intent finally broke out on Lu Mohan’s body, “Very well, just with your words, don’t talk about the Ji family today, even if the ten ancient clans are together Save you, you are also impossible to live!”

“Ten ancient tribes? Lu Mohan, you are so big, do you know me Duanmukai?”

Suddenly, far away In the sky, a powerful young man who is not weaker than Lu Mohan stepped up here, beside Ye Fei, Wu Yue’s expression changed, “Duanmukai, Heaven’s Chosen of the top ten ancient tribes! How could he appear here? “

Ye Fei also looked towards Di Fan and Fu Renjie who came over, but they both explained with a wry smile: “According to the news revealed by Ji Feng’s grandfather, this time it’s too empty The trip was unusual. Therefore, the ten ancient tribes all formed alliances. The Alliance Leader of the Ji royal family is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen Duanmukai!”

Duanmukai appeared calmly, in one step From a very distant place, he appeared ten steps away from Lu Mohan, and said, “Lu Mohan, give me a face today. How about this person? After all, I can form an ancient alliance with the support of the Ji family. Inseparable.”

Lu Mohan’s face changed. To Royal Ji, he can ignore it, but to Duanmukai, who is also a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, he has to be cautious. After so hesitating for a while, he spoke indifferently, glanced at Ye Fei extremely coldly and said: “Okay, I will give you this face, but after all, he killed my Vice Alliance Lord. In the city, I can resist not killing. He, but he, absolutely can’t get out of Taixu alive!”

Although the Cold League is powerful, there are many forces that secretly want to remove the Cold League. Although Lu Mohan is angry, he is not stupid. At this time, both sides suffered from the ancient alliance, and the other forces were in vain.

“Yes, as long as you don’t kill him in the city. I don’t care about it, and I don’t care about it.” Duanmukai nodded and said, after all, he came out just because To further win over the Ji royal family. As for Ye Fei, a nobody, it is life or death, what is it to him?

Chapter 2701 Shangluo’s anger

When I heard this remark, both Di Fan and Fu Renjie’s faces changed. Ji Feng seemed to be dissatisfied. Just about to speak, Ye Fei gave Ji Feng a wink. After all, Ji Feng has helped him a lot. This time even Duanmu Kai from the peerless Heaven’s Chosen was invited out. If the trouble goes on, it will make it difficult for Ji Feng and the Ji royal family to do it.

As for Duanmukai’s ignorance of him, Ye Fei doesn’t care. After all, he is indeed different from the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and the grudge between him and Lu Mohan is not a Trifling Duanmukai, can resolve.

“But it won’t be long before I will catch up with these peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and then surpass them!”

I experienced two confrontations with Lu Mohan, even though both were at a disadvantage , But Ye Fei is not at all discouraged, but the heart in his heart becomes stronger, stronger and stronger, more and more eager!

Finally, after a few brief exchanges, Duanmukai and Lu Mohan left together, and many people who watched them were shocked. Fu Renjie’s expression also suddenly became gloomy, “Duanmukai’s move is very likely to promote the alliance between the ancient league and the cold league.”

“If he does, I will leave the ancient league. !” Ji Feng looked ugly. He asked Duanmukai to come forward to help Ye Fei. As a result, Duanmukai just made a few words of mediation, and then got entangled with Lu Mohan. This obviously ignored them, let alone Ji Feng’s anger. Even Chu Ling and Wu Yue showed dissatisfaction.

“Young Master, no, the formation of the ancient alliance, our royal family Ji has made great efforts, and currently occupy the seat of the Vice Alliance Lord. If we leave, wouldn’t the loss be too great?” The gods are all earnest and well-meant advised persuasion, and some even stared at Ye Fei dissatisfiedly, “If it weren’t for you, act recklessly repeatedly touched Lu Mohan, how can Young Master be affected by you?”

“Shut up, if you say this again, I will withdraw from the ancient league now!” Ji Feng’s expression, his face firm, “Ye Fei never hurt me, but I was always hurting him. .”

“But Young Master, just quit the ancient alliance like this. Have you ever thought about the loss of our royal family of Ji?” Another god of the royal family of Ji spoke, wanting to make Ji Feng change his mind, Ji The wind complexion changed and was about to get angry.

Ye Fei suddenly stopped him, “Ji Big Brother Feng, don’t be angry, they are also for your good! As for you, I know that you blame me, and you have troubled your Ji family, but you don’t know, Duanmu By doing this, Kay didn’t deliberately anger Ji Big Brother Feng, and then force him out of the ancient league, and also eliminate your Ji family’s influence on the ancient league?”

The talking king of the Ji family god’s face is just like Suddenly, even though he wanted to refute Ye Fei, he thought about it carefully. Duanmukai’s success in forming the ancient alliance relied on the Ji royal family to respond first, and also helped to lobby other more exclusive ancient tribes. After success, Duanmukai was also full of words. He promised to give Ji Feng the status of Vice Alliance Lord.

As a result, when Ye Fei was in danger and Ji Feng took the initiative to ask for help, Duanmukai not only arrived slowly, but also ignored the royal family of Ji and Lu. Mo Han walked away. The deep meaning of this is indeed worthy of scrutiny.

“Young Master, I will go back to the ancient league and question that Duanmukai! If he is really abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, my family of Ji will never tolerate it.” There is also a god, who refuses Believing Ye Fei’s words, he turned around and rushed to the ancient league.

Ye Fei also didn’t say anything. After all, everything he said was just speculation. Maybe he was wrong?

And compared to these, Ye Fei has another person who must be thanked, so he retreated in the Hanmeng and left. Ye Fei moved towards the direction of Xuan Nvzong, shook his hands and said: “many thanks Saintess Let’s help!”

“Young Master Ye, you don’t have to be polite, I just had a feeling in the heart and I just played the piano.” In the sky, Shangluo held an ancient zither and looked very calmly. With Ye Fei, Ye Fei is a little melancholy. For example, now Saintess, he still prefers the unearthly appearance of Shangluo before and doing bad things with him.


Fu Renjie and Di Fan also looked at the void with surprise, but before they waited for more to say, Ye Fei had already shook his head and said, “You admit your mistakes. This is Xuantian Saintess of Xuannvzong, Saintess. These are my two friends, Fu Renjie and Difan.”

Shangluo looked strange, watching these three people stand together, she always felt There is a familiar feeling, I can’t help but curiously asked, “Weird, have we seen it before?”

“Absolutely never seen! Saintess, don’t worry about it, by the way, I gave you the spirit melon Is it delicious? If you like it, I have some more here.” Ye Fei interrupted hurriedly. After all, the soul of Shangluo is hurt by heaven and earth. If the memory is aroused, it would be very wrong.

Shangluo’s expression could not help but become more weird. He suddenly turned and left, no longer talking to Ye Fei, only when his back was about to disappear, only three words came into Ye Fei’s ears.

“It’s ugly!”

Hearing this, Ye Fei just secretly laughed. This Shangluo’s temperament has changed, but the taste has not changed. Ye Fei immediately planned to take the spirit of the body Take out all the melons and hand them to Xuan Nvzong’s female disciple. As a result, Ye Fei’s face turned black as soon as his hand reached halfway.

But when he saw the spirit melon he put into the beast seal space, it was gnawed away, and there was a big black turtle patted his stomach, where he hiccuped, Ye Fei suddenly There was an urge to wake Xiaocao and beat Dragon Tortoise.

“Dahei, why are you stealing the gourd!”


Dragon Tortoise lifts the head very surprised, erecting a block The brand looked at Ye Fei innocently. Didn’t you say that this spirit melon is too unpalatable after being left for a long time, so it can’t bear to waste it. It’s very hard to eat it all?

Dragon Tortoise feels inexplicably wronged.

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