Ye Fei has the heart to vomit blood, and can only say to the female disciple of Xuan Nvzong embarrassingly: “Sorry, please go back and tell Saintess, I don’t have the spirit melon temporarily. After a while, I will send it to her again.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei became more ashamed and could not continue to stay in Xuan Nvzong, hurriedly ran out again, but relived with Fu Renjie, Emperor Fan and the others. , And this time, not only Fu Renjie and Difan, but also the two siblings of Bai Shizhong and Bai Yanran, they also came, but they are currently in retreat, digesting the opportunity obtained from the Ancient Sect site. .

Ye Fei only then realized that when he left the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue, Emperor Fan and the others met together and once again entered the Ancient Sect site discovered by Emperor Fan. In it, many fortuitous encounters were obtained, and it was only then that they broke through all the way and broke through the gods.

Of course there are some Ye Fei doesn’t know.

For example, when Ye Fei left Xuannvzong speechlessly, he didn’t know that there was a Saintess inside Xuannvzong who waited eagerly for someone to offer the spirit melon. However, after waiting and waiting, and still not waiting for the spirit melon to be offered, Shangluo immediately became angry, and hurriedly called the Xuannvzong’s recipe to inquire, and then realized that Ye Fei hadn’t given anything and left directly.

In Shangluo’s heart, there was a sudden urge to trample Ye Fei to death on the spot, and his fists snapped and said: “Surnamed Ye, you have a kind, if you can’t kill you, great aunt won’t It’s Shangluo!”

Chapter 2702 Putting on blame?

“Zhang Heng, what are you talking about, this time Ye Fei didn’t die in Lu Mohan’s hands, so he escaped another catastrophe?”

The Tianmeng station, Zhang One piece of the eternal complexion ashen, but due to the Thang Long school discipline and the rules of the same sect slaughter one another, Zhang Wangu couldn’t show his face. He went to Ye Fei to settle the account, only to learn that Ye Fei turned peril into safety again this time, Zhang Wangu There was still a very uncomfortable feeling in Zhang Heng’s heart, until Zhang Heng told him again that Lu Mohan had already said that Ye Fei would definitely not survive too much, and Zhang Wangu was more comfortable.

“Zhang Wangu, you immediately take this precious gift and go to Hanmeng to see Lu Mohan. You might as well tell him directly that I hate that Ye Fei!”

Not to mention that Ye Fei was personally taken back to the clan by the sect, which made Zhang Wangu feel unhappy. Because of the close relationship between Chu Ling and Ye Fei, he could not tolerate it.

After all, to get Chu Ling’s heart, and then through Chu Ling’s relationship, to obtain the next Sect Master of Shenglongzong, but Zhang Wangu until now’s pursuit.

“haha, Alliance Leader, don’t worry, this time I promise to get things done properly.”

If you talk about the hatred of Ye Fei, Zhang Heng is better than Zhang Wangu went deeper, and immediately took a few valuable gifts, and Zhang Heng once again took advantage of the night and rushed to the station of Hanmeng.

Just walking, Zhang Heng suddenly realized something was wrong. Behind him, there is always a silhouette with his head down, following him silently, and the martial artists around are also coming The less, suddenly, Zhang Heng seemed to understand something. He began to accelerate, trying to rush out of this remote alley, but he was faster, and the black shadow following him was faster.

Almost as soon as Zhang Heng was accelerating, the black silhouette had suddenly disappeared in place and stood in front of Zhang Heng abruptly.

“It’s you!”

Zhang Heng screamed in horror, because this silhouette is impressively dressed in a black purple gold gown, which is obviously Ye Fei’s usual attire, Zhang Heng suddenly yelled surprised and angry, “Ye Fei, what are you going to do, I am also the Thang Long School discipline, if you act against me, Wan Senior Brother Gu……”


In the black shadow’s mouth, there was a fierce sound. Suddenly a terrifying Purple Gold fist, moved towards Zhang Heng and smashed out. Zhang Heng’s scared the soul flew away and scattered, almost subconsciously. , Has screamed in the direction of Tianmeng: “Wan Senior Brother Gu, save…”


A punch directly caused Zhang Heng’s head to burst. Heavenly Palace and Divine Court collapsed in an instant, but not far from the Heavenly League, Zhang Heng’s long roar still shocked Zhang Wangu. A Divine Consciousness stretched over in an instant, but unfortunately it was still a step too late. What Zhang Wangu saw was a headless corpse and the flash of purple-gold rays of light.

“Zhang Heng!”

In the Tianmeng, Zhang Wangu’s eyes instantly turned red. Zhang Heng is not only his right hand man, but also his clan who grew up. , Worshipped into the Shenglongzong with him, and did some unseen things for him.

It can be said that Zhang Wangu has already thought of Zhang Heng as part of his body, but now, Zhang Heng has been killed by someone, or he is outside of his heavenly alliance. .

The anger in Zhang Wangu’s heart can be imagined, especially the purple-golden silhouette that flashed away, which instantly reminded Zhang Wangu of a person.

“Ye Fei, it must be him, he must have killed Zhang Heng, the damn ant, do you think you can get revenge on me like this? This will only make you die faster!”


Suddenly a boiling killing intent appeared on Zhang Wangu’s body. Although Thang Longzong prohibits mutual killing among the disciplines, this time it was Ye Fei who took the lead. If he shot Zhang Heng and killed Zhang Heng, he would not need to follow this rule anymore.

Almost at the same time when Zhang Heng died, Zhang Wangu, who was furious, already moved towards the stone house where Ye Fei was located, and killed him. At this time, inside the stone house, Ye Fei was still in the white period, Difan and the others drank and told each other their experiences.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the killing intent, not only Ye Fei was stunned, but Chu Ling and Wu Yue also showed surprise, “What’s the matter, could it be that Lu Mohan is going to eat his own words, and now he will attack and kill? Ye Fei?”

“It should not be possible. There is news from the Ancient League. At this time, Lu Mohan and Duanmukai should still be discussing the matter of joining hands in the land of emptiness.” Ji Feng Shaking his head, although he withdrew from the ancient alliance, the influence of the Ji family in the ancient alliance is still there. You can know the movements of Lu Mohan and Duanmukai in advance, but since it is not Lu Mohan, who will release the killing intent?

Even Ye Fei is a little confused. Chu Ling, who was standing with Bai Yanran, suddenly thought of something and lost her voice: “No, this seems to be the breath of Wan Senior Brother Gu!”

“Ye Fei, you are betraying the The traitor of the sect door hasn’t come out to die, die, die, die…” Outside the stone house, Zhang Wangu did not hide his aura at all, in order to let others understand that he killed Ye Fei was not jealous. And must be in order to revenge Zhang Heng, Zhang Wangu roared his voice exceptionally loudly.

Almost the entire area of ​​the small forces was alarmed.

Shangluo, who was also upset in Xuannvzong afterwards, was also alarmed. When he heard that Zhang Wangu had come to kill Ye Fei, Shangluo’s expression became even more weird, “Strange, this guy How is it like a catastrophe, other martial artists may not be able to provoke a peerless Heaven’s Chosen in their lifetime, but this guy is a good one, and he provokes three of them every other time!”

In the stone house, Ye Fei I was also very puzzled. He and Zhang Wangu didn’t seem to have too deep animosity. They were still the same sect. Why did Zhang Wangu suddenly kill him and even ask him to die?

But when the old friends met again, they encountered such a bad thing. Ye Fei’s expression remained cold. He immediately walked out of the stone house and looked at Zhang Wangu who came in the void and said: “Zhang Wangu, miss you It’s also the same sect, I’ll call you Senior Brother, I just refuse to join your Celestial League, why did you murder me?”

“The devil, Hugh, just you! This kind of rubbish is just kneeling down and begging. I don’t bother to let you join the Celestial League. It must be because I refused to let you join the Celestial League. You hold a grudge. That’s why I took advantage of the night and killed Zhang Heng. Today, I will We must eradicate your traitorous demon on behalf of the sect!”


When talking, Zhang Wangu’s body had already exploded with the most terrifying murderous intention, and he had to rush at any time. Coming down, beheaded Ye Fei, only to hear this, whether Ye Fei, Chu Ling, Wu Yue, all were stunned.

Chu Ling was even more disappointed with Zhang Wangu: “Wan Senior Brother Gu, you have disappointed me too much. Today, Ye Fei is here all day, drinking and chatting with us, how can When I have time, I run to kill Zhang Heng. I, Chu Ling, can prove it with a blood oath!”

“I can prove it by the royal family of Ji!” Ji Feng also spoke, and then Difan, Fu Renjie, and at the same time Step forward and say: “We can also prove it!”

“What, Zhang Heng is dead, Zhang Wangu, can you please plant a frame of money, and show some sincerity, OK? Who doesn’t know about the entire Thang Long Sect? Zhang Heng is the most powerful dog around you. Would you be willing to let Zhang Heng die? Just to frame Ye Fei?” After hearing this, Zhang Wangu said nothing, just clapped his hands. A bloody body had fallen in front of Wu Yue, and beside the corpse, there was a complete dragon corpse, which was Zhang Heng’s favorite!

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