“Zhang Heng, is he really dead?”

Chapter 2703 does not recruit

Zhang Heng actually died, and the way he died , I was still hit and headshot!

It’s no wonder that Zhang Wangu is so angry. After all, Zhang Heng is his right-hand man. Now that he is dead, he is not only a provocation to the Tianmeng, but also a personal provocation to Zhang Wangu. Not angry.

“Ye Mo, I want to meet people in my life, died, then must see the corpse. Now Zhang Heng’s corpse is here. I, Divine Consciousness, also saw it with my own eyes. It was a Purple Gold rays of light. Silhouette, killed Zhang Heng, and that silhouette, the clothes you wore, are exactly the same, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t dare to admit that you killed someone, and you also colluded with Chu Ling Junior Sister and Prince Ji to protect you! “

Speaking of this, the killing intent on Zhang Wangu’s body has become more and more violent, the killing intent distributed by the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, even this void, has become much colder, and he took a deep look at Zhang Ye Fei didn’t say anything about Heng’s corpse. He just strode forward and looked at Zhang Wangu indifferently: “If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it! Zhang Wangu, if you want to fight, I will fight, but Zhang Heng , I really didn’t kill it!”

“Impudent, you ant, do you think my Divine Consciousness will be wrong?”


The terrifying dragon roar resounded, and behind Zhang Wangu, a huge True Dragon appeared. The True Dragon suddenly turned into a terrifying dragon divine spear and fell into his hands, ruthless stabbing. Ye Fei.

Wu Yue and the others’ complexion changed, Ye Fei’s nerves were also tense. This is already the second peerless Heaven’s Chosen he has faced, but for this level of Heaven’s Chosen, he still There is a certain gap, if Zhang Wangu had Lu Mohan’s methods, he might not be an opponent.

But not an opponent does not mean that Ye Fei will shrink back, especially when he is being framed by others at this time!


Suddenly, in the sky, there was a piano sound, which calmed the anger in Zhang Wangu’s heart and prevented the fight. It was Shangluo who shot , This made Zhang Wangu’s face extremely ugly, “Xuantian Saintess, my Heavenly League and Xuannvzong have no grievances, why are you blocking me?”

“You want to fight, you can Go to fight in other places. This is where my Xuannvzong resides, not your battlefield. Moreover, Zhang Wangu may have been used by others. Although I don’t know how Zhang Heng died, he was definitely not taken by Ye Fei. Kill, because Ye Fei has been in the stone house all day and didn’t go out. Not only our Xuannvzong can prove it, but also the members of your Heavenly League.”

Shang Luo’s hand suddenly pointed to a person in the crowd. That person was originally mixed in the crowd to watch the excitement. He didn’t expect to be called out of identity by Shang Luo. His face changed suddenly, but before he left, he suddenly joined together. A charming voice came into his ears, “Little Elder Brother, please tell us, what is your purpose for wandering in the vicinity, how long have you been here, and what have you seen?”

The Tianmeng discipline, my mind is looking at Shangluo in a daze, subconsciously replied: “Don’t get me wrong, Saintess, I am a member of the Tianmeng, but like Zhang Heng, I have been ordered by the Alliance Leader. Come and watch Ye Fei. And when you enter this area from Ye Fei, I have been following in secret.”

“Then you saw Ye Fei, did you leave?” Shangluo continued to ask, the disciple eyes blank. Shook his head and said: “No, Ye Fei has not left.”

“Why did that Zhang Wangu send you to monitor Ye Fei?” Chu Ling was the one who was questioning this time, because she was still confused by Shangluo’s piano sound The person also continued to replied: “According to Zhang Heng, the Alliance Leader wants to use…”


This person hasn’t finished speaking, Zhang Wangu He couldn’t listen anymore, and his eyes flashed with a panic. He didn’t expect that Shangluo Hui helped Ye Fei in this way, and he almost leaked his secrets against Ye Fei.

Zhang Wangu immediately gave up on Ye Fei’s killing intent. The powerful True Dragon behind him rushed to the Celestial League discipline in an instant, and a dragon tail slammed it over, and the man was already spitting blood. After being photographed on the spot, he passed out and was picked up by Zhang Wangu, and rushed into the void again.

“Junior Brother Ye, today’s matter, it’s me, Meng Lang, when I look back, I will apologize to you again.” Zhang Wangu turned away without looking back, his heart was full of anger and aggrieved. He came in a rage and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Ye Fei and avenge Zhang Heng, but in the end, not only was he plot against, he almost made a fool of himself.

Zhang Wangu’s anger is enough to ignite the void.

Many martial artists also looked at Ye Fei with surprised eyes. This is already the third peerless Heaven’s Chosen who has come to their small power area, and they all come for the same person. I have to say, this Ye Fei is really evil.

Ye Fei’s heart can only be described as depressed. Then he thought of something. Looking at Zhang Wangu’s leaving back, a cold light flashed, “From the moment I entered this area , Just send someone to follow me, this Wangu, what do you want to do?”

“Ye Fei, I am a little skeptical, our conflict with the Hanmeng seems to have the shadow of Zhang Wangu.” Wu Yue’s expression It is very solemn. After all, Ye Fei and Hanmeng conflicted twice. Wu Yue found that Zhang Heng was onlookers, and he had an expression of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. Moreover, Zhang Heng was killed and Zhang Wangu was not even think. Ye Fei did it, which is too coincidental.

Wu Yue’s reminder also made Ye Fei’s expression more indifferent. Only Chu Ling still couldn’t believe it, “It shouldn’t be, we Shenglongzong, but the same sect slaughter one another is strictly prohibited, why would Senior Brother Gu target Ye Fei?”

“Stupid girl, it’s not for you. With such a beautiful woman Fairy as you, I want to win love after changing me. It’s better to press someone on the ground and trample to death.”

I didn’t eat the spirit melon, Shangluo’s grievances were very deep, and as soon as she came up, she fanned the flames. Chu Ling’s face was blushing and she hurriedly distanced herself from Ye Fei. Even Bai Yanran used one Looking at Ye Fei with weird eyes.

Ye Fei’s face was so dark that he couldn’t help but fiercely glared at Shangluo and said: “Why, a spiritual melon is not enough to eat, and I want to have another one?”

“Come on! Come, great aunt, I’m afraid of you!” Shangluo glared back almost subconsciously, with a look of expectation on his face, seeing the female disciple of the Xuannvzong who followed them dumbstruck one after another.

In the end, Shangluo herself reacted violently. She obviously met Ye Fei twice. It was so natural that she became so familiar with each other. She almost forgot the style of Saintess. As if to flirt with Ye Fei, Shang Luo’s face suddenly became cold, too lazy to look at Ye Fei again, holding the ancient zither gracefully, turning around and leaving.

Only when passing by Ye Fei, the elegant Xuantian Saintess stepped on Ye Fei’s instep, and Ye Fei couldn’t help taking a breath.

In Shangluo, although memory is suppressed, this profiteer nature, which would rather die than suffer, has not changed at all.

“Also, who is pretending to be me, killing Zhang Heng, and setting the blame on me?”

Chapter 2704 Powerhouse Gathering

Ye Fei Zhang Wangu couldn’t figure it out even more. However, Zhang Heng was not only a member of the Tianmeng, but also Zhang Wangu’s right-hand man. His death, whether it was as the Alliance Leader of the Tianmeng or the First Senior Brother of the Dragon Sect, Zhang Wangu had to express his opinions.

After discovering that Ye Fei was not the murderer, Zhang Wangu quickly targeted Lu Mohan of Hanmeng with the target of suspicion. After all, he framed Ye Fei first and sent Zhang on purpose. Heng went to Hanmeng and revealed Ye Fei’s information. As a result, Ouyang Changkong was killed, and it was possible for Lu Mohan to anger the Heavenly League.

For this reason, Zhang Wangu also personally went to Hanmeng to ask for an explanation. A battle with Lu Mohan caused a sensation in the entire Taixu City. After all, this is the first time that there is a peerless Heaven’s Chosen. , Before entering Taixu, they were fighting each other.

Furthermore, this fight ended with Zhang Wangu’s fiasco. Because this time against Zhang Wangu, in addition to Lu Mohan, there is also Duanmukai. These two people not only formed a certain The degree of offensive and defensive alliance made Zhang Wangu feel even more embarrassed. Duanmukai didn’t come out to testify until they completely suppressed him. When Zhang Heng died, the ancient league and the Hanmeng disciples actually met together, and there were many The prince of the ancient country was invited.

Lu Mohan even coldly told Zhang Wangu that if he wanted to kill Ye Fei, he didn’t need to use this method of framing, because if ten Ye Fei added up, he could have one. Clap to death with one hand.

This remark, like a hurricane, swept across the entire Taixu city. When people were shocked by Lu Mohan’s strength, they would inevitably feel deep sympathy for Ye Fei who provoke Lu Mohan. .

An unknown person, who thinks he is a bit talented, goes to provoke the peerless Heaven’s Chosen who stands at the top of the times. This is not courting death, what is it? So before stepping into the land of Taixu, in the eyes of many people, Ye Fei’s ending seems to be doomed, either in the hands of Lu Mohan or in the hands of those who want to make friends with Lu Mohan.

“It seems that Ye Fei, this time entering the land of the emptiness, is really bode ill rather than well. By the way, Mother Ying, what did Ye Fei react to when he heard this news? “

In Xuannvzong, Shang Luo asked curiously. Next to her, there was an old woman with wrinkled skin and white hair, very gloomy, but very trusted by Shangluo. Just when I heard Shangluo asking about Ye Fei’s current situation, the look of the old woman inevitably showed a strange look, and she shook her head and said: “His Royal Highness, this kid is very calm, because he has been cultivation in the stone house, never before. Come out.”

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