Knowing that surrendering this Vermilion Bird is good for Ye Fei. This time Xiaocao bit his finger and released a drop of blood essence. Ye Fei then bounced that drop of blood essence to Golden Vermilion. Bird, the entire ring, resounded with the excited cry of the Golden Vermilion Bird, the long beak, impatient, swallowed that drop of blood essence, and soon a layer of golden Vermilion Bird burned. Special golden flame.

The flame was even more domineering than Vermilion Bird’s previous Heavenly Fire flame. It actually broke all the thunderbolt chains entwined with it, and immediately, a terrifying ancient Prestige of Sovereign, from the golden Vermilion Bird’s body was released.

“Finally, this Old Ancestor got rid of the damn ancient god’s seal!”

The golden Vermilion Bird is very fierce. The moment of getting out of trouble, it seems to be for thousands of years. The repression, the resentment that was refined into the formation spirit, all vented, but it was not waiting for it to vent. Xiaocao had already taken a ka-cha, and took a bite of the soul crystal of the Vermilion Bird Array. The little face also showed a delicious and contented look.

And the golden Vermilion Bird uttered a mournful scream. It was high-spirited and vigorous just now, but now it’s like chicken plague. The entire Vermilion Bird spirit is shiver coldly looking towards Ye Fei He Xiaocao’s eyes were full of anger and a hint of fear, “What are you going to do, this Old Ancestor has agreed to acknowledge allegiance to you, what else do you want to do?”

Chapter 2718 The Road to Inheritance

Chapter 2718 The Road to Inheritance

“I don’t want to do anything, I just want to try this soul crystal, it doesn’t work.” Ye Fei said lightly, after all, this golden Vermilion Bird One is very aggressive when it comes out, and Ye Fei naturally has to use corresponding methods to let Vermilion Bird understand what its current situation is.

The face of Golden Vermilion Bird showed a trace of anger and unwillingness. The helpless soul crystal is already in Ye Fei’s hands. As long as Ye Fei is willing, he can let it the soul flew away and scattered at any time. The golden Vermilion Bird can only bow his head and say: “Human Race kid, you are cruel! You don’t want to enter The golden door? Come with me now.”

When talking, this golden Vermilion Bird has opened the real golden door, and then turned into a fist sized little red The bird was about to fly to Ye Fei’s head to stand, but Xiaocao saw the little red bird burning with flames of feathers, his eyes were shiny, and he moved towards the little red bird and grabbed it.


Ye Fei couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Xiaocao, this bird is handed to you. If it causes trouble, you can use Divine Beating Whip, fiercely taught it!” Then, Ye Fei raised his foot and walked into the gate of gold. The grass also caught the little red bird that the golden Vermilion Bird turned into, and returned excitedly Beast Seal Space, began to study how to make Little Red Bird fun.

The ancestor of the dignified Vermilion Bird, but it was reduced to a toy in the hands of a little girl. It was a golden Vermilion Bird, and could not help shed tears of regret, hurriedly shouted: “Let the ancestor go out, otherwise , This Old Ancestor will never tell you the secret of too virtual.”

“If you don’t tell the secret of too virtual, then don’t think of the grass letting you out.” Ye Fei’s face , There was a simple smile, but these four smiles made Golden Vermilion Bird feel unspeakable, and immediately could only tell the secrets he knew obediently and honestly.

The look of the golden Vermilion Bird is very serious, “The land of the emptiness, there is the inheritance of the ancient Celestial Emperor! It is said that whoever can find this inheritance will get the chance to be promoted to the Celestial Emperor!”


“What did you say, Celestial Emperor?”

Ye Fei was taken aback; you know, an ancient god, in Heaven Realm, is already a god-like existence. The Celestial Emperor, the ancient god is stronger, how terrifying should it be?

The Golden Vermilion Bird said that there is actually the inheritance of Celestial Emperor!

How is it possible?

“If there is Celestial Emperor inheritance, the Sacred Domain sect has already exhausted all the power of the sect and has come to fight for it. How can we let the gods and juniors experience here? You lie to me!” Ye Fei’s face suddenly became a little gloomy.

The golden Vermilion Bird said angrily: “This Old Ancestor’s soul crystal is held in your hand, how can you deceive you! Too empty, there is indeed Celestial Emperor inheritance, and it is better than the Sacred Domain sect Any Celestial Emperor is terrifying existence! It’s just that this Celestial Emperor is too powerful. The Heavenly Palace he left behind, even the Celestial Emperor of the same realm, cannot be broken. It can only be broken by the juniors of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Only through the inheritance test left by this Celestial Emperor can you obtain a key to enter the Celestial Emperor’s palace! You think that the Sacred Domain sect is too open to select talents. In fact, this is just the Sacred Domain sect. Use you to obtain The key to Celestial Emperor Palace!”

The words of the Golden Vermilion Bird completely overturned Ye Fei’s perception of the Sacred Domain sect and Taixu. He didn’t want to believe the words of the Golden Vermilion Bird, but today’s The golden Vermilion Bird, even his life is in his hands, there is simply no need to use this kind of thing to deceive himself, Ye Fei suddenly felt a little confused.

“The journey of Taixu actually hides the truth. However, since this is the inheritance road set by the ancient Celestial Emperor, why is there an assessment of the Sacred Domain sect in it?” Ye Fei is a little puzzled.

After all, whether it is the front light bridge or the current golden arena, this is obviously the Sacred Domain sect, a test set by the ancient gods, and has nothing to do with the path of inheritance.

Golden Vermilion Bird hearing this sneered: “hmph hum, this is the cunning place of the Sacred Domain sect. If they don’t set a few tests in front, then there is news of Celestial Emperor inheritance here. Isn’t it well known anymore? It’s important to know that the Sacred Domain sect also has competition, kid, what else do you want to know, do you want this Old Ancestor to tell you all.”

Golden Vermilion Bird, quack laughed and listened. Ye Fei couldn’t help feeling like have one’s hair stand on end. As the saying goes, the more you know, the faster you die. Celestial Emperor’s inheritance is certainly important, but his life is undoubtedly even more important!

Ye Fei thought for a while, and decisively stopped asking more, just kept walking forward, walking like this for about one hour. Suddenly, in the sky in front, huge blocks appeared unexpectedly. In front of the floating islands, there is an old stone tablet, but most of the writing on it has been deliberately erased, leaving only a few faint old words that even Ye Fei does not recognize.

Ye Fei’s heart suddenly moved, and solemnly asked: “Senior, what is in front of this?”

“ga ga, kid, you can listen carefully, the previous test, It’s just the Sacred Domain sect, a concealed pediatric method. From now on, it is the opening of the true inheritance road. The nearest inheritance Ancient Road is called blood refinement road. If you can walk through this Ancient Road, you can Obtain a divine object of heaven and earth and strengthen your bloodline!”

The golden Vermilion Bird makes Ye Fei very moved. The biggest gap between him and the peerless Heaven’s Chosen is his own bloodline. If so, there is something Planting a divine object of heaven and earth can improve his bloodline level. This is definitely Ye Fei yearn for something even in dreams!

“Dare to ask Senior, how can I pass the test of this blood refinement road?” Ye Fei solemnly asked, he has decided that he must go through this blood refinement road!

The golden Vermilion Bird is solemnly replied: “It’s very simple. After entering, you will meet the ancient Celestial Emperor. The various puppets set up can only defeat those puppets and you can pass the test. , Otherwise, you die! So, if you can fight, you can fight, and you can’t fight, just return! After all, inheritance is important, but our life is even more important.”

In this piece of in the sky, except for that In front of the bloodstone monument, there are more than a dozen void light bridges, which extend to different voids, but these light bridges are more ancient and mysterious than the light bridge opened by the Sacred Domain sect.

In Ye Fei’s heart, he finally began to believe that the two previous tests are really just the means of the Sacred Domain sect to hide the ears. Obviously, these light bridges in front of them are the way to inheritance. Start! It is also the beginning of the rise of many martial artists!

Looking at the more than ten void light bridges with some dignity, Ye Fei finally lifted his foot and moved towards the stone tablet that was closest to him and was also engraved on the blood refinement road, and walked over.


When Ye Fei crossed the stone tablet and walked on the light bridge inscribed with blood refinement road, a pair of hideous stone eyes appeared on the stone tablet. He glanced at Ye Fei coldly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The golden Vermilion Bird explained coldly: “These stone tablets are all psychics that have been refined. They enter the path of inheritance. You must not use the bloodline or Celestial Emperor magical powers. There are also various treasures, otherwise they will I was ruthlessly obliterated by these stone tablet monsters! Boy, you can go in when you are ready.”

Chapter 2719 The seal of life and death

Chapter 2719 The seal of life and death

Ye Fei only then understood why the ancient god would seal everyone’s bloodline and treasure when he was in Taixu City, and even the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers were not allowed to be used.

On the surface, this is the fairness of the Sacred Domain sect for the assessment, but the fundamental reason is that this is actually the inherent rule of this inheritance road.

“By the way, Vermilion Bird Senior, I wonder if I can meet those friends of mine when I enter it?” Walking on the light bridge alone, Ye Fei was inevitable, and thought of being separated Difan and Ji Feng and the others.

I don’t know if they are good, and whether Bai Yanran and Chu Ling have adapted to the fierce competition that is too virtual.

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