golden Vermilion Bird One was thrown around by a small grass as a toy, while carrying the Vermilion Bird One family with the unique cold arrogance: “You won’t meet, the road to inheritance has just begun. At the time, there will only be one person, and the difficulty is also divided into high and low. For example, if you pass the Golden Gate, you can choose the highest difficulty and conduct trials inside, so once you pass the test, you will gain a lot. …”

Stepping across the light bridge, there is a huge island in front of it. It is said to be an island. This is more like a special battle space. All around is a barren mountain range, no breath of life can be seen. , But Ye Fei did not dare to take it lightly. The moment he set foot on this island, his Divine Consciousness had already swept away quickly.

After that, Ye Fei saw that the mountain range, which was originally empty, was actually erected on it. The twelve golden coffins were sensing Ye Fei Divine Consciousness. The golden coffins, With a touch, all opened, and from it, 12 mighty men in golden armor came out, his eyes were like knives, and his imposing manner was like fire.

The only difference is that these men are all lifeless, only their bodies are left. At the same time, a man in the armor made an ancient and dry voice, like two magnets rubbing against each other.

“Shen Wuwei! Golden armor, please choose the difficulty of the assessment! Three, five, ten, or twelve of us together?”

Ye Fei will endure I can’t help but speculate that the number of golden armor gods he challenged may be this test. Ye Fei immediately thought about the difficulty of the setting, “My bloodline is now Rank 10, and it may be difficult to challenge the ordinary difficulty. Suppress the serpent of the void and improve my bloodline, I have decided, seniors, offended, let’s go together!”

Ye Fei strode forward, moved towards these twelve golden armor gods, Respectfully salute, even though they are just corpse puppets refined by the ancient Celestial Emperor, Ye Fei still maintains respect.

This tribute also made the headed Golden Armor God General, slightly nodded, make a rare indifferent voice, “The most difficult task is to challenge the twelve people. If you can kill, you will win. If you can’t kill, you fall! Kill!”

Kill Kill Kill!

Following the voice of the leader, the other eleven golden armor gods all awakened from their deep sleep. They opened their pale eyes indifferently, and a blood of corpse mountain appeared on their bodies. The breath of the sea.

“The seal of life and death!”

These golden armor gods form a circular array, are connected to each other, and moved towards Ye Fei from their respective hills. at all Because of Ye Fei’s respect, and show mercy, Ye Fei is not angry. He has practiced corpse puppets. Naturally, he knows that once the corpse puppet accepts the order, he will execute it without compromise, and will never be soft. .

Ye Fei not even think immediately, and has already grabbed the golden Vermilion Bird from the animal print space, “Vermilion Bird Senior, this time it’s up to you…”

Gold Vermilion Bird cursed on the spot: “Boy, hello shameless! You don’t want to be, but you use the ancestor as a shield. Don’t you know that once you enter the Ancient Road, any magical power, even the Celestial Emperor and the cultivation base in the same realm, will be sealed? “


While speaking, Ye Fei saw that the golden Vermilion Bird, which was still invincible in the golden ring, was knocked to the ground by a golden armor god at the same time, and a peculiar seal After the bombardment, the golden Vermilion Bird, who was screamed by the bombardment, was forced to turn into a flame. Only then did he barely escape the fate of being killed by the 12 golden armor gods, and rushed back with his wings bare. The beast print space.

The golden armor gods who shot are all slightly shocked, but they are corpse puppets, they only know how to fight, and they don’t think too much. Seeing the golden Vermilion Bird disappear, all gods Will, immediately surround Ye Fei.

Ye Fei couldn’t help inwardly complained in his heart. The reason why he didn’t even think, he chose the highest difficulty. It was because the golden Vermilion Bird was present and wanted to lean on this ancient emperor Vermilion Bird. The slaughter all sides in the land of emptiness, the result is a long time, the golden Vermilion Bird is actually such a weak chicken, which hurts himself, Ye Fei wants to discuss with these corpse puppets to see if the difficulty can be reduced.

But these corpse puppets, simply did not give Ye Fei time to speak. The moment the twelve golden armor gods rushed up, they had already launched the life and death seal together, forming twelve identical life and death seals. , Fiercely patted Ye Fei’s body.

This powerful pressure suddenly caused Ye Fei’s forehead to show a thin layer of cold sweat, but his feet, at this moment, stepped out vigorously and continuously. When Ye Fei took twelve steps in a row, the entire void was filled with terrifying sword light. These sword lights, teaching the world, shattered the sky.

But in the next scene, Ye Fei was unexpected. Faced with his tyrannical sword light, these 12 golden armor gods suddenly changed their seals from the previous ones. The printing and distribution, superimposed on each other, not only continuously shattered Ye Fei’s sword light, the twelve major seals of life and death, but also suddenly merged into a more powerful seal, and blasted over mercilessly.

Boom ka!

I saw that where the Great Seal of Life and Death passed, even the void was shaken and collapsed, and there were countless terrifying cracks on Ye Fei’s forehead, again Dropped a lot of cold sweat.

I was even a little confused.

He clearly saw that these golden armor gods released a different seal for the second time, but why, this seal can actually overlap with the previous one and continue Enhance the formidable power of the Great Seal of Life and Death?

Ye Fei was also carrying such a strong question. He was completely hit by the huge seal of life and death. His body was suddenly blown out uncontrollably, still In midair, it exploded into countless pieces.

“What a terrifying method of life and death, it is really a seal of life and death!”

On the other side of the open space, Ye Fei saw his afterimage experience, really is a vest He was sweating coldly, and he was extremely fortunate that he had integrated the eyes of Sacred Dragon and mastered the Divine Ability of space movement. Otherwise, he might have been blasted to pieces just now.

Chapter 2720 Vermilion Bird’s guidance

Chapter 2720 Vermilion Bird’s guidance


These golden armor gods, not at all, stopped attacking because of Ye Fei’s injury. On the contrary, they completely aroused their fierceness, which is a uniform mark of life and death, moved towards Ye Fei strikes Then, it’s just that this Great Seal of Life and Death is significantly different from the previous two. Not only the way of forming seals, but also the aura it exudes, are very strange.

Ye Fei was completely stunned this time. These golden armored gods clearly released three different triggers, but why, they all turned into a big seal of life and death in the end?

What makes him even more terrifying is that these 12 golden armor gods, the released seals, can also be superimposed on each other, so that the life and death seals can be surrounded by Ye Fei from all directions.

Boom ka!

Seeing that there are twelve big seals of life and death, layered on top of each other, moved towards, Ye Fei no longer dared to resist, but Suddenly, the space movement was started, and in an instant, it moved out of the surrounding of these golden armor gods.

Behind him, there was a continuous roar. Because of the sudden disappearance of Ye Fei, the life and death marks of those golden armor gods did not hit Ye Fei, but because of the sudden disappearance of Ye Fei , Respectively hit his companions.

The faces of the twelve golden armor gods all showed stunned expressions. Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly lit up at this time. The corpse puppets are actually corpse puppets, they are superimposed. The seal of life and death, formidable power is certainly strong, but they are not without weaknesses.

“As corpse puppets, the spiritual wisdom of these golden armor gods is not too high. It can be said that they are fighting completely by instinct, and the way these golden armor gods fight is also fixed. Unchanging, but not flexible to change like True Martial Artist.”

This point, Ye Fei was discovered through these corpses being hit by his own attacks. After all, for martial artists, even if they can’t hit the target, they can’t cause accidental injury to each other.

Because before the accidental injury, the martial artist can react in advance and make his Divine Ability dissipate in advance when he hits an allied army, but these corpses go straight and straight, and simply don’t know how to work.

There is only one possibility. The attack methods of these golden armor gods are regular. Once he discovers this regularity, he can find a way to crack them.

“Just, what the hell is the attack pattern of these golden armor gods, what is it? Vermilion Bird Senior, can you tell?” Ye Fei muttered to himself and asked Golden Vermilion Bird. .

In the beast print space, the golden Vermilion Bird is using Soul Power to repair its bald wings. Hearing Ye Fei’s words, he suddenly cursed: “The ancestor offended people and was I didn’t break in by myself. I don’t know the rules of these things, but you can try and just attack one.”

Considering the small life now, In Ye Fei’s hands, the golden Vermilion Bird still pointed a few words reluctantly. Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly lit up. After all, the golden Vermilion Bird is a super powerhouse in the ancient emperor realm, and it has lived for thousands of years. No matter his vision and knowledge, Ye Fei couldn’t keep up with his time.

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