“Wu Yue!”

Di Fan, Fu Renjie and the others, who were rushing down from the mountain, all had red eyes. Bai Yanran and Chu Ling couldn’t help crying. Wu Yue’s influence on them was a bit sordid and lustful. But at this time, Wu Yue was able to support both heaven and earth, full of man’s pride.

Unfortunately, they are all too far away from Wu Yue, they can only watch, the prince of Yue Kingdom, raised Scarlet Lance and assassinated it. Wu Yue’s eyes flashed with fear and nostalgia, but in the end, it turned into a touch of pride, “I can’t think of Wu Yue also having such a brave moment, tell me brother, I didn’t give him, shame…” /p>

Boom ka!

Scarlet Lance came out assassinated, but did not stab Wu Yue. At the critical moment, a silhouette of black robed youth suddenly stood in front, even with bare hands. Stopped Scarlet Lance’s spearhead.

Wu Yue stared wide-eyed in amazement, “Am I dead? But if I die, at least I can still see my brother.”

” No, Wu Yue, you are not dead! With me, no one can let you die!”

One hand grabbed Scarlet Lance, Ye Fei’s other hand, suddenly condensed the sword fingers, fiercely To the left of the moved towards a point, a devastating storm of swords has swept across the world. In an instant, it strangled all the martial artists of the ancient country who controlled the green small dragon into blood mist, making all around, as if down After a rain of blood, Wu Yue woke up suddenly and shouted with excitement: “Ye Fei, it’s really you, I know, you won’t be so easy, as the saying goes, good person doesn’t live long, damaging lives for thousands of years!”


Ye Fei’s face turned black, how do I feel that Wu Yue is not praising him, but scolding him, but when he sees Wu Yueming’s bloody nose and swollen face, his eyes are almost open No more, seeing him appear safely and still smiling so happily, Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help flashing a flash, and he was moved.

“Brother, I have wronged you. You fought for me before. Now, I am fighting for you. Let’s talk, how do you want them to die!” Ye Fei turned his head again, coldly Stared at the three ancient princes.

On the faces of Prince Yue, Prince Wu, and Prince Han, there was a touch of extreme horror and disbelief. Ye Fei appeared. How could this be possible? Before they left, they clearly saw that Ye Fei was forced into the Golden Gate!

But the golden gate that can only be passed by Heaven’s Chosen!

Ye Fei is obviously not a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, but not only did he have the courage to go in, but at this moment, he actually broke out intact?

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, false, you must be false!” Prince Yueguo, the most unbearable, his strongest blow was actually caught by Ye Fei with bare hands!

At the moment of reaction, the Prince of the Moon Kingdom, who has been condense a dozen bloody lances continuously, moved towards Ye Fei and slayed angrily, but Ye Fei didn’t even look at it. He just turned his head and looked towards Wu Yue. , “Brother, how do you want him to die?”

Wu Yue squinted his eyes and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said: “They want me to bear the humiliation of being crossed for you. They wanted to use lance just now. Nail me and the small dragon! I don’t have anything else, as long as they are just like me!”

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed a sharp cold light, “In that case, let them, All kneel in front of you, and crucified to the ground together!”

Chapter 2729 Bloodline unblocking


Let the princes of the three ancient countries all kneel on the ground and die?

They heard it right!

You must know that here, there are hundreds of young gods from the three ancient kingdoms. Among them, the princes of the three ancient kingdoms are the ancient kingdom Heaven’s Chosen who has broken through the silver gate.

Even if it is not an ancient country, it is just the ancient alliance commanded by Sagong Hao. This is an extremely powerful force. Now, Ye Fei is only one person. He actually said that he wants the princes of the three ancient countries. , All kneeling on the ground?

“Funny, ignorant!”

Si Konghao’s face was cold, and he simply looked down upon Ye Fei. After all, he is also the strongest Heaven’s Chosen in the Sikong Family. Except for bloodline, Sikonghao is no worse than the eight peerless Heaven’s Chosen. What he is worse is just some luck.

There are three ancient princes who have the same idea as Sikonghao. When they heard Ye Fei’s words, they were frightened first, and then a strong anger. After the prince Yueguo took the shot, the prince Wu, The prince of the cold country is always angry.

In the mouth of Prince Wu, there was even a mocking irony, “Ye Mo, so many of us, we are not even afraid of the unparalleled Heaven’s Chosen, you think I will be afraid of you!”

“I don’t need you to be afraid, I just need to give back all what you did to my brother! Kill!” The bloody lance in his hand suddenly collapsed, Ye Fei’s body, There is already a layer of scary scarlet sword light. This sword light is so scary, with a peculiar rhythm, and even a terrifying meaning of killing.

hong long!

Finally, this sword light turned into a huge Taiji Sword picture, slashing the void, fanning Star Fragmentation Chen, the Prince of the Moon Kingdom looked at him in shock Then, all the Scarlet Lance he assassinated was actually suppressed by Taiji Sword, and then there was a mountain of death sword, condensed in the void, and moved towards him fiercely to suppress it.

A cloud of death suddenly appeared in his heart, and the prince of the moon country suddenly let out a roar and roar, and a layer of moon brilliance appeared on his body, trying to resist this terrifying sword light , But that sword light too terrifying, this is the sword of destruction, and the sword of tribulation, a sword, Ye Fei has suppressed the Prince of the Moon.

The whistling sword mountain, more like a mountain, was suppressed on the Crown Prince of the Moon Kingdom. Ling’s Crown Prince of the Moon Kingdom could only let out a humiliating roar, but his body thumped and knelt on Ye. In front of Fei.

It was just a trick, the dignified prince of the ancient country, was beaten to his knees, unable to resist? The martial artist of the moon country was in an uproar, and the eyes of Wu and the prince of the cold country showed deep fear.

“bloodline, you can actually use bloodline!”

Be aware that on this inheritance road, bloodline, treasure, and Celestial Emperor magical powers cannot be used, unless they can On this road, find a way to unlock the seal of the ancient gods!

It didn’t expect to kill Prince Wu and Prince Han. They originally wanted to push Ye Fei into the Golden Gate to die, but in the end, instead of killing Ye Fei, they let Ye Fei. , Successfully passed the trial of the Golden Gate, and even unlocked the bloodline seal in the body.

The princes of the two countries almost vomited blood. At this time, they were even more concerned about the life and death of the prince of the moon country. They didn’t even look at the life and death of the prince of the moon country. The speed, turn around, escape.

“You guys, actually abandon me!” Prince Yueguo knelt on the ground alone, eye socket cracked, his heart was filled with anger and despair, but then he saw Ye Fei who suppressed him, not at all plan to kill him. But at the moment when the princes of the two countries were planning to escape for their lives, Space Divine Ability had already been activated and appeared in front of the princes of the cold country in the blink of an eye.

Boom ka!

Another sword mountain, rising from the ground, was shot with the palm of Ye Fei, and hit the prince of the cold country. At the same time, Ye Fei’s eyes, Suddenly the golden light flashed, the space of Sacred Dragon’s eyes stagnated, and at the same time it was launched, and at the same time it attacked the prince of the cold country, the prince of Wu who was trying to escape was frozen in the air.

The faces of Prince Wu and Prince Han also showed great fear, “Save me, Sagonghao, save…”

“Shut up, I Sagonghao You are not the people of the ancient country, how can you be ordered by you to say goodbye!” Sikonghao complexion changed, Ye Fei’s strong suppression of the prince of the Three Ancient Kingdoms completely frightened him.

At this time, even at the moment when the princes of the three ancient countries were suppressed, Si Konghao had already pulled his legs and left without any intention of taking action. The martial artists of the three ancient countries, the same is true, when Ye Fei was discovered Not only broke through the golden gate, but also unblocked their own bloodline. No one dared to attack Ye Fei anymore, but backed up and fled quickly.

In this scene, the princes of Wu and Han, who were finally angry, vomit blood and despair on their faces. The prince Yueguo looked at Ye Fei with extremely frightened eyes, and begged: “Young Master Ye, forgive me…I am willing to hand over everything I have to make amends!”

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