“Yes, Young Master Ye, we finally knew that we were wrong. It was Prince Wu’s idea to go against you. Please, let me go…” The Prince Han suddenly began to cry. I hope to use my pity to win sympathy.

Only Prince Wu, who was more rigid, said coldly and said with a malicious smile: “Ye Mo, I admit, I underestimated you, but don’t underestimate our three ancient countries, this time it’s too empty During the trip, my three ancient countries all have the ancient emperor powerhouse. If you dare to kill us here, when you go out, you will definitely endure…”


The sword mountain that suppressed Prince Wu suddenly fell and turned into a huge Divine Sword, the sword blade, which directly nailed Prince Wu to the ground from head to toe. The same was nailed to death, as well as Prince Han and Prince of the Moon.

They couldn’t believe it until they died, Ye Fei really dared to disregard the threat of the ancient country and the ancient emperor, forcibly, beheading them, or using such a humiliating way.

“Ancient country, no, let you go…”

Prince Wu, his eyes were desperate and hideous, and there was a trace of regret. If he hadn’t been holding the prince just now He threatened Ye Fei, but bowed his head to beg for mercy. Maybe, he wouldn’t just die like this?

But Prince Wu won’t know. Even if he bows his head to beg for mercy, Ye Fei will not let them go. This is not Ye Fei’s cold-blooded blood, but he cannot forgive what these three ancient princes did. , In order to favor Lu Mohan, chase him into the golden gate, in order to seize the fate of Taixu, and chase Emperor Fan and the others.

What Ye Fei can’t tolerate the most is that not only did they beat Wu Yue, they actually wanted Wu Yue to bear the humiliation!

Of course, Ye Fei’s real anger is that these three ancient princes should not go to Bai Yanran and Chu Ling’s ideas. If he hadn’t come in time, not only Wu Yue would die, but even Bai Yanran and Chu Ling will be humiliated.

It is also because of this, Ye Fei, can’t forgive me! Even if he knew that doing so would become mortal enemies with the three ancient kingdoms, he must kill these three!

Chapter 2730 Snap Finger’s Supernatural Powers

“The princes of the three ancient countries died, or were he wiped out by one move? Is this guy already transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen? “Not far from the mountain, there are several young gods from small forces. They are the ones who gave Ye Fei the way.

Originally, when they saw that Ye Fei dared to be alone and came here to save people, they all held a cold sweat for Ye Fei, feeling that Ye Fei’s past this time is no different from death, but now As a result, it shocked their minds. Ye Fei, who believed that he was mortal, not only did not die, but also beheaded three princes of the ancient kingdom in public, and even the Vice Alliance Lord of the ancient alliance, who frightened him, fled.

This record is shocking.

It is Emperor Fan and the others, and was a little surprised. Ji Feng couldn’t help but ask: “Ye Fei, could it be that you entered the Golden Gate and transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen?”

“If I were the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, I wouldn’t let Sagonghao escape.” Ye Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head, his eyes revealed a trace of regret and a trace of coldness. Some of the Ji family who heard this The young people are all scared face deathly pale, “Could it be that it is not enough for you to kill the princes of the three ancient countries, but you still want to kill Sagong Hao?”

“Sagong Hao not only targeted you, but also spoke insults. Just at this point, let alone the Vice Alliance Lord of the Ancient League, even if he is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, if there is a chance, I don’t mind sending him on the road!” Ye Fei’s tone was cold, and he heard this. Bai Yanran and Chu Ling felt a warm feeling in their hearts.

They know that Ye Fei is so angry, it is actually for them. Bai Yanran’s eyes became soft again. Chu Ling, who has always been violent, looked at Ye Fei even more nervously: “Ye Fei, your hand is hurt…”

It turns out that Ye Fei just now Although he caught the bloody lance of Prince Yueguo with his bare hands, it was inevitable that he suffered some superficial wounds. Seeing this, Bai Yanran quickly took out a medicine pill, and could not help but forcefully fed it into Ye Fei’s mouth, next to Bai Shizhong Suddenly, there was the urge to lift a knife and slash someone again, and Wu Yue’s envied eyes turned red.

“cough cough!” Wu Yue coughed vigorously, “Girl Yanran, you can’t favor one another, Ye Fei just suffered some superficial wounds, I was seriously injured and dying, no more, my heart It hurts. If no beauty feeds me medicine pill, I think I might die…”

“Don’t worry, you won’t die, medicine pill. Don’t worry, what I have is how much you want to eat. I’ll feed you as much!” Bai Shizhong sneered, and suddenly took out a handful of medicine pill, and moved towards Wu Yue, and squeezed it into Wu Yue’s mouth. Poor Wu Yue had just been seriously injured and had little resistance at all. It is the smell of medicine pill, and my heart is full of grief and anger, “Why is Ye Fei injured, and there are beautiful women who care, I am injured, but I have to be so abused and abused by a rough man…”

Wu Yue I was very dissatisfied.

When I heard Wu Yue’s words, except for Bai Yanran and Chu Ling’s faces slightly red, they all clicked sorry, everyone else was full of chills, especially in the “insulting” white time. Shaking his hand, the whole bottle of medicine pill was poured into Wu Yue, and he almost choked Wu Yue to death on the spot.

However, these medicine pill do work. After swallowing, not only the superficial wound on Ye Fei’s hand is healed, but Wu Yue’s severely injured body also recovers quickly with naked eye visible speed.

Ye Fei also returned to the mountain with Difan and the others, intending to temporarily use this as a temporary resident. At the same time, he also told them by the way that he entered the golden gate and unlocked the bloodline seal.

Difan was envious when he heard it, “Unexpectedly, entering the Golden Gate can unblock the bloodline. Unfortunately, we have already missed this opportunity.”

“ga ga, it doesn’t matter. I missed it once, and the second time. How about you, Saint doll, is it good? Are you interested in being the ancestor’s discipline?” Suddenly, a feather popped out on Ye Fei’s shoulder. The messy little red bird, a pair of bird wings, is even bald, and looks very strange.

The weirdest thing is the words in the mouth of the little red bird. It actually wants to accept Emperor Fan as a disciple. The face of Emperor Fan is dark when he listens. No matter how difficult he is, it is impossible to worship such a bird as a teacher. what.

Looking at the little red bird that suddenly appeared, Bai Yanran and Chu Ling were also very surprised, “Ye Fei, isn’t it Da Hei who is following you? How come such a bird suddenly came out? It’s so ugly…”

The golden Vermilion Bird is already furious, and the beak sprays Fire Dao: “You women, hair is long and short-sighted, and so are you, all of them are simple in mind. I think this Old Ancestor was also a handsome like a jade tree back then, the fascinated mother bird, there is 80,000 without hundreds thousand, while the ancestor is still not angry, if you kneel down to apologize, the ancestor will forgive you “

Di Fan’s face darkened, Bai Yanran and Chu Ling, beautiful eyes also showed anger at the same time. It is really this little red bird. His mouth is too poisonous. Mentioned the knife, Fu Renjie and Ji Feng also showed murderous intention, wishing to choke the red bird to death, but before they could do anything, Wu Yue, who also became a crooked melon, has already volunteered to roll up his sleeves and step forward. Said: “Don’t do it, I am the best at dealing with red-haired birds that have not grown up! Wu, the thief is the bird, eat your Wu grandfather with a trick!”

While talking, Wu Yue has flicks with the finger, and it happened to be flicked between the legs of the little red bird. Such bloody and violent means almost made Emperor Fan and the others silly on the spot, Bai Yanran and Chu Ling, even more so His face flushed, and he turned around quickly.

Only the little red bird, dumbstruck looked at Wu Yue and then at the little finches who had just been bombed. Then, a huge anger erupted from the little red bird, Ye Fei’s vest. , There were also layers of cold sweat. Only Wu Yue, who didn’t realize it, continued to teach: “Why, I still dare to be upset, it seems that I still don’t play enough.”

Ye Fei was about to play. Ye Fei was sweating all over. He hurriedly stopped and said, “Wu Yue, stop playing, Vermilion Bird Senior. Don’t take seriously. My friend, I just made a joke with you.”

“What, this is Vermilion Bird, what state is this bald-winged bird worth calling it Senior?” Wu Yue faintly felt that there was something wrong there. Ye Fei already looked at him sympathetically, introduced: “This Vermilion Bird Senior is an ancient Vermilion Bird I met in the Golden Gate.”

“Vermilion Bird, the ancient emperor My god, I actually played the ancient emperor’s…”

“Shut up and die for the ancestors!”

Golden Vermilion Bird has only suffered three times in his lifetime. Shame, one is being suppressed in Taixu and becoming an array spirit, the other is being caught by Xiaocao and turned into a toy, and the third is being played by Wu Yue and playing something that shouldn’t be played.

The huge anger turned the entire body of the Golden Vermilion Bird into a ball of fire, and the crazy moved towards Wu Yue rushed over, and Wu Yue screamed, and burst out faster than usual. Ten times the speed, madly moved towards far away.

Chapter 2731 Meets Old Friends Again

Chapter 2731 Meets Old Friends Again

Although Ye Fei’s battle with the three ancient princes is eye-catching, it is only It’s just a small thing that happened in this space. After all, after passing the Sacred Domain test, there are too many powerhouses to enter this inheritance road. Nine Great Sects, twelve ancient tribes, and various ancient countries, Divine Dynasty, sects, Academy; These forces all have the strongest Heaven’s Chosen, and they have entered this place to experience and cultivation.

“Neither the three ancient countries nor the ancient alliance is the strongest here. The strongest here is Nine Big Sect, Raging Fire Sect’s Liu Yuhua, and Myriad Poison Sect’s Mu Xue, as well as Lu Shenghua from the Heaven Slashing Gate! At present, this space of experience has been jointly guarded by them, and no forces are allowed to approach.”

On the top of the mountain, they told each other about their experiences, Difan also told Ye Fei of the information in this space. Ye Fei knew that the reason why Difan and the others were stuck here was to wait for him, and the other was that this road of inheritance had been Raging. Fire Sect, Myriad Poison Sect, and Zhantianmen are jointly controlled.

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