Blazing Vermilion Bird did not continue to chase Duan Tian, ​​but screamed, and at the same time his body quickly became smaller, he had already moved towards the outside and broke through. All the Three Sects disciple were shocked. I don’t understand why Ye Fei is suddenly incarnation for the ancient beast Vermilion Bird, and has such terrifying battle strength.

Only in the crowd, the woman with scars on her face did not hesitate to open her bow again, moved towards Vermilion Bird and shot another arrow, which happened to hit Blazing Vermilion Bird in the buttocks, which also frightened Ye Fei Jump, this woman’s dark arrow hurts people, it’s too terrifying, it is also a hidden heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen!

After that, Ye Fei heard the golden Vermilion Bird’s thunderous screams, “Shooting birds but not people, what a bad arrow! You wait for the ancestors. If the ancestors can’t kill you, you are unworthy Call the ancestor!”


Ye Fei felt that within the body there seemed to be a force that swallowed his own bloodline, making him uncontrollable and burst out A layer of terrifying bloodline Divine flame, forming a huge Fireball, blasted down the woman who shoots arrows, and his body was carried by the golden Vermilion Bird. With the fastest speed, he escaped the encirclement and rushed into the vast darkness. Among.

Chapter 2748 Heaven’s Chosen Hunting

Chapter 2748 Heaven’s Chosen Hunting


While Ye Fei left, it burned After the bloodline, the condensed flame has fallen in the crowd. This is the furious blow of the golden Vermilion Bird, which is released, and between Heaven and Earth, one of the strongest flames of formidable power, the Vermilion Bird fire!

When such a flame fell, except for the scarred woman, she rushed out of the fire sea at the fastest speed. The Three Great Sects disciple who gathered around her and acted as protection all screamed and possessed bronze. Those who were burnt in battle clothes were scorched, and those who were not protected by battle clothes were burnt to fly ash instantly.

Cui Min’s frightened face turned pale, Duan Tian looked at his chest, the bronze battle clothes on it, and the terrifying aura of birth and death appeared, which gave him the illusion that Ye Fei just now If it were not for rushing to break through, he might have been beaten to death on the spot, “This Ye Mo, is he so strong?”

“It is not him who is strong, but the bald-winged strange bird on his body. !” Liu Yuhua’s sinister vision can tell at a glance that Ye Fei’s ability to break through so smoothly is inseparable from the inevitable strange bird.

Later, Liu Yuhua’s expression became gloomy. This time, in order to snatch Ye Fei’s bronze battle clothes, he did not hesitate to unite with Three Great Sects. As a result, Ye Fei didn’t catch it. Instead, it was Three Great Sects. More than a dozen disciplines were killed and injured. Although these were just ordinary Heaven’s Chosen, Liu Yuhua still felt shameless.

Duan Tian’s eyes showed a deep viciousness, the three heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen, only him, was hit from the sky to the ground by Ye Fei, which was like a slap in the face. , Heavy draw on Duan Tian’s face, this is simply a shame!

“This Ye Fei, my Duan Tian will kill!”

“But he has escaped, his battle strength, plus the strange bird that only breathes fire, He has his Space Divine Ability, my arrow, even if it can track him, it can’t lock him!” It was the scared woman who spoke.

The scene of Ye Fei’s strong breakthrough just now also shocked her a lot.

Hearing this, Duan Tian and Fei Min’s expressions became more difficult to look, and there was still a hint of aggrieved and frustrated, “We, Three Great Sects, work together. If we still can’t win Ye Fei , It’s spread out, isn’t it a ridicule?”

“hmph, brother Fei, brother Duan, don’t worry about this. Although Ye Fei ran away, a group of his friends still dare Hiding in the bronze palace, as long as we break this bronze palace and slaughter his friends first, we can still get a lot of bronze battle clothes. Maybe we can force Ye Fei to appear again!” Liu Yuhua complexion turned cold, and soon thought of it. Ways to make up.

After all, Three Great Sects came with such a big fanfare. It would be too embarrassing if nothing was achieved. Liu Yuhua’s words also made Fei Min and Duan Tian’s eyes hot again.

“Kill me in, if Ye Devil killed so many of us, then we will kill his friends to vent our anger!”

“Kill Kill Kill!”

The disciplines of the Three Great Sects, all with terrible anger, moved towards the Bronze Palace Strikes together. Soon, the Bronze Palace resounded with a huge roar, but the Defensive Array outside was nothing. The meaning of being broken.

The first is the Defensive Array of the Bronze Palace, which itself is an assessment of martial artist. It would take several days for the Three Great Sects to join forces to blow up.

Secondly, in order to delay time, the bronze Inside the palace, Bai Shizhong and Bai Yanran siblings, also relying on their own spiritual knowledge, constantly repair the damage of the divine runes on the Formation.

As a result, the more the Three Great Sects disciple outside attacked, the more they discovered that the divine runes that they had already destroyed were constantly being repaired, which greatly delayed their time to break Formation.

The three of Liu Yuhua were so angry that they almost didn’t vomit blood. “Damn, among these people, there is a Spirit Master who is very difficult to deal with. When we break through this Formation, they must look good. !”

hong long long!

Liu Yuhua, Duan Tian, ​​Fei Min, almost at the same time, began to attack Formation, launching the strongest attack. In the bronze palace, Bai Shizhong and Bai Yanran siblings’ complexions changed suddenly, “Not good, this All three of them have the battle strength of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen. The speed at which we repair divine runes can no longer keep up with the speed of their attacks. At most three days, this formation will break!”

“In other words, Ye Fei only has three days to defeat the people outside and come to save us?” Wu Yue couldn’t help but a touch of despair appeared on Wu Yue’s face. In three days, he had to defeat Three Great Sects, hundreds of disciplines, among them, three, It is the heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen. Is this possible?

Wu Yue and the others don’t know.

Even Ye Fei, who broke out, didn’t know, but Ye Fei knew that if he couldn’t do it, Wu Yue and the others who were trapped in the bronze palace would really suffer heavy casualties. Up.

“They are all my friends, my brother! In any case, I will not let them have an accident. Xiaocao, sense the position of the bronze palace for me!”


Xiao Cao suddenly lowered his voice, and nervously pointed to a certain direction, Ye Fei’s forehead, with a brush, a cold sweat came out, suddenly Without further ado, move towards another direction and run wildly.

But the silhouette in the dark, it seems that Ye Fei might escape even if he was right a long time ago. In that direction, a large number of silhouettes in blood robes appeared immediately. Among them, there are a few more that Ye Fei knows. The familiar face of “Blood Alliance Fighting Hall Lord, I have seen Young Master Ye, Young Master Ye, you took our bronze battle clothes, should you return it.”

“Zhang Wangu, you are really mean, You dare not plot against me head-on, but secretly you have united the blood alliance against me.” Ye Fei did not go to see the Fighting Hall master of the blood alliance, but looked behind him, Xiaocao first discovered the dangerous place.

There were only two people there, one with bloody baleful qi, even if the bronze battle clothes were not activated, it was extremely stressful. No need to ask, Ye Fei also judged that this person is very Possibly, it is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen who established a blood alliance, Ironwood Sha!

Beside Tiemusha, there was also a black clothed masked man. Although the man deliberately concealed his breath, the familiar profound energy fluctuations could not hide from Xiaocaotiandi. The induction of Divine Eyes.

Ye Fei immediately understood the identity of the other party. This immediately caused the masked man’s mind to be shocked, but he didn’t make any sound. He just glanced at Tiemusha. Tiemusha looked towards Ye Fei indifferently, “Your ability is not bad, no wonder you dare to talk to Lu Mo To be cold, to be honest, I also hate Lu Mohan, so let’s go, kneel down, swear forever, follow me, all your grievances, my iron woodsha, can help you settle!”

Obviously, seeing Ye Fei rushing out of the Three Great Sects unscathed, Tiemusha had a heart for talent, and he actually wanted Ye Fei to rebel against the Dragon Sect, join the blood alliance, and stay forever. Under the iron wooden brake.

Not only did Ye Fei’s face change, but the black clothed masked man beside Tiemusha also used a hoarse mulberry sound, angrily said: “Tie Brother Mu, it’s not good, this time Okay, it’s Heaven’s Chosen hunting! Since it’s hunting, as long as you die, you can never leave a living!”

The implication is that Ye Fei is going to be killed!

Chapter 2749 Life and death line

Chapter 2749 Life and death line

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