“What, killed Ye Fei, Zhang Wangu, and Tiemusha , you two slags, really vicious!” The golden Vermilion Bird One screamed, knowing that if Ye Fei dies, it will also It is bound to be wiped out. This time the golden Vermilion Bird has once again incarnation fire beasts and engulfed Ye Fei without any orders.

Tiemusha and Zhang Wangu were shocked to see that Ye Fei’s silhouette had disappeared. At this time, the incarnation became a fierce Blazing Vermilion Bird, moving towards them and killing them.

The sharp claw, layered on top of each other, is displayed on display. It is so imaginary and famous. The eyes of the masked man could not help showing a deep shock, “Life and death mark It seems that only through the assessment of the Golden Gate can he obtain it. When he enters Taixu, the bloodline clearly has only ten ranks. How can he pass the Golden Gate?”

“hmph, the Golden Gate It’s just the door, even if he gets through by chance, he will definitely die under the palm of my Tiemu Sha! Ye Fei, since you refuse to surrender, then you are dead! Too empty and cracked empty! In the Void Land, the super-vacuum supernatural powers obtained, the too-vacuity splits the empty palm, and the space is torn when this palm is released.

Ye Fei just wanted to use space movement to evade, but was shocked to find that all the space he was around was torn apart, and it was impossible to move space. In a hurry, his huge eyes were only Can display the Eye of Space again.

The strong Space Power condensed the void in an instant, and the Tiemusha that shot was extremely shocked to find that his body was actually unable to move under this eye.

“This kind of pupil technique! It seems to be able to freeze all spaces, even our peerless Heaven’s Chosen!” The masked man’s voice was hoarse, but his eyes flashed with enthusiasm. Suddenly, the seal was condensed in his hand. It was a big seal of life and death exactly like Ye Fei, and this seal was stronger and more skilled than Ye Fei’s.

That kind of feeling, as if Ye Fei and the masked man both mastered a certain part of the life and death seal at the same time, Ye Fei was secretly surprised, but he didn’t mean to fight the masked man.

After all, at this time, he is still too weak to face two peerless Heaven’s Chosen at the same time.

“But today’s things, I remember, Tiemusha, Zhang Wangu, I will be free in the future, this Ye, I will definitely visit you one after another!” There is no love battle, and the left eye freezes the iron At the same time, Mu Sha, with his right eye, the same shining light of space, and wanted to fix the masked man in the sky, but this time, it didn’t succeed. On the contrary, Ye Fei suddenly felt weak within the body.

He just remembered that the golden Vermilion Bird just burned most of his bloodline in order to vent his anger, and spewed a spit of Vermilion Bird True Fire. Although the flame burned a lot of the discipline of Three Great Sects, but It was Ye Fei who lost the bloodline power that continued to inspire the eyes of Sacred Dragon.

Ye Fei was so angry that the golden Vermilion Bird was beaten to death. “Silly bird, who asked you to mobilize my bloodline casually!”

“Go away, old The ancestor is not a stupid bird, it is you brat. The strength is too scumbag, and you are embarrassed to say…” Golden Vermilion Bird became angry from his heart, and the two consciousnesses quarreled with each other, which immediately changed the state of Blazing Vermilion Bird. Very unstable.

The masked youth immediately seized this opportunity, sneered, sneered at life and death, took photos with all his strength, and a smirk appeared in his heart, “Two silly birds, at this time, there are still infighting, no Kill you, I won’t be called…”


Suddenly a fierce roar shook the void. At the moment when the Great Seal of Life and Death was laid, Ye Fei and the Golden Vermilion Bird suddenly joined forces in a tacit understanding. Ye Fei provided profound power and Sacred Dragon. The Eye of Eye, the Golden Vermilion Bird, is the strongest Flame Power. This time it took a breath and drained all of Ye Fei’s bloodline power. After opening his mouth, a terrifying Vermilion Bird True Fire sprayed out.

The masked youth was shocked to see that his life and death seal was actually burned to ashes by True Fire, and then his entire body was submerged by True Fire.

Ye Fei not at all, the joy of victory is full of exhaustion. Just now the Golden Vermilion Bird, but drained all of his strength, at this time, any person may shoot it alone, and he may kill him.

Just a touch!

Ye Fei can no longer maintain the form of Vermilion Bird with the golden Vermilion Bird, regaining the body, and is extremely weak and falling into the void, and the same falling into the void, as well as the golden Vermilion Bird, at this time The golden Vermilion Bird also turned back to a bald little red bird, not only his wings were bald, but his tail was bald, and he complained: “The ancestors have seen too many bad luck people, and have never seen Ye. Fei, you are so bad luck, you are beaten wherever you go. Come on, call your house’s black fatty…”


dragon roar shakes God, Dragon Tortoise rushed out with a dark face, biting Ye Fei to prevent Ye Fei from falling, but deliberately did not grab the golden Vermilion Bird, just flicked his tail, and moved towards the distance crazy escape, looking at the golden Vermilion Bird’s beak has grown up, and he can only be forced to take a bite, biting Dragon Tortoise’s tail, angrily roared very aggrieved: “Black fatty, you must be deliberate, you deliberately…”


Heaven Shaking Thunder resounded in the sky again, it was actually Dragon Tortoise, “accidentally” let a loud fart in the sky, and it was facing the golden Vermilion Bird and the golden Vermilion Bird biting the tail. Almost suffocated on the spot, while holding the good bird to avoid the immediate loss, he closed the beak decisively, let the Dragon Tortoise take it, and rushed out of the encirclement again and rushed into the boundless darkness.

During the period, the Heaven’s Chosen of the blood alliance also tried to stop the Dragon Tortoise, but the tortoise shell was too thick when it broke through to the Dragon Tortoise of Divine Sovereign Realm. Dragon Tortoise just moved the limbs and head towards The tortoise’s shell shrank, and everyone seemed to see an impenetrable black meteorite, smashing into the vast void.

One more thing, Ye Fei and Golden Vermilion Bird did not expect, that is too virtual is originally black, Dragon Tortoise’s black tortoise shell, it happens to be perfectly integrated with darkness .

Under the circumstances that Divine Consciousness cannot be used, many martial artists of the blood alliance, apart from hearing the sound of Dragon Tortoise breaking through the sky, it is difficult to lock the specific position of Dragon Tortoise, so that there are big parts of Divine Ability, did not attack Dragon Tortoise, but fell aside.

So Dragon Tortoise actually miraculously, only paid the price of minor injuries, with Ye Fei, once again highlighted the encirclement. This also made Tiemusha, who had broken free from the stagnation of space, looked dignified and could not help but looked towards the masked man beside him indifferently, “Your plot against is wrong. Although Ye Fei is not equal to me, Heaven’s Chosen, he No one of us can solve the kind of Space Divine Ability!”

“hmph, even if no one can solve it, but his Space Divine Ability is so sky-defying, how many times can it be used continuously? He ran out of Space Divine Ability, we are going to kill him, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?” The masked man, opened the mouth and said incomparably indifferent, and then incomparably nestled in Fire Dao, “At present The most important thing for us is not to deal with Ye Fei, but to find a way to solve the bald-winged strange bird next to him and the broken black turtle!”

“Especially the black turtle , Must be killed first!”

Just now I can see Tiemusha clearly, Ye Fei has fallen into the sky weakly, if it weren’t for the black turtle that grew too dark and ran too fast , They almost succeeded, taking Ye Fei prisoner. Naturally, Tiemusha hated Dragon Tortoise.

Chapter 2750 The Great Terror

Chapter 2750 The Great Terror

“Chasing, continue chasing, be sure to find Ye Fei before he recovers the bloodline and kill him Divine him!” Tiemusha and the masked man quickly reached an agreement, especially for the Ye Fei stagnant space Divine Ability, both of them are determined to win.

Furthermore, Dragon Tortoise suffered a certain degree of injury when he took Ye Fei to break through. As Blood Refining Sect, the most researched one is blood. Soon someone found a trace of dragon’s blood flowing out when Dragon Tortoise was injured and presented it to Tiemusha. Tiemusha held this drop of dragon’s blood and quickly activated a certain secret technique.

I saw that drop of blood, as if being induced, suddenly moved towards a certain direction and flew past. Tiemusha said to the masked man very solemnly: “This is my blood-control secret technique unique to Blood Refining Sect. As long as this drop of blood is controlled, even if Divine Consciousness cannot be used, we can still trace the black turtle, but , When the time comes, please do your best and don’t have any more reservations.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t do it this time.” The masked man suddenly said nodded, since it has been After Ye Fei discovered his identity, the masked man no longer needed to hide, but took off his face towel to reveal his original face, which was undoubtedly Zhang Wangu.

Initially, Zhang Wangu intended to hide his identity and kill Ye Fei. However, after discovering that Ye Fei actually possesses the amazing Space Divine Ability, Zhang Wangu also took the risk. This time he risked being held accountable by the sect, and he would never let Ye Fei survive.

“There is also the Divine Ability that can freeze the space, I Zhang Wangu must get it!”


The void is again a dragon roar, Zhang Wangu stepped on his pet, Fire Dragon, and Tiemusha, and quickly moved towards the darkness and chased it down. Although it was too imaginary darkness to use any Divine Consciousness, Dragon Tortoise was injured and left behind the dragon’s. blood is their guiding light.

And as the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, although Zhang Wangu and Tiemusha do not have the wonderful Space Divine Ability of Ye Fei, their speed is also very terrifying. No matter how fast Dragon Tortoise ran, he gradually found two powerful breaths behind him, which were constantly approaching. On turtle’s back, Ye Fei, who was adjusting his breath, changed his face.

At present, his bloodline is nearly exhausted, and his battle strength is drastically reduced. If he is overtaken by these two people by Tiemusha, it is really bode ill rather than well, Ye Fei can only look towards Golden Vermilion Bird said: “Vermilion Bird Senior, can you still be possessed with me?”

“The devil, you can spare the ancestor, in order to save you, the ancestor will have half his life Go, where can you be possessed, but if you want to get rid of them, it is not difficult, but it depends on the perception of your black turtle, black fatty, listen carefully, now the ancestors pass you a quick set The flying method of Vermilion Bird, if you can learn it, we will be saved. If you can’t learn it, we will die together!” In the mouth of Golden Vermilion Bird, a peculiar formula was quickly said, Ye Fei’s mind It was just a move, suddenly urging the Emperor Artifact to decide, turning Dragon Tortoise into a round crystal, listening to the formula while quickly deducing it.

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