At the same time, he said with a solemn expression: “I, Ye Fei, swear with Dao heart that if I pass this secret technique to outsiders, my Heart of Martial Dao will collapse immediately! However, Senior, you have this Good secret technique, why not pass it to me sooner.”

After swearing, Ye Fei complained by the way. The golden Vermilion Bird who heard this, half-bald tail, almost exploded, and opened the beak. I scolded, “Boy, do your spring and autumn dreams. The real body of Vermilion Bird is one of the top ten secret techniques of my Vermilion Bird One family. How can it be easily spread out? Please listen carefully to this Old Ancestor. The ancestor only said it once!”

Ye Fei immediately stopped talking, and quickly sat on the turtle’s back, listening to the golden Vermilion Bird telling the secret technique of the cultivation Vermilion Bird’s true body, but he didn’t notice the animal print. In the space, Xiaocao also raised his ears and listened quietly. While listening, he dangled his croissant braids, and began to practice.

At the same time, Dragon Tortoise, who was originally healed, also quietly raised an ear, facing the opened beak of Vermilion Bird. The golden Vermilion Bird’s face was very dark, but Dragon Tortoise was so annoying, small The grass really couldn’t afford to offend, and he didn’t dare to mess with it. The golden Vermilion Bird could only explain Vermilion Bird’s real body very irritably, and then immediately shut up, and refused to confide a word.

The original intention of the Golden Vermilion Bird is to be anxious for Ye Fei, and wait until Ye Fei asks him to continue to give instructions, and then it will take the opportunity to raise the conditions and get a higher status in Ye Fei, otherwise The ancestor of dignified Vermilion Bird was always thrown around by small grass as a toy. This is too bad for his image.

But soon Golden Vermilion Bird was surprised to find that after hearing the formula, Ye Fei not at all came to ask him, but he didn’t say anything and began to comprehend it.

The golden Vermilion Bird couldn’t help laughing, “Silly bird, this secret technique was created by my Vermilion Bird One family. Without the careful guidance of my ancestors, you really think that you can practice with your head down. Out…”


I didn’t finish the words, but I saw a little girl jumping out of the beast print space, holding one in her hand. The little red bird condensed by six colored spirit winds, chirp chirp twitter twitter flies around the golden Vermilion Bird.

The golden Vermilion Bird couldn’t help but stretched the bird’s neck and looked towards the grass with a terrifying look.

Chapter 2752 Vermilion Bird’s real body

Ye Fei is also very surprised. Vermilion Bird’s real body, he has just realized some fur, and the grass has been able to condense, although Xiaocao is condensed at this time, not really the real Vermilion Bird, but it is also very powerful.

Seeing those little red birds flying around, Ye Fei’s heart flashed inexplicably, “Vermilion Bird, since it can increase the formidable power of the bloodline, does that mean, Condensing the true body of Vermilion Bird does not rely on profound strength, but bloodline! By the way, I understand…”


Ye Fei’s eyes flashed clear comprehension On his body, the bloodline Divine flame burns blazingly, forming a special kind of flame. This kind of fire is very similar to Vermilion Bird True Fire, but it is essentially different.

It’s just that, after releasing the bloodline Divine flame, you still can’t become the real Vermilion Bird.

“Vermilion Bird, born out of flames, does that mean that Vermilion Bird’s true body must also be born out of flames, or to be more precise, like the snake in the void, it is the bloodline of the self Born in the middle!”

When thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart moved again. He began to visualize in his mind that he was a Blazing Vermilion Bird, and the energy that made up this Blazing Vermilion Bird was his bloodline. !

After that, Ye Fei felt that on his body, the burning bloodline Divine flame, all condensed at this time, forming a special Blazing Vermilion Bird, suspended behind him, with open fire wings , Seems to ignite the void.

Gold Vermilion Bird, dumbstruck on the spot!

Xiaocao can quickly comprehend the secret technique of the Vermilion Bird One family, which is very against the sky. As a result, Ye Fei’s perception is also so amazing? Without his guidance, he discovered the greatest secret of Vermilion Bird’s real body.

Yes, the biggest advantage of Vermilion Bird’s real body is that it can gather the scattered Bloodline Strength together, and exert superb battle strength beyond the grade! For example, Ye Fei is a Grade 11 bloodline. When Condense Vermilion Bird is actually behind, it can burst out, comparable to the formidable power of Grade 2 bloodline!

This is the greatest charm of Vermilion Bird’s real body!

At the beginning, a certain ancient god of the Sacred Domain sect was to capture the vermilion bird’s true body, and then imprison the golden Vermilion Bird, and even practiced the golden Vermilion Bird into an array spirit, constantly torturing.

But the golden Vermilion Bird is indeed hard-spirited. He just endured thousands of years of torture and refused to confide half a word. Until, this time following Ye Fei, he was chased and killed. The great risk of falling, Golden Vermilion Bird, reluctantly, passed this cultivation technique out.

It’s just that Ye Fei doesn’t know this. After condensing Vermilion Bird, he continues to immerse himself in the understanding of this unique cultivation technique. At the same time, he also begins cultivation, constantly recovering himself Depleted profound energy and Bloodline Strength.

Xiaocao also turned into a group of birds to play for a while, and soon discovered that these birds are all like the golden Vermilion Bird One, either with bald wings or bald tails, ugly and ugly, and the grass is very sad. After the bird was scattered, he ran back to the beast seal space and sensed the position of the bronze palace.

During the period, in order to prevent people from being tracked, Ye Fei also decisively took off the bronze battle clothes on her body and concealed them to prevent the possibility of being discovered to the greatest extent.

Three hours later, most of the profound energy and bloodline consumed by Ye Fei have recovered. He just stood up from Dragon Tortoise’s back, his eyes became a little cold, “Three Great Sects, Zhang Wangu, and Tiemusha were obviously directed at the bronze battle clothes on my body. The so-called an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. Although I broke out, Emperor Fan and the others, but Trapped in the bronze palace, waiting for me to save!”

If you want to rescue Emperor Fan and the others, Ye Fei needs to fight the Three Great Sects alone, and even challenge the stunning world of Heaven’s Chosen. Battle strength, this kind of battle strength, outside of Taixu, is basically impossible to do, but in Taixu, in this bloody battlefield, if you have enough bronze battle clothes, or even silver battle clothes, then Nothing, it’s impossible.

In Ye Fei’s heart, it was decided in an instant that he wanted to win battle clothes, and he had to be promoted to the silver battle clothes level within three days!

“Xiaocao, don’t feel the bronze palace anymore, please help me feel immediately, who is here, the nearest to us!” After all, most of the bronze palaces are hidden and it takes too much time to find someone. , It’s very easy.

Xiao Cao hearing this also held out a little head, moved towards the dark too virtual and looked around, and soon, Xiao Cao sensed the breath of the martial artist, and made a lot of gestures with his hands. Circle, “Eh, Eh!”

“Many people, and there is a familiar breath.” Dragon Tortoise opened his mouth and helped translating through the soul sound transmission. Ye Fei was inevitably strange, “Familiar Isn’t it possible to meet acquaintances again, so I’m not as embarrassed to start.”

After all, Ye Fei is going to robbery this time, not retelling the old.

However, with a hint of curiosity, he quickly moved towards Xiaocao’s finger and rushed in the direction. Soon after, Ye Fei saw a large group of people, besieging a small group of people there. Martial artist, this small force team, there are only a dozen people, and even a heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen. There are only two bronze battle clothes on his body.

Such a team, in the Scarlet Battlefield, is definitely the bottom.

Looking at the other side, they are strong and strong. Not only are there more than 30 people, half of them have bronze battle clothes on them, especially the one in the lead, Ye Fei. Still very familiar.

“It turned out to be Si Konghao!” Ye Fei’s expression was slightly cold.

He didn’t forget that when he was outside the Scarlet Battlefield, it was this Sikonghao who united with the three ancient kingdoms to target Ji Feng’s royal family, and at the same time said insults Bai Yanran and Chu Ling. It’s just that he was busy dealing with the princes of those ancient countries, but he let this Sagong Hao run away while he was in a mess. He didn’t expect here, and actually met again.

“Sikonghao, your ancient alliance really to have no shame. Run when you see the powerhouse. When you see our weak, you will bully hard. Thanks to your Alliance Leader Duanmu Kai, you are still a peerless Heaven’s Chosen !”

When Ye Fei came over, the martial artists of these small forces had been forced to do nothing. They began to scold them one after another. Hearing these scolding, Sikonghao and Gumeng’s discipline were both laughed heartily up.

“A bunch of stupid pigs! Since we know that our Alliance Leader is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, then you dare to resist us. If you don’t kill all of you today, it seems that you don’t know the methods of our S Konghao! “

“Sagong Vice Alliance Lord, others can kill, but the little girl at the back has a pretty good figure. Isn’t she trying to let her go and make Brother happy?”

“wow hahaha…”

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