From the
top to Sagonghao , down to a group of ancient league disciplines, they all laughed wildly, and also trembled the only red clothed woman, the lovable body of the angry lovable body among the small martial artist, and the eyes were more faint. A great fear emerged.

“Gumeng, you have to die. I, Chen Jiao, will die and I will not defile you!” When she spoke, the woman named Chen Jiao had already pulled out her dagger and planned to slay herself.

But her move was not at all successful. Si Konghao, who had already been eyeing her, had already shot angrily, directly inspiring the bronze battle clothes of the five-runes on her body and surpassing this small force martial artist. The blockade is even more playful, touching the woman’s face.

Chapter 2753 Ye Fei is a bully

Chen Jiao is ashamed and indignant. At this moment, in the darkness in the distance, there is an indifferent voice, a faint irony. Said: “I have seen a lot of beasts, but I have never seen a beast like you, Sagonghao.”

“What, someone dares to call Sagong Vice Alliance Lord a beast?” Gu Meng All of them were taken aback at the school’s discipline. Si Konghao, who was touching Chen Jiao’s face, turned around furiously and turned his head, “Who dares to scold me!”

“I dare to scold you! “


Ye Fei stepped on the void, step by step, walking out of the darkness, beside him, there was a big black tortoise, standing on the black tortoise’s head A little red bird with a bald tail and bald wings was pecking Dragon Tortoise’s forehead, not knowing what it was muttering.

“Not good, it’s Ye Fei, the Ye Devil who offended Lu Mohan and killed the three princes of the ancient kingdoms!” The disciple of the ancient alliance was full of panic on his face. The scene of Ye Fei’s strong beheading of the prince of the ancient country at the beginning has scared many people.

Later, Ye Fei defeated Liu Shaohua and let Sagong Hao terrified. So, when he saw Ye Fei appeared, Sagong Hao was really taken aback, but then, he thought of something, and took a closer look at Ye Fei’s clothes, Sagong sneered in disdain, “I Who is it? Isn’t this our Great Demon? You’re a demon outside. It’s a pity that you still provoke someone you shouldn’t provoke. I heard that not only the Three Great Sects will deal with you, but even the iron wood temple. The blood alliance you are in has also begun to chase you.”

“Don’t be afraid of this demon. Even if he is lucky enough to not die, the bronze battle clothes on his body will either fall on the Three Great Sects or fall on the blood alliance. In the hands of, we are uncertain, we Ye Great Demon, once kneeled at the feet of Tiemusha, wagging our tails and begging for mercy, and this saved a small life.” Sagong Hao eccentric said loudly.

The ancient league discipline who heard this, all followed Ye Fei who laughed wildly and walked out. They could see clearly, not only did they not have the bronze battle clothes on their bodies, but they also had blood on them. Obviously experienced a fierce battle.

On the other side of the ancient alliance, there are strong soldiers and strong horses. Not only half of the people have bronze battle clothes. As the Vice Alliance Lord, Si Konghao, who has bronze battle clothes, has two runes.

At this time, Si Konghao would naturally no longer be afraid of Ye Fei. Instead, he felt that Ye Fei was really bullying. Si Konghao suddenly had a brilliant idea in his heart, looked towards himself “Dear brothers, the one in front of us, but Ye Great Demon, who dared not even look at the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, do you think we should be merciful and step on his feet and teach He, how should he behave in the future?”

“How else can I be a man, naturally I kneel in front of us, and then crawl and leave!”

“How is this enough, I haven’t heard From the words of the Vice Alliance Lord, Ye Great Demon, not everyone who wants to step on can step on him. Today, we will step on him alone, how about a meeting ceremony?”

hong long!

When talking, an ancient league discipline closest to him had moved. He stepped on the void, leaning on his body with the advantage of bronze battle clothes, and stepped directly from the top of Ye Fei’s head. He wanted to step on Ye Fei on the ground. .

Other ancient league disciplines also looked towards Ye Fei with a playful look, waiting to see Ye Fei’s humiliation scene, Chen Jiao and those martial artists of small forces are everyone Discoloration, sympathy and disappointment for Ye Fei.

Chen Jiao shouted in a hurry: “You run! I am grateful for you to save us, but you can’t save us!”

“No thanks, I just, I can’t understand a group of beasts and appear in front of me.” Ye Fei shook his head indifferently. He didn’t explain, but used his actions to show his attitude.

The big hand flashing Purple Gold rays of light, suddenly grabbed it like a pliers, and instantly grabbed the sole of the foot that fell. The ancient league discipline that came out of the foot was shocked. Profound strength, I wanted to break Ye Fei’s palm, but Ye Fei’s palm, not at all, was broken, but suddenly a brilliant sword light burst out, like a raging wave, blasting into the sky.

In the sky, a splendid blood flower bloomed, the ancient league discipline stepping on Ye Fei, already skeleton doesn’t exist, and only a rune flashing with bronze rays of light remains. , Falling on Ye Fei’s palm.

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Chen Jiao and a group of young people from small forces were stared wide-eyed in shock, Ye Fei, didn’t it mean that they were hunted down by Three Great Sects and the blood clan and had lost their bronze battle clothes? Why? , This young man wearing Purple Gold black robe will have such terrifying battle strength?

Sikonghao’s body showed a huge anger, “Ye Fei, you have offended the Three Great Sects and the blood alliance. However, you dare to offend our ancient alliance. I think you are courting. death, give it to me, kill him! Take back the bronze battle clothes!”

Kill! kill! kill!

When I saw that Ye Fei not only killed people, but also took away a piece of bronze battle clothes, all the ancient league disciplines present were furious. They released all kinds of magical powers and moved towards Ye crazy Fei blasted over.

Si Konghao, even with all his subordinates who have bronze battle clothes, roared in anger, and wanted to start a close fight with Ye Fei from different directions. This scene also scared the Chen Jiao group. The martial artist of the small force couldn’t help shaking; his heart was full of despair, and finally, a savior appeared, but in the end he was an overwhelming demon.

And this demon might soon die under the siege of the Ancient League.

“Chen Jiao, let’s go quickly, taking advantage of all the attention of the Ancient League, it is on Ye Fei.” A small martial artist couldn’t bear the fear and suggested to Chen Jiao.

“But…” Chen Jiao was obviously agitated, but worried about it. It was a bit to forget favors and violate justice. At this moment when she hesitated, the two companions around her were already alone. Grabbed one of her arms and started to back away.

At this moment, facing Ye Fei surrounded by the Ancient League, a bright and terrifying Destruction Sword light burst out of his body. This sword light is so bright and so From the hands of Ye Fei, the magnificence of the sword is like a mountain and river of swords, cutting the sun and the moon, and breaking the sky!

Those who rushed over to the ancient league discipline suddenly felt a tingling pain in their bodies. Then, they were terrified to see that there were countless blood stains on their bodies. These blood stains expanded infinitely, instantly, They swallowed their Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul, and let their bodies, all split up and in pieces, burst into masses of blood mist.

“This is not true, this is definitely not true!” Sagong Hao stared blankly at the terrifying scene before him. More than 30 people from their ancient alliance attacked Ye Fei together. In the end, except for him A few steps behind with a few men wearing bronze battle clothes, the other ancient league disciplines that started in advance were completely wiped out by Ye Fei!

In the trance, Si Konghao had an illusion in his heart. What he was facing was not a desolate Ye Devil, but a kind of facing Lu Mohan, Duanmu Kai that etc. The feeling of peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

Chapter 2754 Sikong is frightened

“No, this must be an illusion! You don’t even have bronze battle clothes, how could there be such a strong battle strength, I know , This must be an evil method! You guys, immediately give me the bronze battle clothes on my body, this time I will personally kill the demon!”

Sikonghao roared, as the Vice Alliance Lord of the Ancient League , The ancient league killed so many people in one battle, he could not shirk the blame. Sikonghao knew that only if he defeated Ye Fei, and even killed Ye Fei, could he make up for it and obtain Duanmukai’s forgiveness.

So, Si Konghao immediately made a decision, that is, all the bronze battle clothes under his hands were gathered, trying to use the power of battle clothes to suppress Ye Fei.

“My Si Konghao doesn’t believe me, my ten battle clothes are combined, but I can’t beat you demons! What are you still doing, all battle clothes, merge with me!”


Sikonghao’s voice was thunderous, and finally awakened the experts of these ancient alliances. Sikonghao was right. Since the strength of a single person cannot defeat Ye Fei, then they will take everything Concentrate on one person’s bronze battle clothes, help that person, and achieve super battle strength like the peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

They don’t believe it, so Ye Fei can’t be killed!

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