“Vice Alliance Lord, kill Ye Mo!”

“Damn it, if this Ye Mo is not too strong, why should we hand over all our battle clothes!” These ancients The alliance’s expert, collectively angered, and at the same time pieces of bronze battle clothes turned into rune and blended into Sagong Hao’s body. Sagong Hao’s bronze battle clothes immediately burst into bright radiance. At the same time, relying on the increase in battle clothes, he The battle strength of Heaven’s Chosen also reached an unimaginable height in an instant!

During this process, Ye Fei never did anything, just squinted his eyes and looked at Si Konghao indifferently, “It’s okay to solve them one by one, it’s too much trouble, it’s better to wait for you. , Put all the bronze battle clothes together, and then, I am killing you, taking your battle clothes!”

“boast shamelessly! Ye Mo, you are just holding on, now My battle strength has also been upgraded to the peerless Heaven’s Chosen level. This time I see how you die! Sagong Star Plucking Hand!”

Ten pieces of bronze battle clothes merged into one, Si Konghao not only became incomparable in battle strength Strong and self-confidence has become unprecedentedly huge, he put out a hand, like an ancient god picking stars, moved towards Ye Fei and killed him in rage.

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly showed a touch of indifference. He did not evade. Facing Sagong Ho’s blow that was comparable to the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Ye Fei only made one action, which was to burn the bloodline and condense Vermilion Bird. real body!

A huge Vermilion Bird illusory shadow emerged from behind Ye Fei, roared, and was born from the Divine flame. In an instant, Ye Fei felt that he was within the body and seemed to have a share The mysterious bloodline power, this power, made the Divine Ability in his hand become more and more terrifying. It was obviously only a virtual supernatural power, but when it was displayed again, it was ten times stronger than before!

bang bang bang!

The Great Seal of Life and Death, turned into one after another Divine Seal of the mountain, continuously strikes out of Ye Fei’s hands, and collides with Sikonghao’s Star Plucking Hand Together, a thick look of shock suddenly appeared on Si Konghao’s face. “Really peerless Heaven’s Chosen! How could it be possible? His bloodline is obviously only Grade 11, and there is no increase in battle clothes. Why, he can burst out such a terrifying battle strength!”

Sikong Hao feared, Despair and unprecedented confidence suffered a huge blow at the moment Ye Fei took the shot, but this also strengthened his determination to kill Ye Fei.

After all, Ye Fei does not rely on bronze battle clothes, and can burst out the terrifying battle strength of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen. If you put on battle clothes, wouldn’t it be upset?

“Kill! Ye Mo, take my strongest blow!”

Void began to roar, Sikonghao was completely furious, he burned his bloodline to the limit, and With the help of ten bronze runes, his formidable power doubled again with this blow, fiercely blasting towards Ye Fei’s body.

Ye Fei just wanted to dodge. Suddenly, all directions, those ancient alliance experts who lost the bronze battle clothes, all sneered, releasing magical powers from the air, and also sealed all Ye Fei dodge space.

hong long long!

After the more terrifying Star Plucking Hand strikes came down, Sagong Hao showed a triumphant grin, the battle strength of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and the ancient alliance expert. He was besieging Ye Fei from the side. He didn’t believe it. Can’t kill Ye Fei.

“Waiting to kill this Ye Fei, I, Sagonghao, must chop up his corpse and put on a big costume!” Sagonghao looked cold and arrogant.

At the same time, the terrifying star catcher also blasted Ye Fei’s body, but this giant hand did not blast Ye Fei on the spot. At the critical moment, Ye Fei’s body appeared strong Purple Gold rays of light, too virtual magical power, Ancient God Golden Body!

When this golden body merged with Ye Fei’s Vermilion Bird real body, Ye Fei’s entire body, like an ancient Purple Gold star, burst into unprecedented rays of light!

This rays of light obscured the sun and the moon, and the moment Ye Fei raised his hand and waved his death seal, it shattered the most proud Star Plucking Hand of Sagong Hao.

Boom ka!

The big seals of life and death, like an angry mountain god roaring, smash void, judging life and death, those who were so proud just now that they thought they had killed Ye Fei The experts of the ancient alliance suddenly saw a terrifying Divine Seal flying in front of them, shattering their bodies and blasting their Heavenly Palace.

Ye Fei at this moment has really brought this magical power to the limit. Every time he takes a step, there must be an expert of the ancient alliance, which explodes into blood mist and violent death.

When Ye Fei took ten steps, between Heaven and Earth, apart from Ye Fei, only Si Konghao was left, standing in the void with dull eyes, dead, all dead!

Ye Fei only used a magical power to kill all his men! There is no need for any doubt. Ye Fei at this time has definitely reached the height of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen like Lu Mohan and Duanmukai!

A slight cold wind blows down from the void. Chen Jiao and the others who watched the battle suddenly felt an inexplicable chill in their bodies. They looked up and looked at the black robed youth who had crushed the void. A feeling of having to look up.


This bloody wind of void finally awakened Si Konghao from the sluggishness. He suddenly turned around and tried to escape from here. The farther he escaped, the better, even if he was wearing ten Runes’ bronze battle clothes, but, casually, Ye Fei, the scene of massacre, has completely frightened Si Konghao.

“I can’t die, I can’t die! I am Sagong Hao, the strongest Heaven’s Chosen of the Sikong Family! In the future, I still have hope to break through, the ancient emperor, I can continue to do My man… man?”

Suddenly, Si Konghao felt a sharp pain in his chest. He lowered his head and inexplicably saw a devastating sword light from his chest. Through his back.

“You…” Si Konghao’s expression was full of extreme horror and shock. Before he could react at all, Ye Fei had actually appeared in front of him. The sword killed him.

Before he died, Sagong Hao knew that in front of a truly peerless Heaven’s Chosen, even if he put on battle clothes, once he turned and escaped, his ending was doomed. .

One sword, Sikonghao died!

Chapter 2755 is a big vote

Chapter 2755 is a big vote

“Sikonghao, he is dead!”

“Ye Fei alone killed everyone in the Ancient League!”

“Moreover, he didn’t wear any battle clothes!”

A group of martial artists from small forces, Looking at Ye Fei, I felt unexplainably shocked. This means that Ye Fei not at all, as rumored, was chased and killed, but in the pursuit, it became stronger and stronger. Now, it has reached the peerless. The height of Heaven’s Chosen.

After that, some people showed a touch of shame on their faces. You should know that Ye Fei saved them just now. Not only did they not help when Ye Fei was under siege, they also tried to escape.

Although Ye Fei slaughtered the ancient alliance too fast, they finally chose to stay and continue to wait and see, but they really saw that Ye Fei was casually killed after Sagong Hao, they He became extremely nervous again, very worried that Ye Fei might kill them, or take the bronze battle clothes from them.

What surprised them was that Ye Fei didn’t even look at them when he killed Sagong Hao. After all, the biggest reason Ye Fei made the move was because he had grievances with Sagong Hao. As for saving these people, it was just incidental. Therefore, no matter whether these people stay or leave when he fights, he will not care, and he will not be bothered to get angry.

After all, these people have nothing to do with him.

It was the bronze battle clothes left by Sikonghao after his death, which made Ye Fei’s eyes shine. These battle clothes, but a full integration of ten ways, Celestial Emperor rune, if worn, can already increase the grade. 1 bloodline, let the martial artist of Grade 11 bloodline burst out the formidable power of Grade 2 bloodline.

In addition to Ye Fei, the bronze battle clothes of the four runes, and the bronze rune captured before, he now has fifteen Celestial Emperor runes, the bronze battle clothes condensed Up.

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