“Unfortunately, if I want to be promoted to silver battle clothes, I still have five runes…” In other words, he still needs five bronze battle clothes, and then subconsciously, he looked towards the group A martial artist of a small force.

It is this simple glance that has made these people cold and sweaty. Now, they don’t dare to treat Ye Fei as a demon, but as Lu Mohan’s peerless Heaven’s Chosen, who need to look up and awe.

But Ye Fei not at all took action against these people. In the end, the martial artists of these small forces are too weak, and he doesn’t like to bully a group of weak, so Ye Fei didn’t say anything, just Turned around to leave.

These martial artists of these small forces are relaxed. Chen Jiao’s eyes are also bright. Ye Fei’s attitude made her judge that Ye Fei is not the kind of villain in the rumors, so she ignored the others. With an ugly face, he walked up quickly and said gratefully: “Young Master Ye, many thanks, you saved us.”

“No thanks, I shot it because I had hatred with Sikonghao. It’s not to save you.” Ye Fei’s attitude is very cold, not at all, because the other party is a beautiful woman, it means to talk more.

Chen Jiao’s heart is inevitably a little sad. Although she comes from a small force, she is also a jewel in the area where she is. In fact, all those who follow her are hers. Admirers. But Chen Jiao despised these admirers. Her ideal partner would be the invincible Heaven’s Chosen like Ye Fei.

It’s a pity. Ye Fei’s attitude deeply hurt the girl’s heart, which made Chen Jiao start to wonder if she had become ugly. At this moment, Ye Fei, who had gone far away, suddenly remembered something, and moved towards Chen Jiao and walked over. .

Chen Jiao’s heart is inexplicable joy again, a pair of bright and intelligent eyes looked towards Ye Fei and said: “Young Master Ye, if you have something, you can do it despite your orders, I Chen Jiao I must do it.”

“It turned out to be Miss Chen.”

“Call me Jiaojiao…”

“Eh…” Ye Fei felt something Depressed, although the name was the same, Chen Jiao was far worse than Long Jiaojiao, who had a staunch personality but a little delicate.

However, when he turned his head this time, it was not for Chen Jiao’s beauty, but suddenly he remembered in his heart that it was just a piece of silver battle clothes that could not crush Three Great Sects. Not to mention, there are two peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Zhang Wangu and Tiemusha, secretly glare like a tiger watching his prey.

So, he wants to defeat Three Great Sects and rescue Emperor Fan and the others. What is needed is not a white clothed battle clothes! It’s two pieces, three pieces, and more!

Just to get so many battle clothes in a short period of time, just relying on Ye Fei to find people one by one would be a waste of time and energy, so when Ye Fei turned around, suddenly Thought of a very good idea. So he walked back again, and said directly to Chen Jiao: “Miss Chen, I need you to help me do things. If you do well, I promise you don’t say everyone, but half of them. , You should be able to have bronze battle clothes!”


Ye Fei’s words, like thunder, shocked everyone including Chen Jiao. You know, Chen Jiao This team only has two bronze battle clothes, and they are always worried about being robbed. Ye Fei’s words will undoubtedly make this group of small forces martial artists excited.

Chen Jiao flushed even more, adding a more beautiful and alluring expression: “Young Master Ye, I don’t know what you want us to do?”

“Very simple, I If you want to split the news to me, say that I was chased by the ancient alliance of Three Great Sects and Ironwood Temple. I have run out of oil, and I am hiding here to heal my wounds. Then, you will be responsible for those who want to kill me. People, bring them here!” Ye Fei slightly smiled.

When Chen Jiao heard this remark, she was shocked, “Young Master Ye, you are like this, what if the Three Great Sects and the blood alliance are attracted?”

Ye Fei smiled and gave Chen Jiao a look of encouragement, “This is what you need to pay attention to. Remember, you can only pass the news to those small and medium-sized forces, not the news. To Three Great Sects!”

After all, if it is passed to Three Great Sects, there will be a lot of people on the other side. If it is to join forces with two peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Zhang Wangu and Tiemusha, there is no silver battle clothes. Under the circumstances, Ye Fei could not beat that many people at once.

But if the people who learned the news were small-scale medium-sized forces, such as the three ancient countries, many of them would definitely try to curry favor with such peerless Lu Mohan. Heaven’s Chosen.

Then, they happened to hear that not only was their bronze battle clothes taken away, but also received important news. Ye Fei did not believe that these forces would not produce something special. Thoughts.

But Ye Fei would not say these words to these people. He just looked at them and said: “How about this vote, do you guys do it?”

“Young Master Ye, we did it!” Chen Jiao said firmly, but she didn’t know what she thought of when she was doing it, but Chen Jiao’s face was blushing, which made Ye Fei a little confused.

The little martial artists who followed Chen Jiao also looked a little weird, but after Ye Fei threw a piece of bronze battle clothes to them on the spot, these weirdness quickly turned into complete excitement. And crazy.

There is no need to urge Ye Fei too much. The martial artists of these small forces have already dispersed in all directions, wishing to meet other teams immediately, and then use all means to abduct them.

Only Chen Jiao was left by Ye Fei.

Chapter 2756 is born to bully

Chapter 2756 is born to bully

“Ye Xiaozi, you leave this baby girl, you don’t really want a golden House to keep one’s mistress, right?” The golden Vermilion Bird finally stopped pecking Dragon Tortoise’s head, but looked at Ye Fei with some doubts.

After all, it has a small life now, but it is linked with Ye Fei. If Ye Fei is attracted by beauty, the golden Vermilion Bird must be loyal and remonstrative.

Ye Fei’s face is a bit dark, and there is an urge to kill the ill-fated bird, “Go away, I will do this, just keep my personality, so I don’t have the nasty you want.”

After all, although the martial artists of these small forces are not villains, many of them are greedy for life and fear of death. Even if they decide to use them, Ye Fei will not be completely relieved.

That’s why he decided to keep Chen Jiao, the de facto leader of this small team, so that those who left, who want to betray him, have to weigh the price of doing so.

The purpose of Ye Fei is nothing more.

But I don’t know, Chen Jiao, who was left behind, has already started to think about it, her face is blushing, “Weird, this Young Master Ye took everyone away, but left alone. After getting off me, what will he do to me?”

Thinking of this, Chen Jiao was still a little scared, and looked up towards Ye Fei with some expectation, but it was Ye Fei’s crazy cultivation. , The silhouette of not listening to foreign affairs, only a round black turtle, and a bald strange bird, watching her big eyes staring at small eyes endlessly.

Because of Ye Fei’s move to leave Chen Jiao behind, those little martial artists who left did not dare to be dissidents. Instead, they formed a group of two and rushed into the darkness, deliberately Release all kinds of divine light to attract the attention of others.

Soon, there were two lucky guys. They collided head-on with a Heaven’s Chosen team of more than 30 people, and they were soon surrounded. They were also very acquainted. Raised both hands and surrendered: “Senior Brothers, don’t kill us. We don’t have battle clothes. We just know the whereabouts of the Demon Leaf, so I rushed to Three Great Sects to invite credit and reward.”

“Let you go Shit, it’s rumored that the leaf devil kills people like scything flax. How can you have a chance to survive when you meet him!” In this Heaven’s Chosen team, a magnificently dressed youth with scars came out, and he cursed at the beginning.

The two people who heard this immediately yelled for injustice, “I’m wrong, this Young Master, what we said is true, that Ye Mo was besieged by Three Great Sects first, and finally abandoned his friend. Then he escaped and ascended to heaven. Later, he was surrounded by the blood alliance and was taken away by the iron woodshak. The bronze battle clothes were taken away. He was seriously injured. It was too late for him to heal his injuries. There is no time to chase us down!”

“What are you talking about, that Ye Demon’s head was seriously injured, how heavy? But did you see it with your own eyes?” The Chinese clothes Young Master was obviously interested and immediately began further interrogation.

The two vowed together: “The head of Ye Mo was chased and killed by the blood alliance. We saw it with our own eyes. Otherwise, we didn’t have the courage to follow him, and ran to Three Great Sects to report. Master doesn’t believe me, we can take you to the place where Ye Mo hides now. If there is a lie, you can kill us!”

“hahaha, this is what you said, very good, this Prince has long seen that surnamed Ye’s unhappy, a muddy leg, dare to be called a demon, Ye Demon, you also have today!”

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