That is the brilliance of the Taiji Sword picture. Since the suppression of the void, Liu Yuhua has seen his flame halo, layer after layer, like a building collapsed, like a mountain falling.

“It was Zhang Wangu who asked me to deal with you! Zhang Wangu took advantage of us… Let me go, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance to you and help you deal with Zhang Wangu!” Liu Yuhua shouted in horror.

Ye Fei was also slightly nodded, knowing that Liu Yuhua definitely didn’t want to die in vain, so at the last moment, Zhang Wangu was caught out, but this could not save his life.

“I am a person who hates threats from others, and you not only threaten me, but also threaten everyone around me!” Ye Fei has a cold expression, dragon has a reverse scale, touch it will Certainly become angry, and Liu Yuhua happened to touch his reverse scale, Ye Fei, how can he let this person continue to live?


A bright sword light penetrated the void, and then a dilapidated corpse fell into the void.

Liu Yuhua, Zhu!

This scene, I don’t know how many people watched, and Cui Min’s lips trembled violently, “Duan Tian is dead, and Liu Yuhua is also dead, where is Ye Fei? He is clearly the Demon King! Everyone, stop him with all your strength!” Cui Min categorically gave the order, but he turned around and started to run away, even his partner, Liniang, ignored him, Li The mother’s eyes suddenly showed a sense of sadness and determination, “You still despise me, you have never really loved me, what you love is only my Sect Master’s daughter identity! But, you and I are husband and wife in the end , You are cold-blooded, but I can’t be ruthless!”

Jian Yi nine days!

Liniang whispered sadly, she suddenly used her own bloodline as a guide to launch the strongest arrow. This arrow shattered the void and even the Taiji Sword picture of Ye Fei, directly, Blast at Ye Fei’s body.

Cui Min, who was escaping, trembled violently, “Jianyi Jiutian is a taboo secret technique that can only be performed by losing his life and bloodline, Liniang, why are you?”

The grief returned to grief, Cui Min, but never looked back, glanced at the scared woman, still, just running for his life.

Ye Fei’s expression also became surprised. He took a deep look at Liniang, but her body burst out with a more intense white silver light. Liniang’s sad face suddenly appeared There was a deep sense of fear and despair.

What did she see, Ye Fei’s body, silver battle clothes, there are actually two runes! In other words, Ye Fei got two silver battle clothes in just two days!

Jianyi Jiutian is indeed powerful, but it only shattered the defense of the silver battle clothes, but could not go further, breaking the defense of Ye Fei Ancient God Golden Body, but Ye Fei still felt that the body of the arrow There was a slight pain, and a long arrow was actually torn in his chest.

“Everyone underestimates you, Three Great Sects, the real strongest is not Liu Yuhua, but you who are not good looking!” Ye Fei was shocked when he said this, but more regret.

He has sensed that after Liniang can release this arrow, her life force has rapidly lost her face, and her face has also become aging at the speed visible by naked eye. Obviously, this arrow will not only destroy In addition to her bloodline, it also damaged her Life Source.

“You, my fate is not long, I rarely kill women, go!”

Ye Fei turned around, did not look at Liniang again, but Liniang smiled. On the face covered with scars and frowns, there was a touch of sadness and loneliness, “I don’t need you to be pitiful. You can win. It’s just a fluke. I can only blame our unbalanced hearts and heavy greed. If we at first, Just cooperate sincerely, concentrate all the bronze battle clothes on one person, help that person, promote silver, we will not lose! Even if we lose, we will not be so miserable!”

Ye Fei With a sneer, pointing to the dead Duan Tian and then to the dead Liu Yuhua, “Maybe you can do it, but you think that Duan Tian, ​​Liu Yuhua, and Cui Min, who abandoned you, can do it? They are willing to make friends. Out of my own battle clothes, to achieve others, I don’t even have a chance to break through, let alone stand here and talk to you.”

After that, Ye Fei is not talking to this woman, Just stepping forward, he was about to chase Cui Min who had fled. At this time, Liniang also stared at Ye Fei’s back, and suddenly shook her head sadly, “Everyone says you are a demon, but it happened to you as a demon. I feel what is true disposition. Real man! When I chose my husband-in-law, I should wait a little longer…”

Liniang opened her bow again, and the moment Ye Fei turned around, she amazedly burned her last life. Source and bloodline, once again, burst out the horrible arrow light of Jianyi nine days, and then this arrow light penetrated the void and bypassed Ye Fei’s body. Suddenly, it shot at the heart of Cui Min, who was fleeing desperately. .

Cui Min’s body suddenly became stiff. He wanted to turn his head somewhat mechanically, but before he could turn his head, the fierce arrow light completely swallowed him.

Ye Fei’s heart also shook fiercely, and layers of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, “I would rather offend a villain than a woman. I finally understand why, before leaving, Demon Sovereign Master Pull me aside and warn me of this remark again and again.”

In Heaven’s Chosen of Three Great Sects, Cui Min is the most miserable and most useless one.

Not only did they look at the discipline of Zhantianmen and Myriad Poison Sect, they were speechless, and even the Emperor Fan and the others who rushed over were extremely surprised, “Although this woman is not good looking, she is also a strange woman. Ye Fei, did you really kill her?”

“It doesn’t matter whether you kill or not. Hand over your battle clothes and I will let you leave!” Ye Fei shook his head and looked towards Standing Void Liniang, at this time Liniang, due to the exhaustion of bloodline and Life Source, has become a gray-haired old woman, but even at the last moment of her death, her gaze is staring firmly Ye Fei.

Until Ye Fei said, letting go of other people’s words, Liniang’s eyes were completely dimmed, but the corner of her mouth showed a smile of relief.

“Thank you!”

In the sky, a woman sighed softly, and then, it was a bronze battle clothes with strong rune rays of light, slowly Fell into Ye Fei’s hands.

Chapter 2764 Eyes on the Golden Road

Chapter 2764 Eyes on the Golden Road

With a sigh, Ye Fei walked towards Liu Yuhua, towards Duan Tian, ​​and Walking towards Cui Min, he was not polite, and took away their bronze battle clothes, together with the space belt.

The remaining disciplines of Zhantianmen and Ten Thousand Poison Sect also looked at Ye Fei with horrified eyes. They did not dare to move or escape, although many of them were eager. Those bronze battle clothes, but in the end, did not dare to step forward to fight.

After all, this is Ye Fei’s trophy. A peerless Heaven’s Chosen can suppress an era. This is not just a talk. The corpses of the three Liu Yuhua are the best proof.

Finally, some people couldn’t bear the silent pressure, and took the initiative to turn the bronze battle clothes on their bodies into rune, throw them on the ground, and then backed up and fled.

Ye Fei did not stop these people either, but when he put on silver battle clothes, a kind of more and more intense summon appeared in his mind. This kind of summon was fighting. It was not obvious at the time. With the end of the battle, Ye Fei burst out terrifying battle strength beyond the bloody battlefield. The summon idea became stronger and stronger.

Ye Fei was faintly surprised, maybe getting silver battle clothes is the condition for this bloody battlefield to clear the customs. He could only look helplessly at Emperor Fan and the others who came over: “I’m afraid I can’t stay on the Scarlet Battlefield anymore, Emperor Fan, the remaining battle clothes, you distribute them yourself. Once you reach the Silver level, you will follow me. Same, get summon who left the Scarlet Battlefield!”

“Unfortunately, I can’t help you all people and get silver battle clothes.” Ye Fei still has some regrets in his heart, although the Three Great Sects have been destroyed. In the end, to be promoted to silver, too much bronze battle clothes are needed.

From Liu Yuhua and the others, Ye Fei only collected three and a half sets of silver battle clothes. These battle clothes, Ye Fei, who has already received the summon of the Scarlet Battlefield, are no longer needed. He simply left it all to Emperor Fan and the others.

After that, Ye Fei’s all around, the summon of the space became stronger and stronger, and finally reached the limit that Ye Fei could resist. The dazzling silver rays of light erupted from his silver battle clothes, which unexpectedly formed a peculiar silver light gate, swallowing Ye Fei into it, and also the Dragon Tortoise and the golden Vermilion. Bird.

Ye Fei not at all, who just left, noticed that just as he couldn’t bear the summon of space and was about to leave the bloody battlefield, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness in the distance.


In the mouth of the master of the eyes, a wild beast-like low growl, almost in the Ye Fei receiving space summon, leaving the scarlet battlefield At the same time, this silhouette actually burst out with monstrous blood energy light. This rays of light directly tore the space of the blood-colored battlefield, followed by the light gate of summon Ye Fei, flashing into the void.

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