this scene, I am staying in the Scarlet Battlefield, discussing how to allocate battle clothes to Emperor Fan and the others, not at all. I found that even the grass in the animal print space did not find any abnormalities. .

Stepping into the light gate of silver, a huge light bridge suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fei’s eyes!

Look carefully, it’s not a real light bridge, but a golden giant beast with a length of 1000 meters, crawling in the void, and on its back, a long light bridge is built. An Ancient Road in the depths of the void.

Seeing that Ancient Road, the Golden Vermilion Bird was faintly excited, “Ye Xiaozi, this is the Golden Ancient Road! It is also the last link of the inheritance Ancient Road. Enter this Ancient Road and you will have a chance. , Get the approval of Celestial Emperor battle clothes, get the chance to enter the Celestial Emperor palace!”

Celestial Emperor inheritance is divided into two parts.

One is the inheritance Ancient Road, and the other is the palace of the Celestial Emperor.

Only by passing the test of the Inheritance Ancient Road and obtaining the key to pass the level, can you step into the palace of the Celestial Emperor. Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s expression became tense.

Footsteps, also began to walk out of the silver light door, violently, stepped onto the broad back of the golden giant beast.


When I stepped on it, the golden giant beast suddenly issued an angry roar. In my mouth, I actually vomited a huge stone tablet. On the stone tablet, the same There was an odd eye that opened slowly, moved towards Ye Fei and took a look, “80th, 81 silver rune, you can leave the name of the stone tablet and get the chance!”

Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but moved, looking towards that side of the stone tablet, and sure enough, there was a densely packed name left on it, all left by Heaven’s Chosen, which had entered the golden Ancient Road.

Moreover, the location of this stone tablet is only 81 grids, that is to say, only the 81 people who enter the golden Ancient Road first are eligible to get the opportunity to stay on the stone tablet.

“I just don’t know, what’s the use of leaving a name on this stone tablet?” Ye Fei thought for a while, and started to look at the name on it carefully, but the name in the first row made Ye Fei scared. Jumped.

“It is Chen Xiaoyao! Could it be that Chen Xiaoyao is the first person to enter the Golden Ancient Road? This person is really strong.” Ye Fei’s heart was shaken, and he continued to look down, he was surprised again The second one was not Lu Mohan, who he thought was very strong, but a strange woman named Blood Exquisite Fruit, who took the second place.

Lu Mohan entered the Golden Ancient Road only in fifth place, and was named as Stone Tablet.

“There is also Zhang Wangu, he actually ranked tenth! On the contrary, it is Tiemusha, I didn’t see the name…” Ye Fei was a little confused, after all, Zhang Wangu and Tiemucha are both peerless. Heaven’s Chosen.

Since even Zhang Wangu has entered the Golden Ancient Road, why did the iron wood temple disappear?

“Fengyun, there is Fengyun’s name on it!”

Ye Fei was completely surprised.

Fengyun, once the strongest Heaven’s Chosen of the Divine Dynasty in Chiyue, Wind and Cloud Sect is an invincible figure, Ye Fei has only seen one aspect of the projection in Qing State, and there is no more harmony. There has been any intersection.

But didn’t expect, now he saw Fengyun’s name again on the stone tablet on the side of Tai Xu.

“There is Shangluo, and Shangluo went in too…”

Looking down Fengyun’s name, Ye Fei saw Shangluo’s name again, ranking 20th. , Ye Fei felt relieved for a while, and then a little depressed.

“Didn’t expect, before me, there were so many people who have already entered the Golden Ancient Road. If I come later, I guess I won’t even have the chance to stay on the stone tablet.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei finally engraved his name on the last line of the stone tablet, “The eighth eleven, Ye Fei! You are the last and the last, you can get the Celestial Emperor. People!”

The eyeballs on the stone tablet rolled over, and another big mouth appeared, saying this remark coldly, and a strange golden token was sprayed out of the mouth. Fall in the palm of Ye Fei.

This token is the ancient order of Celestial Emperor!

It’s just that this is not a complete ancient decree, but only one of 90% of the Celestial Emperor’s ancient decree.

Chapter 2765 The Dangerous Ironwood Temple

Chapter 2765 The Dangerous Ironwood Temple

“Celestial Emperor Ancient Order, Nine by Nine Returns to One! “

Ye Fei carefully observed the ancient order in his hand and found such a passage, he was about to inquire about the stone tablet, but the stone tablet has been turned into a stone tablet, once again turned into a streamer, into gold Among the big mouth of giant beast.

Ye Fei could only speculate with a wry smile: “Vermilion Bird Senior, could it be that this ancient Celestial Emperor order is the key to the Celestial Emperor palace?”

“That’s right. But it is. Celestial Emperor’s ancient order must be Nine by Nine Returns to One, and those who set foot on the Golden Ancient Road, only the eight elevens in front can be named on the stone tablet. Other latecomers will not have this privilege, Ye Xiaozi, you have to Be careful.” Golden Vermilion Bird’s tone is rare and solemn.

Ye Fei is also very nodded.

After all, the young gods who are too imaginary, the entire Heaven Realm, add up to hundreds of thousands, but only tens of thousands can enter the bloody battlefield, and finally can embark on the road to gold, it is estimated that only a few Less than a hundred people.

Among them, only the 81 people in front are eligible for the Celestial Emperor ancient order. This competition is not generally fierce. And it would be even more difficult to seize Gu Ling from among these people.

“However, I will not give up on this, Lu Mohan, Zhang Wangu, you are waiting, I am coming!”

Ye Fei took the ancient order and walked quickly , Was about to pass this light bridge, and at this moment, outside the light bridge, there was a sudden violent roar, a blood-colored light door slowly emerged from behind Ye Fei.

In the light gate, a blood-colored silhouette stepped out, and he roared indifferently: “Ye Fei!”

“Are you, iron wood brake?”

Ye Fei some have one’s hair stand on end, watching the silhouette that appeared, it turned out to be the Alliance Leader, Ironwood Shah, who had chased him down!

It’s just different from the Iron Wood Shakes in the Scarlet Battlefield. At this time, the Iron Wood Shakes not only have scarlet eyes, but also give people a very dangerous feeling. Even this feeling makes Ye Fei’s vest started to chill.


Without extra words, I roared out the name of Ye Fei, Tiemusha, already carrying infinite murderous intention, set foot on this golden giant beast The light bridge formed by the spine, and then, the entire light bridge, under the footsteps of Tiemu Sha, became violently trembling.

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