
Eating painful golden giant beast, suddenly roared, Ye Fei was shocked to discover that the giant beast under his feet was actually a living creature, and then, the giant beast’s mouth , Flew out of a stone tablet again, and on the stone tablet, a stone eye slowly appeared, just about to speak.

“get lost!”

Tiemucha blood energy soars into the sky, and suddenly moved towards the stone eye, staring out a pair of scarlet eyes, the stone eye, shut up immediately, originally slow Tuntun’s movements turned out to be faster than lightning. With a flash, he rushed into the mouth of the giant beast, and the giant beast immediately fell into the deepest sleep.

Ye Fei was shocked at once, “How can Iron Wood Shake possess such a terrifying ability?”

“Ye Fei, he is not Iron Wood Shake, he is…”

The golden Vermilion Bird didn’t finish speaking, and suddenly it screamed with wings holding head, but it was the look of Tiemusha, and it glared back, unexpectedly causing the spirit of Vermilion Bird in the ancient emperor realm. Unbearable.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but took a deep breath, “You absolutely Tiemusha, who are you?”

He fought with Tiemusha, Naturally, it is clear that the battle strength of Tiemusha is basically impossible to be terrifying, and even more so strange.


The Tiemusha that appeared did not answer Ye Fei’s question. Instead, he stared at Ye Fei with the same gaze. Ye Fei felt a tingling sensation in his entire body, including his soul, but at this moment, his body was on the silver battle clothes. The rune suddenly broke out at the same time. Actually effectively resisted Tiemucha’s strange eyes.

Ye Fei has a feeling of escape, and is secretly lucky. Fortunately, he is wearing silver battle clothes made by Celestial Emperor rune. Otherwise, just the weird pupil technique will be able to Let him fall into a complete passivity.

After that, a huge anger emerged on Ye Fei’s body, “Whether you want to kill me or not, you must pay the highest price! Where is my sword!”

Boom ka!

sword dao Heavenspan, sword dao fascinated!

The huge anger caused Ye Fei’s condensed sword light to rise with anger, forming an endless Destruction Sword fire, slashing forward, but a touch of indifference appeared on Tiemusha’s face. The fist rises up like a comet, forming two scarlet pythons, swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth, swallowing all Ye Fei’s sword fire with one bite.

At this time, Ye Fei was no longer shocked, but a touch of horror appeared, “When did this iron wood temple become so terrifying? No, this battle, I absolutely cannot defeat! “

After all, Tiemusha came to kill him this time. If he can’t be defeated, not only will he die, but Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, including the golden Vermilion Bird, will all be in great danger.

“Kill, Taiji Sword dance!”

Ye Fei roared, a sword light was destroyed, and immediately there were thousands of absolutely sword light, such as stormy sea, crazy moved towards Tiemucha killed him, but Ye Fei was shocked again by Tiemucha’s performance.

Faced with his thousands of sword light, behind Tiemusha, a blood-colored pagoda appeared unexpectedly. That pagoda, blooming with a peculiar divine light, continuously shattered Ye Fei’s sword light and impact .

“You are weak, die! You are strong, live!” Tiemusha smiled indifferently, and while blasting the blood-colored pagoda, he also displayed a supernatural power, that magic power, forming countless blood Spear, Ye Fei will be killed by chaotic spears.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became extremely dignified, but he did not flinch, but at this time burst out all the bloodline power, white clothed battle clothes, like bright stars, constantly strengthened his bloodline, at the same time, a terrifying bloodline Divine flame, from within the body of Ye Fei, as a torch, rushing into the sky, and behind Ye Fei, forming a special Blazing Vermilion Bird, this Blazing Vermilion Bird is Ye The real body of Fei’s Vermilion Bird.

hong long long!

With the promotion of Vermilion Bird’s real body, Ye Fei’s Bloodline Strength instantly surpassed the peerless Heaven’s Chosen level. His sword light became brighter and brighter, and his fists became extremely terrifying. .

A fierce roar came from Ye Fei’s mouth. Behind him, in addition to the real body of Vermilion Bird, nine heaven and earth divine cauldrons have evolved, like nine ancient stars that were adored by Ye Fei. Divine Soul took control and blasted towards the real body of Tiemusha.

But what shocked and frightened Ye Fei was that in the face of his offensive, the Iron Wood Shah in front of him was not wearing any battle clothes. He looked at Ye Fei indifferently, in his hands. Both of his fists have collided with Ye Fei and fiercely.


At this moment, the entire Void Light Bridge trembled violently. Ye Fei and Tiemusha’s bodies moved back at the same time, looking towards each other’s eyes , There is a deep grave expression.

In the previous blow, the two of them actually made a split! This is obviously abnormal!

You must know that Ye Fei’s body is wearing silver battle clothes of two runes, and iron wood brakes and any battle clothes are not worn, he broke out a level of battle beyond the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, more Did he take the initiative to leave the Scarlet Battlefield and chase him up?

Chapter 2766 The Temptation of the Snake Spirit

Chapter 2766 The Temptation of the Snake Spirit

Dragon Boxing!

The mark of life and death!

Ye Fei suddenly punched with one hand, pinched with the other hand, and the whistling fist gangs formed a terrifying dragon seal, a boiling fighting intent, and a condense symbolizing the terror seal of life and death.

The two seals, almost at the same time, strikes on the body of Tiemu Sha, but at a critical moment, a layer of bright purple-gold rays of light burst out of Tiemu Sha’s body.

Ye Fei’s pupils, also at this moment, opened up in an instant, “Ancient God Golden Body, how can you also be the real body of the ancient god?”


The answer to Ye Fei is that it is the terror magic sound like Asura of Ironwood Temple. This is a pure sound of power. At this time, it has formed a violent void shock, shaking Ye Fei’s body , Retreat quickly without control.

At the same time, a horror fist flashed with purple-golden fists, and fiercely moved towards Ye Fei’s body strikes cruelly and ruthlessly. Ye Fei suddenly felt that his entire body would be struck by this fist strikes. When he fell apart, the silver battle clothes on his body were all blasted with a clear fist mark.

But Ye Fei was not slumped, but at the moment of injury, behind, suddenly appeared his own indestructible Sword Soul, this Sword Soul, burning violently, seemed to destroy this world, Ye Fei’s In his hand, the sword light is like a dragon, making a terrifying roar. This roar shakes the sky and shatters the void.

Two different sounds, terrifying collisions occurred above the void, which aroused layers of terrifying shock waves in the void.


Ye Fei’s mouth can’t help but spurt a mouthful of blood. Since wearing silver battle clothes, it’s the first time he has suffered such a serious injury, but this also proves the attack. His people are definitely not Iron Wood Shakes.

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