, he even felt that within his body, there seemed to be another self nurturing, growing, and behind it, there was a clear illusory shadow of Blazing Vermilion Bird.

Suddenly, this illusory shadow gradually changed, and soon changed from the form of Vermilion Bird to a mysterious flame rune. The golden Vermilion Bird did not care about the iron wood brake, and suddenly yelled: “Quick, use This Vermilion Bird rune, strikes the seal of your Divine Ability!”


Ye Fei is not polite. Before entering Taixu, the ancient god of the Sacred Domain sect was in Three seals were placed on everyone, one was the bloodline seal, the other was the magical seal, and the third was the treasure seal!

The treasure seal is the strongest and cannot be cracked. The bloodline seal. Ye Fei was solved when refining the origin of the Celestial Emperor. Now, Ye Fei is finally a magical seal and completely solved. .

Suddenly, Ye Fei’s body showed a stronger and more terrifying God’s pressure than before. But before Ye Fei could feel the pressure, on the light bridge opposite, Tiemusha had already raised a finger coldly, “Your time is up, life and death, you and me, you and me, it’s a decision! Blood Sea Borderless!”

“Okay, you and me, you and me, you and me, you will win or lose!” Ye Fei did not hesitate, suddenly stood up from the ground, his body has already surfaced a terrifying sword light.

That is the rays of light that the real Celestial Emperor can possess!

Chapter 2768 The Late Commitment

One move, the winner will be determined by life and death!

This is the power of Tiemusha and Ye Fei’s self-confidence. The bloodline has been upgraded to Grade 2. He has transformed into a true peerless Heaven’s Chosen. Not only that, but also the silver battle on his body. Clothes, behind him, there are the immortal Sword Soul and Vermilion Bird real body, these are Ye Fei’s confidence.

Not to mention, Ye Fei also integrated the memory of the sword dao of the first Emperor Chu, and reached the level of sword dao. At this time, he used the sword of the god to show the Celestial Emperor again. time.

Suddenly, a horrible sword light whirlpool appeared in the entire void. The whirlpool, like the black hole of the sword of Devouring All Living Things, carried deep destruction and deep regret.

One sword, common sorrow, Celestial Emperor has regrets!

When such a sword collided with the boundless sea of ​​blood released by Tiemusha, the void where the two stood was like mirrors, bursting every inch, the formidable power of the boundless blood, Weaker and weaker, the Celestial Emperor has the whirlpool of regrets, but it is getting more and more terrifying!

“Iron Wood Shakes, of course, is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, but Heaven’s Chosen also has strengths and weaknesses, different magical powers, and my Celestial Emperor sword is stronger than this boundless sea of ​​blood!”

Ye Fei’s blood flame is like a dragon, his sword does not stop, and his fighting spirit is like a raging fire!

Suddenly, a layer of terrifying monster force was integrated into Ye Fei’s body. During the battle, Ye Fei urged the Emperor Artifact to decide and inspired the power of Dragon Tortoise.


Behind him, there seems to be a terrifying Dragon Tortoise roaring, and the billowing strength of Dragon blends into Ye Fei’s body, making it a little dim The sword light became bright again, and it was in an instant, the boundless sea of ​​blood that had collapsed, a sword pierced the body of Tiemusha directly, but Tiemusha not at all, the fear of death approaching, the face Above, a weird smile appeared even more.

hong long long!

Suddenly a layer of purple-golden flames of ancient gods burned from the body of Tiemusha, “Ancient God Golden Body, infinite power! Void shock!”

Boom ka!

This world seems to be shaken and trembling under the terrifying punch of Tiemusha. That is the absolute strength, the layers of void ripples formed, this kind of ripples can be The weak human ancestors were all shocked to death on the spot, Ye Fei’s face also changed drastically. It was also the Ancient God Golden Body. What he obtained was only absolute defense, but did not have such a terrifying destructive ability!

“Who on earth are you?”

Ye Fei’s Celestial Emperor’s magical powers are still going on. His sword did not take back, but at this time, it burst out suddenly A stronger and more violent terrifying divine light, blessing the soul, Ye Fei thought of Lu Mohan, using bloodline to enhance the Celestial Emperor’s supernatural powers.

At the beginning, he didn’t understand, but since he was promoted to Grade 2 bloodline, Ye Fei faintly, as if he understood something, at the moment when Tiemusha launched the void shock, Ye Fei Fiercely, with a blast, all of his own Bloodline Strength, with the same profound strength on the spot, merged into this Celestial Emperor’s regretful Divine Ability.

This is an extremely bold attempt. It is still in the battle of life and death. However, Ye Fei’s attempt was obviously successful. When the bloodline of Grade 2 and the sword light merged, Ye Fei’s The sword, the more terrifying, the sword light, the more brilliant.

The turbulent void was flattened by Ye Fei with one sword. At the same time, a quick sword pierced the body of Tiemusha, only to hear a loud explosion sound, the body of Tiemusha, Ancient The God Golden Body has instantly disintegrated.

The body of Tiemusha was also retreated continuously. At the corner of her mouth, traces of black blood appeared. Ye Fei’s expression was shocked again, “corpse blood? Is the real Tiemucha early? Just die…You are not born with a body!”

If you are born with a body, then this Old Monster will never let Tiemusha’s body die and become a corpse.

“Now, let me know who you are?” Ye Fei is holding a sword and pressing every step. For this Old Monster, who can fight him without wearing silver battle clothes, Ye Fei is full of vigilance.

“Who I am, I have forgotten, the only thing I haven’t forgotten is your promise to me!” Tiemusha’s eyebrows suddenly split, and a little came out from it. people. The little person started to grow bigger as soon as it landed.

I saw him, wearing the same Purple Gold black robe as Ye Fei, and under his hair, there are scarlet eyes exposed. These eyes just glanced at Ye Fei, Ye Fei has a great horror like a falling ice cellar. The golden Vermilion Bird fell directly from Ye Fei’s shoulder and shouted in terror: “Gu, he is the corpse of the ancient god!”

“What, ancient divine corpse spirit? They wear the same clothes as me. By the way, Zhang Wangu once said, someone wearing my clothes and killing Zhang Heng, that person is you?” Ye Fei fiercely I remembered something.

“I’m hungry, I need blood…” The ancient divine corpse spirit suddenly licked his lips, looking at Ye Fei a little eagerly, no, more precisely, looked towards Ye Fei’s shoulder position.

This made Ye Fei heart startled. Could it be that this ancient divine corpse spirit can see through his beast print space?

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh In front of him, he touched the villain’s head. In this scene, Ye Fei and Golden Vermilion Bird have one’s hair stand on end, for fear that the ancient divine corpse spirit will hurt Xiaocao.

However, the ancient divine corpse spirit did not at all, but stared at the grass with a weird expression, “Sure enough, it is the immortal spirit clan…you are not extinct yet, you awakened my corpse spirit. , My memory…”


The words of this ancient divine corpse spirit completely made Ye Fei’s head roar. This ancient divine corpse spirit is actually a grass, The one who awakened in the ancient gods, no wonder he would say that he owed him a promise.

At the same time, Ye Fei also relaxed in his heart. After all, this corpse spirit was awakened by Xiaocao. Faced with the chase of the ancient Emperor Chiyue, and helped him, it is naturally unlikely to hurt them. .

“Wait, Senior, you just said that you have recovered your memory?” Suddenly, Ye Fei remembered something, and looked at each other in a little surprised. The ancient divine corpse also looked at Ye Fei indifferently. “Our innate ancient gods are different from your acquired ancient gods. As long as the body is inextinguishable, they can be re-awakened through the evocation of immortal spirits!”

“In that case, why did the Senior kill again just now? Me?”

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