Ye Fei became more confused, Xiaocao immediately opened his eyes, and yiyiyaya questioned the ancient divine corpse spirit.

The look of the ancient divine corpse became more and more weird, but he patiently explained to Xiaocao: “Because you owe me a promise, so I want to see if you are capable of fulfilling this promise! Okay, you didn’t let me down!”

The ancient divine corpse was very pleased to look at Ye Fei. Hearing this, Ye Fei almost didn’t vomit blood in depression, “Senior, even if you want Test me, if you can say it in advance, it doesn’t count as if it’s a scapegoat for me. Also, you tell me what promises I can do for you…”

“Why, before my Divine Spark dissipates Didn’t you tell you?” Gu divine corpse looked at Ye Fei blankly. Ye Fei also looked at each other with a more blank gaze, just spit out two words, “No!”

The spirit of the ancient divine corpse became a little ashamed, “I was ashamed of patriarch’s request. Not only did I die in battle, but even the most important task was almost forgotten! Unfortunately, now I don’t have time to explain much to you. , If you have the heart, you can take my last Divine Spark fragment and enter the palace in the depths of the emptiness. When the time comes, you will know what to do, and you can get, complete, the real body of the fairy… …”

The last 81 people of Chapter 2769

When speaking, the body of this ancient divine corpse spirit is getting bigger and bigger, but the voice is getting more and more ethereal.” Let’s go, my enemy has arrived. Take my fragments and enter the real Immortal Demon Temple. Also, protect, this last immortal spirit clan…”

Finally, the ancient divine corpse spirit The voice completely disappeared, only a terrifying roar of corpse resounded through the entire Taixu. At the same time, Ye Fei Ye felt a soft shock, pushing him, and the grass, the golden Vermilion Bird, rushed towards him together. The end of the Golden Ancient Road.

Then, the light bridge leading to the Golden Ancient Road was actually crushed by the ancient divine corpse spirit, with absolute power, and the golden giant beast carrying the light bridge also gave out immense joy. Roaring, escaped into the vast depths of Taixu.

The last picture that Ye Fei sees is that ancient divine corpse spirit, with a terrifying corpse spirit, and two ancient human race gods walking out of the darkness of Taixu, fighting together .

One of the ancient gods also uttered a familiar grinning sound, “Evil creature, you are so easy to find for us. It turns out that you are hidden in the team of this trial! Now kneel and surrender, we I can spare you not to die…”

“In this world, there are only war dead…Asura Demon Race…”

The ancient divine corpse spirit made a very loud voice. , He is like a giant beast, knowing that he is invincible, still, moved towards the ancient gods of the two Sacred Domain sects rushed over.

In Taixu, a terrifying war of ancient gods broke out immediately. This battle made the darkness of Taixu all split up and in pieces, but when the ancient gods When the shock of the ancient road permeated the golden ancient road, countless densely packed stone tablet strange eyes appeared on this ancient road, and the suppression was on the ancient road. No matter how fierce this ancient god war was, it was impossible. On Ancient Road, there was a ripple.

“Asura Demon Race. Vermilion Bird Senior, have you ever heard of this race? Also, the light bridge of the Golden Ancient Road was broken, and the later Emperor Fan and the others, How should I enter the Golden Ancient Road?” Ye Fei frowned slightly. This time the Taixu trip gave him a strong shock.

Hearing this, the golden Vermilion Bird is hehe chuckling, some abnormal weird said with a smile: “Asura Demon Race, immortal spirit family, hehe, so that’s how it is, Ye Xiaozi, this When Old Ancestor met you, I really don’t know, what kind of sin the Senior has done… You know, the one that destroys too vain is Asura Demon Race, hehe, hehehe…”

Obviously, the golden Vermilion Bird , Has been completely shocked by the identity of the ancient divine corpse spirit, even the spirit of Vermilion Bird is a bit abnormal. Ye Fei quickly stopped this problem to avoid further stimulating the gold Vermilion Bird.

However, in his heart, a stormy sea was still set off. Too Xu, the 10th Layer of Heaven Realm, was actually destroyed by Asura Demon Race. This is really shocking.

A race has destroyed a side World, so how terrifying is this Asura Demon Race?

There is also the task assigned to him by the ancient divine corpse spirit, should he do it again?

Ye Fei can’t help but feel a little confused.

What’s even more depressing is that as the light bridge was interrupted by the ancient divine corpse spirit, the later Emperor Fan and the others have basically entered the Golden Ancient Road, that is, Ye Fei, The last one, who entered the Golden Ancient Road, is also the 81st one!


Seeing Ye Fei’s seemingly preoccupied look, Xiaocao was very understanding and took out a bunch of sugar bottle gourd and stuffed it into Ye Fei’s mouth , Which means you won’t worry if you eat one.

Ye Fei was stunned. Seeing the cute look of Xiaocao, he couldn’t help but laugh again, and suddenly said, “Xiaocao is right, the so-called when the boat gets to the pier -head, it will go straight with the current, no matter how much I think about it now, it won’t help, but it’s still important to find a way to improve myself!”

After all, only when I become stronger can I be calm Face everything!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei no longer hesitated, and let Xiaocao take the golden Vermilion Bird back to the beast seal space. Ye Fei had already rode the Dragon Tortoise and walked step by step to the depths of the Golden Ancient Road.

Soon, he saw in the sky in the depths, and a huge flat surface emerged. There were various trees and strange buildings. “These buildings should be too It was built by wizards, and there are many witch runes on it, wait, rune, could it be that bronze battle clothes and silver battle clothes evolved through these witch runes?”

” , The true wizard is not only not weak, but also extremely powerful! Unfortunately, such a powerful Witch Clan was eventually destroyed.”

Ye Fei sighed and killed Dragon again. Tortoise flew over these buildings and continued to deepen. After a while, Ye Fei came to the deepest part of the land.

I saw a terrifying pagoda in the deepest part, and that pagoda is called Zhenwu Tower! As the name suggests, this is the pagoda for suppressing Master Taiwu, the more golden the road, the last Land of Trial!

When Ye Fei came over, 80 people had gathered around the pagoda. The strongest young god of Taixu, strangely, they did not attack each other, but each occupied one of the pagodas. In the corner, close your eyes and rest.

Looking from the air, with the pagoda as the center, the middle of the land is just like a giant Martial Practice Stage. In the area near the pagoda, there are six people standing with the strongest imposing manner. Young men and women.

They are Heaven’s Chosen and Lu Mohan!

Thang Longzong peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Zhang Wangu!

Zhantianmen Peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Guo Yi!

Raging Fire Sect Peerless Heaven’s Chosen, Huo Qingwu!

Myriad Poison Sect Peerless Heaven’s Chosen, the 9th layer of the dead!

Huo Qingwu is actually a woman, which makes Ye Fei secretly surprised.

Apart from this, Ye Fei also saw Chen Xiaoyao. There are not many Walkabout Sect disciples. This time, Chen Xiaoyao is the only one who entered the Golden Road, but it is Chen Xiaoyao standing there. But it made all other peerless Heaven’s Chosen feel a huge pressure.

Not far from Chen Xiaoyao, there is a strong young man with many tattoos on his upper body. Needless to say, this person must be Nine Big Sect, the most mysterious Beasts God Sect Barbarian Race Little Beast King, Zhe goodbye.

These people are the strongest young gods under the Sacred Domain sect. In this regard, when entering the city of Taixu, Ye Fei has known his name for a long time, but has always I haven’t seen it. Until this time, he embarked on the road of gold and finally saw it all. There was a faint excitement in his heart, but more, it was a boiling intent.

After all, it’s a rare opportunity to compete with so many peerless Heaven’s Chosen at one time. What I saw in the end was not the iron wood brake they imagined, but a strange one. Faces, pagodas all around, many people’s faces are very shocked.

“Strange, why didn’t the Ironwood Temple arrive, but an unknown person came?”

“haha, this is not an unknown person, I know him, his name is Ye Fei, once confronted Lu Mohan, and Lu Mohan also let out the words to make Ye Fei survive too vain, didn’t expect, Ye Fei not only survived, but also entered the golden road!”

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