certain powerful ancient martial artist coldly introduced Ye Fei’s identity. Before the pagoda, Lu Mohan’s eyes suddenly became extremely cold, his eyes staring hard. With Ye Fei.

Chapter 2770 Gap

“Ye Fei!”

“Lu Mohan!”

The boiling fighting intent emerged from Ye Fei’s body When he came out, he did not dodge Lu Mohan’s gaze, but provocatively asked: “Do you want to fight now or fight later?”

After all, it is not easy to enter the Golden Ancient Road. Although Ye Fei wanted to fight Lu Mohan very much, he did not forget his biggest goal, which was to seize the ancient decree of Celestial Emperor and obtain the key to enter the Demon Palace!

If he was at first, he would have a Life and Death Battle with Lu Mohan. Even if he wins in the end, Ye Fei will inevitably consume a lot of money, which is not good for the subsequent competition. These 80 Heaven’s Chosen who came in are obviously also Careful to this point. Although they came in, they were all around the town witch tower and found a corner to stand still, and no one took the lead.

Until, as the 81st person, Ye Fei was also the last named Heaven’s Chosen on the stone tablet. Stepping into this Ancient Road, he also collected 81 Celestial Emperor orders. This subtlety The balance of power has shown signs of being broken.

Lu Mohan did not attack Ye Fei at all immediately, but glanced at Ye Fei coldly, and then coldly snorted put away the killing intent and said: “You can come in here, but it’s yours. ability, but don’t think that you can talk to me on an equal footing. Now you don’t even have the qualifications to be my opponent! Everyone, since the last people who have the ancient order are all here, should we start?”


The first to speak was Chen Xiaoyao. As the strongest Heaven’s Chosen, Chen Xiaoyao’s words are very important. With his nodded, Little Beast King Zhe No, nodded and said: “I agree too!”

“Don’t we wait anymore, Duanmukai and Tiemucha have not come in yet.” Huo Qingwu said Obviously, she was relatively exquisite, and she was afraid that there were two peerless Heaven’s Chosen who were not present.

After hearing this, the gloomy 9th layer of the corpse suddenly looked up: “You don’t need to wait for Duanmukai, he is dead!”

“You don’t need to wait for the iron wood brake. He is dead too!” Zhang Wangu’s face showed the grief of losing a close friend. The appearance of this remark also shocked and solemn the faces of many martial artists present.

However, this is the cruelty of Taixu. Entering Taixu, whether you are the peerless Heaven’s Chosen or the ordinary Heavenspan pride, there is a possibility of falling. On the contrary, Ye Fei’s survival makes many people feel To the accident.

I glanced at Ye Fei with some surprise, Huo Qingwu was also gently nodded in the end, “So, I agree!”

“Then don’t waste time, let them do it quickly!” Guo Yi of Heaven Slashing Gate, coldly said. As his voice fell, Chen Xiaoyao, the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, suddenly jumped on their feet and fell on the eaves of the pagoda all around, making a posture of standing idly by.

The other martial artists present, but everyone appeared astonishing fighting intent, walked towards the open space in the middle of the pagoda, and they all showed deep hostility and look of dreading. Ye Fei who was watching was puzzled and looked at each other. A subconsciously looked towards Shangluo, “What are they going to do?”

“Are we familiar, once we set foot on this area, we will be enemies!” Shangluo looked strange, for Ye Fei The attitude very familiar to her, there is a very strange feeling.

However, Shangluo kindly helped Ye Fei to explain: “Since you enter the Golden Ancient Road, you should know that there are only nine complete Celestial Emperor ancient orders! In other words, we only have Nine people, can have the opportunity to enter this kind of town witch tower, and accept the final Celestial Emperor test! Because before that, we need to fight a battle and select the strongest nine people!”

Ye Fei This was a little startled, and then looked towards Lu Mohan and the others with some doubts: “Since it’s a melee, why didn’t they participate?”

Shangluo was hearing this, his complexion became more and more weird, I heard this. Many Heaven’s Chosen simply laughed impudent, “Ye Devil, it’s a miracle that you can live to walk into Huanggu Ancient Road! They are all peerless Heaven’s Chosen, we may not be able to fight if we add one. Passing them, therefore, we have agreed with each other on the golden Ancient Road of the past that all the peerless Heaven’s Chosen will automatically be eligible to enter the Town Witch Tower. Then all of us are competing for the remaining places!”

The crowd In the middle, a handsome young man wearing a yellow dragon robe came out. This young man, Ye Fei also knew, was the heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen from the ancient kingdom of Wu Zhou who had been in Taixu City and talked to the ancient gods.

“Zhou Yuting?” Ye Fei thought for a while.

“It seems that if you know me, it will be easy. This time the Golden Ancient Road, there are a total of seven peerless Heaven’s Chosen who are automatically qualified to enter the town witch tower, that is to say, we are left There are four people under 70, and there are two places that can be competed for! I, Zhou Yuting, who is not talented, has already booked a place, so hand over the ancient order on you, I can protect you from death!”

Zhou Yuting was so arrogant, he simply didn’t pay attention to the last Ye Fei that entered, even if Ye Fei’s body was wearing two-runes silver battle clothes, Zhou Yuting was still eating Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s heart was slightly upset, but before he could speak, standing on the steps of the pagoda, Lu Mohan held his arms and suddenly said coldly, “Zhou Yuting, wait a minute!”

Zhou Yuting’s face changed drastically. He could be arrogant towards Ye Fei. If Lu Mo wanted to intervene, he could only stand aside. Following Lu Mohan’s words, almost two-thirds of the 70 four people present became nervous.

Lu Mohan smiled haha ​​and shook his head disdainfully: “Don’t worry, you and I are not the same level of people. I, Lu Mohan, don’t even bother to participate in your melee, but I have I said that if you want him to live without being too vain, I, Lu Mohan, must do what I say! Today, who can kill this person, I, Lu Mohan, save him a place!”

bang !

Lu Mohan’s words caused a sensation. Many people looked towards Ye Fei, immediately with a strong murderous intention. Zhou Yuting even looked towards Ye Fei with pity. Said: “You don’t need to fight, as long as you kill you, you can get a spot. This sale is a good deal! Ye Devil, do you take off your head by yourself, or me, come and take it personally?”

“Brother Zhou, wait a minute, since it’s a demon, everyone will be killed! If you kill this leaf demon, I will count as me!”

“And me!”

“Count me!”

“How about this melee, how about calling it the Demon Slayer Conference?”

a heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen wearing silver battle clothes, with a cold look After stepping out, it was an instant to surround Ye Fei. After all, if you didn’t have the courage to participate in the melee, you could get a quota. This opportunity was too precious.

Lu Mohan’s face also showed a contemptuous sneer, “Ye Fei, now you understand that the gap between you and me is gone, you can do your best to walk in here , And I, Lu Mohan, as long as you open a sentence, you can give up your previous work and die on this golden Ancient Road. Now you can regret and offend me?”

Zhou Yuting and the others are joking, hoping to see Ye Fei trembling in fear. But Lu Mohan was disappointed, and many people showed fear.

Faced with Lu Mohan’s threat and Zhou Yuting’s persecution, Ye Fei only made one move, that is, raising his hand in the air, stabbing a sword, a sword that has pierced Zhou Yuting’s throat!

Chapter 2771 The Battle of Attention

Chapter 2771 The Battle of Attention

Zhou Yuting, the heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen of the ancient kingdom of Wu Zhou, was once the Sacred Domain sect The ancient god, Zhou Yuting, whom he praised himself, had already died under Ye Fei’s sword, and he was killed by a sword under the circumstances that everyone was in full view and no one expected.

A chill suddenly emerged from the vests of many Heaven’s Chosen. After all, Zhou Yuting’s battle strength was absolutely top-notch among these 81 people. Otherwise, Zhou Yuting would not let go. It’s time to grab a spot.

But now, Zhou Yuting didn’t even have a chance to react, so he was killed by a sword. For a while, all his eyes were on Ye Fei’s body. Shangluo’s mouth was even more unbearable. Zhang became a round shape, and Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel a move in his heart. Suddenly, a spiritual melon was transformed into Shangluo’s mouth.

Shang Luo also almost subconsciously took a bite, and then, this Xuantian Saintess, almost angrily wished that Ye Fei would be trampled to death on the spot, this bastard, unexpectedly, was so innocent to her. What made Shang Luo feel even more alarmed by the gesture of ceremony was that instead of resisting Ye Fei’s somewhat intimate gesture, she still had a familiar and warm feeling in her heart.

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