Shangluo felt confused.

Lu Mohan’s pupil light, also at this time, suddenly became sharp, like a beast, staring at Ye Fei indifferently and dangerously, but Ye Fei ignored Lu Mohan’s gaze, just coldly Yes, I glanced at the martial artists who surrounded him, “Now, who else wants to kill me?”


Ye Fei’s footsteps, one step forward , This step was even more thunderous. Many martial artists who surrounded him shuddered. They trembled all over, and couldn’t help backing up, giving way to a path.

But there are still some martial artists who continue to have strong hostility towards Ye Fei. After all, there is no need for a melee. As long as Ye Fei is killed, they can get a spot. This opportunity is too rare. They don’t want to give up .

Faced with these people, Ye Fei didn’t leave any hands. His footsteps became heavier and heavier, like a mountain of heavy sword. He continued to move forward. Every time he took a step, the whole ground would The violent shaking, as if being hit by a heavy sword.

Those martial artists who continued to surround Ye Fei also vomited blood. They couldn’t bear this heavy step sword sound. They were forcibly forced back. Shangluo took a bite of the spirit melon mouth. Open again.

On the high steps of the Zhenwu Tower, Chen Xiaoyao’s gaze also looked a little surprised towards Ye Fei: “Ten Grade 2 bloodline, you have transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen!”


Chen Xiaoyao’s words made the remaining 79 people fiercely shocked, and the expressions of Lu Mohan and Zhang Wangu changed drastically at the same time. Lu Mohan was better. , Zhang Wangu, who is familiar with Ye Fei’s details, is full of disbelief, “How could he be transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen?”

You know, in the Scarlet Battlefield, he and Tiemucha chase him down. At Ye Fei, Ye Fei only had Grade 11 bloodline!

How long has it passed since it is a miracle that Ye Fei did not die, and now he has transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen?

Zhang Wangu cannot believe this fact.

Ye Fei’s gaze suddenly jumped from Lu Mohan’s body to Zhang Wangu’s body, “Why, I transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, you are surprised, Zhang Wangu, are you very Regret, not in the bloody battlefield, combined with the iron wood temple to kill me?”


Ye Fei’s words, once again like a blast of thunder, shaking the hearts of many people, and heard Ye Fei was hunted and killed by two peerless Heaven’s Chosen on the Scarlet Battlefield. An angry mood appeared in Shang Luo’s heart for no apparent reason. This Xuantian Saintess, changing the description of a lady, suddenly fell in love. moved towards Zhang Wangu lost the past.

“Zhang Wangu, you have to have no shame, and you actually unite with outsiders to kill the same sect!”

Such a move is not only in Shenglongzong, but in any sect. It was a taboo behavior. For a time, many people’s eyes focused on Zhang Wangu.

“No way, Zhang Wangu actually killed the same sect, or united with outsiders. It’s impossible, right?”

“hmph hum, this is inconclusive, this Ye Fei, absolutely It’s this trip to Taixu. The biggest dark horse is also Zhang Wangu. In the Thang Longzong’s biggest competitor, it is hard to guarantee that Zhang Wangu will not…”


That The martial artist’s speculation was not finished yet, suddenly a dragon shadow appeared directly in front of this person, smashing his head. It was a Divine Dragon gleaming with flames, and it was also Zhang Wangu’s favorite.

“Any innocence that slanders my Zhang Wangu, this is the end!”

Zhang Wangu complexion ashen, it is not enough to kill this martial artist. His gaze carries Huge anger, looked towards Ye Fei, “Say in our same sect. Although you have misbehaviour and slandered my innocence repeatedly, I still give you a chance to survive. You are now kneeling on the ground and kowtow to me. Apologize!”


Carrying overwhelming anger, Zhang Wangu walked directly from the steps of the pagoda down this chaotic battlefield. This is also Zhang Wangu, the most Direct, the most powerful threat!

Even if Ye Fei doesn’t know why, he has transformed into a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, he still wants Ye Fei to kneel in front of him!

Zhang Wangu’s attitude also made Ye Fei’s expression completely cold, “I joined the Thang Long Sect. For the sake of the same sect, you have repeatedly targeted me and I have to bear it. , But you shouldn’t, you have to take an inch! Zhang Wangu, roll over, you and me fight!”


No compromise, no offer, Ye Fei directly uses the sword in his hand light, expressing his attitude, he wants to fight Zhang Wangu here, and also resolve each other’s grievances!

This remark also scared all the martial artists present.

You must know that on this golden Ancient Road, every peerless Heaven’s Chosen is almost invincible, so unless the quota exceeds the limit, the peerless Heaven’s Chosen will exercise restraint between each other , To avoid fighting.

Ye Fei, however, broke this rule, and even more in full view, his sword is Zhang Wangu!

Zhang Wangu’s face turned uglier than pig liver on the spot, and the anger on his body boiled like a fire, “Okay, okay, Ye Fei, since you don’t respect my First Senior Brother, today, I, Zhang Wangu, under the witness of the heroes of the world, to clean up the sect, to root out your sect scum, kill!”


The dragon roar shook the sky, and Zhang Wangu exuded infinite anger. He displayed the life and death seal technique derived from Taixu, imprinting extremely coldly on Ye Fei’s body, but Ye Fei did not evade at all, and the sword light in his hand was cut. The overwhelming seal of life and death has all turned into nothingness.

“Zhang Wangu, don’t take these out of shame, and show your strongest ability!”

Boom ka!

Ye Fei’s body , The sword light is pervasive, and the endless sword intent quickly turned into a huge Taiji Sword picture. In turn, moved towards Zhang Wangu suppressing the past, Zhang Wangu’s eyes could not help but exude a kind of terrifying god Light, “Ye Fei, if you want to die, I will make you perfect!”

bang bang bang!

The endless fist gang, shattered the void, like a terrifying meteor , Displayed it from Zhang Wangu’s hands.

Chapter 2772 Become Famous in the First World War

Chapter 2772 Become Famous in the First World War

It is the strongest Dragon Boxing of Shenglongzong that Zhang Wangu displayed. And for ten years of immersion in this style of boxing, this has become Zhang Wangu’s most powerful boxing method.

At the same time, following Zhang Wangu’s punch, the Divine Dragon battle pet also roared, and his body suddenly turned into streamer, wrapping Zhang Wangu, suddenly forming a strange Divine Dragon’s furious hand, wrapped around Zhang Wangu’s arm.

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