Those tokens, just in the air, Nine by Nine Returns to One, turned into nine Celestial Emperor ancient decree, which is also the key to enter the Asura Palace, which fell into the nine people of Ye Fei. Hands.

Chen Xiaoyao immediately got up and walked into the Zhenwu Tower first, Fengyun, follow closely from behind. Then Guo Yi and Huo Qingwu, Zhebie also clutched their noses and swept Ye Fei full of killing intents. They were finally pulled away by Lu Mohan, joined the 9th layer of the corpse, and walked in.

Finally, Ye Fei also took Shangluo’s hand and walked in and said: “Shangluo, follow me, this time I enter the Zhenwu Tower, I will definitely find a way to restore your memory…Huh, Where is Shangluo?”

Walking, Ye Fei suddenly felt that his hands were empty, and there was no more shadow of Shangluo. Only Dragon Tortoise climbed back to the beast print space in advance, and then followed in.

“Could it be that this Town Witch Tower is actually an independent space?” Ye Fei secretly surprised, but she didn’t know that all Heaven’s Chosen who entered the Town Witch Tower had their hearts in mind at this time. Such a question.

However, those who can enter the town witch tower are the strongest group of young people in Heaven Realm. Soon, everyone adjusted their mentality and started to move towards the inside of the town witch tower. Past.

“But it’s okay. If you don’t meet each other, there will be no conflict, and Shangluo will not be in great danger. Now, it depends on each other’s chance and luck.”

Ye Fei swiftly walked through the void, and at the same time shouted at the beast seal space: “Little grass, you can come out, immediately help me find the strongest place of Spiritual Qi.”

A place, either in danger or treasure, is currently the most suitable place to go.

Hearing that he could finally come out, Xiaocao immediately ran out riding the Dragon Tortoise happily. On Dragon Tortoise’s head, there was a little red bird standing with hehe in his mouth. He laughed endlessly, obviously not recovering from the shock caused by the ancient divine corpse spirit.

Ye Fei also reluctantly shook his head, knowing that the golden Vermilion Bird can no longer be counted on, so he could only throw it back into the Beast Seal Space, only to follow the grass and continue to the Town Witch Tower Deep, fast flight.

Xiao Cao also stood on Dragon Tortoise’s back very seriously, opened up Divine Eyes, and looked around. Suddenly, Xiao Cao seemed to have discovered something, her dark eyes staring round, “咿咿, 咿咿咿!”

Ye Fei hurriedly asked, “Dahei, what did Xiaocao say?”

“There is food…Bah, there are people, there are Tasty people are waiting in front!” Dragon Tortoise finished speaking, suddenly his face was dumbfounded, it seems that the grass only eats Spirit Stone and doesn’t eat people. Where did the delicious people come out?

Chapter 2776 Young Celestial Emperor

“A delicious person?”

Ye Fei looked weird and looked at Xiaocao, but saw that Xiaocao has renewed Jumping on to Dragon Tortoise, the impatient drew Dragon Tortoise a vine whip and made a posture that the grass was going to ride a horse. Dragon Tortoise did not dare to move this time, but took a peek at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei nodded, no matter what Xiaocao said, he always has to face it in the end, so he also jumped on the Dragon Tortoise, together with Xiaocao, moved at the fastest speed Towards the direction of Xiaocao’s fingers rushed over.

Far away, Ye Fei saw in the darkness, there seemed to be an ancient star emitting mysterious light, but a closer look, it was not a real star, but a Stoneman sitting cross-legged .

This Stoneman, back carrying a long sword, sits quietly in the void, seems to have been cultivation for thousands of years, but Xiaocao’s gaze is not the Stoneman, but A white jade-like stone where Stoneman sat down.

“What a big piece of soul crystal! Could it be that this is a soul crystal belonging to the Celestial Emperor?” The beast seal space, the gold Vermilion Bird was originally muddleheaded, but when I felt the breath of the stone, the gold Vermilion Bird, Suddenly the impatient rushed out, looking at the stone, two bird eyes, both of them were excited earth fire flame rays of light, “If the ancestor can get this Divine Stone, he will definitely be able to reborn from the ashes, without body possession. Others, this Old Ancestor can restore the body of the golden Vermilion Bird, I want it, get it!”


in the sky, resounding through the ferocious cry of the Golden Vermilion Bird, this little red bird vigorously became a huge Blazing Vermilion Bird, waving its wings, moved towards that The Celestial Emperor’s soul crystal rushed over.

At this time, Ye Fei suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling, but it was Stoneman who was sitting cross-legged on the soul crystal. Suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a strong light in his eyes. The light of the soul, this gaze, can pierce Divine Soul.

The golden Vermilion Bird that rushed up, only felt a sharp pain in his head. On the spot, he was already on the ground in confusion, rolling all over the floor, and Ye Fei was shocked. He felt this Stoneman, but In the late stage realm of a godlike emperor like him, but the displayed battle strength gives people a feeling of facing Celestial Emperor.

Suddenly, a single thought jumped into Ye Fei’s mind, “Is this Stoneman, the Pass Defender of Zhenwu Tower?”

“Young man, you are right. , I am the Pass Defender here! It’s just that although you can enter the Witch’s Tower, you may not be able to get my approval!” A touch of arrogance appeared on Stoneman’s face.

Although he has no flesh and blood, he gives people a full sense of Spiritual Qi. However, when he saw the grass, Stoneman was a little surprised and afraid. This is why he did not continue to target the golden Vermilion Bird. It was a cold looking towards Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, stone tablet ranking, 81st, you are both the last and the last. The person who stepped into this place, honestly, the chance of you passing the assessment is not very Big.”

When Stoneman spoke, he was actually demeaning. Ye Fei was very depressed, but he still held back his breath and asked patiently: “Senior, let’s talk about the specific assessment content!”


Stoneman nodded and said: “There are three kinds of assessments for the Town Witch Tower. The simplest is to defeat me! Second, enter the abyss of the black hole, which is sealed with Primordial Lich, one of the strongest ancient emperor heroes of the era. , You can kill which one you can kill, you can get the corresponding ability of the opponent!”

“What, there are ancient heroes in it!”

Ye Fei was shocked , You know, only the ancient emperor must be a powerful ancient emperor that is shocking and stunning. After the ancient gods die in battle, the heroic spirit will be born. What is more terrifying is that the existence here is not a heroic spirit, but an era All the heroic spirits of the ancient emperor were released by the great wizard summon and confined in this tower.

I have to say that those too wizards are really crazy.

If you say that challenging Stoneman is a Difficult Level, then it is definitely Hell Level to challenge the heroic spirits of the ancient emperors. Even these ancient emperors may be restricted to the cultivation base.

Ye Fei suddenly thought about it, not knowing which difficulty to choose. At this time, the golden Vermilion Bird next to him was an impatient shouting: “No matter what the difficulty is, you just need to tell the ancestors how to Just get the soul crystal under your seat.”

“Simple, as long as you can defeat the Celestial Emperor in your youth, you can get it!”

Stoneman still indifferently said, listen At this point, Ye Fei faintly felt that something was wrong, but before he could react, the Golden Vermilion Bird had already roared quickly: “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and ask the young Celestial Emperor to come out, the ancestor will hammer Burst him, even if the ancestor fails, there is Ye Fei!”



Gold Vermilion Bird continues to roar Ye Fei had the urge to vomit blood, “Close your beak, that’s the young Celestial Emperor, you want to kill me, Da Hei, drag in and fight!”


Dragon Tortoise was shocked when I heard it, let alone where it turned into a big black pot, rushed to aim at the beak of the golden Vermilion Bird, just smashed in the past, the golden Vermilion Bird suddenly blocked Can’t say it in the mouth.

Ye Fei even broke out with cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly moved towards Stoneman and said, “Senior, this is a crazy bird. I just said it casually. You let me consider it again?”

“Hehe, consider? Sorry, you have only one chance to choose. As for whether you can defeat the Celestial Emperor, it depends on your luck! By the way, I forgot to tell you that for thousands of years, you have the courage to challenge There were a total of 3,652 people of the young Celestial Emperor. Among them, 3,000 died in the battle, 600 were defeated, and 52 people passed the test, just a trifling! I hope you can become the 53rd person!”

After that, the silhouette of Stoneman has slowly disappeared.

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