Ye Fei’s face suddenly became extremely dark. More than 3,000 people challenged the young Celestial Emperor and more than 3,000 peerless Heaven’s Chosen. In the end, only 52 people passed the test!

This is not Hell Difficulty anymore, it is clearly Death Difficulty!

If you decide on your own, Ye Fei will not choose such a perverted difficulty. What is hateful is that broken bird, unexpectedly helped him choose such a test of nine deaths and still alive.

Don’t say that Dragon Tortoise grabbed the golden Vermilion Bird and beat it, Ye Fei and Xiaocao, at the same time, there was an urge to beat others, and the golden Vermilion Bird was silly on the spot and ignored his head. The peng peng smashed by Dragon Tortoise rang straight, and on the spot he cried out in tears and screamed, “Oh my God, what kind of sin did the ancestor have done? Just Ye Fei’s small body that was shattered by the touch, he estimated that even the young Celestial Emperor A toe can’t stop it…”

The golden Vermilion Bird was downcast, with a look of sadness greater than death.

Ye Fei’s face is getting more and more ugly. He has discovered that a teleportation light gate has appeared right where Stoneman disappeared, and inside the light gate, there is a sword-bearing boy with terrifying pressure like heaven and earth. , Step by step, came out of the light gate.

Chapter 2777 Fighting the Celestial Emperor

This young man is no one else but the former young Celestial Emperor. Behind him, he was also carrying a long sword. This sword was simple and simple, but it exuded a breath of extreme terror.

“The young Celestial Emperor, is actually a sword repairer?” Ye Fei’s expression became more and more ugly. He is a sword repairer himself, and naturally knows how terrifying a powerful swordsman can attack.

Ye Fei, who seems to dislike the blow, is not enough. The young Celestial Emperor who walked out of the light gate shook his head jokingly: “I am not only a sword repairman, I am also Sabrewielder, a gun king, and a king of fighters. He is a hammer god! This emperor, seven years old, cultivated martial arts, three years, Heavenly Venerate Great Accomplishment, seven years, the first stage of human ancestors, ten years, ancient emperor, fifty years of ancient gods, one hundred years, Celestial Emperor!”


The words of the young emperor Shitian made Ye Fei’s whole mind roar, and the golden Vermilion Bird turned the eye of the bird scared. He almost fell from Dragon Tortoise’s head on the spot. Frightened on the spot.

“It has been a Celestial Emperor for a hundred years? hehe…this Old Ancestor was just a naive Xiao Qiao’er chasing the mother bird in the woods when he was a hundred years old…It’s over, this Old Ancestor is over, Ye Boy, you are going to be finished!”

The golden Vermilion Bird, with a gray face, completely desperate.

Ye Fei’s mind was also shocked by the introduction of the young Celestial Emperor, but then, his body was ignited with a soaring fighting intent. “No matter how strong you are, as long as you haven’t played, I will never back down! Sword, when strong is strong!”

Boom ka!

Ye Fei’s body, sword The light diffused, he did not give the young Celestial Emperor a chance, but took the lead.

The howling sword light, like a mountain of swords, rose from the ground and pierced the body of the young Celestial Emperor. The golden Vermilion Bird was also scared, turning his eyes, “This surnamed Ye is a lunatic Ah, knowing that the opponent is a young and invincible Celestial Emperor, how dare he take the initiative to attack?”

The golden Vermilion Bird has closed his eyes in despair, but the young Celestial Emperor’s eyes are bright at this time Get up, “Learning from my experience, at least five of the ten people will lose their fighting spirit and produce fear. It seems that you also have an undefeated fighting spirit. This is very rare!”

Ignoring the nearby sword mountain, the footsteps of the young Celestial Emperor had already moved. With one foot, he stepped into the void, as if one world was pressed to the other world, and the entire void was shaking.

Ye Fei was even more shocked to see that the sword mountain he cut out had not yet approached the young Celestial Emperor, and it had been shattered by a bombardment. At the same time, a feeling of have one’s hair stand on end emerged. Behind him.

Almost not even think, Ye Fei’s footsteps have already slammed on the ground, a huge Taiji Sword picture, blasting behind him, also covering the weak spot behind him, but a finger, but Suddenly appeared from the two black and white spots of Taiji, and continuously popped up, between Heaven and Earth, a terrifying sword scream was produced, which directly formed an invisible sound-killing ripple. In an instant, the Taiji Sword map broke into countless fragments.

“Celestial Emperor has regrets!”

Ye Fei growled, just as the Taiji Sword map was broken, the sword light in his hand condensed, and layers of sword light formed a The terrifying power that destroys the stars has been moved towards the body of the young Celestial Emperor.

“This sword dao is a bit familiar…Unfortunately, it has only its form but not its god! After all, it only bears the prestige of the ancient Sword God with regrets and regrets!” The young Celestial Emperor, sword eyes are like light, hands Pinching, what he pinched was a sword print!

It is a brilliant sword dao than a sword finger!

I saw the sword mark of the young Celestial Emperor, pointing forward. In the void, a bright sword mark has emerged. This sword mark, like the stars of high-speed rotation, is terrifying. Jianyin broke Ye Fei’s eardrums on the spot. The blood flowed through the ear holes and stained his hair, but Ye Fei didn’t notice it.

The madness warfare, launched at the same time, makes Ye Fei seem to have completely fallen into the madness at this moment. In his hands, the sword light is becoming more and more terrifying. This is not only Ye Fei’s sword dao, but also more integrated The first generation of Chu Huang, all the memory of sword dao.

But it is such a terrifying sword. When facing the young Celestial Emperor, the opponent only produced a sword mark, which had already blasted all the sword light into scattered meteors.

“Your sword is good. In the sword repairs that I defeated when I was young, your sword can be in the top 100!” The young Celestial Emperor, pinching the seal with one hand, looked towards Ye Fei. With a touch of appreciation.

But after hearing this kind of appreciation, Ye Fei was not only unable to be happy, but despair rose in his heart for no reason. His sword dao is also the strongest among the youth gods of Heaven Realm. But in the eyes of the young Celestial Emperor, he could only be ranked one hundred.

In other words, in front of Ye Fei, the young Celestial Emperor has seen 99 sword repairmen who are more talented than Ye Fei, and, after defeating them all, how can Ye Fei not despair?

In the bottom of my heart, I even have an idea whether I am suitable for using a sword.


“roar roar roar!”

It is also in Ye Fei’s desperate thing, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, actually together I got a small wooden token with the words cheering on it, and I kept cheering on Ye Fei.

Golden Vermilion Bird also worked hard to cheer up, standing on the swaying wooden token, flapping its wings and said: “Ye Xiaozi, you must hold on. Although your sword dao is bad, you can use other Ah Divine Ability!”

Ye Fei’s complexion is ashen, his strongest is sword dao, didn’t expect, but on sword dao, he received the most ruthless and cruel blow, but the golden Vermilion Bird If you do, it reminds him that he will, but not just sword dao!

“Kill, Sacred Dragon is in the sky!”

Ye Fei roared, the sword light in the sky suddenly turned into a terrifying boxing gun, and he displayed the strongest of the Thang Long Sect The Sacred Dragon fist, quickly moved towards the young Celestial Emperor’s sword print blasted past.

The place where the sword seal collided with the fist gang, there was a shocking explosion. This explosion made the void annihilated, and the sword print of the young Celestial Emperor was also blown up all split up and in pieces.

Ye Fei’s spirit finally turned to cheer up, “My sword dao is no match for him, but my fist, maybe feasible, kill, the wrath of Sacred Dragon!”

Void tremor, Longzhen Eight Wastes!

The infinite astral qi dragon seal appeared from Ye Fei’s fist, and soon formed a special Sacred Dragon claw, protruding out of this annihilated void, and moved towards the chest of the young Celestial Emperor Smashed past.

“This is the Sacred Dragon boxing of the Sacred Dragon family? Back then, when I first broke the Quasi-Royal Realm, I slaughtered the Sacred Dragon family and ten ancient emperors. But I also injured this Sacred Dragon. Under the punch! Not to mention, let the emperor see how your boxing skills are!”

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