hong long long!

The howling void seemed to turn into a stream of light, condensing from the hands of the young Celestial Emperor, making the imposing manner of the young Celestial Emperor even more terrifying.

“Little Brat, receive my move, Void God punch!”

peng peng peng!

Young Celestial Emperor, one punch, every punch, All with the terrifying power of blasting the void, the infinite Void Power, also gathered into his hands, forming a Void God seal, and even more steadily, collided with Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon punch!

Chapter 2778 I am not willing to

this world, completely collapsed, suddenly, Ye Fei’s body, bloodline Divine flame, burned fiercely like a fire, he used Divine Flame increases and makes his Sacred Dragon fist formidable power more terrifying. A punch, really has the amazing battle strength of Sacred Dragon Fight Heaven and Earth.

But the young Celestial Emperor just smiled. His body also burned the bloodline Divine flame of Grade 2 and turned his Void God fist into a dark emptiness, making Ye Fei The Divine Soul felt a slight tingling.

However, Ye Fei is not at all frightened by the might of the young Celestial Emperor. After all he walked out of Blackstone City, he has experienced countless fights and battles, and he also made his own Heart of Martial. Dao, who has become extremely tenacious, coupled with the Marital Dao Path that Ye Fei took, is strong when he encounters a strong situation. Even in the face of a desperate situation, his fighting spirit will not be confused.

“Even if the last drop of blood is exhausted, I will fight! Fight! Fight! Dragon travels the world!”


Ye Fei’s within the The body, like the roar of Sacred Dragon, at this moment, he casts Sacred Dragon punches, like a real incarnation and became a Sacred Dragon, Fight Heaven and Earth, and the War God demon. His punches are becoming more and more terrifying, such as one after Another ancient stars destroyed at a high speed, constantly colliding with the young Celestial Emperor’s Void God fists, even if the void burst, the fists burst and bleed!

But Ye Fei, as if he couldn’t feel the pain, he just made crazy punches, one punch, two punches, ten punches, twenty punches!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Fei and the young Celestial Emperor actually blasted twenty punches without losing the wind!

The gaze of the young Celestial Emperor also turned from the indifference of the very beginning into admiration, “You can resist the emperor’s blood essence incarnation with a mediocre posture. It’s a rare thing! Of the three people who challenged the Emperor this time, you are still the weakest, step back, and the Emperor will spare you not to die!”

The young Celestial Emperor, stepping away calmly, let Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon fight again. No matter how fast you are, you can’t break his Void God punch! Especially his words shocked Ye Fei’s heart fiercely. He didn’t expect that in addition to being forced to challenge the young Celestial Emperor when he met a bird and was forced to challenge the young Celestial Emperor, there were actually two people in the Town Witch Tower who also chose to challenge the young Celestial Emperor?

Moreover, is he still the weakest of these two people? Who are those two people?

Ye Fei’s mind was a little dazed, but then, a stronger fighting intent broke out from him, “Since others can challenge the Celestial Emperor, why, I can’t! If so Defeated without a fight, I am not reconciled! Kill!”

The stronger bloodline light burned from Ye Fei’s body. He still has a hole card. This hole card is Vermilion Bird’s true body. ! This real body can enhance the formidable power of his Grade 1 bloodline.

Now, Ye Fei is the bloodline of Ten Grade 2. If he launches the real body of Vermilion Bird again, how strong will the increase in bloodline be?


Ye Fei once again issued dragon roar in his mouth. With the appearance of Vermilion Bird and the increase in bloodline, Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon punches are no longer pure Sacred Dragon’s claws are now, but his entire arm has become a terrifying Sacred Dragon’s arm.

The moment the Sacred Dragon fist was slammed with such an arm, the young Celestial Emperor’s Void God fist suddenly collapsed. Ye Fei’s fist, for the first time, beat the young Celestial Emperor. Back continuously.

Unfortunately, it only took three steps back. The young Celestial Emperor had stabilized his figure, and a surprised expression appeared on his face, “You use the real Vermilion Bird? This secret technique , The emperor will also kill!”

Void trembles, behind the young Celestial Emperor, there has been a fierce cry of Blazing Vermilion Bird, the same Vermilion Bird real body, from behind the young Celestial Emperor It emerged, “When the emperor was promoted to the ancient emperor, he accidentally met the ancient god of the Vermilion Bird One clan. The old bastard bullied the soft and feared the hard, and humiliated me. So the emperor was angry, imprisoned its true spirit, and forced him to ask the Vermilion. Bird secret technique! Since you insist on fighting, this emperor will naturally accompany you! Kill!”

The void is split, the magic fist!

Vermilion Bird screams long, but it is stronger and more fierce than Ye Fei’s Vermilion Bird body. In the sky of flames, the void fist of the young Celestial Emperor has once again matched Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon arm When they collided, Ye Fei felt a terrifying Void Power, like a violent raging wave, shaking his Heavenly Palace trembling, Divine Court shaking, and the entire Divine Soul being blasted out of the fleshy body by this fist.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly changed, leaving a shadow on his body. The real body has moved through space and exited the attack range of the Void God punch. The young Celestial Emperor smiled suddenly, “such Insignificant ability, I dare to show off in front of the emperor! The seal of life and death will give you one last ride!”

Obviously, Ye Fei’s “overestimate one’s capabilities” and the attitude of insisting on fighting has already aroused the youth Celestial Emperor was unhappy, so he decided to kill Ye Fei ruthlessly as if killing three thousand peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

The entire void suddenly filled with an incomparable solemn killing aura, this aura, like the eyes of Death God, which made Ye Fei feel completely cold, and this time the young Celestial Emperor, It was the life and death seal he was extremely familiar with.

It’s just this seal method, it’s no longer too imaginary, but a real Celestial Emperor! Especially the scary one. In the hands of the young Celestial Emperor, the seal of life and death is not the Divine Seal, but the more terrifying twenty-four heavens.

The layers of the heavens, overlapping, the feeling is really like heaven and earth, suppressed, so that the gods and demons will be afraid, and the tenacious Heart of Martial Dao, there is a kind of despair about to collapse .

“It’s over, it’s over!” Golden Vermilion Bird, his heart was full of despair.


The answer to him was Ye Fei’s roar like a god or demon, “Old ancestor Vermilion Bird, you are also an ancient emperor anyway, why be afraid of a dead person, No matter how strong he is, he is dead, and we, but still alive, I don’t believe it. I can’t kill him, the snake of the void, don’t let me get out to help out!”

“Surnamed Ye, you Really consider me to be your grandson, just call it!” The Void Snake Spirit is full of extreme stubbornness and resentment. Other snake spirits were born within the body, tyrannically abused power, and turned out to be the worst. Luck, since Ye Fei within the body was born, I have suffered all the grievances.

If it weren’t for being unable to leave Ye Fei’s bloodline and living alone, the Void Snake Spirit would have the urge to run away from home, but for the sake of his own life, the Void Snake Spirit would still appear hideous The Void Snake’s head violently opened its mouth, and firmly supported the twenty-four falling heavens, and at the same time, it sounded at Ye Fei’s soul and said: “This Celestial Emperor is powerful. I can only mobilize the surrounding Void and help you fight for it. Three breaths, three breaths, you can’t kill the Celestial Emperor, and we are all done! si si……”

Although it is only a snake spirit, it is a color that can make people talk about the ancient emperor. The Void Snake Spirit was born with a unique ability to control the void. This time Ye Fei also took a great risk before deciding to release this snake spirit.

At present, it seems that his strategy is still successful. No matter how strong the young Celestial Emperor is, he is only one person, but he has a void snake spirit and a Sacred Dragon eye!

This is Ye Fei’s real trump card and the final killer move!

Chapter 2779 Number One Person

Chapter 2779 Number One Person

“Da Hei, lend me the power of Dragon Tortoise!”


Dragon Tortoise roars with its head high, and it connects with Ye Fei’s heart, and at the same time it urges the Emperor Artifact to decide. Ye Fei feels that his within the body is full of infinite strength of monsters. Dragon, relying on this increase in power, Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon punches became more terrifying, and the left eye pupils shone with a golden luster.

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