
Wu Chao’s words, such as Five Thunderbolts, made the girl faint on the spot. Many Elders of Wu Family are even more eclipsed. It’s just that Ye Fei, who is still immersed in cultivation, doesn’t bother to manage.

After all, he is not the real Wu Ping, and the reason he made the shot was only to help Wu Yue out.

“Counting time, it’s almost time for Wu Family to nominate the Patriarch. I just don’t know if Wu Yue has practiced Sacred Dragon Boxing. Has it passed?” Ye Fei thought silently, but didn’t plan to follow Wu Yue immediately go together.

Because he is refining Blood Lotus at this time, it has reached the most critical moment. With the refining of the two Blood Lotuses, the light of the road condensed in Ye Fei’s body becomes more and more intense.

Now, he is even more eager to force strikes to open the door of the Dao Heart that blocks him. As long as he can walk into the door of the Dao Heart, then he can be in the realm of half ancestors. , Condense the true heart!

When the time comes, in the upcoming battle of Heaven’s Chosen, he can also have one more life-saving hole card.

Only through telepathy, moved towards Dragon Tortoise sent a message that Ye Fei has once again been immersed in the cultivation. With the help of the Blood Lotus son, his consciousness has once again sensed Tao The door of the heart.

This ancient stone gate is still closed, but Ye Fei can vaguely see that there are some vague cracks on it. Obviously, this crack is the first time he used Blood. Lotus sub-impact, causing traces.

As long as he constantly launches shocks based on these traces of Zhen, he believes that within half a year, his consciousness will be able to cross the door to Dao Xin and condense the true Dao Xin.

Unfortunately, for Ye Fei, half a year is already too long. The Battle of Heaven’s Chosen is about to begin in about 20 days. He must be in this time , Condense Dao Xin is good.

Standing in front of the door of Daoxin, Ye Fei’s consciousness is even more deeply suck in a cold breath of air, and suddenly he coldly shouted “The light of the avenue, shock me!”


hong long long!

The stone gate trembles, the road is bright!

Ye Fei took a breath this time, condense the light of the avenue of the two Blood Lotus sons, all moved towards the door of the heart, but the door of the heart is still immobile, since it is still There is no sign of being washed away, Ye Fei’s face has also become extremely ugly, “Still no way, could it be that even the ancient god Blood Lotus of Divine Grade can’t let me be in the semi-ancestral realm and condense Dao heart?”


When Ye Fei was feeling frustrated, in front of him, the immobile door of Dao Xin suddenly cracked a tiny gap, but it formed a powerful attraction. Inside, there was even more Emit more and more intense big rays of light.

“This is the light of the Dao, the heart of the Dao, the rays of light it emits!”

The outbreak of Wu Yue in Chapter 2803

The outbreak of Chapter 2803 Wu Yue

Tao Xin is the foundation of human ancestors. Dao Xin is not broken, and the foundation is not damaged!

Furthermore, the Dao Heart can better understand the Dao, and can even fuse together the Martial Dao Concept and the principles that the martial artist has felt to form a special Life Source spirit!

The spirit of this Life Source, just like the spirit of the Vermilion Bird of the golden Vermilion Bird, is indelible, equivalent to one more life. For example, the former Lei Zu had the Void Snake Venom in Qing State, the fleshy body was stiff, and the Divine Soul was weak, but as long as the Spirit of Lei Zu’s Life Source was not affected, he could still continue his life and have the opportunity to make a comeback.

Moreover, different Dao Xin has different forms. For example, the Dao Heart of the Golden Vermilion Bird is a fire bird in the form of a flame, while the Dao Heart of Lei Zu is a Thunder Beast composed of a piece of thunderbolt.

“I just don’t know what shape my Dao Xin will become after I merge the law and artistic conception?” Ye Fei looked at the crack in the door of Dao Xin with some surprise, but He not at all let his consciousness enter this gap.

After all, his current realm is not an ancestor, but only a half ancestor. He can condense the Dao Xin, but he cannot completely cross the Dao Xin door. When Ye Fei can completely blast open this door one day, he will truly step into the realm of human ancestors.

“However, even if there is no breakthrough ancestor, as long as I gather the heart of the Dao, I can feel the Dao. With the help of Power of Heaven and Earth, my battle strength will be strengthened again! And even more in this Heaven’s Chosen Fight to save your life!”

Ye Fei clenched his fist, this battle of Heaven’s Chosen, for others, was an opportunity to win the favor of Sacred Domain, but for him, But it was the only chance to survive, Ye Fei didn’t dare to be careless.

“Just before that, let’s take a look at what happened to Wu Yue.”

Successfully condense Daoxin, Ye Fei finally got up, walked out of the room, and began to pass Telepathy, communicate with Dragon Tortoise.

Wu Family on the other side is full of lights at this time.

Within one day, Wu Family first nominated a new owner, and then Zhagu with Beasts God Sect heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen. The news of their in-laws was even spread like wildfire. This news was also shocking. The big and small families outside Holy City.

After all, Beasts God Sect is one of the Nine Big Sects under the Sacred Domain sect. Zaku is not only the heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen, but also the younger brother of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen. .

The combination of multiple identities naturally makes Zaku’s status aloof and remote, far from being caused by small families like Holy City, and I don’t know how many patriarchs secretly scold Wu Family. The dogshit luck.

It’s just different from the envy, jealousy and hatred of outsiders. Wu Sheng and Wu Yue, father and son, are a little sad. If Zaku only accepts a concubine, they will definitely be happy.

But Zaku takes two at a time, one of them is their youngest daughter and younger sister, which is a bit too embarrassing.

“Chao’er, are we really going to do this?” After all, it is his own daughter, but he has to push the fire pit with his own hands. As a father, Wu Sheng is still a bit unable to do it.

Wu Chao’s pupil light is cold, “This is the end, father, do we still have room to refuse? Once we refuse, we will offend Zaku, offend Zaku, and offend Beasts God Sect. , And the little beast king Zhebye. I just sacrificed my younger sister and replaced me with the high position and great wealth of Wu Family. Which one is more important, is this still used?”

“Patriarch, It’s not good, Wu Yue, some of us found Wu Yue, he is moving towards here!” Suddenly, a certain Wu Family spy ran in with a nervous expression on his face.

Just when he personally pushed his daughter and biological younger sister into the fire pit, Wu Family father and son was depressed when he suddenly heard the news, and became angry almost at the same time, “What, then Wu Yue dare to come , I must kill him today. If it weren’t for him, we would give the little girl to Zaguna the animal-like things to spoil!”


Wu Sheng and Wu Chao, the pair of father and son, walked out of the room and returned to the giant Grand Plaza where Wu Family held a wedding banquet. At this time, the place was full of guests who came to congratulate Xi, but many People’s eyes were very playful, and they looked towards a silhouette standing in the middle of the square. This silhouette did not have the usual shackles, but was full of masculine spirit.

“Shanglongzong, Wu Yue, come to congratulate! I wish Wu Sheng Wu Chao, be very conscientious, and not die! Since then, together with Wu Mei, I will be removed from my Wu Family!”


Wu Yue’s words caused a sensation among many guests.

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