Wu Chao, who was walking out, heard this, and the blue veins on his forehead bulged out, “Wu Yue, what are you talking about, why didn’t Wu Ping’s uselessness come?”

“Kill Why use a sledgehammer for the chicken, I am Wu Yue, it is enough to deal with you, Wu Chao, get out, you and me, I Wu Family Patriarch recommends it, and it starts now!”


Wu Yue’s body showed strong profound energy fluctuations, which made Wu Chao look ugly, and everyone’s eyes were staring. It was not a fight, and it was not a fight. At this time, Zaku proudly hugged Wu Family’s inner courtyard. As Wu Mei walked out, Wu Mei’s face was red, and she panted slightly, but her clothes showed signs of disorder.

But the moment she saw Wu Yue, Wu Mei’s expression suddenly became like Goddess, and she shook her head in disgust, “Wu Yue, you really want to eat swan’s meat! In the family, You have harassed me time and time again, and I will get married when you don’t think I’m going to get married. You’re still harassing me, you’re not disgusting! Big brother Zaku, I don’t want to see him in the future!”

“haha , That’s not simple! Brother Wu Chao Big Uncle, this person is left to you to deal with, you take my lion king to chop off the limbs of this toad, I want him to become a stick, see with your own eyes At the moment when I took a concubine!” Zaku looked cold, and suddenly threw a golden magic knife and fell into Wu Chao’s hands. It was densely covered with divine runes, which looked like a powerful soldier of the ancestors.

Holding this weapon, Wu Chao’s confidence immediately swelled, and the blade suddenly pointed at Wu Yue: “Wu Yue, you scum in the family, today I am Wu Chao, as the head of the family, personally Take you down, kill!”


Blade light roars, like a lion king roaring, Wu Chao raises a knife to chop, and it is simply not as simple as cutting off Wu Yue’s hands and feet. Instead, he went straight to the point and killed him.


Wu Yue’s body suddenly heard a jade small dragon, a scary dragon roar. This time the jade small dragon did not become a stick, but a pair of special dragons. Tooth armguards, condensed into green dragon handguards, with their bare hands, collided with Wu Chao’s ancestors, and even with one punch, Wu Chao led the troops and the strikes retreated.

“This impossible, how can you become so strong in just a few days?” Wu Chao was full of disbelief. On his body, the bloodline burned, the soldier of the ancestors, and the whole, It turned into a roaring lion and opened its mouth wide to swallow Wu Yue. At the same time, Wu Yue let out a loud roar, and a green Divine Dragon suddenly appeared on his arms.

This Divine Dragon, condensing the dragon-marked claws, once again slapped forward with his bare hands. Wu Chao, who was still majestic just now, was slapped with a knife and slapped directly on the ground.

Following a heavy foot, he stepped heavily on the opponent’s face, “Wu Chao, now you still refuse to accept, just like you, also worthy of my Wu Family Patriarch?”

Chapter 2804 Zaku’s Fury

Chapter 2804 Zaku’s Fury

Wu Family’s new Patriarch, Beasts God Sect heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen Zaku The Big Uncle son, not only was defeated by a single move, but also stepped on his face in public. Unable to move even a little bit, a huge shame that made Wu Chao unbearable in one breath. The old blood spurted out and sprayed. Going far, far.

The guests who came to congratulate Xi were even more displeased. It was completely unexpected that such a scene would happen. If this is spread, it will inevitably become the biggest scandal of Wu Family in recent years.

But the biggest reaction was the group of Elders from Wu Family. Originally, when they saw the recommendation of the patron, Wu Yue did not show up. They thought that Wu Yue was stunned and timid. I don’t know how many people were behind. Secretly scolded Wu Yue that the mud could not support the wall. Even more lamented that the family was handed over to Wu Chao, and it would definitely go downhill.

But did not expect, mountain road twists around each new peak, Wu Yue actually killed Wu Family at the most important moment, and even more powerfully suppressed Wu Family’s strongest Heaven’s Chosen Wu ultra!

“Is this still Wu Yue? This is just like Wu Yue, who is usually innocent and simple!”

“There is also Wu Ping, it is said that Wu Ping, but he killed in public One of Zaku’s subordinates!”

Wu Family Elder, there were discussions.

Hearing this discussion, Wu Chao was even more angry with two lines of nosebleeds, but his head was stepped on by Wu Yue, and he couldn’t lift his head at all. He could only humiliately shout on the ground: “Father, Kill him, kill him quickly, I want to smash him into ten thousand pieces!”

“Super! Bold Wu Yue, today the old man will not kill you, he will not be a man!”


Wu Chao’s screams finally made Wu Sheng awake from the shock. His body immediately burst out of half-ancestral power, and even with terrible anger, moved towards Wu Yue and killed him. It also made many Wu Family neutral Elder, secretly holding a cold sweat for Wu Yue. After all, Wu Family finally made Wu Yue a talent. If he died impulsively like this, it would be a pity.

There are even some Elders who secretly sound transmission and let Wu Yue hijack Wu Chao to escape. After discussing it for a long time, Wu Yue just coldly smiled after hearing these advices, “Wu Sheng, you are simply not a human being, you are just It’s just a dog that waggles its tail, my Wu Family, there is no spineless Patriarch like you! Sacred Dragon is in the sky!”


dragon roar shakes the world, on Wu Yue’s arm , The green dragon handguard burst out a monstrous dragon gang, coordinated with the Sacred Dragon fist, blasted forward, not only broke Wu Sheng’s Divine Ability, but in turn, a dragon claw once again suppressed Wu Sheng on the ground. .

The whole Wu Family was in an uproar.

Wu Yue took the wrong medicine today, and he suppressed Wu Chao with one move. Everyone can barely accept it, but with one move, he suppressed Wu Sheng in the half-ancestral realm. What happened?

“Evil creature, evil creature, old man’s fame!” Wu Sheng, who was suppressed, spewed a mouthful of blood over three meters away on the spot. He also went to the Substitute Patriarch anyway. Wu Family’s half-ancestor powerhouse, in the blink of an eye, father and son were suppressed by the same person. It was too shameful and embarrassing. In the end, Wu Sheng could only look towards aloof and remote. Ancient body.

“Zaku, son-in-law, save me!”

“hmph, a group of trash father and son, you Wu Family, there are so many people, but you can’t handle even one person, this What do Young Master want you to do with this group of rice buckets?” Zaku suddenly showed anger, not because he took the daughter of Wu Family, he had any good expressions on Wu Sheng and Wu Chao, beside him, Wu Mei’s peachy eyes It even stared into a circle, as if he couldn’t believe it, Wu Yue stood before him.

But she also belongs to Wu Sheng’s this lineage. Naturally, she doesn’t want to see Wu Sheng’s father and son continue to be humiliated, and hurriedly whispered to Zaku: “Zaku big brother, you don’t always want that girl Body, now her father and brother are in trouble, if you are willing to lend a helping hand, are you afraid that the dead girl will not follow you?”

“haha, or you know the heart of this Young Master best, okay Well, for the sake of my little concubine, Hu Nu, you go up and surrender this person to me, remember, you must catch alive!” Zaku looked indifferent, and behind him, a tiger has already walked out. Wen’s strong middle-aged, this middle-aged, is Zaku’s strongest guard, Tiger Slave!

Hearing the order, the tiger slave immediately burst out with a strong ancestral might, indifferent and arrogant, walked towards Wu Yue and said: “I disdain to bully the weak, you broke your legs yourself. Kneel down, or I will help you!”


The answer was Wu Yue’s roar dragon roar that shook the world. The Sacred Dragon fist was launched again, blasting towards the tiger slave, and the tiger slave proudly resisted, but was shocked to find that even the attack power of other ancestors could not Hu Nu was shocked when he resisted Wu Yue’s Sacred Dragon boxing, “How could it be, the Dragon Boxing of the Dragon Sect, I’ve seen it, how could it have such a powerful formidable power, wait, it’s not too virtual, you can use it. It’s Celestial Emperor’s magical powers!”


The words of Tiger Slaughter shocked the hearts of everyone, no one didn’t expect, Wu Yue, originally a marginal figure in Wu Family , Will suddenly rise, and even become a heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen.

The many Elders of Wu Family were collectively shocked. At this time, Wu Mei not only opened her eyes round, but also opened her mouth into a round shape. Suddenly, above the crowd, Zaku’s indifferent satire came. “I thought that if you have mastered the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers, you can fight against my Zaku, don’t forget, I Zaku, the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers will only be earlier and stronger than you! Kill!”

Zaku made a sudden move. Just when Wu Yue and Hu Nu were fighting the most fiercely, a strong sneak attack blasted Wu Yue’s heart and caused countless people to sigh. This time Wu Yue was 80% dead. deal.

But at the critical moment, Wu Yue burst out of a fist sized little black pot. The black pot was still growing in the wind, and instantly turned into a big black pot the size of a water tank. Suddenly a pot hit Zaku’s face was touched.

Unprepared Zaku, he only felt a sharp pain on his face. He had a long nosebleed, bleeding front teeth, and huge anger, which made Zaku almost mad, “Kill you,” I Zaku is going to kill you today!”

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