
On Zaku’s body, the murderous aura is heavier, and I really want to tear that scapegoat. But without waiting for Zaku to make a move, suddenly there was an icy voice among the crowd, “Zaku, if you dare to move a finger, I want you to bury this Wu Family father and son today!”


An ordinary silhouette, stepping out of the crowd, the anti-sneak attacked Zaku’s black pot, and it was a straight moved towards the young man flew over and turned into A big black turtle, continuously rubbing against the young man’s trouser legs, seems to be asking for credit.

The youth’s reaction was only a little slower. His trouser legs were actually scratched by the black turtle, revealing a section of his thigh. Ye Fei really had the heart to beat Dragon Tortoise to death.

When I saw Ye Fei and Zaku’s body, the stormy sea-like killing intent appeared, “It’s you, kill my subordinates, Hu slave, don’t worry about Wu Yue, give me Next to this person, this Young Master will personally dig out his bones one by one!”

Chapter 2805 Mie Zaku

Zaku recognized Ye Fei, It was really the young man who killed him once, his mind suddenly tense, and subconsciously remembered Wu Family’s evaluation of Wu Ping.

Cowardly, timid, and mediocre.

If he were not the only heir of the Substitute Patriarch, Wu Ping would simply have no status in the Wu Family, but such a person easily killed a Heaven’s Chosen, and he was still more than ten years old. Under the chase of Heaven’s Chosen, he left calmly. This also gave Zaku a jealous heart, so he did not dare to take risks. He fought against Ye Fei, but decisively ordered the ancestors around him to guard the tiger slaves, moved towards Ye Fei To kill, let’s test Ye Fei’s reality first.

This surprised everyone in Wu Family. First, Wu Yue took the initiative and defeated Wu Chao, the strongest genius of Wu Family. Now, Wu Ping, the most cowardly recognized by the owner, is about to face the ancestors. , This Wu Family, is it really going to change?

“hmph, Wu Ping, is just a cowardly reptile, I don’t believe Wu Chao, Wu Yue can turn the sky once, and this Wu Ping can turn the sky a second time!” Wu Chao coldly opened the mouth and said , Hu Nu’s shot finally made him escape from Wu Yue’s feet, but unfortunately there was still a clear sole print on his face, which made Wu Chao’s face pale.

Upon Substitute Patriarch, Wu Sheng, who was also suppressed, had a distorted face, just roaring angrily: “Kill, kill these two people, my Wu Family has no such scum! “

Only by killing Wu Yue and Wu Ping, the humiliation of his father and son can be washed away. For this reason, Wu Sheng offered a great reward and looked towards Zhagu said: “As long as you can kill these two Personally, my Wu Family’s daughter, let Young Master choose!”


Wu Sheng’s words shocked the whole Wu Family Elder, especially the women among them, everyone Their faces were pale, they didn’t expect that Wu Sheng actually sacrificed all of them for revenge.

And when Zaku heard this, haha ​​laughed wildly, “father-in-law, this is what you said, then I Zaku is welcome, tiger slave, kill them all. Look at their heads as my betrothal gift to Wu Family!”

“Yes, Young Master!”

The tiger slave laughed grinningly, the ancestor’s might on him became more and more terrifying Many families who came to congratulate Xi were trembling in their hearts, but Ye Fei shook his head slightly when he saw the tiger slave walking out, and looked towards Wu Yue: “Wu Yue, this Old Hu, you come and do it. Let me do it?”

“Come on, Sacred Dragon fist is consumed too much. It is estimated that I must become a half-ancestor before I can fully perform it.” Wu Yue shook his head and smiled bitterly, panting hard. , Retreat behind Ye Fei.

Obviously, Wu Yue was very exhausted just now in the continuous battle with father and son Wu Sheng and Hu Nu.

At the same time, seeing Wu Yue’s actions, the many Wu Family Elders present, once again startled, Wu Yue, who has transformed into a heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen, is actually willing to retreat behind Wu Ping. See what this means. Let Wu Ping face the powerhouse of Hu Nu alone?

Crazy, Wu Yue and Wu Ping are crazy together!

Wu Family Elder immediately shouted tauntingly, as the gods are against the ancestors, or Wu Ping and other cowardly talented people, isn’t this taking eggs to hit rocks?

But more Wu Family Elder is silent.

Wu Yue just now has shown an extremely powerful battle strength. Then Wu Ping, who dared to face the ancestors, would burst out with a terrifying battle strength? How many moves can it support under the attack of human ancestor realm tiger slaves?

hong long long!

The emptiness is shattered. It was the Divine Ability of the Tiger Slave who broke out in the human ancestor realm. The Tiger Slave displayed the same supernatural powers, but relying on the superiority of the realm, the human ancestors were too virtual Supernatural powers can absolutely crush the gods.

Not to mention that the tiger slaves at this time not only released supernatural powers, but also released bloodline. Although this bloodline only has Grade 8, it can only be regarded as mediocre in the Holy City where Heaven’s Chosen gathers. However, relying on the increase of bloodline, the formidable power of tiger slaves became more and more terrifying.

Everyone only saw between Heaven and Earth, and there was a terrifying tiger claw mark, like the collapse of the heavens, shooting downwards, and let the half-ancestor expert in the audience feel it. Death Aura.

“Dead! Tiger slave is an expert of the late human ancestors, and he also masters the supernatural powers. If he shoots, this Wu Ping has no reason to survive!” Wu Sheng Wu Chao, father and son, beamed with joy.

The tiger slave who took the shot suddenly complexion greatly changed, and his body is lightning-like and wants to retreat.

Just not waiting for him to back up, a finger suddenly pierced his tiger claw phantom, suddenly a sword light, like a monstrous river, from the nine heavens, pierced into the void, the void, it burst It exploded, and also the head of the tiger slave.

With one finger, the tiger slave died, and the ancestor died!

Wu Family vibrates, the martial artist vibrates in the audience, Wu Sheng and Wu Chao’s father and son, are scared to the ground on the spot, they can’t believe everything in front of them, the tiger slaves of the middle ancestors, Even in the face of heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen, they have certain advantages, but facing Wu Ping, who is weak and mediocre in their eyes, he was killed by a finger.

Zagu’s whole body has the feeling of have one’s hair stand on end. His pupils tightened and looked at Ye Fei, “You actually killed the tiger slave, do you know that the tiger slave is my brother? Followers of Little Beast King Zhebie!”

One finger frightened Zaku by the horror of killing tiger slaves, so that he carried out his big brother, Little Beast King Zhebie, Wanting to threaten Ye Fei, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly showed a coldness, “I said, if you dare to move a finger, put a fart, I will kill you, Wu Ping, I said to do Here!”


After killing the tiger slaves, Ye Fei did not stop in his footsteps, and moved towards Zaku violently, Zaku immediately uttered fear The roar, he is the heavyweight Heaven’s Chosen, and his ability is also very strong. He broke the bloodline and even spurred the secret treasure of the body. He wanted to resist this horrible finger, but what made Zaku desperate was that he All his efforts are in vain!

The dazzling sword fingers, with the vast avenue of light, penetrated his forehead and shattered his Heavenly Palace. When Divine Soul was about to collapse, Zakumeng realized what, Divine Soul thought with amazement: “The kind of rays of light seems to be the light of the avenue. This Wu Ping is not only a half ancestor, but he also condenses the Dao heart… No wonder, Tiger Slave was killed by him with one move…


With a look in his eyes, Zaku’s corpse fell to the ground and shocked everyone’s heart. Not only did the tiger slave ancestor die, but even the young Zaku, the younger brother of Beastmaster Zhebei, died.

Furthermore, all are killed with one finger!

Shock, horror, it has been unable to form the mood of everyone, but many people, including Wu Family Elder, and many half ancestors who came to congratulate you, looked towards Ye Fei with strong eyes Awe and fear.

This is the world of Martial Dao, strength determines everything!

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