Zaku has the strength, he can wilfully insult the woman of Wu Family in Wu Family act wilfully, and Ye Fei has the strength, so he can kill Zaku with a single finger, and even dominate the scene. The life and death of everyone.

It’s just that Ye Fei didn’t intend to do this. Instead, she turned around and looked towards Wu Yue: “Wu Yue, Wu Family matter, now you can dispose of it at will, I think, no one will oppose it anymore, right?”

Chapter 2806 became terror-stricken at the news

Ye Fei took a light look at the many Wu Family Elders present.

If Ye Fei did not act as Wu Ping, this look would have attracted the unhappiness of these Elders, and even yelling, your family’s uselessness, not only has a weak personality, but also a mediocre talent. You dare to talk to us with this look and tone!

But now, after witnessing Ye Fei’s decisive killing, these Wu Family Elders did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. Instead, after Ye Fei’s eyes were scanned, they knelt in terror.” Ping Young Master is forgiving. From now on, we are willing to give Young Master orders and please Ping Young Master to inherit the position of Patriarch!”

“Yes, let Ping Young Master be Patriarch! Be Ping Young Master be Patriarch !”

Wu Ping’s strength, as well as the actions of Wu Sheng’s father and son, finally made Wu Family make the most correct choice, which is wholeheartedly, recommending Wu Ping and becoming the new Patriarch.

It’s just that they don’t know. It’s not Wu Ping who stands in front of them, but the legendary Ye Devil who suppressed and killed the ancient god’s peerless Heaven’s Chosen, let alone this little one. The small Wu Family, even the master of the entire Holy City, Ye Fei doesn’t bother to do it.

He is not here, but is climbing the stronger Martial Dao Peak, breakthrough human ancestors, ancient emperors, ancient gods, and even the Celestial Emperor who ruled the party. He has great ambitions, how can I see the snake and rat nest? ?

“Sorry, I’m not interested in the position of the master of the family, so let’s give it to Wu Yue.” Ye Fei said calmly.

“No, I’ll follow you, and it’s more interesting to travel around the world. Whoever loves to be the owner of this Wu Family, but father and son Wu, for his own selfishness. The family is removed! And Wu Mei, who led the wolf into the house, was also removed from the family!”

Wu Yue coldly said.

Hearing this, Wu Mei’s face changed drastically, like falling into the ice cellar. Wu Sheng’s father and son was ecstatic. Without the slightest hesitation, she knelt on the ground and shouted “angry”: “Wu Yue , Count you cruel, from my father and son, leave Wu Family, Chaoer, let’s go!”

After that, Wu Sheng grabbed Wu Chao and got up and left. This surprised Wu Yue.” I didn’t usually notice that Wu Sheng’s father and son was so easy to take it and put it down.”

Ye Fei slapped Wu Yue on the head with no anger.” Wu Yue, saying that you are stupid is not without reason. You just let them go. I promise that when we leave Holy City, this Wu Family father and son will return in a swirl of dust and regain the power of Wu Family! Now I I just want to ask you, do you want to kill them or let them go?”

Wu Yue hesitated and finally looked towards Ye Fei, “Ping brother, they are relatives, I can’t go down. Hand it to you.”

Wu Sheng father and son’s complexion changed drastically. He suddenly speeded up and wanted to escape, but before they could escape, two sword fingers had already pierced them. body.

Wu Sheng’s father and son suddenly screamed, and the Heavenly Palace collapsed in an instant, and even the bloodline of his body was destroyed by Ye Fei’s sword fingers. So far, Wu Sheng’s father and son, the cultivation base, were completely destroyed. In the future, it can only be reduced to an ordinary person.

Wu Chao’s eyes were frightened and spiteful, and his voice was like wild beast in the roar, but Wu Sheng was a few hundred years old in an instant, looking towards Ye Fei extremely depressed, and said: “Since ancient times, winner is the king, loser is the villain, you lied to all of us, the Wu Family, the best is not Wu Yue, but you, Wu Ping, lost to Wu Yue, the old man refuses to accept, loses to you, I am father and son, convinced!”

After finishing speaking, Wu Sheng has pulled up Wu Chao and left Wu Family in silence. At this time, no Wu Family sympathized with them, even the most trusted person they had ever had. Wu Family people, expressions all looked towards Ye Fei in awe and zeal.

The same is true for all the families who came to congratulate.

I saw the experience of Wu Sheng’s father and son with my own eyes. Wu Mei was even wa’ed, crying bitterly, and then suddenly cried and rushed into Wu Yue’s arms, “Cousin, I finally know what’s wrong In fact, I have always loved you in my heart. It’s the father and son of Wu Sheng, who forced me to follow Zagu. I know, cousin, in your heart, you always love you, right? Give me a chance. I will listen to you carefully…”

Ye Fei not at all Stops Wu Mei’s movements, but just sits on the sidelines. Wu Yue’s face showed a touch of struggle, but soon, this struggle has become resolute and determined, “Wu Mei, although I am a toad, Wu Yue can’t afford you, a white swan. Go away, you don’t deserve to stay in Wu Family!”

There was a slight shock in her body. Wu Mei, who had been shocked, retreated continuously, her face was full of strong regret and unwillingness, and her tone was even more serious. Maliciously cursed: “Liar, you used to say that you liked me, and you would do anything for me. It’s all fake, Wu Yue, you are very lucky, you are a terrible dog, why don’t you forgive me, why?”

Wu Mei cried and scolded, and she wanted to jump into Wu Yue’s arms again. Ye Fei kept shaking her head while watching. Suddenly a sword finger destroyed Wu Mei’s Heavenly Palace and abolished her bloodline and cultivation base.

“Wu Mei, some mistakes can be corrected, but some hurts, even for a lifetime, are impossible to be forgiven! From the perspective of my brother, I will not kill you, so let me do it for myself!”

Ye Fei looked towards Wu Yue, but saw that Wu Yue had a smile on his face, like being reborn, his face was no longer insignificant and immature. He stepped on the emerald small dragon and rushed to the sky, unexpectedly becoming chic.

Then Ye Fei looked down at a big black turtle that was round tuo under his feet, a little sour inexplicably.

At the same time, Wu Family’s affairs, like a hurricane, spread throughout the periphery of the Sacred Domain. Then, the inner city moved towards Holy City was passed in. Those who can enter the inner city are all with large gates. send.

As the battle of Heaven’s Chosen approaches, the young Heaven’s Chosen from Heaven Realm has once again gathered in this Holy City; among them, the little beast king Zhebye, also came to Holy City early, waiting for Heaven’s The beginning of the Battle of Chosen.

Zagu’s mischief on the outskirts of Holy City has long been heard by Zhebie, but he didn’t stop at all. Instead, he continued to indulge Zaku’s wanton enjoyment. After all, he can only let Zaku fall. There will be no threats around.

It can be said that Zaku’s fall was caused by Zhebie. He didn’t want to have a good younger brother to threaten his position in Beasts God Sect, but Zhebye didn’t expect that Zaku would die like this, and he still died outside Holy City, the most common A small family.

When the news came that Zaku was killed, little beast king Zhebie’s body suddenly showed a huge sense of anger. He was not sad when Zaku died, but was angry. Someone knew he was Holy City, dare to attack Zaku. This is obviously to hit him in the face!

The angry Zhebye was about to take people on the spot to kill Wu Family, but after inquiring, this Wu Family was actually the Wu Family where Wu Yue was, and there was still killing Zaku’s Wu Family young man Wu Ping unexpectedly followed a tufted black turtle by his side, but Zhebie fell from head to foot and let out a cold sweat.

“Wu Family Wu Yue, and the black tortoise, it is the head of Ye Devil who has come, Ye Fei, has come to Holy City!”

Chapter 2807, Divine Stage


Ye Mo, came to Holy City!

This news, like a hurricane, swept through the inside and outside of Holy City. No one doubted the judgment of Little Beast King Zhebei. After all, what Ye Fei did in Taixu was really too shocking.

Squeeze the heroes and step into the Celestial Emperor Town Witch Tower!

Collaborating with the golden Vermilion Bird, killing the ancient emperor Sacred Domain, and many disciplines.

What’s more terrifying is that it is rumored that this leaf demon has also obtained a certain treasure in the land of the emptiness, which can suppress and kill the ancient god!

It was also for this treasure to discover the secret of the breakthrough Celestial Emperor. Since Ye Fei left the Thang Long Sect, there have been no known many ancient gods who secretly watched Ye Fei’s every move, or Prepare to take action and snatch Celestial Emperor talisman, or prepare to attack, snatch the key to enter the fairy Demon Palace.

At the same time, this is also the Sacred Domain sect. Someone wants to deal with Ye Fei’s a method. The Sacred Domain sect, only ostensibly invited Ye Fei to participate in the Battle of Heaven’s Chosen.

Secretly, the Sacred Domain sect actually hoped Ye Fei would die halfway.

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