All the Elders of the Thang Long Sect present were shocked. They didn’t expect in their dreams. At this time, on the battle stage, it would be Zhang Wangu who wanted to kill Ye Fei.

When Sect Master Zhang Lang saw this scene, the killing intent and anger appeared on his body like a tsunami, “Zhang Wangu, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths, you actually reversed the Emperor Artifact and swallowed yours. Battle pet Divine Dragon!”

“What, Zhang Wangu, swallowed his dragon!”


On the battle stage, Ye Fei also With this news, shocked heads roared, you know, the idea of ​​the Dragon Sect is not to enslave Dragon Race, but to seek symbiosis with Dragon Race.

The battle pet is also the Thang Long School discipline, the closest and most trustworthy combat partner, who can entrust each other with their lives.

But Zhang Wangu broke this concept. He didn’t know what evil method he cultivated, and he actually reversed the Emperor Artifact. He not only made the Divine Dragon, who was with him in Life and Death Together, a ghost dragon. In the end, he actually swallowed this ghost dragon!

Chapter 2812 Slashing the Dragon

Chapter 2812 Slashing the Dragon

On the battle stage, the ghost dragon roars!

It was not a real ghost dragon, but Zhang Wangu’s Divine Soul. After completely devouring his own battle pet Divine Dragon, his Divine Soul turned into a real ghost dragon!

“Ye Fei, this is the last resort I prepared for you. At the beginning, in Taixu, you broke the seal of magical powers in advance and humiliated me. Today, I will take this humiliation ten times , Give it back to you a hundred times, Kill Kill Kill, the ghost dragon swallows the sky!”

Zhang Wangu’s entire Divine Soul sent out a terrifying roar, Ye Fei suddenly saw that his Celestial Emperor had regrets The sword light formed was actually grabbed by Zhang Wangu’s twisted and hideous ghost dragon’s claws, and then smashed into pieces.


Void ghosts roar, there seems to be a Divine Dragon crying, Zhang Wangu performed Dragon Boxing again, this method of fist, the more evil and charm, it forms countless blood The dragon is injustice to the soul, the soul trembles in the void, and the seals fill the sky.

When seeing the ghost dragon in the sky, after experiencing countless foul wind and bloody rain, Ye Fei has a tingling scalp. At this time, he even understands why When Dragon Tortoise sees Zhang Wangu, he will immediately be furious.

“Unexpectedly, Zhang Wangu, you not only betraying the sect door, but also the pet of your Life and Death Together, you can also get rid of it and swallow it cruelly. You simply don’t deserve to be a human being. Why not!”

Dragon roar is shaking the sky, and Sacred Dragon is out!

Ye Fei’s body, the sword light dissipated, but the fist gang shattered the void in front of him, forming a huge Sacred Dragon claw. In an instant, the entire void of Zhang Wangu’s body was smashed, but that in the sky, there was an evil dragon roar, “Devil Ye, you really have an excessive tendency to clemency, you become a major event, and you are just a favorite of war, since it refuses to betraying the sect door, then I swallowed it, what’s wrong! Not only the dragon, even you, I also want to swallow it! roar! “

Broken in the sky, a terrifying fist gang Blasted out, it actually formed an evil ghost dragon claw, fiercely’s and Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon claw strikes together.

Ye Fei felt her body shake, her footsteps kept retreating, and an astonished expression appeared on her face. He also roared immediately. Suddenly, the bloodline Divine flame burned into the sky, ten Grade 2 bloodline, Immediately it burned to the limit, making Ye Fei’s Sacred Dragon punch stronger and stronger. With the strengthening of Long Gang, Ye Fei’s arms, at this moment, twined out two astral qi Sacred Dragons, raised their heads and roared, and once again collided with Zhang Wong’s ghost dragon claws.

Zhang Wangu is completely motionless, and there is a touch of joking and ridicule on his face, “Do you think that the same boxing technique can beat me a second time, Ye Mo, today I will let You know, what is the real peerless Heaven’s Chosen! The gap between you and me is just like the gap between Heaven and Earth! Don’t knee down for me!”

roar roar roar!

Three dragon roars in a row broke out from Zhang Wangu’s within the body, a dragon roar, Zhang Wangu’s body suddenly soared, completely transformed from a human form into a ghost dragon form. Two dragon roar, Zhang Wangu’s body, has already burned the Divine flame, which also increased his formidable power of Dragon Boxing. More terrifying is the third dragon roar.

The voice of Zhang Wangu’s ghost dragon can actually seal the void. This is a Space Divine Ability that can be similar to the Eye of Sacred Dragon, but it is not as powerful as the Eye of Sacred Dragon.

After all, the eyes of Sacred Dragon can hold the opponent together with the void, unable to move even a little bit, and the voice of the ghost dragon can only limit the opponent to the void in a short time. Unable to escape from this void.

But Ye Fei’s heart still shocked fiercely, because in this sealed void, he discovered that he could not display any Space Divine Ability anymore. On the other hand, Zhang Wangu was in this piece of Void, gained stronger speed, and faster attack power. Ye Fei, who was also forced, had to face up and fight to the end.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became dignified and gloomy, “This eternal, is the Sacred Domain sect, a tool used to kill me! But I can’t defeat!”

He will never allow it, he is defeated by such a beast who is not as good as a beast!


The howling sword energy, like raging fire, like stars, burst out from Ye Fei’s body again. He held a sword in one hand, displayed Celestial Emperor with regret, punched out with one hand, and displayed Sacred Dragon punch.

in an instant, the entire battle stage is already full of scary dragon prints, as well as a sword light resplendent like a sea, but in this one, there is a ghost dragon that makes a hideous laugh,” Ye Mo, it’s useless, we Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, and you self-trained turtle Heaven’s Chosen, the gap is too big, the last blow will send you to the west!”

hong long long!

The endless ghost Dragon Talisman seal, turned into a fist, smashed down from Zhang Wangu’s hand in anger, Ye Fei’s sword light and dragon seal, all under these ghost Dragon Talisman seals, were shattered His expression was also full of deep shock, “30% Celestial Emperor power?”

“Yes, 30% Celestial Emperor power!” Zhang Wangu’s tone was arrogant.

Be aware that ordinary gods, even if they learn the Celestial Emperor’s magical powers, usually can only exert 10% of the formidable power. The peerless Heaven’s Chosen can burn bloodline and increase the formidable power to 20%. And Zhang Wangu can actually increase the power of the Celestial Emperor to 30% through the cultivation method. It is no wonder that Zhang Wangu is so confident that he will kill Ye Fei.

Any martial artist who sees this scene is even more discolored. In the crowd, Zhao Yu has red eyes, clenched fists, and unconsciously has pinched red blood, Sect Master Zhang Lang was extremely nervous and angry.

Zhang Wangu has been betraying the sect door, if he kills Ye Fei as a traitor again, it will definitely cause an extremely severe blow to the Shenglongzong. But there is no way. Above the void of the Divine Stage, the ancient god that Sacred Domain stared at Ye Fei so coldly. Once Ye Fei has the intention to withdraw from the battle stage and escape, this ancient god will never mind, personally Shot, behead Ye Fei.

If Ye Fei continues to stay in the battle stage, he will face Zhang Wangu’s lore.

Advance and retreat are all dead ends!

At this moment, I don’t know how many people sigh. When Ye Fei suppressed and killed the ancient gods, they were so famous that they didn’t know how many forces and ancient gods could not sleep at night, and now, After a long time, the Sacred Domain sect moved his little finger casually, and the leaf demon was about to fall, and there would be no possibility of rising.

“A generation of Heaven’s Chosen, this is the end, Ye Fei, have you ever regretted that you offended my Zhang Wangu, and offended my Sacred Domain sect?” Zhang Wangu’s tone was mocking, and even more with the invincible Ghost God. Body, unleash a lore.

This blow, he wants Ye Fei to die!

But at this moment of life and death, Ye Fei smiled, “Zhang Wangu, this is what you got by betraying the sect door in Sacred Domain? I have to say, you, really Very weak!”


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