Behind Ye Fei, a peculiar stone gate suddenly appeared. Inside the stone gate, there was an endless light, which spewed out and condensed into a special Divine Sword. Then, Ye Fei was angry. Drink into the air, lift the sword, cut the dragon!

The void of the entire battle stage was a terrifying blast, and even on the ground of Divine Stage where Ye Fei was located, terrifying cracks appeared, which caused countless exclamations.

You must know that this is the battlefield where the ancient gods fight, and the destructive power they can bear is naturally terrifying, but now, as Ye Fei opens the stone gate and swings his sword to cut the dragon, the ground of this battle stage , There was a crack, so how terrifying is the attack power of Ye Fei’s sword?

The Emperor Chapter 2813 is wild and domineering

The Emperor Chapter 2813 is wild and domineering

hong long!

Heaven and earth are at this moment, with Ye Fei The cut out sword light shook, and Zhang Wangu, who was under the sword light, felt that his ghost dragon’s claws were tingling sharply. Then, it was a Divine Sword with the regret of the Celestial Emperor. The ghost claw, fiercely slashed on Zhang Wangu’s ghost dragon, and smashed the entire dragon tail of Zhang Wangu on the spot.


The pain of tail docking made Zhang Wangu roar crazy and painful, and his eyes flashed thickly. Frightened, “Dao Xin, you actually comprehended Dao Xin!”

“Unfortunately, my Dao Xin was originally prepared to kill the true powerhouse. Didn’t expect, the first time, it was wasted. In the hands of your beast!” Ye Fei shook his head and sighed, the sword light in his hand broke out again.

With the increase of Dao Xin, Ye Fei’s Celestial Emperor has regrets, and the formidable power is even more terrifying. Although it is the same Celestial Emperor’s 30% formidable power, it has Dao Xin and no Dao Xin. Simply is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Zhang Wangu, who has no Dao heart, relies on evil methods, can only just play 30% of the formidable power of Celestial Emperor’s magical powers, while Ye Fei can use Dao heart to play 30% of Peak’s formidable power. .

Therefore, Ye Fei can cut off Zhang Wangu’s ghost dragon’s tail with a single sword. At the same time, it is also a sword, powerfully screamed. Zhang Wangu screamed again and he was terrified to see , One of his ghost dragon claws was also cut off. The huge trauma finally made Zhang Wangu unable to maintain the ghost dragon form.

He screamed in horror, and a deep fear emerged in his heart, and even made him afraid to continue fighting with Ye Fei, but with broken legs and stumped arms, he escaped frantically Outside the battle stage, “Master, save me, save me…”


Slash the void on the Divine Stage, the Sacred Domain ancient god who is supervising the battle, A huge anger immediately appeared on his body. He didn’t expect. He cultivated Zhang Wangu in this way, used Zhang Wangu to kill Ye Fei, and humiliated the Chu Kuangren and Shenglongzong who opposed him. In the end, it was like this. result.

But Zhang Wangu is his Honorary Disciple in the end. This time he is representing Sacred Domain. The ancient god of Sacred Domain. It’s hard to watch Zhang Wangu being killed like this. He immediately waved his hand and his eyes were cold. Ye Fei’s glance at Ye Fei, “This battle ends here, you can withdraw!”

“Withdraw, when Zhang Wangu killed me, did you ever want him to withdraw, You said that only one person can survive on the battle stage. Now that I am alive, that piece must die!” Ye Fei looked up to the sky, his feet and swords kept on, and another horrible sword light cut. After killing, Zhang Wangu, who was escaping for his life, saw with horror that his last arm was also cut off on the spot.

The pain distorted his face, and the spitefulness also made him crazy, “Ye Fei, now I am the Honorary Disciple of Yu Duo Gu, and I have already withdrawn from the battle stage. You dare to come out to kill Me?”

“An ancient god? What a shit! I kill you like a pig and a dog!”


In the whole Holy City, endless Under the martial artist’s gaze, Ye Fei lifted his sword impressively, stepped out of the battle stage, and instantly launched Space Divine Ability, rushing to Zhang Wangu’s side, directly, slashing his sword to kill.

The endless martial artist, everyone was shocked. This Ye Demon is as crazy as the rumors. He knows that the Sacred Domain ancient god has a rule that no one can step out of the battle stage, knowing that Zhang Wangu has become Saint Honorary Disciple of the ancient gods of the domain.

This Demon Ye still dared to step out of the battle stage and chase Zhang Wangu!

The ancient god Yu Duo was no longer angry at this time, but completely furious, “Junior, do you dare to kill the deity discipline?”

“why Not dare, I’m Heavenly Might, no matter how far away you are you will certainly be punished!”


Ignoring the threat of God Yu Duogu, Ye Fei mentioned The sword, the sword, the sword light is like a dragon, and like a god of heaven and earth. It shatters the sky and destroys the land. It also penetrates Zhang Wangu’s body and bursts his Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul.

In the end, there was only one ferocious human head, which was cut off by Ye Fei with a single sword, lifted it high, and threw it at the feet of God Yu Duogu, “Zhang Wangu is dead, this time I cut Heavenly God, I am the one who wins!”

One sword will kill you!

Raise your head and face the ancient god of Sacred Domain!

Ye Fei at this moment is full of endless madness and boundless domineering, man, when you mention Sanchi Qingfeng, destroy the enemy, fight for nine days! Ye Fei not only said it, but also did it in front of the ancient gods.

At this moment, looking at the black robed youth, who is as sharp as a sword and with infinite determination, I don’t know how many young Heaven’s Chosen, while shocked, can’t help but feel a sense of admiration.

And seeing Ye Fei’s actions, Yu Duo Gu Shen, really angry internal organs are about to explode, “Evil barrier, devil, you are too empty first, relying on treasure, kill the Revered Master Brother, now in front of the deity, beheading the deity’s discipline, I will not kill you today, how to save face, my Sacred Domain, how majestic is there!”


The thick murderous intention radiated from the ancient god Yu Duo. However, before the ancient god Yu Duo really started to cut the Divine Stage above the void, there was already another silhouette of the ancient god.

This ancient god is an old man with plain white clothes and kind eyebrows, but when he stepped out of the void, he was full of madness stronger than Ye Fei. Cold proud.

“Yu Duo, if you dare to move Ye Fei a finger, the deity will break the bones of your whole body!”


Listen to this In other words, under the seat of the old man, a powerful eight-armed demon dragon immediately let out a fierce roar, seeming to long for a battle at any time. Yu Duogu’s face became more and more ugly, “Madman Chu, you have sweared. Leaving the Dragon Sect and joining the Sacred Domain, you now have no reason to care about outside affairs!”

“Why there is no reason, this Ye Fei is the second Direct Disciple of my Chu Madman, Sheng The old man can do nothing about Longzong’s affairs, but for the discipline, the old man has tried his best to deal with this old life! There is a kind, you can try Ye Fei’s hair now!”

The madman of Chu has white hair, full of extreme oppression and arrogance, not afraid of Heavenly Might, not afraid of Ghost God, and faintly look down on opponents. Yu Duogu, his angry face was already green, and he roared on the spot: “You protect your discipline, can’t you avenge your own discipline?”

“hmph, your discipline, betraying the sect It’s just a waste of ingratitude. It doesn’t matter how much you die, but my discipline is an old man’s treasure. If something happens to him, the old man will be buried with you!” Chu madman is really not an ordinary mad, facing the ancients of the same realm God, Yu Duogu from the main line of Sacred Domain, also scolded whenever he wanted.

Yu Duogu’s expression on his face has become pig liver, helpless, although Madman Chu is an outer sect ancient god with a battle strength, he is more terrifying than many Sacred Domain’s ancient gods. Therefore, When Madman Chu mentioned using his body to make up for Ye Fei’s fault, the senior Sacred Domain not only agreed, but even vaguely included Madman Chu into the main line.

At this time, Yu Duo ancient god, it is not easy to fight against the madman of Chu, otherwise his first name might be ruined here if he is careless. After hesitating for a while, Yu Duo Gushen suddenly turned his gaze on Ye Fei again.

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