As long as the ancient god is willing, it is estimated that a single finger can crush this little ant to death, but, on the contrary, Ye Fei did just that. The face of the man was angry with the ancient gods.

Even the ancient god Yu Duo himself didn’t expect that Ye Fei would do such a crazy thing unexpectedly, and was spit on his face when he was caught off guard. You can imagine the anger of the ancient god Yu Duo.


Many martial artists only felt a violent rage, which emerged from the ancient god Yu Duo. The ancient god Yu Duo had his face like pig liver and angry. Like Vajra, snarling frantically, wishing to slap Ye Fei to death on the ground.

But at the critical moment, there was a louder and more mad roar that shook the void, “Yu Duo, you dare to move a hair of Lao Tzu’s discipline and try it!”


The madman of Chu is also angry. The purpose of the Shenglongzong is to protect the shortcomings. As long as the discipline is not doing things that hurt the world, the Shenglongzong will protect it to the end. Among them, the madman of Chu is also known as the short-term madman.

Since Ye Fei would rather endure it and lose the opportunity of breaking through the Celestial Emperor, he would not accept masters extinguishing ancestors and betray the sect door. The madman of Chu, in addition to being extremely gratified, naturally wants to protect Ye Fei to the end.

Everyone heard a loud explosion sound in their ears, and Yu Duo ancient god and Chu Madman had already slapped their hands.

Ye Fei’s heart is not slightly feverish. The reason why he does not accept the conditions of the Sacred Domain sect is that he does not want to violate his principles of life, and he simply does not believe in the promise of Yu Duogu , This was angrily exited, and the old bastard face was angry.

But he didn’t expect. The Madman Chu really did what he said, and protected him to the end. At this time, he did it even more. He wanted to share his fate with Yu Duogu. It’s not touched. impossible.

“Master!” Ye Fei couldn’t help shouting.

“Good discipline, you stand behind your teacher! I think the Sacred Domain sect is not so unbelievable.” Chu Kuangren laughed wildly. What he said was not for Yu Duo. Listen, but to the Sacred Domain executives who are secretly concerned about this matter.

Sure enough, after hearing Madman Chu’s words spread throughout Holy City, a very indifferent voice was immediately transmitted from Sacred Domain, “Mad Chu, what Sacred Domain promised you, never I will break my promise! As for this child, whether he is willing to join the Sacred Domain or not, we will not force it, but the Celestial Emperor talisman in his hand cannot be kept! I think it will be handed over to Yu Duo. How about resolving grievances between you? “

Obviously, this Sacred Domain high-level person is more concerned about Madman Chu, so he wants to be a peaceful old man. Madman Chu will naturally have no objection. Hearing that Ye Fei can suppress and kill Celestial of the ancient gods The Emperor Talisman must be handed over to himself. Yu Duogu’s angry expression eased a little, and he glanced at Ye Fei coldly and said, “Just like you, kneeling on the ground, this deity is not rare. As a disciple, immediately hand over the Celestial Emperor Talisman, and then get out of the deity’s sight!”

Ye Fei licked his dry and cracked mouth, did not speak, his eyes flashed through dangerous rays of light, At this time, he heard a subtle sound transmission from Madman Chu, “Ye Fei, hand over the Celestial Emperor talisman, this high-level Sacred Domain who speaks out, I saved his life by accident when he was young. It’s worth believing.”

Ye Fei would not believe the words of others, but Ye Fei could still believe the words of Master Chu Madman. Immediately, he could only sigh slightly, leaving the rest The two Celestial Emperor Talismans were thrown to Yu Duogu divine Dao: “Yuduo Gu, this Talisman, you must keep it well, if I have a chance, I will bring it back again!”

” Hahaha, just you ant, still want to get back the Celestial Emperor rune? Okay, the deity is waiting to see how you can get it back!” Yu Duogu god, caught the Celestial Emperor rune with a fierce light, and thought about it again. Not reconciled, suddenly, Yu Duogu looked towards Chen Xiaoyao, who was standing in the distance, said solemnly: “Chen Xiaoyao, since this leaf demon is impossible to tell good from bad, the deity gives you a chance, you are willing to turn your back on Master, enter the deity’s sect?”

Everyone complexion changed, these other ancient gods are not dead, but Ye Fei can’t be digged, but they have changed their minds again. After hitting Chen Xiaoyao’s body, Walkabout Sect Elder suddenly became nervous.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaoyao’s attitude is very determined, and he shook his head flatly and said: “Many thanks to the love of the ancient gods, but the ambition of the happy is not in the Sacred Domain! Please also the ancient gods to complete!”

Yu Duo’s face was ugly for an instant. He dignified Sacred Domain, the ancient god. He was invited twice and was rejected twice. It is really impossible!

Just thinking of the special figure of Walkabout Sect, Yu Duogu still forcibly resisted the anger in his heart, and suddenly swept towards Fengyun coldly, said solemnly: “Fengyun, you no Sect, no Faction, I should be able to worship the deity as a teacher?”

Obviously, the ancient god Yu Duo is determined today and wants to force a powerful Heaven’s Chosen to restore some of the lost face, but the face is , Was invited, Fengyun unexpectedly not even think, he resolutely refused: “I am not a person in the domain, the kindness of the ancient gods, my heart has led.” After finishing speaking, Fengyun turned around and left, actually ignoring Yu Many ancient gods were even more arrogant than Ye Fei and Chen Xiaoyao. The martial artist near the Divine Stage was completely numb.

How many people, yearn for something even in dreams, hope to enter the main line of Sacred Domain, but they are rejected by Ye Fei, Chen Xiaoyao, and Fengyun continuously. These are three loud slaps, pa pa pa The ancient god Yu Duo’s face was beaten by the slap, the face of the ancient god Ling’s face turned into a pig liver color in an instant, and he was embarrassed to get off the stage. Suddenly, Lu Mohan standing in the distance, Fu Zhi mind, suddenly went up. In the previous step, moved towards Yu Duo Gu God bowed and bowed and said: “Emperor Lu Mohan, has long heard of the name of the ancient god, if the ancient god does not abandon, Mo Han is willing to follow the ancient god and be a cow and a horse!”

“Lv Mohan, actually want to betray the emperor? I risk the world?”

Lu Mohan’s words shocked the hearts of countless martial artists, feeling embarrassed by Yu Duo ancient god, suddenly relaxed , I looked at Lu Mohan with satisfaction and said: “Lu Mohan, the deity also knows your name. Although your talent is a bit weak, it is still much better than some rotten woods that fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness. Also that’s all. From then on, you will be under the name of the deity and become the Direct Disciple of the deity!”

So, even if you didn’t accept Ye Fei, Chen Xiaoyao, Fengyun, at least you received a little bit Lu Mohan, the ancient god Yu Duo, saved some of his face. Immediately, the ancient god Yu Duo called Lu Mohan to his side, opened the void, and returned to Sacred Domain.

Before going back, God Yu Duogu still glanced at Ye Fei coldly, “Devil Ye, you are disrespectful to the deity, this deity is disinclined to pay attention to you ants, but the deity’s discipline, one month In the future, I will definitely let you settle the bill! Mo Han, let’s go!”

The door of Sacred Domain opened, Yu Duo Gu, with Lu Mohan, returned to Sacred Domain, and only left Zhebye, the 9th layer of the corpse, beating his chest and feet, annoyed, Guo Yi, Huo Qingwu, and Jia Luo were also a little dumbfounded.

Who didn’t expect, this Heaven’s Chosen battle, the biggest winner, not the strongest Ye Fei, but Lu Mohan, who is the most proficient at being a horse?

Chapter 2824 Demon Palace

Chapter 2824 Demon Palace

The battle of Heaven’s Chosen in Holy City finally ended.

In this battle, except for Lu Mohan, who betrayed the emperor and joined Sacred Domain as a perfidious outcast, Ye Fei, Chen Xiaoyao, and Fengyun all actually rejected the invitation of Sacred Domain. .

The news came and the entire Heaven Realm was in an uproar.

In this battle, the great and small forces of Heaven Realm finally realized the power of Sacred Domain. At the same time, Ye Fei and Chen Xiaoyao, Fengyun trio, were completely famous, even the defeated Galo Aroused great attention.

After all, apart from the three Ye Fei, there is only Lu Mohan. Jia Luo defeated Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, and Jia Luo is still a woman, although she has lost the opportunity to join the Sacred Domain main line , But in Sacred Domain, there are many people who are starting to pay attention to Jia Luo, and some Sacred Domain seniors have sent powerhouses directly to the Gu Yue clan to discuss marriage with Jia Luo.

So, it can be regarded as an opportunity to join the main line of Sacred Domain in disguise. For a while, many women of the Gu Yue clan were secretly envious. Strangely, Galo not at all agreed immediately, and It was as if there was something in mind, announcing the continued secluded cultivation, which attracted a lot of speculation.

And the biggest guess is which palm Ye Fei hit Jia Luo down on Divine Stage. After all, Ye Fei’s palm at the time, the attacking part was very embarrassing, it happened to be Jia Luo’s. Chest. This incident not only once again proved the fact that Ye Demon was ruining the flowers, but also caused great public outrage.

Not long afterwards, the Gu Yue clan had already rumored that the reason why Galo refused to accept Sacred Domain’s proposal was actually because of the frivolity of the leaf demon, and a shadow has sprouted in his heart.

Fortunately, Ye Fei had already lived with Senior Brother Zhang Lang and Madman Chu in a manor in Holy City. He didn’t know at all. In the rumors outside, he had already Suffered a grievance.

In addition to Ye Fei, Chen Xiaoyao has also received the attention of countless people. Unfortunately, Chen Xiaoyao is born free and whereabouts are uncertain. It is difficult for outsiders to have contact with Chen Xiaoyao.

And Walkabout Sect is different from other Nine Great Sects. Walkabout Sect is not only sparsely populated, but also has a mysterious origin. It seems that Chen Xiaoyao does not care about whether Chen Xiaoyao joins the Sacred Domain.

In the end, everyone can only turn their eyes to Fengyun.

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