After all, until now, Fengyun is still the Loose Cultivator of no Sect, no Faction! This makes people shocked and curious. After all, in the realm of Loose Cultivator, without relying on any forces, they can break through the half-ancestor, and even transform into the peerless Heaven’s Chosen. In Heaven Realm, it is almost impossible to happen, but Fengyun did it.

For this reason, not only Nine Big Sect, but also developed a strong interest in Fengyun. They threw out olive branches and solicited. Even the rejected Sacred Domain once again sent an ancient god to express the intention of soliciting. What is shocking is that this time, Feng Yun still refused, and finally disappeared in Holy City. He disappeared and attracted many forces. I have a lot of guesses. I don’t understand what Feng Yun has the confidence to be able to continue two consecutive times. This time, I ignored Sacred Domain’s invitation.


The rumors of the Battle of Heaven’s Chosen, when Heaven Realm is getting stronger and stronger, a very important news, but only in Nine Big Sect , And Sacred Domain. Quietly spread.

That is the trip to Taixu, just the beginning of exploring Taixu.

After the execution of Taixu, there is one more thing that is very important, that is, the ancient Celestial Emperor order obtained through the trip to Taixu begins the Celestial Emperor palace in the depths of Taixu!

This palace is the Demon Palace. In the past, opening the fairy Demon Palace was dominated by the Sacred Domain family. There was simply no possibility of other sects getting involved, but now, as the news of the Celestial Emperor inheritance of the fairy Demon Palace is revealed, under pressure, Sacred Domain can only Yes, Nine Big Sect can also send out excellent disciplines to explore this fairy Demon Palace with Heaven’s Chosen of Sacred Domain.

And the time is set in one month!

This is also before the god Yu Duo left, he would say that after a month, he will have his discipline, the reason why Ye Fei is beautiful, obviously, the words of the god Yu Duo are opened for the fairy Demon Palace Come.

At this time, the madman of Chu took Ye Fei back very solemnly, and Sacred Domain gave him the ancient mountain villa arranged in Holy City, and rejected everyone, leaving only Ye Fei and Zhang Lang said: “Ye Fei Although you have passed the Battle of Heaven’s Chosen, the senior leaders of Sacred Domain have nothing to say, and Yu Duo will not be on the surface and attack you, but it is easy to hide with a spear and difficult to guard against an arrow. This time the fairy Demon Palace is open, Yu Duo will definitely make a ghost! If it is not necessary, this time the fairy Demon Palace is open, you don’t want to participate.”

“Master, but I don’t participate, then Shenglongzong, who is there? Can we participate? Wouldn’t we, missed it in vain, might get the chance of Celestial Emperor inheritance?” Ye Fei asked in a deep voice. Zhang Lang next to him was also nodded in agreement, “The method of breakthrough Celestial Emperor is that Sacred Domain controls our Heaven Realm. The roots of Sacred Domain can be seen through the battle of Heaven’s Chosen. Sacred Domain is basically impossible to tell us how to become an emperor. If we want to get rid of the control of Sacred Domain, there is only one way, and that is to enter the fairy Demon Palace and find a way. , Get the Celestial Emperor inheritance inside!”

The madman of Chu smiled bitterly, sighed and shook his head: “The Celestial Emperor inheritance of the Demon Palace is not so easy to obtain, otherwise, the Sacred Domain has been so many years. I won’t continue to use our Nine Great Sects’ peerless Heaven’s Chosen as cannon fodder to help them collect the Celestial Emperor.”

For this remark, Zhang Lang agrees very much, and Ye Fei is also a little heavy. , But, he has promised the ancient divine corpse spirit, he will definitely bring the last Divine Spark fragment of the ancient divine corpse spirit into the fairy Demon Palace.

Since he agreed, Ye Fei will never break his promise. Besides, in the fairy Demon Palace, Ye Fei doesn’t care if you can get Celestial Emperor inheritance, but the fairy golden body in the ancient divine corpse spirit mouth, he must get it. You know, it’s a stronger defense than the Ancient God Golden Body. This kind of cultivation technique, Ye Fei must get it whenever there is a chance.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei said in a deep voice, “Master, I think it’s good, this time the fairy Demon Palace, I must go.”

“Ai, you disciple , It’s really not usually causing trouble. But also that’s all, I’m a madman in Chu’s life. There are only two worst points in my life. One is short-term protection and the other is too crazy! You First Senior Brother inherited the short-term protection character of being a teacher, then You, inherit the arrogance of being a teacher! Ye Fei, you can go to the Demon Palace, but you have to break through the ancestral realm within one month and be a teacher before you can go there without worry. Can you do it?”

The eyes of the madman Chu suddenly became serious and stern. Although he was mad, he did not know the severity, “However, as a teacher, I prefer you to stay with me. With your talent, as long as Be willing to follow me at ease, cultivation for a hundred years, breakthrough ancient gods, there is no problem at all.”

Ye Fei laughed, his smile is very firm, “A hundred years is too long, I will fight for the day! And, A long time ago, an elder once told me that Martial God was born in battle! The same is true of ancient gods! Only the ancient gods who came out of battle, the ancient gods who came out of cultivation, had a high realm, and their battle strength was not strong. , It’s just futile!”

After speaking, Ye Fei turned around and left. He has already decided that within one month, he must break through the ancestors, and then go to the fairy Demon Palace.

Chapter 2825 Dragon Mountain Monarch

Chapter 2825 Dragon Mountain Monarch

Looking at Ye Fei’s firm back, Madman Chu became more helpless, although he was An ancient god, but he was restricted by the Sacred Domain everywhere. Even if he knew Ye Fei’s trip was dangerous, he was impossible to accompany him.

Ye Fei, it’s his discipline in the end. When he was at the focal point of ten thousands, he would rather not join the Sacred Domain main line and lose the possibility of becoming an emperor than betray the teacher, to forget favors and violate justice. This again made the Mad Chu admire and gratify.

When he saw Ye Fei really made up his mind, Madman Chu was not blocking him, but decided something abruptly. After Ye Fei left, Madman Chu took Zhang Lang and went directly to Sacred. Somewhere in the palace of the Domain, this palace, splendorous and majestic, is at a glance the high-rise residence of Sacred Domain. The people living in it, although not the Celestial Emperor, are infinitely close to the terrifying existence of the Celestial Emperor.

“Zhang Lang, the master of the palace, is the Dragon Mountain Monarch that the old man once told you! By chance, the old man once saved the Dragon Mountain Monarch when he was in the ancient emperor realm. Fate, at that time, Dragon Mountain Monarch invited me to leave the Dragon Sect and join the Sacred Domain main line! And Dragon Mountain Monarch, or one of the Vice Sect Masters of the Saint Domain!”

With the palace introduced, this is also the reason why the ancient god Ye Fei suppress and kill Sacred Domain caused an uproar, and the crazy man of Chu could settle the situation as soon as he appeared. It was precisely because of his life-saving love for the dragon Mountain Monarch.

“Chu monster, I was always grateful for my life-saving grace back then, and I always wanted to repay, but it was not endless repaying. I have helped the evil that the Demon Leaf made You settled it once, but it’s a pity that this child unable to tell good from bad, you just beg me, and I can’t do anything. After all, Sacred Domain’s Vice Sect Master is not the only one. The more than one Master is also a Vice Sect Master. The right is greater than me!”

In the palace, there was a sigh, and then, a glance was at the heart’s mind-sect cicatricial order, the Pyshun falcon, and the chrysanthemum. The silly search on the right neck is shimmering and shimmering to hold the curtain

The Madman of Chu slightly smiled, shook his head and said, “Longshan, I am not here to intercede this time. I just heard that you are in charge of the Sacred Domain treasure house, thinking I need to use my savings in exchange for a few ancient gods Blood Lotus!”

The Dragon Mountain Monarch was startled, “Scared, Old Monster, you really don’t want to die. The ancient god Blood Lotus is my Sacred. Domain, the forbidden thing to cultivate the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, this is a valuable treasure!”

“Less nonsense, old man uses his life savings to buy three of you, and you should return my favor. From then on Don’t owe me anymore.” Madman Chu directly took out the space belt, didn’t look at it, and threw it to Dragon Mountain Monarch.

Zhang Lang’s heart is full of shock.

Such crazy behavior also shocked Dragon Mountain Monarch, he couldn’t help but took a deep look at Madman Chu, “For a newly-acquired discipline, it’s worth all your life savings are consumed?”

“No way, the two biggest problems of the old man, one is too mad, the other is too short-sighted! Besides, Ye Fei would rather give up the possibility of a breakthrough Celestial Emperor in the future, although he has been admiring me for a short time. I don’t want to betray the master’s gate, so Pure Heart, how can I not express myself as a Master?”

Long Mountain Monarch hearing this is silent, after checking the space belt of the Madman Chu for a long time, it is a bit difficult Nodded and said, “For the sake of saving me back then, I will take a risk and help you one last time! Your savings can be exchanged for three ancient gods Blood Lotus, but it can only be a second-class king grade Blood Lotus. As for the Divine Grade, I don’t dare to call the shots, otherwise I will fall into the limelight.”

“Many thanks!”

You are welcome to Chu Madman, I have taken these three plants. Blood Lotus, directly to Zhang Langdao, “Zhang Lang, you give these Blood Lotus to Ye Fei, as for whether he can break through the ancestor in January, it depends on him!”

Zhang Lang’s His eyes became complicated, but he didn’t dare to neglect, he quickly took the Blood Lotus, left Sacred Domain at the fastest speed, and returned to the villa in Holy City.

At this time, Ye Fei is still worrying about how to break the door of his Dao Heart in a short time. After all, the key to breaking through the human ancestral realm is to fully understand Dao Xin, not just like Ye Fei, which just opens a gap in the door of Dao Xin.

At this time, Zhang Lang’s hurried arrival made Ye Fei feel a little strange. He hurriedly stopped cultivation and said, “Senior Brother, what happened?”

“It’s okay, Junior Brother, don’t worry. By the way, these are the three ancient gods Blood Lotus that Master gave you. Although they are only king grade, they should be able to help you break through the ancestors.” Zhang Lang took out three plants. Blood Lotus, Ye Fei didn’t pick it up, but stared straight at Zhang Lang who felt ill at ease.

“Senior Brother, you have something to hide from me!” Ye Fei said solemnly.

“Nothing, Junior Brother, don’t worry about it. Take these three Blood Lotus, and I have to go back and return to Master!” Zhang Lang said with a slight smile.

Ye Fei’s eyes were a bit solemn, and he turned around and said: “Since you don’t say Senior Brother, then these three Blood Lotus, you should take them back!”

Ancient God Blood Lotus is so precious, even Nine Big Sect, it is difficult to find one, otherwise, Lu Mohan would not have spent much time trying to seize the ancient god Blood Lotus of Chu State.

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