“Emperor, agree!”

” Zhantianmen , agree!”

Obviously, Nine Big Sect had expected something before coming over, despite Sacred Domain’s The conditions are very demanding. Nine Big Sect’s Sect Master has all pinched his nose.

Only then did the ancient god of Longyang show a satisfied smile, and suddenly moved towards Thang Longzong again coldly and looked at Ye Fei indifferently and asked: “You are Ye Demon, who is very popular recently? I heard that you let go of the ancestors of Vermilion Bird, and you also obtained the secret technique of Vermilion Bird One, the real body of Vermilion Bird?”

Ye Fei quickly replied: “Senior misunderstood, I am Ye Fei, but I am not the devil, and it is not my ancestor who released the Vermilion Bird, but the Vermilion Bird that forced me to release it. Now Junior has deeply regretted it.”

Actively release the golden Vermilion Bird, which is an enemy of Sacred Domain, but it is excusable to release it under duress. There are hidden traps in this ancient dragon and sheep myth, how can Ye Fei not be able to tell.

Seeing that there is no way to interrogate with words, the ancient god Longyang couldn’t help being coldly snorted, and suddenly asked kindly: “If you are being coerced, just search for the soul, and you will know everything! Ye Fei, miss you junior For some talents, the deity will make an exception and give you another chance. As long as you agree to let the deity search your soul, the deity will not harm you, but also accept you as a discipline! Give you another chance to join the main vein!”


The words of the ancient god Longyang shocked the disciples of Nine Big Sect present, and Lu Mohan looked at Ye Fei with jealous eyes. At the beginning, he ignored the contempt of thousands of martial artists. He swore to betray the emperor in public and bear the infamy of deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors. This was the luck to join the Sacred Domain, but Ye Fei did not need to recite any infamy, as long as he was searched. Once soul, you can join Sacred Domain and become the discipline of Vice Sect Master.

This status, this treatment, is simply the difference between the emperor and beggar, and the emperor, or Ye Fei, beggar, is his Lu Mohan, Lu Mohan’s face, and he is angry on the spot. Red liver color.

But the ancient god Longyang didn’t even look at Lu Mohan’s feelings. He just squinted and stared at Ye Fei. It made people feel that he really admired Ye Fei. Average talent.

In the face of this gaze, Ye Fei suddenly developed a certain degree of alertness. The golden Vermilion Bird he remembered once said that it was Dragon Sheep who suppressed it back then.

Longyang has always pursued the idea of ​​the golden Vermilion Bird, and even suppressed it for thousands of years, and was reluctant to kill it. The tricks in this are not ordinary.

Furthermore, everyone has their own secrets. This ancient dragon sheep god, as soon as he appeared, he actually proposed to search for his soul. This undoubtedly made Ye Fei a huge impact on this person. Ye Fei coldly retreated behind Zhang Lang and said, “Senior’s kindness has been accepted. I still feel that the Dragon Sect is more suitable for me.”

Swipe, all eyes, looked towards Ye Fei again.

No one didn’t expect. Ye Fei actually refused the invitation of the Sacred Domain main line again. Moreover, he is also the Vice Sect Master of Sacred Domain, the closest to the existence of the Celestial Emperor. It’s really arrogant. , Too arrogant, too ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth!

The kind look of the ancient god Longyang suddenly became extremely gloomy, angrily said: “Yesterday Yu Duo said that you failed to appreciate somebody’s kindness, arrogant and ignorant, the old man still doesn’t believe it, now it seems , You are not only arrogant, but also very stupid! That’s all, dead wood is not carved! Take out your Celestial Emperor ancient order, from now on, the old man will start grouping!”

Chapter 2830 is deliberately aimed at

Chapter 2830 deliberately aimed at the words of the ancient god of Longyang and sheep, so that the Sect Master of Nine Big Sect, the complexion was slightly changed, but there was no objection, and they were all very vigilant. Heaven’s Chosen, the ancestor of Sacred Domain.

These are the strongest group of young people in Sacred Domain, and they are all the cultivation bases of human ancestors. And the number of people is much more than Nine Big Sect.

Once you enter the fairy Demon Palace, you can form a situation of overwhelming less. What’s frustrating is that even if you know that this is Sacred Domain deliberately suppressing Heaven’s Chosen of outer sect, everyone has nothing to say.

Zhang Lang constantly winked at Ye Fei and made Ye Fei exercise restraint. After all, these Sect Masters are just the ancient emperor. Ye Fei has lost the Celestial Emperor who suppressed and killed the ancient god. Fu Zhao, conflicts at this time, to their disadvantage.

Ye Fei naturally understands this, and she can’t help but think with depression in her heart: “That’s all, at most, when I go in, just be careful.”

Then he was cold. Face, watching how Longyang Ancient God assigns candidates. The ancient dragon sheep did not look at Ye Fei, but methodically, began to group, basically maintaining a combination of a Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen and an outer sect Heaven’s Chosen.

This is also a kind of surveillance in disguise, so that no matter what treasure the outer sect people get in the fairy Demon Palace, they will not escape the eyes of Sacred Domain. For those who are particularly powerful, such as Fengyun, Chen Xiaoyao, and Dragon The ancient sheep god also sent two Sacred Domain ancestor Heaven’s Chosen to be responsible for monitoring.

Finally, it was Ye Fei’s turn. The ancient dragon sheep looked towards the remaining four Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen coldly and said: “Lu Mohan, Lu Chen, Wang Fang, Zhang Bao, you Four, let’s go with this Ye Fei!”

For Ye Fei, the ancient god Longyang actually sent four Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen to be responsible for monitoring. This method makes Nine Big Sect all Excited, and then, with a pair of sympathetic eyes, looked towards Ye Fei.

If two people are traveling together, their outer sect Heaven’s Chosen has half the possibility of obtaining treasures at the Demon Palace, then under the situation of four people being responsible for monitoring, Ye Fei basically, There is no chance of getting a chance in Demon Palace.

After all, these four Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen can be separated into three to suppress Ye Fei, and then the remaining one went to get the chance and found this unfair result, in the bones also Zhang Lang, the Sect Master who was extremely short-minded, couldn’t help but get angry on the spot, “Longyang Ancient God, what do you mean, this is simply aimed at Ye Fei, against me, Shenglongzong!”

“Impudent! In front of the deity, when will it be your little ancient emperor’s turn to speak! Besides, my Sacred Domain is always fair to do things. Do you think the old man is targeting Ye Fei?” Longyang ancient god, his eyes swept coldly To the Sect Master of other denominations.

The Sect Master of Heaven Slashing Gate has coldly stood up and said: “The ancient god Longyang is just and selfless, how can he target a small human ancestor, ant!”

“hmph , Zhang Lang, you feel unfair to the Dragon Sect. You can leave, but please don’t delay our time!” The Sect Master of Raging Fire Sect also stood up and said coldly.

The other Myriad Poison Sect and the Sect Master of Beasts God Sect are also indifferent. After all, all of their sects have Heaven’s Chosen who died in the hands of Ye Fei, although they are not stingy enough to get revenge. Ye Fei, but Ye Fei was deliberately targeted, and they were happy to see it.

Zhang Lang’s face became more and more gloomy, and he couldn’t help but glance at Ye Fei with some worry, but Ye Fei was slightly smiled, giving Zhang Lang a relieved look, and said calmly: “Senior Brother Don’t worry, I’ll come as soon as I go!”

In the end, he made a promise to the ancient divine corpse spirit. Since it is a promise, no matter how difficult it is, Ye Fei must perform it. Ye Fei immediately took out Celestial. The Emperor ancient decree was thrown to the ancient god Longyang, and the latter’s eyes flashed a taunt, and then gave Lu Mohan a wink, and then the collected ancient Celestial Emperor decree was blasted into the void.

hong long long!

The void shatters like clouds, forming a huge void vortex, but in the vortex, there is a golden light gleaming building similar to the golden palace, emerging from in the sky.

This is the fairy Demon Palace hidden in the Taixu. It is also the place where the young Celestial Emperor left his inheritance. Moreover, this young Celestial Emperor seems to be stronger than the Celestial Emperor of the Sacred Domain. Therefore, Even if Sacred Domain has controlled it for thousands of years, it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of this fairy Demon Palace, and can only send out the best batch of disciplines to explore it every once in a while.

“The Celestial Emperor Palace is open! You enter at a constant speed!”

With the roar of the ancient dragon sheep, the dozens of Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen present scattered one after another. Open, fall into Nine Big Sect’s Heaven’s Chosen’s side, Ye Fei’s side, there are four Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen standing, staring at his every move.

“brother Ye, our Great Heaven’s Chosen, Great Demon, please!” Lu Mohan smiled and said with a cold expression. Ye Fei was not angry when he heard this irony. On the contrary, he showed a very indifferent look, and coldly counterattacked: “I am a demon, and I am better than your deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors, to forget favors and violate justice, the dog slaves, to forget favors and violate justice. Please don’t talk to me, disgusting! “

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei raised his foot, and the vortex moved towards Demon Palace rushed past, leaving only Lu Mohan, his face blue, white, and red, but he had to greet him quickly The three people around said: “Three Senior Brothers, let’s catch up! We must not allow this demon to have the opportunity to act alone.”

“hmph, we naturally know why you need to talk too much!” The three Heaven’s Chosen of Sacred Domain has a cold tone. He didn’t wait for Lu Mohan at all. It turned into streamer, followed by Ye Fei, and rushed into the void vortex.

Lu Mohan’s face at this moment was completely blue, and there was still a hint of distortion and hideousness, “Don’t get the Celestial Emperor opportunity in my fairy Demon Palace, otherwise, I will let you, Regret for offending me!”

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