
With a terrible rage, Lu Mohan also rushed into the void. Finally, outside the Demon Palace, only the Sect Master of Nine Big Sect and Longyanggu were left. The gods, it’s not that they don’t want to enter, but the fairy Demon Palace has regulations. Only people in the ancestral realm can enter. Even the Celestial Emperor of the Sacred Domain can’t help it, let alone these ancient emperors and ancient gods.

“I just don’t know, can anyone get the inheritance of Celestial Emperor during the trip to the fairy Demon Palace at this time?” Sect Master of Xuan Nvzong said some yearning. Hearing this, other Sects The Master smiled indifferently, it was indeed a woman’s opinion!

This fairy Demon Palace, Sacred Domain has been exploring for thousands of years, and there is no Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen, let alone gaining inheritance, let alone now, these Sect Masters only hope that they choose it Heaven’s Chosen, can get some benefits as much as possible in the fairy Demon Palace.

As for Celestial Emperor inheritance, under such close monitoring by Sacred Domain, no one has extravagant expectations.

Sect Master Zhang Lang, he is even more worried in his heart, “Although Junior Brother has understood the prototype of Divine Realm, but the prototype is still some distance from the real Divine Realm, I hope Junior Brother is in it. Don’t be impulsive, otherwise, if he causes any trouble again, it will be miserable.”

Chapter 2831 A dead end

Chapter 2831 A dead end

Not to mention that Zhang Lang is worried outside.

Entering the fairy Demon Palace, Ye Fei feels like he has entered a certain dark red world, this world, the sky is floating with countless blood clouds, the blood clouds continue to surge and collide, suddenly the sky may be possible A special rain of blood drifted.

It’s just this bloody water, there is no bloody breath, but a strange floral scent, but when they smelled this floral scent, many people who entered were shocked.

“It is the floral fragrance of the ancient god Blood Lotus!”

Chen Xiaoyao and Feng Yun are all affirmative. As the outer sect geniuses who fought to the end, they are all There are two Heaven’s Chosen from Sacred Domain who are responsible for monitoring. Especially Fengyun, who has no sect or faction, can participate in the opening of the fairy Demon Palace this time. Even Sacred Domain has no objection, but just surveillance, which has attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Fei also feels that this situation is becoming more and more mysterious.

After that, two Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen’s indifferent voices came from his side, “It’s just the fragrance of flowers. When you see the real ancient god Blood Lotus, you will be surprised, but let’s say it first. You can pick the ancient god Blood Lotus in it, but you must give it all to Sacred Domain. After you go out, you can distribute it according to your credit! Lu Mohan, take this leaf demon head and follow us into the blood cloud Mountain!”

“Yes, Lu Chen Senior Brother!” Entering the fairy Demon Palace, Lu Mohan suddenly became low-key, and also deliberately flattered the three of Lu Chen, which also made Wang Fang and Zhang Bao, looked towards Lu Mohan’s gaze increasingly despised. Even if Lu Mohan has joined the main line of Sacred Domain, he has worshipped the ancient god Yu Duo.

But Yu Duo, at best, is only an ancient god of Sacred Domain, and their Master, which is not the real power Elder, would he put the traitors like Lu Mohan in the back of his head.

“Lu Mohan, to forget favors and violate justice, how does it feel to be a dog?” Ye Fei said coldly. This remark almost instantly caused Lu Mohan to fall into anger.

However, Lu Mohan is the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and even the Alliance Leader of the Cold Alliance. Even if he is stigmatized, Lu Mohan’s mind is still tenacious, hearing this coldly snorted and said: “Ye Demon, you don’t want to irritate me! Even if I am a dog, that is also a Sacred Domain dog, and my dog ​​has great potential. It is incomparable with your salted fish!”

“Yes My turtles often say the same.” Ye Fei smiled lightly, and Dragon Tortoise also lifted the head in confusion, unfathomable mystery looked outside.

Then, Dragon Tortoise saw Lu Mohan whose face was comparable to his own black pot, and Wang Fang next to him was amused by Ye Fei’s words until he noticed Lu Mohan’s His complexion quickly tightened his face, coldly scolded: “Stop talking nonsense, and hurry to the Blood Cloud Mountain. When it rains in the fairy Demon Palace, it is also when the Blood Lotus appears. Otherwise, they will hide in the void and cannot be noticed. !”

hong long!

When talking here, on a hill not far away, it was infiltrated by the rain of blood. Suddenly the hill swayed. It turned into a mouth of a huge blood basin, and moved towards a Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen that was close to him. Then, Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen seemed to be very experienced in this situation. Behind the Heaven’s Chosen, he scolded in a commanding tone: “This is the guardian spirit of Blood Lotus. He hasn’t made a quick move to destroy this beast!”

Heaven’s Chosen roared, helpless to these Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen. He really can’t afford to offend him. He can only vent all his anger and resentment on the guardian evil spirit. However, it is at Heaven’s Chosen, that he exploded with all his strength. After slaying the guardian evil spirits, he was surprised to obtain a low-level ancient god Blood Lotus.

With one hand, he was rude, taking the ancient god Blood Lotus as his own, and sarcastically said with dissatisfaction: “Look at what you see, my Sacred Domain can let you outer sect For the earth turtle, it’s good to enter the Demon Palace. The treasure in it, we naturally have the right to get first!”

Not only does this Heaven’s Chosen do this, but in the other direction, there is also an outer sect Heaven’s Chosen. Luckily, he found an ancient god, Blood Lotus, but was also monitored by Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen. He took the lead and robbed the Blood Lotus. The Heaven’s Chosen from Raging Fire Sect, his face was livid on the spot, but he dared I can’t speak anger.

Because when he was angry, there were several Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen gazes at the same time, while watching him coldly, as long as this person resisted a little, he might face a huge crisis.

Ye Fei then knows how tyrannize Sacred Domain is in Heaven Realm. “It’s no wonder that Master Chu, a madman, would rather die in the Sacred Dragon Sect than enter the Sacred Domain. I was the one who was tired. Master…”

When you think that in order to help him settle the disaster, Madman Chu not only violated his heart, joined the Sacred Domain, but also consumed his life’s savings. Ye Fei’s heart is extremely uncomfortable. He made up his mind and must grab a few more ancient gods Blood Lotus to make up for the loss of the Mad Man Chu.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei withdrew Divine Consciousness, and immediately speeded up, moving towards the Blood Cloud Mountain in front and rushed in.


Just as he rushed in, a monster with black fire all over his body was killed. This monster was covered with sharp spikes. The whole body, It’s just a huge eye.

Lu Chen, who rushed ahead, immediately reminded: “Wang Fang Zhang Bao, let us be careful! This is the Divine Grade Blood Lotus, a strange evil spirit that can only be born, and its strange eyes can create illusions. , The spikes are more poisonous! Ye Fei, go up and kill this evil spirit, Lu Mohan, you are responsible for covering behind!”

Speaking of cover, it is actually a kind of surveillance in disguise , Just like the warlord during the war between the two armies, once a soldier fought timidly, the warlord could behead the soldier on the spot.

Lu Mohan naturally knows this, and a touch of coldness immediately appeared on his face, “brother Ye, although you go forward and fight, there is me behind you, if you don’t worry about me, behind me , And three Senior Brothers, Lu Chen, Wang Fang, and Zhang Bao!”

These four Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen also really disgusted Ye Fei. What’s more weird is that Wang Fang’s. It’s actually a man! Ye Fei didn’t know how to describe his mood at this time.

But I want him to be a free fighter for Sacred Domain. There is no door. If he knows that he retreats, he may be attacked. Ye Fei simply clenched the teeth and rushed into the depths of Xueyun Mountain. .


That weird eye was inspired by someone’s approach, and immediately became violent. Numerous spikes suddenly grew and grew, moving towards Ye Fei like lightning, and assassinated it. This kind of power, it is estimated that it can stab some weak ancestors to death on the spot.

But Ye Fei didn’t even look at these spikes. The rays of light under his feet flashed. He had already rushed from in front of the monster to behind the monster, but did not follow him. The meaning of this monster fight is just to continue moving towards the depths of the Blood Cloud Mountain and try to get rid of the surveillance of Sacred Domain. Perceiving Ye Fei’s actions, Lu Mohan’s body suddenly exploded with an extremely cold aura.

“This Demon Leaf actually dared to escape, Senior Brother, let’s go together and behead this Demon…” With that, Lu Mohan was about to chase him. But Wang Fang, who was next to him, grabbed Lu Mohan in one hand, and he actually laughed, “Chuck, Mo Junior Brother Han, just let the demon break in. You may not know that inside the Blood Cloud Mountain , But it’s a dead end. If the Demon Ye breaks in, even if he doesn’t die, he will be seriously injured. When the time comes, you can humiliate him any way you want!”

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but he was dragged by Wang Fang While staying, Lu Mohan suddenly felt that his buttocks seemed to be lightly patted, making him feel inexplicably nervous.

Chapter 2832 Emperor Grade Blood Lotus

Chapter 2832 Emperor Grade Blood Lotus

Only when he rushed into the Blood Cloud Mountain, Ye Fei knew that in Heaven. Realm’s priceless ancient god, Blood Lotus, is how common it is in this mountain. I saw covering the mountains and plains, and everywhere there are rays of light rising to the sky to protect evil spirits.

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