When I felt that there was Life Aura rushing into the mountain, these guardian evil spirits immediately broke out, all kinds of strange things in the form of demonic beast, self-blooded Yunshan The depths emerged.

Furthermore, according to the quality of Blood Lotus, the level of the guardian evil spirits formed is also different, but the weakest plant of the ancient god Blood Lotus, the evil spirits condensed, have the attack power comparable to the ancestor of the ordinary person .

At this time, the evil spirits that appeared in front of Ye Fei’s eyes were not one plant or two, but mountains and mountains. There were evil spirits everywhere, and there was a crisis of death everywhere. Ye Fei didn’t know that Blood Cloud Mountain, inside Sacred Domain, was also called the Mountain of Death.

Over the past dynasties, I don’t know how many Heaven’s Chosen from Sacred Domain tried to rush into this Blood Cloud Mountain to explore the true face of the mountain, but without exception, all the Heaven’s Chosen who rushed in, among them, how many Heaven’s Chosen, whose name was praised by the Sacred Domain Celestial Emperor and personally praised him, ended up hating this mountain.

So, when I saw Ye Fei abandon them and rush into the Blood Cloud Mountain, except for Lu Mohan, the other three of Lu Chen, Wang Fang, and Zhang Bao were all mocking, Zhang Bao He even suggested: “Senior Brothers, the Demon Leaf himself was courting death and broke into the mountain of death. We might as well bet what to do, see how long he can support it, and escape in embarrassment?”

“I bet a hundred breaths, if he doesn’t come out after this time, then he is basically dead inside.” Lu Chen said proudly.

Zhang Bao was hearing this, but he sneered, “haha, a hundred breaths? Senior Brother Lu, you are too overestimating the Devil Ye! I bet he can only support at most 70 breaths!”

“Fifty! Mo Junior Brother Han, what do you think?” Wang Fang looks like five big and three rough, but when he speaks, he speaks softly, even more consistently Holding Lu Mohan’s hand, he didn’t mean to let go.

Lu Mohan dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, besides cursing Ye Fei’s early death in his heart, he just wanted to hurry away from this Wang Fang.

hong long!

At the time when Lu Chen and the others were betting, Ye Fei had officially fought with these guardian evil spirits in the Blood Cloud Mountain. His all around was flooded. After the immeasurable sword light, Tai Chi Jiejian, Celestial Emperor had regrets, all blasted out to resist the attacks of these evil spirits.

What’s helpless is that there are too many ancient gods, Blood Lotus, hidden in this Bloody Cloud Mountain, and they all have the ancient god Blood Lotus of Divine Grade. Any Blood Lotus here is placed outside. Both are enough to cause a foul wind and bloody rain in Heaven Realm.

Ye Fei finally knows why Heaven’s Chosen Gathering that many Sacred Domain sect’s peerless.

“It is very possible that the Sacred Domain sect is to use the treasure of the fairy Demon Palace to continuously cultivate a large number of peerless Heaven’s Chosen!” Ye Fei thought silently, but the start was ruthless.

It’s not enough to use the sword dao. In his hand, he condenses the layers of life and death seals, forming twenty-four dead heavens, continuously rushing all around, but the guardian of the ancient god Blood Lotus The evil spirits seem to be fierce and unafraid of death. Even if they are continuously bombarded and killed by Ye Fei, there are still a large number of evil spirits, roaring and killing Ye Fei one after another.

Beyond the Bloody Cloud Mountain, Lu Chen and the others who saw this scene looked even more disdainful, indifferently said: “Ye Devil, you may be strong in the outer sect, but in my Sacred Domain, You so-called outer sect geniuses, not at all, what’s so great, give you a chance to hand over all the treasures on your body, and then kneel down and beg, maybe we can also help you out of trouble!”

” Kill!”

The answer to these people was Ye Fei’s angry roar. It was not enough to stimulate the life and death seal. Ye Fei decisively took out the Ghost God tripod, the tripod shaking the sky, and The evil spirits close to the head, all suppress and kill, Ye Fei’s footsteps, also under the siege of many evil spirits, unexpectedly moved towards the depths of the Blood Cloud Mountain step by step.

Lu Chen’s face changed on the spot. The other Sacred Domain Heaven’s Chosen who saw this scene also showed deep amazement, “This demon head is so strong, that many guarding evil spirits, Can’t stop him?”

“hmph, the courage of everyone, if he is only on the periphery of Xueyun Mountain, he still has the hope of getting out of trouble, if he continues to go deeper, no matter how strong he is, he will inevitably fall. I know that the Blood Lotus entrenched in the depths of Xueyun Mountain is not Divine Grade, but Emperor Grade!” Lu Chen’s expression became more and more indifferent, and the silhouette that looked towards Ye Fei gradually deepened was even more ironic.

He hoped that Ye Fei was frightened by the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus inside.

But Ye Fei not at all escaped because this was the only chance he could get rid of the surveillance of Sacred Domain. If he missed it, not only would he be in the Demon Palace, he would not gain anything, and he would not even dare to take the ancient Divine corpse Divine Spark fragments of the spirit are taken out to wake up.

“It’s just that the guardian evil spirits in the Blood Cloud Mountain are a big trouble, and the deeper the attack, the more terrifying the attack power of these evil spirits.”

If it is said that the guardian evil spirits on the periphery of Xueyun Mountain have an attack power equivalent to ordinary person ancestor, then as Ye Fei continues to deepen, the evil spirits attack power here has almost reached the human ancestor Heaven’s Chosen level.

Thirty breaths, 40 breaths, fifty breaths, 70 breaths!

Soon, Ye Fei’s stay in the depths of Xueyun Mountain has far exceeded everyone’s expectations. This is also like two slaps. Fiercely’s draw was on Wang Fang and Zhang Bao’s On their faces, their angry faces turned green, together with a flustered and exasperated roar: “One hundred breaths, he can’t hold one hundred breaths!”


Suddenly the blood mountain trembled, and the nearby mountain where Ye Fei was fighting suddenly became an incomparable gigantic ancient god Blood Lotus. The evil spirits transformed by this Blood Lotus are more than the evil spirits that besieged Ye Fei. It was more than ten times bigger. As soon as it appeared, the evil spirits all around trembled and moved towards the ground instinctively.

“hmph, don’t look at it, as soon as the guardian evil spirit of Emperor Grade Blood Lotus comes out, the leaf demon head will definitely be over!” Lu Chen retracted Divine Consciousness, not paying attention to the movement of Blood Cloud Mountain. I am afraid that this will attract the attention of the guardian evil spirits of Emperor Grade Blood Lotus.

When looking at the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus that appeared in front of him, Ye Fei’s heart could not help but produce a kind of fearful mood swing, because from the guardian evil spirit, Ye Fei actually felt it A breath of ancient emperor!

In other words, the attack power of this evil spirit is very likely to have reached the level of the ancient emperor!

“Could it be that this Bloody Cloud Mountain is really just a dead end?” In Ye Fei’s heart, there was a subconsciously urge to turn back and leave, but when he wanted to quit, he At the position of his chest, the fragments of Divine Spark that had disappeared unexpectedly appeared again, faintly, and also conveyed an extremely urgent mood swing.

Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but move, “Could it be that the Divine Spark fragments of the ancient divine corpse spirit are guiding me to go deeper?”

Continue to go deeper, then he must first face the terrifying Emperor Grade Blood Lotus in front of him, the guardian evil spirit transformed into it!

Chapter 2833 The evil spirits are fierce

Ye Fei hesitates and feels that Ye Fei is not moving. The Divine Spark fragments on his chest suddenly become hot and seem to be free from Ye Fei. His body flew into the deepest part of Xueyun Mountain.

“Not good, in this Divine Spark fragment, there is the last trace of the ancient divine corpse spirit. This is the inheritance of the Celestial Emperor. I don’t need it, but the real body of the fairy demon is cooked. The duck of this country can never fly!”

Ye Fei looked solemn, but finally made up his mind and continued to go deeper. After all, his Martial Dao foundation is derived from the sword dao and the Ancient God Golden Body.

And the ancient divine corpse spirit taught him the Ancient God Golden Body, incomplete, the truly complete, it should be the real body of the fairy demon, this is a Fleshy Body To Turn Into A God, and even become an emperor Ye Fei definitely doesn’t want to miss the cultivation technique.

Immediately, he lifted his foot and moved towards the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus and rushed over. The strange-eyed evil spirit transformed by the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus immediately uttered a roar of anger, as if provoked. The Supreme King suddenly exploded with terrifying power of evil spirits.


An illusory demon’s foot, suddenly like a mountain, is crushed by fiercely’s moved towards Ye Fei, Ye Fei roars, Celestial Emperor’s magical powers burst out, Both of his hands condensed the seal method, forming the twenty-four death heavens, branding the void, and banging against the demon’s feet.

But the attack of the Emperor Grade Blood Lotus is too weird. Its demon’s feet seem to be able to blur, and it can magically penetrate Ye Fei’s life and death seal, and continue to move towards Ye Fei’s body Boom.

Vaguely, Ye Fei even felt a peculiar power of heaven and earth, gathered from the sole of the foot, and then, the sole of the foot had fallen, but did not step on Ye Fei’s body.

At the critical moment, Ye Fei burst into the eye of space, and the power of the eye of Sacred Dragon gave Ye Fei’s left eye a golden luster. Following Ye Fei’s real line of sight, it looked towards the place, that The space suddenly became stagnant, and the sole stepped on Ye Fei’s foot suddenly fell into a state of pause.

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